Headmaster - Cover



Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Once a Master of Disipline, always a Master, even when there is a war going on.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

When Frank returned to his apartment, he was rather confident that one of the girls would soon be trailing after him. The spanking session had contained so many sexual undertones that it seemed inevitable. As a result, he was not surprised when he heard a knock on the door. Feeling relaxed and in a rather pleasant frame of mind, he opened the door.

"Bastard! Son-of-a-bitch! I ought to call the police!"

She spat the words out in a furious tone of voice. It was Betty, blushing and enraged!

"How dare you do such a thing to me?" she hissed. "That spanking was just supposed to be some kind of gag. You weren't supposed to..."

Frank smiled at the display of spirit. "Come in, Betty," he told her, standing aside.

The furious young woman lunged at him, and it was only at the last minute that he saw the gleaming scissors in her hand. He grabbed her wrists, deflecting the blow as she nearly fell against him. The scissors nicked his shirt and clattered noisily to the floor. Frank kept his hold on her wrist and she struggled to get away.

"Let me go!" she demanded. "Let me go! You fiend!"

"You little hellcat!" Frank spoke with a trace of amusement in his voice. Holding her wrist and dragging her inside the apartment, Frank kicked the scissors aside and shut the door.

"Let me out of here!" Betty demanded, still struggling to get free.

Frank released her wrist and she backed up, breathless and glancing warily about. She was still wearing the outfit in which she had been spanked, and Frank noted that the black jumper was a little mussed from being held above her waist for so long. He could feel a powerful erection beginning to form as he recalled that event and gazed at the outraged but inviting young woman in front of him.

"Come on, let me out of here!" Betty once again demanded. "Let me go!" Perhaps without realizing what she was doing, she reached behind her back with both hands and gingerly rubbed her bottom, which was apparently still stinging from the punishment that Frank had inflicted upon it.

"There's nothing cuter than a well-spanked gal rubbing her bottom!" Frank told her.

"You bastard! I ought to go to the police!" she told him angrily. "You didn't have any right to completely bare me like that!" Her face flushed a pretty scarlet as she spoke.

"Oh, come off it!" Frank told her, advancing a step toward her. By this time, his developing erection had formed a promising curve in the front of his slacks, and it would only be a moment before she noticed it. "You liked it!" he told her. "It got you all hot and bothered, and that's why you're here!"

"Are you kidding?" Betty flashed an angry glance at him. "Why, I... I never heard of such a thing!"

Without saying anything, Frank took another step forward. Suddenly Betty noticed the threatening bulge in the front of his slacks! Her eyes widened with a mixture of horror and fascination, and she suddenly clasped a hand over her mouth.

"Hey, you're not..." she spoke in a hoarse voice. "Oh, for heaven's sakes! Please! Let me go!" As she spoke, she began backing up with slow, tiny steps, like a cornered animal looking for an escape. "I didn't come here to..."

"Sure you did!" Frank replied, advancing toward her in a confident manner.

"We got laws against rape, you know!" Betty reminded him, continuing to back up.

"Rape?" Frank told her. "You came here of your own free will. No court would ever convict me." A confident gleam in his eye, he watched as she unknowingly backed through an opened door that led to his bedroom.

"Let me out of here!" Betty pleaded, gasping when she was in the bedroom.

Frank stepped forward quickly and grabbed her wrists. The terrified, distressed look on her face made her all the more appealing, and Frank could feel his hot, hard penis pounding with masculine urgency.

"That spanking was just the warm up!" he told her. "Now you're going to get some real punishment!!"

"Please, you're hurting me!" Betty protested, her voice mirroring her distress. She made something of an effort to struggle, but it was readily apparent to both of them that he was much the stronger and could handle her at will.

"Don't fight and you won't get hurt!" Frank replied, keeping a firm grip on her wrists and pushing her toward the bed.

"Let me go!" Betty protested, quickly becoming quite breathless. "Let me go!"

"No point fighting it!" Frank told her. "You know you want it! That's why you came here! That spanking has gotten your little box all steamed up, and you're just dying for it!"

"No! No! No!" Betty protested, almost in tears. "I'll scream!"

"Then I'll have to gag you!" he warned her.

Still holding her wrists, he forced her down on the bed on her back and used his weight to control her body under him.

"Let me go! Let me go, please!" Betty pleaded in a voice that sounded increasingly desperate.

Frank held her down until he felt her heaving, breathless body go limp under him. Her face hotly flushed, she stared up at him like a trapped animal. She had undone her pigtails and her black hair had become quite mussed in the struggle. Her jumper was well up over her knees, providing an appealing display of shapely legs and trim feet attired in sheer black stockings and fancy high-heeled sandals.

"Now, don't fight and you won't get hurt!" Frank told her, releasing her wrists and preparing to disrobe.

Breathing hard and continually looking around as if seeking an escape route, Betty watched as Frank hastily removed his clothes. As he stripped off his shorts to reveal the full dimensions of his huge, desire-bloated penis, Betty gasped hard and stared at it with a mixture of fear and fascination. He could see her eyes drinking in the entire length of his throbbing muscle and the two heavy, swollen balls dangling below it.

"You beast!" she exclaimed, her young body shuddering. "You can't make..."

At the last second, the attractive young secretary decided to make a fight of it. Catching him by surprise, she suddenly came up off the bed and lashed out at him with both arms and feet. With strained gasps, the two of them started struggling. When he recovered from his initial surprise, Frank's greater strength began asserting itself. He forced her back to a supine position on the bed, and in the struggle her black jumper came up nearly to the waist. She had not bothered to replace the panties she had forfeited earlier, and Frank caught sight of her luscious pink cuntal lips in the black vee at the fork of her legs.

"Go ahead and fight all you like!" Frank told her, finding the struggle quite exhilarating.

"No! No, please let me go!" Betty pleaded, almost in tears.

Her efforts were obviously tiring her and her struggles began to subside.

"Quit fighting it, baby!" Frank told her. "You know you want that big cock in you!"

"No, please! Oh, this is awful!" she begged in a desperate voice. "Please, don't rape me!"

"You're going to love that big meat in you!" Frank told her.

Satisfied that he had her under control, Frank stood up and gazed down lasciviously at her lush young feminine body. Flushed and breathing quite hard, she made no attempt to pull her jumper below her waist. Her black garter belt and matching stockings contrasted vividly with the white flesh surrounding the fluffy triangle of dark curly hair that partially obscured her glittering little jewel of a pussy. His thick, rigid manhood pounding with lustful desire, Frank licked his lips with expectation. He could see that her gorgeous buttocks were still a glowing scarlet from the thorough spanking that he had administered.

"Please don't rape me!" Betty pleaded, looking up at him with troubled eyes.

"You're going to be begging for it by the time I'm through with you!" Frank promised. "Now take off your clothes!"

Watching him apprehensively, Betty complied. Off came her black jumper and white blouse, and the voluptuous young secretary lay in front of him attired only in steeply pointed white brassiere, black garter belt, tautly suspendered black stockings and elegant black sandals with their neatly tied bows standing out against her trim ankles.

"That, too!" he told her, pointing to the brassiere.

Blushing with girlish embarrassment, Betty unhooked the garment and slowly removed it. Frank's eyes narrowed appreciatively as he gazed at her brightly nippled young breasts. The two plump, saucy mounds jounced with their newly acquired freedom, and Betty ineffectually tried to use one arm to cover them up.

"Please don't hurt me!" she pleaded, her pretty lower lip quivering.

Frank quickly produced a couple of lengths of white clothesline rope from the bureau, and dropped down on the bed beside her.

"Don't tie me up!" Betty exclaimed in sudden alarm. "Please! Please!"

She started to struggle again but only in a token manner. Frank quickly looped one of the ropes around her right wrist and lashed it to the bedpost.

"Please!" Betty pleaded. "Don't!"

"Shut up!" Frank told her. "I can't trust anyone who comes in here and attacks me with a pair of scissors."

Wrapping the second length of rope around her left wrist, he quickly lashed that wrist to the opposite bedpost. Her arms spread-eagled to the two bedposts, Betty could do nothing but squirm helpless on the bed. She yanked at the two ropes that held her prisoner, but they were obviously quite firm.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked, her voice filled with apprehension.

Frank stood at the foot of the bed and gazed down at her lush young body attired only in garter belt, black stockings and spike- heeled sandals. Although she tried to hold her legs tightly together, there was no way that she could avoid wantonly displaying her brightly glistening pink pussy. Despite, or perhaps because of, the ordeals that she had just endured, there was a heady feminine aroma of underlying sexual arousal in the air. Her face hot from shame, she could not refrain from staring at Frank's rigidly erect, blood-inflated prick and the two heavy sacs dangling beneath it.

"Oh, please, this is terrible!" Betty pleaded, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I'm completely helpless! Please, you can't do this to me! You just can't!"

"Nonsense!" Frank replied. "You know you like your sex rough! That's why you're here!"

Clasping the spike heels of her pretty sandals in his hands, he began pulling her ankles apart to expose her all the more. Betty did not attempt to resist but turned her head aside with revulsion as she realized only too well how lewdly she was exposed. She wanted to kick at him, but felt weak and afraid. Frank's eyes began at her narrow ankles and slowly moved up her fully curved calves rippling beneath her sheer nylons, past her delicately rounded knees to her quivering, beautifully tapering smooth thighs. The two wide bands, one slightly lighter than the other, at the top of her stockings emphasized the marble whiteness of the flesh above them. His lustful gaze traveled up her silken inner thighs to her coral feminine treasure, a dripping oasis in a forest of jet-black hair.

"Oh, please!" Betty pleaded, her voice sounding very low and faraway. "Please, I'm so helpless and ashamed. First, you spank me and humiliate me in front of all those awful girls! And now you tie me up and abuse me!"

"Maybe if you had something real big in your mouth, you couldn't talk so much!" Frank told her in a somewhat-irate voice.

Frank wanted his mouth to travel that same route his eyes had just taken, and stretched out on the bed at her feet. Leisurely, he kissed the bow of each pretty sandal and then the cobwebby nylon just above it. He then began kissing her nylon-clad, fully curvaceous calves, gradually working his way upward. At the same time his hands gently caressed her shapely legs from toe to thigh, massaging and enjoying every lush curve.

"Oh, how can you treat me this way?" Betty whimpered, her voice filled with self-pity.

"You have beautiful legs, honey!" he told her, ignoring her protests.

Moving upward, Frank kissed each delicately rounded knee, letting his lips linger against the tightly stretched nylon. His hands roamed high up her shimmering thighs, his fingers digging into the warm quivering flesh. Pushing her legs further apart, he began moving his face up from her knees along her inner thighs, thoroughly enjoying the feel of cobwebby nylon against his face.

"How can you torment me like this?" Betty protested, squirming and writhing against the bonds that held her in place. Her voice mingled despair with sexual arousal.

"You love it! You know you do!" Frank told her, his lips reaching the heavier bands of her sheer black stockings.

The pretty young secretary watched helplessly as her masculine assailant began kissing the incredibly smooth flesh of her inner thigh just above the tops of her tightly drawn stockings. Goose bumps formed on her legs and her entire body stiffened with erotic pleasure. Without being forced to do so, she was holding her beautiful legs wide open for him.

"Please, untie me!" she begged. "Please, it's so unnatural! Please, it's just awful to have to lie here while you torment me and do things to me!"

Taking his time and savoring the murky feminine odors that wafted into his nostrils, Frank worked his way up the trembling young woman's lush inner thighs. Stroking the full length of her thighs with his hands, he began manually exploring her flowering little pussy. The initial light, tentative strokes produced moans of excitement and embarrassment, and ripe pungent juices suddenly began trickling over his fingers.

"Please, don't hurt me! Please! I'm scared!" Betty pleaded, squirming with a combination of fear and erotic arousal. She watched with growing dismay as Frank continued moving his face upward in the direction of her pink, hotly dripping vulva. "You're not going to..."

Lightly fingering the slippery, plump pussy lips, Frank slowly opened them up. Her back arched sharply, Betty bit her lip and wriggled with helpless vulnerability as he spread open the two pink juicy petals.

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