Honeymoon Hotel - Cover

Honeymoon Hotel


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - What do you do when on your honeymoon you realized that you were hypnotized to make love to someone other than your spouse, and that pictures were taken to bribe you for more sex and money and that there were others before you that had the same thing done to them? What would you do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Hypnosis   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dick knew he was acting like an immature teenager when he "burned rubber" pulling away from Sue's house. He had popped the clutch without thinking, his mind too full of anger and unhappiness to care about noise or wear and tear on the new car. His anger was directed against not only Sue, but himself as well.

He realized Sue wanted to keep her virginity intact until the wedding; that, at least was understandable. It was all right with him, too, as long as he could occasionally score with a college girl from out of town or one of the occasional hungry, but discreet older married women he met while working as sales manager in his father's imported automobile showrooms. The really big problem was that Sue kept displaying these frustrating moments of willingness to go all the way... until she began getting up tight. She wasn't a do prick teaser", it seemed more like she was really seared.

He rubbed his cock through the material of his trousers. His balls were hurting again -- the usual occurrence after a date with Sue. "Jeez, we came so close tonight, and she was almost letting me," he said aloud, and then added, "that god-damned police whistle scared hell out of me, too. And Harvey making with the wise cracks... that's all we needed..." Sue had tightened up like quick concrete the second she heard the whistle; it was almost as if she had suffered instant rigor mortis. Then something had seemed to have collapsed inside her when she realized there were witnesses. That had been Harvey's idea of a practical joke -- butting in just at that moment.

Dick stopped his car at a traffic signal; when the light turned green, he raced another car away from the light, burning rubber for almost half a block. A black and white police car coming in the opposite direction blinked its headlights in warning at him, and Dick immediately slowed down. He watched in his rear view mirror, but the police car continued its patrol and did not turn around in pursuit.

When he turned off the Boulevard onto Main, he was surprised to see Harvey Johnson's sports car on the side of the road; its parking lights were blinking, and a cursing Harvey had his head under the hood.

"What's wrong, pal?" Dick asked as he pulled alongside and stopped.

Harvey looked up. "Oh, this son of a bitching oil line blew on me again. Third time this week. Christ, for two bits I'd drive the god- damned thing over the railing on the trestle and dance a jig all the time it was sinking into sixty feet of water."

"You know where to come for a good new one."

Harvey stuck out his tongue and made an obscene noise.

Dick laughed. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Not unless you've got three feet of quarter inch copper tubing?"

"'Fraid not. Can I call a garage for you?"

"Naw. The cops came by a few minutes ago and radioed for the auto club; but the tow truck is out on the highway with a wreck right now. They can't be here for another half hour or so."

"Okay... see you later then," Dick said, and put the car in gear.

"Hey, wait!" Harvey came over to the side of the car, a troubled look on his face. "Say... ah... you could do me a favour."

"Sure, anything."

Harvey nodded toward the front seat of his car. "Can you give her a lift home? Her old man's going to be raising all sorts of hell even now; another thirty minutes, he'll probably be waiting on the front porch with a shotgun."

For the first time, Dick saw Sally Miller peering at him from the dimness of the front seat. "Hi there," she said, brightly.

"Hello, Sally." Dick shrugged as he turned back to Harvey. "Would you rather I stay with your car, and you take her home in mine?"

"Naw. I'm the only one who can sign the auto club slip. Besides, with an Honest John citizen like you bringing her home, her old man will have to believe that I actually did have car trouble this time."

"Right." Dick leaned across the seat and unlocked the door. "Come on Sally... got your bus transfer?"

Sally slid out of the driver's side of Harvey's car, and her little mini-miniskirt crept up almost to her waist. From the position of her legs, it was difficult to tell if she were wearing panties or not. Harvey paid no particular attention to her or her legs. "I'll call you tomorrow," he said, patting her shoulder, and then looking over at Dick, "Thanks."

"No sweat," Dick answered. "Want me to come back after I've dropped her off ?"

"Harvey shook his head. "Not necessary. I'll manage." A moment later, he was lost to sight as Dick turned the corner.

Dick was all too aware of Sally's body next to him, even though she sat next to the opposite door. She'd made no effort to pull down her skirt when she got into the car. Her well-shaped thighs were really something to look at, he thought, and the proud upthrusting of her breasts beneath her sweater gave ample evidence that she had not bothered to put her bra back on after the beach episode... if, indeed, she had ever worn one at all. He'd be willing to bet that she wasn't wearing panties, either. These thoughts and remembrance of the beach scene brought stirring life to Dick's penis again. The vision of Sally being soundly fucked by Harvey came back all too vividly. He knew he was tensing up, knew his prick was beginning to swell painfully again... knew also that Sally was aware of his tenseness. God, that's all he needed now -- another hard on! And with Sally, one of Sue's best friends.

It was she who spoke first, saying "Look... I'm sorry we... Harvey and I... ah... interrupted -- intruded, tonight."

He shrugged. "It's okay. You really didn't see anything anyway, because nothing happened."

"I really didn't think so."

"What do you mean?"

Now she shrugged, and gave a knowing little smile. "You're too up tight. You'd be more relaxed... if something had happened."

"Is it that obvious?" Dick asked, mildly astonished at the girl's boldness.

Sally grinned. "You might say that it's obvious as hell." Without a warning, she reached over and touched the bulge in his trousers. "Like so." The contact created the same result in his loins as a match struck in a gasoline-vapoured chamber. She left her hand, not teasing him, not caressing... merely resting her fingers on the throbbing cloth lump created by his desire. Sally's eyes were locked on his face; the intensity of her glance was something he could feel. She seemed to be asking silent questions -- and receiving silent answers. Dick was aware that he was driving very slowly now -- the vehicle was barely moving, as a matter of fact. His breath caught with the next comment from the girl, "If we hadn't intruded, you wouldn't be uptight. Would you?"

Dick had to force the words out of his suddenly dry throat. "I guess not." He kept his eyes on the road.

"Then... I'm responsible in a way." She looked over her shoulder out the rear view window, then glanced ahead of them. "Keep driving," she ordered. She had some plan, obviously; her actions were unmistakable.

Through a haze of uncertainty and growing heat, Dick felt her hand leave his leg and begin fumbling with his belt. "Take a deep breath," Sally said. He did as instructed, and she quickly unfastened his waist band. A second later his zipper scraped, and her knowledgeable hand and fingers released his hot throbbing cock from the imprisoning confines of his shorts. He groaned deep in his throat as she stroked it a couple of times. "My... it's beautiful," she said, breathlessly. "So big! So hard!" She lovingly pumped it for a few seconds, then rolled it like a thick cigar between her fingers. The reflected light from the dashboard instruments showed her hand moving up and down on his long white prick. God, how he had wanted a girl to do that! It was almost more than he could stand. Already, even though only thirty or forty seconds had elapsed, he could feel the gathering thunderheads in his balls. The girl was an expert; she knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He groaned, and his breath began coming faster.

He was so caught up in the delicious sensation that Sally had to make the request twice.

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