Headmaster - Cover



Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Once a Master of Disipline, always a Master, even when there is a war going on.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

The disciplinary system inaugurated with Betty's spanking quickly swung into full effect. Just two nights later another roommate Linda, a pretty, bespectacled brunette in her mid- twenties, became the second victim. Crying almost hysterically and in a state of near collapse, Linda went to her fate over Frank's capable lap. Once again everyone was treated to the sight of a comely young Washington secretary being totally bared and put through her paces with a good, crisp spanking that left her buttocks a blazing scarlet and reduced her to distraught sobs. At the conclusion of the bottom-warming, her fragile panties were declared forfeit and Frank undertook the not unpleasant responsibility of removing them himself.

As he suspected, the freshly spanked young secretary eagerly followed him to his apartment afterward, like a puppy who had found its master. Linda proved to be so sex-starved, so man- hungry, so horny that neither took time to disrobe. Holding her black punishment jumper up over the top of her garter belt, Linda backed against a wall and Frank took her in a standing position with her stockinged legs coiled tightly about him.

The following afternoon Frank met with Elizabeth to discuss strategy.

"Since you've eliminated Betty as a suspect, that leaves only Jean, right?" Elizabeth asked.

"Apparently so," Frank replied.

"Well, she won't be so easy to trap in your little spanking game," Elizabeth told him.

"Oh, why's that?" Frank asked. "It seems to me that all you girls are getting turned on by the idea."

"Well, most of them think it's kind of wild and sexy," Elizabeth admitted. "But not Jean. She's the one girl who makes sure she never violates a single rule."

Frank was thoughtful for a moment. "Well, in that case we might arrange to have the two of you caught in a Lesbian embrace. That ought to serve as sufficient justification for the two of you to be spanked."

"What?" Elizabeth flared. "Do you think I'm going to let those girls catch me..." She was too indignant to finish the sentence.

"It's part of your job," he reminded. "Besides," he added with a touch of malice, "you've been showing some distinctly bisexual trends lately."

Elizabeth glared at him. "That's not the point," she told him. "The point is that it would be just too embarrassing for all those girls to catch me doing something like... like that."

"After this little venture, you'll never see these girls again," Frank told her. "Now let's do it like this. You tell the other girls that you're planning a surprise party for Jean. That'll give you a chance to be alone with Jean, and the others can walk right in on you. I'll be with them and I'll have Jean's bare ass on view before she knows what's happening."

"All right," Elizabeth accepted the plan quietly. "It'll take several days to set it up and I suppose in the meantime you can continue your disciplinary activities." There was a slight trace of sarcasm in her voice.

"I told you the girls would all go for the idea," Frank reminded her.

Go for it they did. As plans for the surprise party began to develop, the third and fourth culprits met their fate on successive evenings. The third was a comely redheaded secretary in her late-twenties, whose name was Monica. She had been convicted of neglecting her share of the apartment chores. The fourth victim was Cheryl, a blonde, sweater-girl type in her early-twenties. She had been convicted of borrowing stockings, panties and other items of personal apparel from her roommates without permission.

The two spankings followed the procedure that had now become well established. When Frank arrived on the scene, each girl was standing in the corner attired in the standard punishment uniform of white blouse, short black jumper, black stockings and high- heeled black sandals. Surrounded by her grinning, smirking roommates each girl was turned over Frank's knee in the traditional but juvenile position.

The girl's jumpers were turned back to reveal shapely legs outlined in black stockings, bare white thighs crossed by their tautly pulled black garter belt suspenders, and clinging black panties that fit their rotund posteriors to perfection. In each case the panties were slowly and almost reverently lowered to reveal quivering feminine buttocks flexing in anxious expectation of the spanking to come.

The spankings were classics. In writing to her best friend back home, Monica described her ordeal--

Of course, as you would know, all seven roomies were there to savor my humiliation. Although I tried to put up a brave front, I was simply quaking when Mr. Hopkins swung me face down over his lap as if I was a naughty schoolgirl instead of a twenty-eight-year-old secretary. As my short jumper was drawn back to reveal my precious nylons, bare white thighs, and black panties and garter belt, I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that it really wasn't happening to me. But there was just no way I could blot out all those snickers, giggles, titters, smirks and so on from my assembled roommates. I'll have to admit that I had been one of the most enthusiastic advocates for spanking the other girls, and they were all just dying to see me take my medicine.

Then came the total indignity of having my panties slowly stripped down inside out by capable masculine hands!!! Believe me, there's just no way to adequately describe the total humiliation of being completely bared before an audience like that, and by a Man! I just wanted to shrivel up and sink through the floor. And, oh! how my roomies all smirked and giggled and acted ever so smug us they observed me lying there in total disgrace with my girlishly plump buttocks sticking up obscenely bare! Although I ever so desperately wanted to hold still, I just couldn't refrain from puckering shamefully in anticipation of the red hot punishment my poor bottom was going to have to absorb.

And then it happened! My precious, tender bare bottom that no man had ever dared touch suddenly and abruptly received its baptism by fire from a sturdy masculine hand!! OOOHHH!!! Mr. Hopkins' palm felt as if it were traveling ninety miles an hour each time it crashed against my sensitive posterior, completely flattening my cheeks with a deafening splat! Believe me, I was no heroine about it. I simply screamed and kicked my nylon-clad legs back and forth as if I had invented some new kind of dance. And I simply had to yank and jerk my burning hips around frantically on his lap, although I knew from watching the other girls how much I was exposing myself.

Oh, what an experience!! My full, woman's hips burned and prickled and itched with a hot burning heat that made each fresh smack absolute anguish. I cried hot salty tears that blinded my vision and ran down my cheeks. My pride totally destroyed, I begged like a little baby to have my bottom spared from that burning anguish. And through it all, my seven roomies just smirked and giggled and enjoyed themselves as only a bunch of girls can do.

When it was over, my poor bottom was simply a sheet of flame and I was totally breathless and sobbing hard. As usual, Mr. Hopkins proceeded to collect my panties as a souvenir. Then I was sent to the corner where I stood bare-bottomed, burning and disgraced! Can you imagine such a thing, at my age?"

In characteristic feminine fashion, Monica omitted a few details that might have given her friend a truer picture of her experiences. For example, how she had gone to Frank's apartment afterwards with her bottom burning furiously and had simply begged for the privilege of putting his big, beautiful cock in her mouth. How she had gotten down on her knees and had taken that rock-hard banana out of his pants herself. How she had eagerly and joyously taken his climax in her mouth, and without even pausing to catch her breath had then sucked furiously to produce another pounding erection. How he had thereupon administered an almost-brutal dog- style fucking until she had cum several times and nearly swooned with ecstasy. And how she had begged for more afterwards.

Cheryl's post-spanking behavior involved similar patterns of sexual hysteria, although the details were somewhat different. In the privacy of Frank's apartment, the cute young blonde, still sniffling from the effects of the spanking, had brazenly turned up her deeply scarlet, furiously burning bottom and just begged to be sodomized! Although visibly surprised by the request, Frank was more than willing to oblige and the walls of the apartment shook with the comely young woman's masochistic screams as his thick, pulsating shaft violated her incredibly tight anal canal. The surging anal intercourse that followed would have brought an admiring gleam to the eye of the Marquis de Sade. Grinding and twisting her bright red buttocks in a savage dance of pain and ecstasy, the distraught young secretary enjoyed an intensely masochistic climax as Frank's hot, virile semen spurted deep into her narrow channel.

Two nights later Frank received his next spanking assignment. This time there were two victims who were to be punished simultaneously. The first was platinum-haired, buxom Donna, whose ex-officio position as ringleader had not spared her from conviction for the heinous offense of stealing another girl's date. The second was a long-legged brunette secretary whose name was Lois. She had been convicted of various offenses, including monopolizing the telephone and stealing cigarettes.

"Well, we've got a pair of them for you tonight!" Elizabeth told him with a wink when he arrived on the scene. As she spoke, she pointed to the wall where the two miscreants were standing with their backs to the others.

The two of them were dressed in the standard punishment outfit. Lois, the taller and leggier of the two, looked the more juvenile in her short pleated jumper, but both of them looked highly appealing as they stood with their blushing faces to the wall. Neither of them could quite hold still and the sight of the two fully grown young women wriggling their anxious bottoms in anticipation of their spankings required Frank to exercise a conscious effort to refrain from achieving an erection.

"Which one are you going to spank first?" Betty asked. She and her other five roommates were all awaiting the session with expectant smiles on their faces.

"Let's do things a little differently tonight," he suggested.

As he spoke, he took two plain wooden chairs and placed them side by side in the middle of the room.

"Are you going to spank them both at the same time?" Linda asked, giggling at the prospect.

"Okay, girls," Frank addressed the victims. "Let's bend over the backs of these chairs.

"Come on. No stalling!" one of the girls warned.

Blushing and wriggling with a girlish naughtiness that made them look and feel all the more juvenile, the two blushing victims moved over to the chairs. Both of them kept their eyes lowered and Frank noticed that their pretty, nylon-clad knees were on the verge of buckling. As he motioned for them to bend over, the two of them bent over the backs of the chairs and grabbed the seats with their hands. Standing slightly to their rear, Frank watched appreciatively as their black jumpers rode up to reveal an additional expanse of black nylon.

"Mmmm, this is going to be interesting!" a feminine voice remarked behind him as the six innocent roommates lined up to watch and enjoy the proceedings. As usual, the onlookers were in a gleeful mood, the type that can only occur when females are privileged to see a fellow member of their sex punished.

"Why don't you get it over with?" Lois burst out, looking back over her shoulder.

Her anxiety produced an amused laugh from her roommates.

"Lois, you're really going to need a pillow to sit on after this," one of them told her.

Stepping behind her, Frank grasped the hem of her jumper and began pulling it up quite slowly. There were giggles and mock whistles of admiration from the on-looking girls as the pleated garment came up to reveal long, shapely legs in clinging, full fashioned black nylons, black garter belt suspenders standing out vividly against carnation-white thighs and generously proportioned, girlishly plump buttocks encased in snug-fitting black panties. Frank carefully pulled the jumper up until bare flesh was visible above the tops of her panties, and then stopped for an admiring glance before moving over to his second victim.

Blushing furiously and trembling with embarrassment, Donna said nothing as Frank grasped the hem of her jumper and began the task of unveiling her spank spot. Again there were titters and mock whistles of admiration as shapely legs attired in black stockings came into view, followed by quivering white thighs and rotund feminine buttocks encased in sheer black panties. Frank licked his lips as he gazed at the twin pairs of panty-clad bottoms quivering anxiously as their owners awaited correction.

"Why don't you hurry up and get it over with?" Donna protested, her face a bright scarlet as she glanced back over her shoulder.

The protest only served to draw some amused giggles from the onlookers. As usual when a spanking was upcoming, the girls were talking among each other in an amused undertone of great expectation. Occasional words like "big" and "hot" could be overheard by the anxious victims.

As might be expected, Frank conducted the panty-lowering ceremonies with deliberate slowness, grasping the elastic waistbands with both hands and pulling them down inside out until they formed a ring around the wearer's thighs just above her stocking tops. Lois' panties came down first and the long-legged brunette, blushing as red as a beet and blinking back tears of shame, trembled haplessly as her fully rounded, pink-white feminine buttocks came into view for all to see. Donna's turn came next and the attractive platinum blonde could not conceal her deep humiliation as her curvaceously rounded, buxom hips were exposed before everyone.

"Wow, look at that!" one of the girls remarked at sight of the two upturned pairs of plump, rounded bare bottoms awaiting correction. There were similar comments from the other girls, all of whom were obviously intrigued by the two quivering targets. Once again words like "big" stood out in the undertone of excited conversation.

Their stockinged knees almost buckling under them at times, the two pretty secretaries had no choice but to endure the full humiliation of having everyone's eyes fastened on their upturned and completely vulnerable spank spots. Both of them remembered to hold their legs together to minimize their exposure as much as possible, but a hint of girlish treasure was still quite visible at the fork of their legs.

"Hurry up! For heaven's sakes!" Lois cried out, obviously unable to stand the tension much longer.

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