Honeymoon Hotel - Cover

Honeymoon Hotel


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - What do you do when on your honeymoon you realized that you were hypnotized to make love to someone other than your spouse, and that pictures were taken to bribe you for more sex and money and that there were others before you that had the same thing done to them? What would you do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Hypnosis   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sue abruptly came awake; it was as though a switch had been thrown in her body. She was fully aware of everything... the moonlight streaming in through the windows, the fading echoes of the clock downstairs striking two, the breathing of the man who stood beside the bed.

Perhaps it was the moonlight that made everything seem as though it were happening in a dream, that her mind was elsewhere -- confined to limbo.

"Sue?" Even Dick's voice seemed different, accented.

She turned and looked up at him. In the unreal light he seemed taller, older than Dick. He looked like someone she knew... but the vaporous quality of the moment refused to solidify. "This man is your husband," a voice in her brain whispered.

"Yes... Dick."

"Good, you're awake." The covers were pulled back and the figure slid into bed with her. She felt his body move in next to hers; then that body was pressing nakedly and urgently against her side. With a sudden tightening of her muscles and a feeling of despair, Sue realized Dick had an erection and was probably going to try to make love to her again. Against her hip, his penis felt different -- considerably smaller, but hard!

"Are you all right?" she asked, knowing full well what he wanted.

Dick laughed; he sounded so very different, but her mind kept saying, "This is your husband."

His voice said, "Well, darling. I'm not really all right. I have this problem which only you can take care of." He moved his penis suggestively up and down against her side.

"Dick, I don't think I can do it again tonight. I'm much too sore. It's so painful."

"Then we shall simply have to do it another way, won't we, pet?" He had taken her chin in his hand and turned her face toward him. His breath had a vaguely exciting hot brandy smell as his lips kissed her eyes closed. His hot wet tongue sought out her ear; she stiffened as it shot into the cavity like a small darting fish seeking shelter. The sensation, though strange, was definitely erotic. Dick had never kissed her this way before! Then his tongue was in her mouth, tracing wild abandoned designs against her teeth and inner folds of her lips. This, too, was exciting in a way it had never been before. She began responding eagerly; once, when her tongue hit his upper lip, she thought: How strange... Dick has grown a mustache.

"You wonderful creature," he said, just as his hands began moving all over her body. He went first to the flushed bulbs of her breasts, and each individual pore of his fingers seemed to be minute vacuums tugging at her flesh. He tongue-kissed her again, then his lips fastened -- gently sucking -- at a place where her gracefully sloping neck muscles joined the top of the shoulder. A tingle of excitement arched along the muscles. He moved her elbow out from the body and his mouth moved down until it was licking and kissing the sensitive flesh on the inner arm and armpit. A moment later, slowly and tantalizingly, his lips kissed their way to the left breast. She felt him there at her nipple, like a thirsty person sucking juice from luscious fruit. Not once, in his gentleness, did he hurt her.

As his teeth teased sensuously at her nipples and his knowing hands kneaded the flesh of her buttocks, Sue suddenly realized that her body was reacting... in a most pleasurable manner. She purred deep in her throat as his lips moved on to her right breast, then to her right armpit, and traced an exciting trail of fiery desire down across her rib cage to her navel. One of his hands left the pleasantly tingling mounds of flesh on her buttocks and, using the fingertips only, began stroking the underside of her knee and the soft inner sides of her thigh.

"Ummmm," she purred, as his tongue flickered at her navel. Sue wasn't exactly sure when his fingertips brushed against her pubic hair, all she knew for sure was that suddenly he had reached the vagina. She gave a little gasp of fright and flattened her buttocks down into the mattress; his hand was trapped, unable to move. He sought to move his fingers, but her thighs were like a hot flesh vise.

"Sue," he said, "open your legs."

"No... it hurts."

"Daddy will kiss it to make it better."

What had he said? What did he mean? Kiss it? "Dick?" she began questioningly, but she had her answer in the next moment, for his tongue had left the warm cottony cave of her belly button and marched boldly across the bare plains of her abdomen and into the silken forest of her sparse young pubic hair.

"Dick?" she groaned again, not certain exactly what he was doing. In her anxiety, or perhaps it was merely subconscious desire, she eased the pressure of her thighs and his hand was freed from captivity. She tensed again as he nuzzled his cheek in the fleece of her pubic mound and used his thumb and forefinger to slightly separate the soft fleshy lips of her vagina. Oddly enough, he was so gentle that she hardly felt his touch, much less pain. She was suffering from apprehension and indecision, however. Whatever Dick had in mind was something totally alien to her -- something she had never heard about, never even suspected. He moved his head down to her thigh and kissed it -- starting once again with that extremely sensitive area behind the knee, moving upward -- ever upward -- occasionally taking large sucking erotic bites of the inner thigh flesh into his mouth, and at other times using his tongue as a stylus to sear flaming trails of desire into her trembling body.

Then his tongue reached the soft protruding folds of her young pulsating pussy. She sat upright, forcing his head away. "No, Dick. No."

"Why not?"

"I hurt there."

"I'll kiss it to make it better," he repeated softly, his voice droning smoothly like a recording.

"No... it still hurts." She pulled his head up to breast level. She felt it necessary to say something -- anything! She took a deep breath. "Dick, I've never told you this. I don't know why I'm saying it now. But you must be gentle and understanding with me. My mother and her mother and all the females on my mother's side for as far back as we can remember have had something wrong with them. I didn't know about it until the day before the marriage or I would have told you. Sexual intercourse is extremely painful... it hurts. So you must be gentle and not expect too much out of me." Even as she said it, her mind was reeling in guilt and she felt like weeping. She had planned to keep this her secret; and now, for some reason, she was blurting it out. Maybe, she thought desperately, I'm really looking for help... maybe Dick and I working can solve this thing. She was not prepared for his sudden bark of laughter.

"What absolute rubbish," he said, unkindly.

"I mean it, Dick," she said, pleading for understanding.

"Look, my little pet, I know something -- a great deal -- about women's problems. What you claim is something that simply is not organically possible. Psychologically possible, yes! We have a name for acute painful sexual intercourse. It's called mental vaginismus, or more plainly, monosymptomatic hysteria. Get that word 'hysteria', because that's exactly what it is -- a form of nervous hysteria.

"I tell you it hurts; it's excruciating."

"You think it hurts. You've been brain-washed. And I am going to prove it. Remember, I am your... husband. Repeat that!"

"You think it hurts. You've been brainwashed." heard the words, they seemed to come from someone other than herself. She had no will to resist; her body felt as though it had turned to foam rubber.

"I am your husband and I will not harm you... You will answer my questions truthfully."

"I will answer... your questions truth-fully."

"Sue, have you ever reached a climax -- had an orgasm? Any kind of orgasm, even from masturbation?"

"No... I have never masturbated to... completion. It is self- abuse... sinful."

"I thought so. All right, now lie there... relax... and let your body speak to you about how it really feels." He began kissing her breasts again.

His mouth moved away from her breasts after a moment and began nibbling at the small fold of flesh right below her navel. He gently bit a particularly sensitive area where her hip bone and upper thighs joined. Her body had begun to purr again. Then his hot hungry mouth spread the soft fleecy pubic hair and fastened over the fleshy opening of the vaginal tunnel leading to her womb. A sudden jolt of pure feeling arched through her loins as he began noisily sucking the vaginal lips; it was a gentle vacuum, tugging and caressing the nerve ends. "Aahhhh," she crooned softly.

"Ahhhh!" she repeated, this time loudly, as his tongue began licking the entire length of her open cuntal slit -- running from anus to clitoris.

"Ahhh... oooooh," she gasped, as first his lips and then his teeth found the hard little clitoris. She strained her hips up to his mouth, arching her back and planting her feet in the mattress in an effort to rise and meet him.

"AAHHH... AHEEEEE!" she screamed, as his hot quivering tongue went boldly into the tunnel of her cunt, moving in and out as though it were a small sure penis. She was aware that her breath was coming raggedly from her taut lips, that she had reached down to his head -- not to push him away, but to keep him there... forever! Some shrill hysterical voice -- which sounded somewhat like a tinny hollow echo of mother's -- was screaming in the nethermost regions of her mind that this was wicked, perverted, that it was painful! The gratifying, wonderful sensations in her snatch pushed that shrill voice back, back, back until it was obliterated by another scream; this scream was one of passion boiling out of her lips, out of her soul.

Oh, how his tongue and lips and teeth all worked together in a fully orchestrated symphony of pure feeling! She could feel things happening down there -- wild, uninhibited, beautiful things... of nerve endings singing and screaming in delight, of muscles flexing and unflexing in joy, of flesh and bone and pores all in harmony. She was revolving her hips in a grinding, circular motion against his avaricious, indomitable mouth.

"Don't stop, Dick. Oh, God... don't stop, darling!" she panted, for now something else was happening down there. Everything was rubbing against each other -- like nylon and wool -- throwing off sparks which were igniting the ganglions. She had never thought she would feel this; she thought she was incapable of it. And then, as though a miracle, she was cumming! She could tell because body and soul were separating.

"Uh... uhhh? Ahhh... ah... ah... ah?" It was a question, a plea! She raised her buttocks clear up from the mattress and, as she did so, his tongue left her vagina and his teeth and lips clamped hard on her gently pulsating clitoris. She screamed, and she knew she was screaming loudly. "Go on... Go on. Go!" Now, like desert mirages in midday's heat, her womb began to dissolve -- shimmering into incandescent nothingness. Her insides had become roaring cataracts racing and dancing toward the sea... and their white waters bubbled, raged, boiled, and spurted from her cunt -- like torrents from a broken dam -- as she screamed again, "I'm cumming!" There was nothing in the universe but that one great pit and pendulum of sensation and release. Her ears heard not, her eyes saw not, her mind thought not. Only the cunt was there -- the almighty cunt! -- stronger than all her other organs put together, and it screamed out a song of ecstasy that would not be denied. That sweet, intolerable delight stayed with her for ten million eternities, and during it all she lay gasping, and thrashing that only sentiment thing in her body against his voraciously hungry lips.

It finally ended. Not with a bang, but like the slow fading of summer's first sunset. She felt him kiss the warm flooded area between her thighs once more then his mouth moved back to her hips. She could feel her cum cool and damp on her thighs and buttocks. Then he used his free hand to turn her on her side. He kissed the right buttock, then continued to press her over until she was lying face down. Sue didn't resist; her will power had been completely vapourized by the velvet explosion that had only moments ago torn her still quivering belly asunder.

Sensation was slow to return, but when it did, she was aware that he was reverently kissing her smooth, oval buttocks. Occasionally, he would desist to lick a teasingly sensitive spot at the base of her spine, but he always came back to the soft rounded mounds of flesh to kiss and gently nibble. A warm glow began to spread throughout her anal area as new and recharged blood pounded through the revitalized muscle paths, arteries and capillaries.

She heard him mutter as though he were an art connoisseur, "Such untouched beauty... such a sweet, young little ass... so supple, so soft and warm, so charmingly shaped and virginal."

Now he gradually began to change his activity there. He interspersed his kisses with occasional sharp little bites. They weren't painful -- not too painful. They were, she had to admit, rather exciting. Sue sensed he was getting ready to do something different again, and she mentally told herself that no matter what he did it would be heavenly if it were even only half as delightful as the thing he had just done. Nothing, though, bad prepared her for what came next. His kisses, his rabbitlike nibbling, became more urgent. Suddenly, he pushed her legs apart and then knelt behind her. She felt him use his thumbs to spread her soft yielding buttocks wide apart and then... his tongue was moving again, now licking the inner crevice that joined her vaginal slit below.

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