Her Mother's Lover - Cover

Her Mother's Lover


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - After witnessing her mother's and father's sexual wants and needs being satisfied, little daughter goes back to a girl's school and finds out what her own sexual wants and needs are and satisfies them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Orgy   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Slow   Novel-Pocketbook  

Even though she was up at the crack of dawn the next day and showered, made-up and dressed - she just lounged around in her room. She pondered the events of the previous evening... that was certainly quite a party and it had taught her more in one night then the hygiene teacher could in a year. She had heard about dildos, and Lesbians, and jokes about TV producers and budding actresses - but to really see and experience these things! And in the person of her own parents! She just couldn't get over it

"Well, sleepy head," her mother greeted her as they were having their coffee. "I was just coming in to wake you up," Minna said. "We're going to have to have a long talk about what comes next for you... but have your coffee first, darling," she laughed. "Time enough later for the serious things."

As Charisse saw her parents, dressed and talking like parents and not like a couple of sex-crazed hippies, she wondered if they could be the same two people she saw disporting themselves so flagrantly last night. Well, if they could be so nonchalant about everything, why then so could she

"How many people were at the party last night, Mother?" she asked.

Minna, a bit taken aback by Charisse's question, answered, "Oh, there were only around seven or eight, but I guess they really must have sounded like seventy with all the noise they were making... "

"You're right, and they all seemed to be parked right outside my door," Charisse commented.

"They must have kept you up then... ?" Charles Mantell half-questioned his daughter.

"As a matter of fact, I was all excited about being home and just couldn't fall asleep all night. I think I just dozed off for a few hours at dawn," Charisse told her father.

She noticed that her mother and father exchanged quick glances and then looked away. They still thought of her as a child, and if she was up, she could see the question in their eyes, "Had Charisse seen or noticed anything of their hi-jinx in the bedrooms?"

"Was that Jack Lennard at the party?" Charisse asked sweetly. "I hate that phony!"

"What makes you come out with a crack like that about one of your father's business associates?" her mother said. "Why, Uncle Jack has always thought the world of you! What brings this on?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, that old goat is always trying to feel me up whenever he's around here... I just hope he doesn't find me alone in the house sometimes," Charisse answered.

"Now really, Charisse," her father chimed in, "I think we can trust Uncle Jack with anything... "

"Anything? Really?" Charisse questioned with a hint of mocking in her voice. She only wished her father had once seen "Uncle Jack" feeling her asscheeks and then starting for her titties...

Minna looked at her wonderingly. This way of talking was unusual for Charisse. She generally acted like a good, docile child - but noting her swelling breasts and curved hips, Minna Mantell suddenly realized that her daughter had matured. She was a lovely, sexually desirable young woman now, completely mature physically, even though she was still a schoolgirl.

Minna kept looking at her daughter's lush body and then blushed, embarrassed by the thought of "Mr. Dildo" and how he would look moving between Charisse's white thighs... She would really have to keep Mr. Dildo out of her mind, even though that was a wonderful session last night with Cora.

"Well, was Mr. Lennard at the party?" Charisse persisted in questioning her parents.

"He was one of our guests," her father replied.

"I did hear some people last night," Charisse said," and I thought that braying laugh of his woke me up. I didn't get back to sleep again for quite awhile... "

Charisse knew that the thought that she was floating around during the revels of the previous evening were making both her parents quite uncomfortable, and took a sadistic pleasure in baiting them. After all, they were both guilty of immoral acts in their own way - and what she had seen them do had gotten her so stirred up that she had to masturbate twice!

"Little pitchers shouldn't have big ears," her mother said trying to gloss over last night.

"Don't talk to me as if I were a twelve-year-old, Mother! I'm a grown-up girl and maybe I understand a lot more than you think I do," Charisse hinted. "I think your 'Uncle Jack' and that blonde would-be TV actress, Sheila, are having an affair!"

"Why, whatever makes you think such thoughts?" her mother asked, trying to keep her poise.

"Well, some of the noises I heard last night sure sounded as if certain people were balling it up!"

"Are you sure you know the meaning of that phrase, Charisse?" her father asked uncomfortably.

"I certainly do, Dad," she said pointedly. "Even the comic books these days are really very outspoken. You should take some time out from producing your TV shows and look them over. They might give you some good ideas for a new show."

"Now, I think that's quite enough on that subject," her father said uncertainly.

But Charisse, sensing she was pricking their weak spots, kept right on. "That Sheila, the one who wants to be a TV star, she really is a big mouth. I think she made more noise than anyone else at the party. If she ever gets on a TV show, she won't need a microphone!"

"Well, just what did you hear?" her mother asked.

"Oh, it really just adds up to a lot of interesting background noises in the bedrooms. Maybe it's just a little schoolgirl's imagination," Charisse said sarcastically, "but Dad would sure have a hit show if he could put them on the air!"

Charisse looked at both her parents and could see that this last remark of hers had really rattled them. She was glad. They both deserved to be blasted out of their smugness in believing her just a simple little girl.

"Well, lots of things happen at parties that people regret the morning after. Not everybody can hold their liquor - and grown-ups letting their hair down is a subject you have lots of time to learn about," her father said, trying to close the matter of what had been going on at the party.

Charisse now felt that both her parents were quite uncomfortable. They both looked uneasily at each other and at their daughter, wondering if she had seen any of their guilty behavior.

"Even though she's kind of loud, I think this girl, Sheila, has got something on the ball. Like a very good figure - why don't you audition her, Dad. Her body would certainly register, even if her acting didn't!"

"Let your father make his own business decisions!" Minna said sharply to her daughter. "He's got enough trouble making up his mind about anything as it is."

"Now that you mention it, Sheila is a most attractive girl and I might give her a break at that!" her father said.

Charisse couldn't resist saying, "Oh, I thought you already gave Sheila an audition, Dad."

She knew that what she was saying was bothering her parents. She had thought things out about her mother and Cora, and knew there probably was a good reason for their affair. Emotionally, she felt her wonderful, wise, strong mother could do no wrong. But her weakling father was another story. What right did he have to lay this girl Sheila right in his own apartment, with his wife and daughter present? It was in line with what she had always thought of his wishy-washy character - now she knew he was thoroughly immoral as well.

"You're talking a little too much about things that really don't matter, Charisse," her mother said. "I think you're still over-excited by having left school, so why don't you lie down and listen to some records in your room, and just rest? You're father's going to the station and I have a rehearsal, so we'll both be gone most of the day. Relax, dear," she concluded.

Charisse took her mother's advise, went to her bedroom which overlooked the park and lay on the bed listening to her record- player. Naturally, she played a Minna Mantell album.

She must have dozed off for a few minutes when she was startled by the bedroom door opening abruptly. There was a hissing noise as the well-knit, compact body of their Japanese butler, Taka Hachiburo, bowed in apology for having disturbed her.

"I beg Miss Charisse's pardon," Taka said in his excellent English, "but I did not know you were at home and your mother told me to clean all windows in every room today."

She was rather glad to see Taka Hachiburo again. He was a handsome exchange student from Tokyo who was taking his degree in psychology at Columbia University. He worked as Minna's part-time butler and houseman for his living expenses. He would be getting his degree within a few months now.

"Oh, that's all right, Taka," she said, noting how strong and virile his muscular arms and legs looked. He was clad only in tennis shorts and a T-shirt for his window-cleaning job. "Don't let me keep you from your work."

The attractive Japanese student-butler moved gracefully into the bedroom with his squeegees and pail of water. He started to wash the first window, near the bed on which she was lying. As she watched his manly, athlete's body clean the first window, she smiled slyly to herself at certain warm, wet feelings she was experiencing between her legs... She had certainly been sexually stimulated by all she had seen the previous evening.

"Listen, Taka," Charisse said sweetly, "I don't want to disturb you while you're working, but I like watching you. You've got a real tennis player's physique, I can see, and I have a weakness for good-looking tennis players. I'd like to see You walking around in those tennis shorts all the time."

"I only wear them when I wash the windows, Miss Charisse," Taka grinned back at her and went on using the rubber squeegee on the windows.

"But, Taka" Charisse said; impishly, "aren't they kind of tight in the crotch?"

Ignoring the question, the good-looking Japanese continued his work.

"Maybe you ought to take your record-player into the living room," he suggested. "This is a kind of messy job and I wouldn't want to splash you."

"You can splash me anytime, Taka," she said. "Watching you work in that outfit shows me how graceful you are." She looked at him coyly as she watched his torso straining as he cleaned the upper-half of the window. Like most Japanese, Taka was not very tall, but he was very compact and brawny. His skin was the color of yellow gold and beads of sweat were beginning to form on his upper and lower lips and his chest. Taka turned around, wondering what gave with Charisse and then applied himself to the windows once again. Charisse was staring right at his crotch, which had quite a manly bulge and he wished he had put on a jock-strap.

Quite casually, Charisse let her house-robe fall open, exposing the valley between her lush tits, as well as a good deal of her bra. As Taka turned around for a cloth, he was startled by the sight of her voluptuous knockers, so temptingly and "accidentally" displayed.

"This apartment is rather warm and close today," she smiled at Taka. "How about letting me use your squeegee on the window for awhile. I'm so bored."

Suiting her actions to her words, she bent over the pail of water to get the squeegee. As she did so, her house-robe fell even more open and she heard Taka's sharp intake of breath as the sight of her lush titties straining out of the top of her bra greeted his eyes.

She began to use the squeegee on the window, brushing against Taka as she strained to reach the top of the window. Her robe fell even more open as she worked, and she knew that the sight of her full titties and the glimpses of lace panties, was lighting his fuse as she exposed herself.

Taka had paused and watched the jiggling movement of her breasts as her arm rose and fell with the squeegee.

Deliberately, Charisse teased him. "What's the matter, am I using the squeegee wrong?"

"Not at all Miss Charisse," he answered, trying to regain his cool, "but maybe I ought to finish the job. I can see there's a lot of straightening up I have to do in the other rooms."

"Here, why don't you show me the right way to squeeze the windows, maybe I can help you get through quicker," Charisse said, taking his strong right hand and folding his fingers over her slender waist. "Work my hand up and down and show me the right way to squeeze. You do it so beautifully, Taka!"

As she touched his hand and felt his manly body brush her robe, she began to sense the same hot, wet, juices flowing from her cuntlips as when she was watching the dildo episode. She knew that she was deliberately provoking Taka by showing her breasts and leaning up against him. Even the bulge in his crotch seemed to be throbbing and getting larger. But watching all the out and out fucking which she had seen last night had made her very hot for a man, any man.

She wanted to see what a real cock felt like, she was sick and tired of this finger stuff. That was for kids. She wanted a big stiff pecker to ram up her cunt, and didn't want to wait another day for her first screw. Being alone with the handsome Taka while her parents were gone was a made to order situation. She felt so wet and funny down there that she instinctively knew that a real cock would be the only thing to relax her sexual yearning. She had never before realized what a handsome fellow Taka, their Japanese butler really was.

She leaned against him for a few moments longer and then asked him, "Taka, why are you so reluctant to let me help you?"

"I don't mind Miss Charisse," Taka said slowly. "But I think you're mother wouldn't like it if she came back and saw what you were doing."

"Oh, don't worry about that Taka, they're both out for the day. And I'm really so bored. I want to help you," she said, letting her robe fall open even more.

Taka gulped at the sight of lace-trimmed panties and white thigh which met his gaze and said, "O.K. Miss Charisse. But I really have got a lot to do in the house and I've got to make one of my classes in psychology at six p.m... so we'll have to make it fast!"

Charisse turned towards him, letting her robe fall completely open and shrugged it to the floor. Her breasts were whiter than the satin bra which bulged with them, she was wearing no slip, and her panties were the see-through type. The triangular shadow formed by her thick bush was clearly visible to Taka.

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