Honeymoon Hotel - Cover

Honeymoon Hotel


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - What do you do when on your honeymoon you realized that you were hypnotized to make love to someone other than your spouse, and that pictures were taken to bribe you for more sex and money and that there were others before you that had the same thing done to them? What would you do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Hypnosis   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Sue was troubled. Her thoughts and emotions were elusive as trout in a dark pool -- impossible to catch and examine. Something was wrong! She didn't know what it was -- but something definitely was not right.

Earlier that next morning she had awakened -- languorously -- feeling more relaxed and happy than she could remember. She had been awake only seconds before the dream returned. Once again she had dreamed that Dick had made love to her -- violent, satisfying, and thoroughly enjoyable love! And she had reached orgasm after orgasm until her climaxes had all run together in one sweet, never-ending symphony of sensation. She swallowed noisily as she remembered the details of that dream. It had been Dick in the dream, but Dick looked different... actually Dick looked more like Tom Morgan and Lord Medwell. She remembered what she had done. After Dick had licked her down there and driven her to the point of madness, he had asked her to suck on his penis. She had done so -- at first out of love, but then with a deep animalistic desire to devour it. He had cum in her mouth, and so entranced had she been with him that he had actually been forced to push her mouth away after she had swallowed all of him and continued to nibble at his deflated penis. That had been the Dick who looked like Lord Medwell. Next, the Dick who looked like Tom Morgan had made love to her the same way he had in the dream the night before... slamming in and out of her rectum until she was a screaming, helpless piece of wild flesh impaled like an insect on the end of a skewer. Then the Lord Medwell faced Dick had made love to her in the vagina! It was this method that had caused her to reach peak after peak of progressively greater orgasms.

And through it all there had been the lightning storm -- brilliant flashes of light.

These dreams surely must be the subconscious telling me that I must give myself completely to Dick, she thought. I'll tell myself that if it doesn't hurt in the dream, then it won't hurt during the real thing. She had wanted him in there during the shower yesterday; she supposed that was why she had dreamed. Still, though, it was odd. She knew she really wasn't interested sexually in Lord Medwell or Tom Morgan, and so she was puzzled by the fact that her husband had their faces in her dreams.

All morning long she worried over her dream like a dog with a bone. At breakfast, though, other things happened that caused additional alarm or concern. Lord Medwell actually leered at her; it seemed almost as if he knew that she had dreamed about him last night. And Dick and Nora seemed to be silently speaking to each other across the table; she didn't like the hungry look on Nora's face, nor did she care for Dick's guilty glances in the older woman's direction... it was as though the two of them were sharing some secret. She felt a pang of jealousy, quickly dismissed.

All told, there was something wrong. The music of the days was being played off-key. Her suspicions were not relieved when Morgan, smelling of something like vinegar, arrived late for breakfast. He smiled fondly at Sue, as if he were especially proud of something she had done. She was forced to turn her head away because she remembered that her husband had looked like Morgan when he made love in her behind during the dream.

Lord Medwell had demanded impatiently of Morgan, "Well?"

Morgan smiled. "Perfect!"

"Even mine?" Lord Medwell asked hopefully.

Morgan lifted one eyebrow and smirked. "Every exposure is perfect." He put a particularly nasty emphasis on the word "exposure."

Sue noticed that Lord Medwell and Nora both sat back, relaxed. Both had snug expressions on their faces.

Later, when she and Dick had been walking around the castle grounds, Sue said, "Those people gave me the creeps this morning."

Dick, who had been pondering Lord Medwell's and Tom's behavior, confessed himself equally puzzled. Actually, he was glad to have Sue voice her suspicions. During breakfast he hadn't been sure that it wasn't his own nerves reacting to a guilty conscience. He could be honest with himself. He knew that it was really Sue he wanted; he would do anything for Sue. But he also wanted excitement -- action and reaction. Sue, the times he made love to her, had lain there like a show window dummy being raped. Her only comments being, "You're hurting me." Nora? My God, that was really something. How could he have gone down on her and made her blow him. He didn't doubt that it had happened... all he knew for sure was that he had dreamed he was eating Sue's pussy... then had awakened to find himself with Nora. The dream that first night had triggered it, he thought.

The day passed leisurely. A wind had sprung up over the lake which made sailing a bit risky, so he and Sue had taken a long hike. She seemed strangely withdrawn... he hoped she didn't sense that he had been unfaithful to her. God, anything was impossible! Maybe she could smell Nora's cuntal juices on him when he returned to bed... although she seemed to be sleeping so soundly that she looked drugged.

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