Her Special Delivery - Cover

Her Special Delivery


Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Swinger's write letters to each other telling about some of their exploits.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Swinging   Oral Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

Dear Connie, Oct. 10th

Your letter arrived yesterday and we were happy to hear from you.

First, about your photo needs. Yes, we can certainly take care of your copying, and your film processing. 126 cartridges are no problem. Although we can do color work we are reluctant because it is quite time consuming and thus, expensive. The big labs, with their automatic equipment, do not have that problem.

Our price for copy work is 25 cent a print, B/W 31/2 X 5. We can also make B/W prints from your color shots. For your film processing, the price is 20 cents a print including developing. Oh, by the way. When sending photos for copying, please send at least 12 at a time if you can.

Re your trip down this way in January. Sounds fine to us and we would like very much to meet your both. We are enclosing a photo of us so you can see if we are your "type". Nita is 5'3", 115 pounds, green eyes, brown hair and 36-2536. Chuck is 5'11", 165 pounds, blue eyes, black hair. We are both a young 41. We are quite uninhibited but do not care for the wild-way-out, like B&D.

If, after a letter or so, you are still interested we will pass along our home address and phone number.

We hope to hear from you soon and will be looking forward to doing some work for you.

Most sincerely,


Dear Nita, Oct. 16th

Bob and I received your letter today. We were really pleased to hear from you and the photo was very nice. It's hard for us to believe you are really forty-one. Bob thinks Nita has the most beautiful breasts he's ever seen, and I have to agree with him.

That is a beautiful black lace outfit you were wearing in the photo. Bob kept staring at it, the teasing hint of your naked breasts was just too much for him.

Bob and I are both completely uninhibited and love intimate parties with others like us. Bob is a very energetic and capable lover when it comes to any kind of sex play. I've never had a better lover and wonder how I'll feel when a better man does it to me.

Chuck are you a professional photographer? Bob and I both agree that you are very good. When we come to see you will you let me model for you? Do you two like uninhibited photography? When we come down would you take some photos of us doing all kinds of things? Nita would you let Chuck take some of the three of us together?

Nita this is kind of embarrassing for me and I hope I don't offend you. I've always wondered what it would be like to make love with another pretty woman. Have you ever? Would you mind if we tried? If you have ever, would you tell me what it was like? I really am very anxious to try it; especially with someone as pretty and sexy as you.

Do you get very sexcited when you watch Chuck making love with another woman? I do. It really sexcites me to watch others, but especially Bob. I go wild when she starts moaning and writhing under his pounding hardness!

Bob and I love all kinds of erotic photographs, movies and even letters. We think that letters between us and other swingers adds to the sexcitement of the actual meeting. We, like you, don't care for the way out either. We tried the Greek way once and that's out, too. I guess maybe it's because Bob's too big. He's alot bigger than most men I've known.

Please write and tell us the things you like and don't like. And feel free to ask us any questions you wish.

Now a little more about the photos we want copied and developed. The ones we want copies are all polaroids of some swinging parties Bob went to before I even knew him and they are pretty uninhibited. We have two rolls of 126 Bob took of me and another man. The photos are of us nude in various stages of love making. I just wanted to be sure you knew the kind of work we wanted you to do.

I was wondering how much you would charge to make us some prints of just one pose. Just like the one you sent us, a glossy 3 1/2 X 5... we want to send them to send out when answering ads... maybe forty or fifty.

Bob and I would love to see more photos of you two. Bob said to tell you that we will return all you send. He's very anxious to see Nita's beautiful breasts bare... me too!

The photo I'm sending of me is a terrible copy of a beautiful color slide. Chuck, can you copy slides?

We would much rather correspond with you at your home address. There's something so cold and impersonal about P.O. Boxes.



Dear Bob and Connie, Oct. 21st

Your letter arrived yesterday and we both enjoyed it very much. It was one of the most informative we have recieved from any of our friends. Makes us feel we know you quite well already. Wish we could do as well.

Let's see if we can answer it now...

Thank you both for your kind remarks and especially your appreciative comments about Nita. They are most welcom. I agree with you, too, I might add. Perhaps the enclosed photos will tell you even more.

No, I'm not a pro photographer, just like to dabble in it, and am always looking for interesting, and interested, models. You certainly seem to fill both those requirements so I will be happy to do a whole series of you when you get down this way. We might even agree to some of that uninhibited photography you suggest. Could be "verrrry interesting."

Connie, Nita says she is one of the unusual swingers. From our experience that is. She hasn't yet made love to another woman nor visa-versa. Not distastful, but rather, of no special interest. There seems little doubt that it will occur, but by happenstance rather than by design. There is likely to be that moment when it seems the right thing to do but it isn't something that can be planned ahead. I personally encourage Nita to give it a chance to happen if the urge strikes or the circumstances are proper but as yet it is still something to be looked forward to. Who knows??????

No, neither of us seem to be particularly moved by seeing the other making love. There have been times when it was exciting and other times when it became a distraction. In fact I think that is true of all our swinging activities. What is good one time is not necessarily good every time. We like to play it by ear and let each experience become what it will.

We too, like movies (have some) and photos (have some) and yes, even letters. Nita, like you, doesn't think too much of Greek ways. Agrees that once is enough. I haven't found anything I didn't like yet but that shouldn't be interpreted to mean I do like everything. Must be lots of things I haven't tried. (YET)

Connie, we aren't editors or censors so the content of the photos you send us to process if of no consequence. OK? And about the run of ad answering photos you asked about. In a quanity like that I can do them for 10 cents each. Does that sound reasonable? Oh, sorry but I'm not equiped to copy your slides for you. May add that feature later.

So, I think that just about answers all...

We thoroughly enjoyed your letter. Thought highly of your photo (but would like to see some of Bob), will be awaiting the arrival of your film and the polaroids. Anxiously await your next letter and certainly look forward to your impending visit down this way.

We both agree with the PO Box thing but always use it for the first letter or two till we know who we are dealing with. Hope it wasn't too inconvenient for you. Our home address and phone number is at the bottom.

Write very soon...

Most sincerely,

Chuck and Nita

Dear Chuck and Nita, Oct. 23

We received your letter and photos today. Bob said if you send anymore sexy photos of Nita he's going to come down there and kidnap her. That's all he talks about is kissing, caressing and sucking on her beautiful breasts and her furry pussy. I'd really love to see them together. Bob is well equiped in the sex-department and loves to use it and his tongue all over a woman. Every time he looks at Nita's photos I can see his blue eyes sparkle and his mouth water! Nita's downy mound is very sexciting for both of us to gaze at.

Bob is going to try and find a tiny box to send the film in so we should have them in the mail to you soon. I'm sending you two copies of some photos of Bob and other girls, at least you can see what he looks like. I'm awful sorry they aren't better. If one of the color photos we took come out I want you to make us 50 copies of the best one. 10 cents sounds very reasonable.

Nita do you like to suck your lover all the way? I do! It really turns me on to feel it squirting in my mouth. Would you two tell us more about the things you enjoy about swinging. So far you've been pretty vague. I don't want to offend either of you and ruin the friendship that seems to be developing between us.

Bob's uncle died last year and left him a small (two room) log cabin overlooking Jackson's Hole and we thought it would be nice to have you two join us next summer. Do you enjoy camping and things of that nature? Bob and I both enjoy almost every type of indoor and outdoor sports. Bob has hunted everything there is in North America except "Bigfoot" and Polar Bears. We love to go out for a QUIET evening on the town. Soft lights, soft music and a good dinner and a few drinks. Bob and I enjoy a few moderate drinks but very seldom get drunk. I love Vodka Collins and Rum & Coke. Bob likes Jack Daniels whisky.

When we have a party with a swinging couple we think it's best for us to pair off and be alone during our love making then join the others for the rest of the night. WE really don't care an awful lot for large parties. Two or three couples are the most fun. Please tell us what you like... okay?

Did you want the photos of Nita back? Let me know if you do. Needless to say Bob and I are very interested in seeing any others you care to send. Just let us know if you want them back.

I'm enclosing a photo and address of another writer that I correspond with. He's married and swings by himself. He's interested mainly in photos and writes a sexciting letter. You may be able to do some copy work for him. I noticed that your ad says photos for sale and he may be interested. He asked us to send his photo and address to some of our swinging friends. He's sent us some wild Polaroids of himself and one of his swinging girl friends and has written some very descriptive letters so he's safe to sell or trade with.

I'm sending you a couple of me that I'd like for you to give to other swingers that you think we'd like. You could send us some of the same reason if you want.

Please answer soon.



Dear Bob and Connie, Nov. 4th

This is Chuck at the typewriter.

Got your letter and photos the other day and was happy to hear from you again, and glad to get the pics too! Wonder though, is Bob the only busy one??? Ha! I'm refering to those two beautiful young creatures that seem to find Bob's huge manhood so fascinating... wonder why????

We are happy that you like the pics of Nita. I think she is pretty special myself and do enjoy photographing her. Will enjoy working with you too if I have the opportunity.

We will be waiting for the photos you want copied and the film you would like processed. We'll try to get it right back to you post haste. Glad you are satisfied with my price on the ad answering photo work. You see, once I get set up with the negative and ready to process it is simple. It's just the changes from one negative to another and making new calculations that is a problem.

The idea of a vacation up that way next year sounds great. We both like the great outdoors and that cabin sounds like a lot of fun. We really must talk about it when you are down this way.

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