Honeymoon Hotel - Cover

Honeymoon Hotel


Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - What do you do when on your honeymoon you realized that you were hypnotized to make love to someone other than your spouse, and that pictures were taken to bribe you for more sex and money and that there were others before you that had the same thing done to them? What would you do?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Hypnosis   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Fog moved sinuously -- billowing, as it hugged the surface of the lake -- and from a distance the dark castle looked as if it were floating atop a cloud. No light showed within those crenellated stone walls; it was as if the structure were some ghostly apparition -- a mirage of the past.

A fish jumped; the splash of its return to the water was muffled by the fog. Above the swirling vapours, one large, black night bird flapped its way across a starless sky. Then, as if giving lie to its ghostly appearance, somewhere within the confines of the castle a clock struck midnight.

A flashlight flickered briefly in one window on the third floor. It moved on to the next window and then, at the corner of the castle, the lights came on in a large room.

"I say, Morgan, isn't it a bit chancey; I mean, lights and all that?" The question came from the older of two men as he gazed somewhat apprehensively down at a deeply sleeping girl.

"You should know me better than that, Lord Medwell. She won't awaken until I tell her to. Watch." He laid down the camera case he was carrying and lifted the covers from the reclining girl's body.

Lord Medwell's breath whistled out of him in one lewd groan when he saw the full ripe contours of the girl's lush young body. The blue nylon gown had crept up to mid thigh, and the left shoulder strap had slipped down revealing a luscious mound of flesh the size and shape of a ripe melon. Tom Morgan simply reached forward and pulled the bodice down until it revealed the brown areola and nipple. "Watch," he ordered again. Taking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he cruelly tweaked it. The girl did not stir, but the nipple -- like some slowly awakening thing -- came erect.

"Watch," Morgan repeated, and lifted the hem of the gown to uncover the pouting mound of Venus between her legs and its luxuriant growth of sparse black pubic hair. He parted the girl's legs and, using his right arm under her knees, raised them until the soft pink lips of her vagina came into view. Morgan glanced over at Lord Medwell and laughed at the rapidly breathing older man. Slowly, he placed the tip of his middle finger against his thumb and then flicked at the pouting clitoris. The girl remained motionless, but a low moan of lust was wrenched from Lord Medwell's throat.

Morgan dropped the girl's legs; they remained spread lewdly out with the vaginal lips slightly open... the entrance to her secret-most regions was completely exposed, defenseless.

"Satisfied?" he queried with a slight knowing smirk.

Lord Medwell trembled in eagerness. "Oh my, yes!" he said hurriedly. "Such a beautiful young creature. Such a fine tight little cunt. I can hardly wait to pay a visit there." He placed his camera on the chair.

Tom Morgan grinned at the older man and mentally laughed as he said to himself, "The old goat is really in heat tonight." And why not! Hadn't he carefully built Lord Medwell up to this point; hadn't he spent weeks and weeks in preparation for this moment. Morgan knew Lord Medwell's proclivities -- as well he should, having catered to various wealthy and powerful men like him for over seven years. As with most of Morgan's clients, Lord Medwell at sixty-six years of age, liked his women young, helpless, and tearfully innocent. Most important, however, Morgan's operation was practically foolproof. There had been no repercussions during the seven years; there was no reason why there should ever be any in the future. In Lord Medwell's case, he liked young brides -- newly married, still with the dew freshness of their wedding ceremony clinging to them. And what better place to get them than at a honeymoon resort, a romantic old castle where for over seven years brides had come to be deflowered by their adoring husbands.

"These women," Lord Medwell had earlier explained unnecessarily, "present a great challenge to a man like me. Young, arrogant, proud, and sure of their undying love for their new husbands, they have to be humbled -- almost broken in spirit -- before they can be taught to crawl to their real master's feet."

Now as Lord Medwell watched the sleeping girl, he began to feel a familiar awesome power growing in his loins. The sheer nylon gown, above the girl's waist, showed the smooth white plain of her belly and the mysterious crater of her navel. Her pubic hair was like soft black down, and the thin fleece-lined vaginal alit was an open invitation to a warm and heavenly tunnel. His eyes fastened on the contours of her buttocks and then moved up over the rising and falling of her breasts. He could see the little nipple still standing proudly erect. Although his throat was dry, his mouth watered. He was impatient to get his teeth and hands on those magnificent mounds of young, almost virginal flesh and to twist, tease, massage, and bite them until they became unbearably trembling volcanoes of passion struggling to erupt.

"Hurry, Morgan," he snapped, not taking his eyes from the girl. "Let's start with the pictures!"

"In a moment. Wait until I get the camera on the tripod." A second later, Morgan grunted his satisfaction with the setup and said, "Okay."

The thought of those young, almost untouched lips mewling and begging in passion, brought a rocklike hardness to Lord Medwell's penis. The blood pounded painfully throughout its throbbing length, and he could feel droplets of thick white seminal fluid already beginning to ooze from its urethral opening.

"All right," Morgan directed. "Stand close to her. Start unzipping your pants."

Lord Medwell opened the fly of his trousers. His large prick, almost eight inches long and of astonishing circumference, leapt out as though it were some voracious tiger suddenly released from an insufferable cage. The flash of light was brighter than a sun as Morgan snapped his first picture. Hastily, Lord Medwell dropped his trousers and underdrawers. Another flash, together with the sound of film being wound on the next exposure.

"Go on," Morgan commanded. "I'll shoot as you go along."

Lord Medwell hesitated now for the first time; he glanced apprehensively toward Morgan. "Are you positive she's under all the way?"

Morgan sighed in exasperation and walked over to the bed. He stared intently down at the girl.

"Dorothy... Dorothy, can you hear?" he asked in a flat tone of voice.

"Yes." The word was a monosyllable without inflection.

"Dorothy... you are with your husband. Open your eyes, Dorothy." He pulled Lord Medwell over alongside her. "See, Dorothy. This is your husband, Roger. Say 'hello' to Roger."

The girl blinked, then smiled and said in a loving voice, "Hello, Roger."

"Dorothy, you will do anything your husband asks. You'll do it because you love him, and you know it will give him great pleasure. You will feel much pleasure from him when he makes love to you... so very much pleasure."

She was silent only a second, then she woodenly nodded her head and said, without blinking, "I will do anything my husband asks... it will be pleasure."

"Satisfied?" Morgan asked the older man.

Lord Medwell eagerly nodded his head. Morgan went back to his camera.

Lord Medwell squeezed the thick foreskin back from his painfully throbbing prick and bared his teeth as he advanced toward the girl again. The proud young bitch was totally at his mercy. He had heard her giggling as she talked to her husband about him earlier that evening. She had said, "That Lord Medwell is a dirty old man. A nice rich dirty old man, but a dirty old man nonetheless. Did you see the way he looked at me during dinner?" Well, the huge cudgel he held in his hand was a great equalizer between the generations. He'd teach her. He'd see if she still called him a dirty old man when his prick was rammed deep between those white thighs of hers and its head buried far up inside her quivering little belly.

He was only dimly aware of Morgan taking another photo. The heat was on him and it was all he could do to keep from leaping like a starving wild animal upon his prey. But common sense gained control of his body. The pictures, the ones that would bring her crawling abjectly in helpless desperation to him and insure his and Morgan's future safety, still had to be taken.

"Dorothy, dear," he intoned. "Turn your head toward me."

"Yes, Roger," she answered, and her head turned on the pillow.

"Dorothy, it would give your husband great pleasure if you kissed and sucked on his penis... as much pleasure as it gives you when he nibbles at your breast."

A troubled expression crossed the girl's face. She hesitated.

Alarmed and wide-eyed, Lord Medwell turned toward the photographer. Morgan merely shook his head and put his finger to his mouth in a charade of silence.

On the bed, the girl trembled and then, almost as if she were frightened of being bitten by it, reached out her hand toward Lord Medwell's cock. The old man grinned in triumph and moved forward until the straining organ was almost touching her lips. "Open your mouth, Dorothy."

She did as she was instructed, and the smooth, throbbing tip slipped partially through her stretched lips and came to rest against her bared teeth. The soft flesh of the ripe full puckered lips closed down about the head. There was a flash of light as Morgan took the picture.

Against his cock, Lord Medwell could feel the hot air exhaling from her nostrils, and could feel her innocent young tongue quivering in ignorance against the instrument in her mouth.

"Delicious," he muttered, "simply delicious. Suck a little and nibble a little, dear." He began moving his hips back and forth as Morgan came in with another camera for a closeup. Several small droplets of cum had seeped from Lord Medwell's cock and had lubricated her mouth that was surrounding its head. Looking down directly at her face, he could see a small stream of glistening saliva and cum running out of the corner of her mouth. Again, for just a moment, the animal heat came upon him. He wanted to shoot his full load into her sweet young gullet... wanted to see her larynx jiggling up and down as she attempted to gulp it down; he could picture it-his cum would spurt out of her mouth, into her hair, and run like a white hot flow of lava across her breasts and down her belly. The mental image goaded him into a sudden frantic motion and he was uncontrollably battering his cock down her choking throat, the girl was gasping for air and clawing at his buttocks when Morgan grinned nastily and said, "Easy, man. We still have a few pictures to take, remember?"

Lord Medwell reluctantly removed his cock from her mouth. He had come so close... so very close. He stood there breathing deeply as he sought to regain his composure. Finally he sighed and said, "That was beautiful, Dorothy. Now your husband will repay pleasure for pleasure."

He reached down and removed the remaining strap of her gown, and stared hungrily at the breast. With a low moan of lust, his hot eager lips fastened like a leech to it. There was another flash of light as he used his fingertips to tease the other nipple.

Beneath his lips, he heard a low groan of pleasure from the girl. She placed both hands gently and possessively behind his head. Lord Medwell glanced over and grinned in victory at Morgan. His lips went back to work, and his other hand dropped until it found the moist hot cavern at the junction of her thighs. He used his finger -- as though it were a violin bow -- to scrape across the length of her vaginal lips. "Oh... oh," she purred.

Dorothy began to breath more rapidly as the sensations mounted in her body. Lord Medwell used his thumb and forefinger to tease her gently pulsating clitoris; this resulted in a low, almost animalistic moaning, "Ohhhh... Roger... that feels wonderful. Bite me -- rub me harder!"

Lord Medwell suddenly crawled onto the bed and crouched on all fours over the helpless young body. "Dorothy, raise your legs and put them up over my shoulders," he commanded. The girl paused, as if not understanding the instructions, but a moment later subserviently bent her legs at the knees and spreading her legs wide raised and placed her calves up over his shoulders. Lord Medwell pushed her knees back against her chest; her upturned vagina, secreting its own lubricant, was in plain view -- unprotected and vulnerable to any attack. His mouth watered in anticipation as he gazed rapturously down at the palpitating little pussy. Spittle slid out of his open mouth as he lecherously ogled the open slit of her vagina running down from her smooth white belly and dark silken pubic hair to the full rounded spheres of her buttocks. He could wait no longer to feast down between her thighs. His head lowered, his mouth opened, and his tongue -- like a wet red miniature little prick -- came into action.

The girl gasped. "Oh... oh... Roger! You mustn't? Oh..." She jerked as his lips encompassed and began sucking at the soft hair-lined opening. His tongue flickered like lightning against the clitoris, which was beating visibly. "Ohhh... daddy..." Her hands came down and pressed against both sides of his head; it was as though she didn't know whether to force him away or force his tongue and face even deeper into the moist pit of her throbbing cunt. Now his tongue had begun seeking entry into the vaginal passage itself. It flicked in and out rapidly, little licks and little strokes of passion that penetrated almost two inches. The girl's hands fell loosely from his head as she groaned and began to rotate her hips in an effort to get his tongue in deeper.

Lord Medwell was an expert at this sort of thing -- had been ever since his early introduction and instruction in its finer arts by a fiery French governess while he was still only ten years of age.

Suddenly, he withdrew the tongue and his mouth from her now responding vagina. Dorothy groaned again, this time in disappointment, but only for a second, for his tongue had begun working again; its soft flicking tip made circles around the quivering erected clitoris, and his lips sucked, drawing the organ deeper into the hot saliva-filled cavern of his mouth. Then he abruptly changed techniques again. Like a thirsty dog lapping water, he used his tongue to lick the entire length of her wet, rotating cuntal slit. Dorothy's loud moans of pleasure turned almost into a scream of delight when his tongue traced a pattern of fire past her vagina and kept going down, down until it made lewd, flicking entry into the tight, puckered little anal ring.

Flashes from the camera -- like a summer electrical storm -- continued to brighten the room.

Lord Medwell was oblivious to them now. He had the snooty little bitch going; she squirmed and panted like a helpless puppet under his tongue. She could be brought back to her senses now and she'd be so hot that she would beg him to continue. She was completely at his mercy. Her mewls drove his tongue faster and faster as it licked its way up and down the now wildly clasping lips of her cunt. She was almost there; he could tell by the contractions of her vaginal muscles. His muffled laughter came as her hands desperately clawed at his head -- seeking to drive his tongue further and further into her. The hot happy bitch, he thought; she doesn't realize that what she really wants right now is a hard cock. She'll be begging for it within seconds.

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