Headmaster - Cover



Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Once a Master of Disipline, always a Master, even when there is a war going on.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Suddenly, Elizabeth had burst through the opened bedroom door, a drawn gun in her hand!

"Eeek!" Betty screamed, her stockinged legs flailing as she futilely tried to break loose from the bonds that held her to the bed.

"Liz!" Frank cried out, embarrassed at having been caught in the compromising position but, for the moment at least, more concerned for his own safety.

"What's going on here?" Elizabeth demanded, looking around warily.

"It's okay, Liz. It's okay," Frank reassured her. "Now put that gun away before someone gets hurt."

When Elizabeth realized that Frank was completely nude and that Betty, clad only in her garter belt, stockings and shoes, was helplessly tied to the bed, she relaxed and put the gun back in her handbag. "Sorry," she told Frank. "When I realized that she had sneaked out of the apartment and probably..." she paused, not wanting to say too much in front of Betty. "Well, I thought she might be someone else... and then I heard what sounded like a struggle up here..."

"Okay, okay," Frank told her, beginning to see the humor in the situation although he realized that Betty might start asking some questions that wouldn't be easy to answer. "It's not what you thought at all," he continued. "It's just that Betty felt that her spanking was insufficient punishment for all of her misdeeds, and came up here for some additional discipline!" He gave her a tongue-in-cheek smile as he spoke.

"So I see!" Elizabeth replied, glancing at Betty's spread- eagled and partly clad body. She tried very hard not to notice the lusciously pink cuntal slit nestled in the forest of jet-black hair, and her face became hotly flushed as memories of her recent Lesbian experience suddenly flooded her consciousness.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on around here?" Betty demanded, yanking helplessly at the bonds that held her wrists to the bedposts.

"It's okay, honey," Frank told her. "Liz is an old girlfriend of mine who has fits of jealousy now and then."

"But I don't understand..." Betty persisted.

"Don't ask too many questions," Frank told her. "Sometime I'll explain the whole thing to you."

"Can you at least untie me?" Betty asked, a distinct note of irritation in her voice.

Instead of replying, Frank got to his feet and took Elizabeth's handbag from her. Stepping behind her he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to allow his face to brush against her wavy brunette hair. The attractive young woman stood stiffly, obviously deeply embarrassed and wondering what was going to happen next. Frank quickly discerned that she was doing her best to avoid looking at Betty's lush young body, and could easily guess the thoughts that were running through her head.

"Now you're going to apologize, aren't you?" he asked in a deliberately quiet voice.

"Am I?" Elizabeth asked, darting a highly embarrassed glance back over her shoulder.

"Yes," Frank replied. "To both of us!!" He spoke in a quiet but deliberately salacious tone of voice that left absolutely no doubt what he meant.

Elizabeth gulped heavily but did not reply.

"Will someone please untie me?" Betty demanded. "This is embarrassing." The pretty young woman squirmed haplessly on the bed as she spoke.

Using his hands on her shoulders to propel her forward, Frank escorted Elizabeth over to the bed. She moved unwillingly but made no attempt to resist.

"What's going on here?" Betty asked insistently. Unable to preserve her modesty in any way, the attractive young secretary blushed scarlet as the two of them looked at her.

"Now you are going to apologize to both of us, aren't you?" Frank asked quietly.

"Y-yes!" Elizabeth replied with a gulp.

Still not comprehending what they meant, Betty looked inquisitively from one to the other. "Will someone please tell me what's going on around here?" she asked. "She comes bursting in here with a gun and..."

"It was all a mistake," Frank assured her. "And she's going to apologize to you for it!"

As he spoke, Frank began undoing the buttons that ran down the back of Elizabeth's blouse. Her pretty face a bright scarlet and her eyes averted, the attractive brunette stood quietly in front of him. The blouse came off, revealing smooth feminine shoulders and a prettily embroidered white slip worn over a trim white brassiere.

"You mean she's..." Betty voice expressed dismay as she began to catch on.

"That's right!" Frank replied.

It was Betty's turn to gulp, and the cute young secretary squirmed girlishly on the bed. "Well, gee, I never..." she mused. From the way her face lit up, it was quite apparent that the idea intrigued her.

Frank's hands moved to the side fastener of Elizabeth's dark skirt. Undoing it, he pulled it down over her buxomly rounded hips and allowed it to slide down her legs to the floor. Standing there in her flimsy slip with the outline of her brassiere, panties and dark brown stockings clearly visible, Elizabeth stepped out of her skirt and kicked it aside. Running his hands downward from her shoulders, Frank cupped them momentarily around her well-filled brassiere and then ran them downward, exploring the narrow contours of her waist and full, womanly curves of her hips. From there he ran his hands down her full, tapering thighs until his fingers reached the embroidered hem of her light slip.

Elizabeth stood blushing prettily as he slowly pulled the slip up over the top of her brunette head, revealing her shapely, stockinged legs, shimmering white thighs contrasting vividly with her black garter belt suspenders, nearly transparent white panties, smooth tummy, steeply pointed brassiere and soft feminine shoulders. Her hair became slightly mussed as he extricated the slip from it.

"Are you thinking about what you're going to be doing for us?" Frank asked, his hands cupped over her shoulders.

"Y-yes!" Elizabeth admitted. Despite her embarrassment, she couldn't avoid looking at Betty's lewdly displayed body stretched out on the bed.

"I don't know..." Betty sounded a little dubious.

"Oh, don't worry, Liz is an expert when it comes to sticking pussy!" Frank remarked as he unsnapped the clasp of her brassiere. "You've had experience, haven't you?" he teased.

"Y-yes!" Elizabeth admitted.

Betty's eyes widened slightly at that admission. Squirming prettily on the bed, she watched as Liz' brassiere fell away to expose her lush, full breasts. Still standing behind her, Frank slid his hands around under her arms and cupped them firmly over the two plump, pink tipped mounds, molding them into even more compact globes. He could feel her resilient feminine flesh thrilling to the masculine contact.

"Now, let's get these little panties off!" he suggested, running his hands downward and catching them in the elastic waistband of her panties. He removed the small garment with maddening slowness, working it off her hips to reveal the dark brunette vee at the fork of her legs and then dropped to one knee to finish the job. To ease the task, he slipped off her high- heeled shoes for her. "There!" he announced as he pulled the panties from her feet.

Naked except for her black garter belt and dark brown stockings, Elizabeth stood blushing in front of them with her lush feminine charms revealed in all their glory. Frank moved over to an easy chair and seated himself casually with his bare legs well apart.

"Come here, my dear, and let's show Betty what an expert cocksucker you are!" Frank told her, a bemused smile on his face.

Elizabeth swallowed hard as she walked over to him. "Please, it's embarrassing to do something like that in front of someone else!" she protested, a slight shudder of revulsion going through her body.

"Don't be such a prude," Frank told her, pointing downward with one finger.

"Why don't you spank her like you did me?" Betty suggested from her vantage point on the bed.

Knowing only too well that Frank might be quick to adopt such a suggestion, Elizabeth promptly sank to her knees between Frank's outstretched thighs.

"That's more like it!" he complimented her. "Now, give me a complete tongue job to start off with!"

Her face a blushing crimson, Elizabeth extended her hands and cupped Frank's bright red balls in them. Keenly aware that Betty was watching from the bed, she began licking the two heavy, swollen organs with her small pink tongue. Looking delightfully shamefaced, she licked them all over until they were glistening from the effects of her saliva.

"Are you watching this, Betty?" Frank asked to deliberately torment the blushing fellatrix in front of him.

"Sure am!" Betty replied in a bright voice, grinning at him from the bed.

Despite the embarrassment of having to perform such a debased act in front of an onlooker, Elizabeth began to display rising signs of sexual arousal. Her full breasts rising and falling with deep breaths, she sucked one red ball part way into her mouth in a loving fashion and held it there for a few moments, sucking and tonguing on it simultaneously. She then gave the second ball a similar treat, working it between her full, ripe lips and then sucking on it while flicking it with her small tongue.

"Mmmm, you must like that heavy masculine tang!" Frank remarked.

"Sure do!" Elizabeth admitted, darting a quick glance over at the bed to see if Betty was watching.

"Put it in your mouth!" Frank told her quietly.

Holding his limp penis upward in one small hand, Elizabeth meekly slipped the bulbous head into her warm, wet mouth. With Betty eagerly watching the performance from the bed, the comely brunette began assaulting the masculine organ with a dual combination of manual strokes and oral caresses. Sucking and tonguing the sleek head and flooding the entire area with warm saliva, she continually pulled and stroked with her smooth hand. Her efforts quickly began to pay dividends as the flaccid cock quickly began to expand and harden.

"That's the way, baby!" Frank told her. "Let's see you get it all the way into your throat!"

Blushing deeply and obviously very much aware that her efforts were being observed by a highly interested witness, Elizabeth soon found herself with a mouthful of rock-hard, pounding prick. The thick, virile lance made her wriggle with feminine excitement, and the salivary secretions in her mouth were matched and indeed outdone by the bubbly feminine cream that smeared her tingling pussy and trickled down her inner thighs.

"Gee!" Betty remarked from her observation post as she watched her pretty roommate working more and more of Frank's husky, purplish-hued shaft into her oval-shaped mouth.

"See if you can make it disappear!" Frank told her, his bare legs hooked comfortably around her kneeling body.

Elizabeth's moan told him that that was impossible. Occasionally gulping on her rapidly flowing saliva, the attractive brunette began working more and more of the solid, pounding meat into her deliciously wet oral cavity. Both Frank and Betty watched intently as the thick slab of bulky meat gradually began disappearing between Elizabeth's pink outstretched lips. Frank felt the mushroom-shaped crown touching the roof of her mouth, scraping past it as it probed into her throat. Elizabeth's half- strangled gulp indicated that she couldn't handle any more of it.

"Wow!" Betty exclaimed, her voice mixing admiration with envy as she observed her kneeling roommate with what must have been at least five inches of rock hard, pounding cock in her mouth. "I can't believe she could get it that far into her mouth!" she added, wriggling prettily on the bed as she spoke.

"Now let's show her what an accomplished fellatrix you are!" Frank suggested, patting Elizabeth's head gently as he spoke.

Her crimson face straining with the effort to handle so much hard cock, Elizabeth began moving her head up and down with long, deliciously sweet sucking movements. Both Frank and Betty watched with fascination as her pretty brunette head bobbed up and down in his lap. From time to time, she twisted her head to one side or the other, allowing his bulging penis to press outward against her succulently soft inner cheeks. At the same time, her fingers played softly and teasingly over the throbbing base of his upright spear.

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