Headmaster - Cover



Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Once a Master of Disipline, always a Master, even when there is a war going on.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Frank was waiting for the telephone call when it came. He recognized the voice of Donna Gibson before she identified herself.

"Mr. Hopkins," she told him. "We have a little manstealer who needs to be taught a lesson!"

"I understand," he replied. "When?"

"Give us about an hour," Donna told him.

"Remember the details we discussed," Frank reminded her.

"Yes, but I'm afraid our victim is putting up quite a little fuss about it," she said.

"Just tell her that that will make the punishment all the more severe," Frank said quietly, hanging up the phone.

One hour to the minute later, Frank knocked on the front door of the girls' apartment. Even before the door was opened, he could hear animated conversation from inside. In a moment, the door swung open.

"Hello," Donna told him, flashing a bright smile at him. "Do we ever have need of your expert services!"

All eight roommates were present as Frank stepped inside the apartment. An attitude of underlying anticipation and excitement was readily discernible amidst a general hubbub of giggles, snickers, girlish titters, catty remarks and general merriment. The carnival atmosphere was exactly what Frank had expected, because he knew from experience that females were invariably stimulated, sometimes even sexually aroused, by the idea of a fellow female undergoing correction.

"Look what we have over here!" Donna told him, pointing to one corner of the room.

Frank whistled softly as he looked over to the corner. Blushing furiously and obviously simply dripping with embarrassment, Betty Anderson was standing in the corner with her face to the wall like a naughty but overgrown child. She was costumed perfectly for Frank's purposes--white blouse, pleated black jumper, black stockings and spike heeled black patent leather pumps with straps from behind the ankle tied in a large bow in front. The jumper was hemmed to end a few inches higher than the prevailing fashions, which added a juvenile but eye- catching dimension to the outfit. To add to the juvenile effect, her jet black hair was done in two long pigtails and tied with large pink ribbons. "Our little manchaser is waiting for her medicine!" one of the girls cattily informed Frank. Others joined in with similar remarks. Obviously, everyone except the victim was looking forward to the occasion.

"Girls, please!" Betty protested, blushingly looking back over her shoulder in an effort to decrease the merciless hazing.

"Perfect costuming," Frank commented quietly to Donna as he gazed intently at his intended victim.

The scene brought back many vivid memories of England before the war, and his eyes drank in every detail of Betty's appealing figure as he looked her over from head to toe. He noted the swelling curves of her ripe buttocks beneath the pleated jumper, the narrowness of her waist, the full curves of her nylon-clad thighs, her slender ankles and her dainty feet steeply arched in the attractive black high-heel sandals. And he also noted the exquisite look of embarrassment and shame on her pretty, hotly blushing face. There was always something vividly erotic about the look of shame on a young woman's face when undergoing correction.

"What are we waiting for?" one of the girls asked. Others joined in the clamor.

Looking around, Frank discovered a plain, sturdy chair and pulled it into the middle of the room. As he seated himself on it, Donna clapped her hands to silence the other girls.

"Come and get it, Betty!" Donna called out.

Betty gulped hard and her pretty knees buckled noticeably as she turned around to find Frank seated and flanked by her expectantly grinning roommates. "Please, girls, this has gone far enough!" she burst out impulsively. "Please, I've learned my lesson. I'll never do it again!"

"Go on, you little manchaser, take your medicine!" one of the girls told her in a distinctly hostile tone of voice. Others joined in with words to similar effect.

"Please, girls, be reasonable!" Betty continued in a despairing tone. "Please, be reasonable! I'm too old to be spanked. I'm twenty-four years old!"

The latter remark produced a few snickers from the assembled girls. It was obvious that Betty had no sympathizers among them.

"Come on, Betty, you're just getting a spanking!" Donna told her. "You're not going to the electric chair."

Betty's eyes darted hastily around the room in the hopes of finding at least someone who would take pity on her. "Go on, Betty, you got it coming!" they all told her in one way or another.

Watching the wretched young woman miserably trying to beg off, Frank remained quiet for a few moments. "Come here, Betty!" he finally commanded, spreading his legs slightly apart and patting one knee with his open hand.

Betty swallowed quite hard and it was evident that she was fighting back tears of shame and humiliation. Her pretty face a flaming crimson, she slowly approached Frank with obviously weak knees that threatened to collapse at any moment. Her hands were clasped anxiously behind her back, an unintentionally childish mannerism that was quite appropriate for the occasion. Inspecting her lush young figure in the appealing punishment uniform, Frank kept telling himself not to rush things and that it would be much more enjoyable if he took his time.

"Please! Please, don't spank me too hard!" Betty pleaded when at last she stood in front of him. The distressed young woman wriggled rather naughtily in anticipation of the punishment to come.

The remark drew a few snickers from the other girls, who had formed themselves into a semi-circle in front of the chair. All of them had pleased, expectant looks on their faces, and some were blushing almost as much as Betty.

"Over my knee, Betty!" Frank told her, grasping her by the wrist and propelling her forward.

"Oh, it's so embarrassing!" Betty protested, but made no effort to resist as he pulled her face down over his lap. "Please, girls, don't let him do this to me!"

Frank paused to cast an admiring glance at his trembling, protesting victim. Blushing as red as a beet and trying to keep her face averted as much as possible, she was obviously struggling to retain her self-control. With her long black pigtails streaming down to the floor and her short black jumper riding up to reveal shapely legs and thighs encased in sheer black nylon, she couldn't have made a more appealing picture.

Her comely and amply proportioned buttocks were sticking up higher than the rest of her body, and her black jumper was drawn tightly over them.

"Oh, no, this awful!" Betty pleaded. "Please, let me go! Girls, please! Please!"

Frank grabbed her right hand and held it firmly in the small of her back. With her left hand blocked out by his body, there was no way that the hapless young woman could defend herself. Although she was trying very hard to hold still, Betty could not avoid squirming anxiously about on his lap. The next step was obvious and Frank reminded himself to do it very slowly. As the other girls stood around giggling, smirking and tittering at Betty's expense, Frank reached for the hem of her short black jumper.

"Eeek!" Betty screamed with horror and flopped around on his lap like a fish out of water. "No! Don't you dare! Never! Don't you dare!" From the way that some of the other girls screamed and clasped their hands over their mouths, it seemed apparent to Frank that they had simply assumed that the spanking would consist only of some swats across the skirt-covered bottom. But hearing objections only from Betty, he saw no reason not to proceed with his original plan.

"No! Don't! Don't you dare!" Betty screamed furiously. "Girls, don't let him! Don't!"

Taking his time, Frank slowly gathered the jumper back, revealing lovely tapering thighs encased in sheer black nylon. Trying to prolong the ceremony as much as he could, he pulled the jumper back to the heavier webbing of her stockings where he could see the snaps of her black garter belt and a glimpse of white thigh. The assembled girls were all watching intently, and it was apparent that most of them were quite delighted with Betty's tribulations.

"Girls, for heaven's sakes, this is shameful!" Betty protested, casting a quick shamefaced look back over her shoulder to appeal to them. "Please, this is awful!"

Slowly Frank worked the skirt up over the tops of her black stockings. Her ivory white thighs, plump and tapering, made an almost breathtaking contrasts with her black hosiery. Gathering her jumper up inside out, Frank occasionally permitted his hand to brush against the silken smooth flesh of her bare thighs. He could feel her shriveling and could sense that she was too ashamed to struggle.

"Please! Please! Don't go any further! Please!" Betty pleaded in growing desperation. "Girls, make him stop!"

It was obvious that she would get no help from her roommates. Frank slowly pulled the jumper back to expose her panty-clad buttocks. She was attired in an obviously expensive pair of pink silk panties, trimmed at the legs with white lace. The wispy garment could barely confine her girlishly plump and widely rounded buttocks, and the lower portions of her pretty nates were in fact visible. Beneath the tightly stretched material, Frank could see the exciting muscles in her comely bottom rippling and tensing in anticipation of the trials to come.

"Pull my skirt down!" Betty demanded. "This is awful! You have no right to do this!"

The highly distressed young woman continued to plead and protest to everyone present as Frank paused to take a panoramic view of all the scenery on display. It was an unforgettable sight, delightfully feminine and rotund buttocks encased in pink, lace-trimmed panties, smooth and plump bare white thighs, full shapely legs in sheer black nylons and the toes of pretty black sandals touching the floor. Snickers, titters and giggles from the onlookers only served to make the ordeal worse for the blushing and miserable young woman.

"Now, girls, I trust I have the authority to remove the final barrier to a truly effective spanking!!" Frank spoke in a deceptively quiet voice.

"Yes!" Elizabeth quickly replied. "Yes! Yes!" other girls joined in with eager voices. It was unanimous.

"Oh, no!" Betty screamed, trying to struggle but only managing to wave her stockinged legs quite prettily. "No! No! I simply couldn't stand it! Please, this is too humiliating!"

Her face was a deep shade of scarlet as she haplessly glanced back over her shoulder, and Frank resisted the temptation to tell her that her bottom would soon be as red as her face. Instead, he confined his attentions to the task of getting those fragile panties down out of the way. The baring of that attractive young Washington secretary proved much more exciting than Frank, or any of the attentive onlookers, would have imagined.

While poor Betty screamed and struggled to preserve her modesty, Frank rolled the pink panties down as if he were unwrapping a Christmas present. Everyone stared as girlishly wide and beautifully rounded buttocks, as smooth as satin and a delicious pink white in coloration, came into view. The two lush globes quivered lasciviously as Frank slowly pulled her panties down below the expanded tops of her black stockings.

"Oh, this is horrible! Simply awful! Please!" Betty was nearly beside herself with anger and humiliation. Glancing back over her shoulder to confirm how obscenely she was exposed, the distraught young woman shut her eyes as if to block out the sight and hastily turned her head away.

Once again Frank paused to admire the scenery. Apparently expecting the spanking to begin at any moment, Betty could not refrain from flexing and puckering her lovely buttocks in a manner that was almost outrageously provocative. Although the other girls had been tittering and smirking, they were now quietly staring at those naughty, quivering mounds that were soon going to have to take their spanks from a masculine palm.

Frank was tempted to begin with a real hard smack that would sound like a revolver shot as it cracked against her pretty rear, but he decided against that. Instead, the spanking would start lightly and slowly, letting the heat build up gradually. Like an artist, he was going to paint Betty's gorgeous posterior and upper thighs a flaming red, and he was going to apply the paint very slowly and spread it around very evenly. When he got through with the job, Betty's charming hindquarters were going to resemble a couple of overripe tomatoes!

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