Her Mother's Lover - Cover

Her Mother's Lover


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After witnessing her mother's and father's sexual wants and needs being satisfied, little daughter goes back to a girl's school and finds out what her own sexual wants and needs are and satisfies them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Orgy   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Slow   Novel-Pocketbook  

Although Charisse spent the rest of the week at the Fifth Avenue apartment, and although Taka was there every day, either her mother or father was always there. She wasn't alone again for a minute, and she wondered if her mother somehow suspected that Taka had fucked her that one morning she was alone with him. Now that she had experienced his cock, she was really anxious to have more of the same. And, if for some reason it couldn't be Taka and his big yellow prick, she was sure she would find plenty of other cock- pushers eager to soothe her itching pussy.

"You'll have to go back to Greystone, Charisse darling," her mother announced to her. "I really think it's best for you to finish your education right now. Then when you're through with Greystone, we'll be able to discuss your future intelligently. Maybe I WILL be able to use you as my secretary-companion.

Going back to the Greystone Finishing School plunged Charisse into the depths of depression. She hated those snobbish, teasing kids and now they'd be worse then ever. And she hated to think of what she'd have to put up with from Debby who was the ringleader and the worst of the lot Charisse no longer had the will or desire to fight back. What little she'd glimpsed of her parents' behavior at the apartment made her think that maybe the judgment of the gossip columnist about her mother was right. Maybe both her parents were just a dissolute, immoral couple of alcoholics who were just no good.

As she took the taxi from the train to Greystone, Charisse wondered what changes there might be. Probably none. A week isn't a very long time, and that was all she had really been gone.

Mrs. Pringle, who was in charge of her dormitory, gave her a warm greeting upon her return.

"I didn't mean to cause you any worry or trouble, Mrs. Pringle," Charisse said. "But things got so complicated around here that I simply felt I wanted to be with my mother for awhile... "

"I quite understand," Mrs. Pringle, a kindly soul, said. "I think the girls were sort of giving you a hazing - probably because you're the famous Minna Mantell's daughter and they're more than a little jealous. They won't admit it, but I think that's what's at the bottom of the whole situation. Anyway, I had a talk with the girls on your floor after you left. I really think you'll find a different atmosphere prevails now.

Mrs. Pringle's little talk made Charisse feel much better. If jealousy was the cause of this hostile attitude towards her, she could probably fix things up. She was debating ways and means of achieving this purpose, when a soft knocking on the door told her someone was coming to see her.

"Who's there?" she asked, wondering who on earth it could be.

"It's me, Debby," a girlish voice told her through the door. "I'd like to see you for a few minutes. O.K.?"

"Come on in," Charisse said, "I never carry any hard feelings toward anyone."

Debby came in and made herself comfortable on the bed without any fuss or fanfare.

"I want you to know that I'm sorry I was so mean to you last week. The girls are apologizing for their behavior as well. I just didn't realize you were so sensitive."

Charisse smiled at her former torturer.

"Of course I accept your apology - but maybe I owe your gang an apology too. I guess my knowledge of Europe and traveling made all the kids think I was putting them on... you know, high- hatting them. But the way I feel now, I'd just like to forget the whole incident."

"Good. All of the girls are very sorry it ever happened and are taking this way to set things right. By the way, we are all getting together in my room tonight for a meeting. We'd be glad to have you come.

"I'll be glad to," Charisse said. "You'll see me there."

When Debby left the room, Charisse felt quite elated. Apparently she was on her way back to school sociability. Also, she had always been very curious about these late hour sessions and meetings that Debby always pulled at her place. Tonight's meeting would be a golden opportunity for her to satisfy her curiosity.

After "lights out" that night, Charisse stole away to the cosines of Debby's room and the awaited events. All the girls were sitting on the floor in a sort of semi-circle and the only light was coming from a few flickering candles on the floor. The girls were talking in low whispers. Mrs. Pringle could be very strict with them if they stayed up after "lights out".

Oddly enough none of the girls spoke to Charisse about her week in New York, and she was surprised at the change in their attitude. They seemed so much friendlier and were apparently accepting her as "one of the gang". Charisse put it down to the fact that they all followed Debby's lead, and Debby was now being especially nice to her. Charisse didn't understand Debby's changed attitude any too well, but was happy about it

The girls began talking about their little escapades that they indulged in on Saturdays in town.

"C'mon, Debby," they chorused, "give us the latest scoop about that swinging boyfriend of yours, Ralph!"

"Well," Debby related to the hushed group, "I met him at the diner as usual, but this time we just didn't finish off with ice cream sodas. He took me to visit one of his buddies, a real bachelor pad, where the other couples were all drinking gin and rum."

At this disclosure, some surprised "Oh's" came from the attentive girls who were drinking in every detail as Debby spoke.

"Ralphie boy was trying to show off in front of his friends," she continued. "Would you believe it, after one drink he tried to pull my panties down and do you know what to me right on the couch, with his friends there and everything. I was never so shocked in my life!"

"Quit your kidding, Debby!" one of the girls said. "You've told us about some pretty hot sessions between you and Ralph before. How come you're getting so 'shocked' all of a sudden?"

"Don't be stupid," Debby retorted, "It's very different when a fellow pulls your panties down in the back seat of a car, and when he tries to do the same thing in a living room with other couples staring straight at you!"

"Just how far does Ralph go with you in the car?" Charisse asked Debby, curious to find out just how sophisticated her classmates were about sex and males in general.

"Well, I let him do the usual," Debby answered enigmatically. Apparently Charisse wasn't going to be given too many details in front of the other girls... could it be that her classmates had experimented the same way as she had with male cocks - that Debby and some of the others had sacrificed their maidenheads just as she had with the giant-cocked Japanese butler, Taka? She would have liked to have asked some more pointed questions about her classmates' cherries, or lack of them. She held her tongue, however. She was just now being given acceptance by the girls and didn't want to antagonize them. The clues would come.

"You'll never guess what Frank did to me right in the balcony of the movies!" another of the girls said. "The fresh thing put his hand under my dress, and I wasn't even wearing any panties that day," she winked and continued. "I don't know who got more of a surprise when he got his fingers all wet, but let me tell you girls - until you've felt just a boy's fingers down there, you just haven't lived! What a sensation! So different from those do it yourself jobs!" and she winked again.

"You mean you let him make you come right in the balcony?" another girl asked.

"When you have a good come, it doesn't matter where you are!" Debby told the group in a superior way. "But it's better not to let a boy fiddle around between your legs where someone is apt to see and snitch on you."

Acting as the group leader, which she really was, questioned another girl, Susan.

"What's with you and that hot-pants Eddie of yours," she asked bluntly.

Susan answered the question with a question of her own. "Do you suppose those birth control pills you gave me, Debby, really do the trick?"

"Of course, stupid," Debby said. "But you've got to make sure you take them before you let a boy do anything. Afterwards doesn't work!"

"Then I hope I don't get into any trouble," Susan said worriedly. "Eddie sort of... well, he did something in the car Saturday that really took me by surprise. His stuff was dripping out for hours after... " Susan bit her lips and then said, "I just hope nothing happens. I gulped down three of those pills, but if I'm knocked up, my father will do something terrible. I'm really afraid... "

"I warned you to take those pills before if you thought there was a chance Eddie would break your cherry! Well, don't worry about it now until you miss your period - if you do," Debby said sternly.

This was all very interesting to Charisse. Apparently there was a lot more sex going on than she had dreamed of among the girls, and Debby was the leader and teacher there too! Charisse wondered if there was a cherry in the whole group of girls. Apparently what she had done with Taka, letting him break her maidenhead, was not such a unique experience with girls of her age. They were all curious and sex-hungry and in spite of all the moralizing by parents, when the time came they just went and got themselves fucked. And maybe that was just the way things should be in this modern day and age. You couldn't start to live too soon, and fucking was very definitely a most enjoyable, thrilling part of life...

The girls' talk session gradually petered out until Charisse was alone with Debby in her room.

"If you're sleepy, Debby, I'll go," Charisse said. "But it would be nice if we could talk... "

"Stick around, I want to talk to you too, Charisse," Debby answered. "How was your little vacation? Anything interesting turn- up?"

Charisse wished she could tell Debbie how Taka's most interesting cock had turned up, and all the other thrilling details of her first hump session, but for some reason she felt this wasn't the right time and kept quiet.

"Well, if it was such a bore, I've got something here in one of my scrapbooks that might give you a jolt," Debby said. Seeing Charisse's concerned look, she added, "Oh, it's none of that gossip shit about your mother... this stuff is something else again! I cut these things out from one of those new hippie sex newspapers they're putting out all over - you can actually buy these from the newsdealer in town."

She pointed to what seemed like a poem in one of the scrapbooks and Charisse blushed furiously in spite of herself. It WAS a poem, but the filthiest thing she had ever seen in print in her whole like! Then Debby topped the shock of the poem by turning to pictures cut out from the same type of newspapers. Charisse gulped in surprise at what they showed. There was a handsome college boy with hippie-style sideburns, and a lovely college girl with long hair - both were completely nude, and the girl had the boy's prick in her mouth!

"Look at her sucking that cock!" Debby snickered. "I wonder how she was even able to get the head of a prick that big in her mouth?"

"It is a big one, isn't it!" Charisse exclaimed involuntarily. The girl was kneeling in front of the boy and his rigid, enormous cock was half in her mouth. His dick was so big that Charisse was sure the head was practically down the girl's throat. How could her expression be so blissfully happy? That gigantic prick must surely be choking her! And here she thought that Taka was king of cocks! Apparently there were white boys who were even more generously endowed by nature... to make things even more realistic, a little dribble of white sperm was running down the side of the girl's mouth. It was supposed to show that the boy had just shot his load down her throat...

Debby nudged her, "Like that sort of thing?" And turning the pages, she said, "What about these cuties?"

There were pictures of hippie-type youths having a cock- measuring contest, and all of their peckers were so huge that Charisse thought they must surely be retouched.

"Oh, they're the real thing all right," Debby said, seeming to read her thoughts. "Ever had one that size up yours?" she asked Charisse bluntly.

"Just about," Charisse smiled lackadaisically.

"Well, my boyfriends have been midgets compared to these fellows!" Debby grinned, letting Charisse know that she too was no longer cherry and that they were both women of the world.

"Gee, I wish I could meet a boy with one this size," Debby added a little wistfully as she turned the pages.

"Wow, look at that!" exclaimed Charisse at another picture. The photo showed the same nude boy and girl who was sucking him in the previous picture. This time the girl was also kneeling, but facing away from the boy. The youth's terrific cock was rigid and three-quarters of it was buried not in the girl's vagina, but in her asshole!

"Would you say that he's giving her a pain in the ass?" Debby wisecracked.

Charisse wondered how they could induce the girl and boy to let them take a picture like that. Weren't they afraid that someone would recognize them later on and perhaps ruin their lives? But the boy actually had a cock bigger than Taka... and she found herself wishing she knew him, could get him to fuck her with that sensational dong!

"I'd like to have a boyfriend with a dick like that," Debby breathed in her ear. "Can you imagine how one like that must feel once it's all the way up?"

"It's funny the way a girl's pussy can stretch even to take a super-cock like that," Charisse mused, "but I just don't see taking something like that up my rear end!"

"You will, you will," Debbie said excitedly. "That is if you like the guy enough and he wants it that way once in awhile... if I had a boyfriend with a dong like that, I'd suck him, let him put it up my rectum - anything! I have a weakness for big cocks," she confided.

Charisse looked at more pictures. How on earth did they get four girls to suck a man's cock, his balls, his asshole, and one to spread her vagina on his mouth? Some of the poses were simply fantastic. And the one of the two youths, one of whom had his stiff penis up the younger one's rectum... she had read about homosexuals, but she had never known how men did it to each other before.

"I know how every girl on this floor lost her cherry," Debby said. "How did it happen to you anyway?"

Charisse figured that she would probably get Debby to tell her about her first cock, so she saw no harm in telling her all about Taka.

"If he's got a cock as big as you say he has, I'd certainly like to meet him sometime He sounds real groovy, even though he is a Japanese!" Debby commented "Tell me," she added, "is their come colored yellow, or is it tike everyone else's? I'm serious."

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