Aruba Foursome
Copyright© 2002 by rlfj
Chapter 2
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A pair of vacationing couples find themselves with only a single hotel room. This proves less of a problem than they initially imagine
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Incest Sister Swinging Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism Voyeurism
The girls’ father loaded us into their minivan the next morning and took us all to the airport. It was going to be a long day, with a 6:00 AM flight to Miami, and then a four-hour delay before flying on to Aruba. The tickets had been booked through the same travel agent who had arranged the timeshare condo and were ‘Sardine Class’. By the time we went through customs and got our luggage and a taxi, we didn’t arrive at the condo until after five.
I started having strange thoughts as the taxi pulled into the place. The Trimesta Beach Hotel and Casino Resort did not look like a timeshare condo, simply like a hotel. I kept my mouth shut until we got inside. It had been Tony and Suzanne who had arranged the whole affair, so we followed them up to the front desk. “Hi, I’m Tony Mattolo. We’ve got a timeshare suite and we’re here to check in.”
The clerk at the desk gave us a very strange look. He punched something up on a computer and looked at us again, then said, “Could I see your reservation slip, please.” Tony handed it over, and the clerk compared it to the screen. A small line was forming behind us, and another clerk began helping. The first clerk showed him the slip and traffic backed up some more. The four of us started looking at each other in confusion. “I’m afraid there’s a problem, sir. We don’t have any timeshare suites at the Trimesta. This reservation is for a single room.”
“What!” yelled Tony, as the rest of us exploded behind him. I had seen the reservation slip myself, and I know that was what it said. Tony and Suzanne began arguing with the poor guy and I stayed back with Jackie. There was no reason to screw this up with extra mouths.
After a couple of minutes trying to sort things out, as Tony got louder and louder, the manager came out of his office. He soothed Tony down enough to get us all out of the lobby, and he took us into his office. He closed the door behind us and sat down at his own computer, then asked to see the reservation slip again. He was a small and bookish guy, and he pulled his lip, then looked at us and said in a Dutch accent, “I’m afraid this reservation slip does not match the reservation placed with us. The Trimesta does not have, and has never had, timeshare suites or condos.”
It started getting heated again, with Tony arguing “How the hell could I have gotten this reservation, then?” and the manager replying that it was the responsibility of the travel agent, not the hotel. He even allowed Tony to make a call back to the States to the travel agent, but the 800 number was no longer in service. I began to get the feeling we had all been royally screwed.
Trying to cool things down, I leaned forward, and said, “Okay, you don’t have any timeshare suites, fine. So, let’s just get a regular suite, or adjoining rooms or something. How about that? What can you do?”
The manager didn’t even have to look at his screen to answer. “Nothing. The hotel is booked solid; it’s the peak of the season.”
“Nothing? Come on, there must be something available?”
He punched a few more buttons on his keyboard and shook his head. “I’m very sorry.”
Tony was furious, and Suzanne was crying, with Jackie’s arms around her shoulders. “This is ridiculous! Let’s go. We can find another place on this island.”
I looked back at the manager, curious as to what he would do at the prospect of losing a week’s rates. It didn’t faze him. “I’m sorry you feel that way, sir. However, I should point out that I doubt if you’ll be able to find anything with two rooms at this late date. In addition, your room was prepaid, and is non-refundable.”
Tony stopped in his tracks at that. Even though we had a good discount rate (and now we knew why!) neither of us could really afford to lose it entirely. “Jesus, can’t you find anyplace around here that can put some of us up?”
“I really doubt it, sir.” The little Dutch boy got a sudden gleam in his eye as he viewed his computer screen. He began tapping away again, then stopped and stared at it. “Hmmm. There might be something...”
“What!” demanded Tony anxiously.
He turned to face us, resting his arms on his desk. “Please understand, I am sympathetic to your plight, I really am. I’m sorry that this happened, but there isn’t much I can do right now. We simply don’t have any rooms available. However, starting Tuesday, we will have a room opening elsewhere in the hotel. If you can stick it out until Tuesday, I can hold that room for you. I’ll have to charge you, but I’ll give you a good-sized discount on it, even better than the rate you ended up paying for the one room already. Would you be interested?”
I think Tony was just about ready to fly back to Philly simply by flapping his arms, but Suzanne stopped crying and looked hopeful. She looked over at her sister, and Jackie simply shrugged and nodded. “Really!” she asked.
Tony gave her a surprised look. “You want to do this!” he asked.
“What choice do we have, Tony? The return tickets aren’t good until next Sunday, anyway. What are we going to do, sleep on the beach!” she answered.
He turned to face my wife and me. “What about you guys? What do you think? This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen!”
“Tony, Suze is right. I don’t think we’ve got a whole lot of choice. It’s only a couple of days anyway. We’re game”, I replied.
“Christ on a crutch!” Tony turned back to the manager, his shoulders slumped in defeat, and said, “Okay, we’ll do it.”
“Very good, sir. I really am sorry, for your sakes. Once you get home, maybe you’ll be able to do something with the travel agency. However, in the meantime, let me try to make amends as best we can.” He opened a side drawer to his desk and pulled out a stack of gambling chips. “Please, on behalf of the Trimesta, here’s $200 in chips good at the casino.” He divvied them up four ways, pushing a small stack across the desk to each of us. “That’s fifty for you, and you, and you, and you! Who knows, maybe you can break the bank and pay for this with your winnings. I hope so! For now, let me get a bellman to take your bags upstairs.” He was all smiles as he ushered us back to the lobby, and personally made card keys for all four of us.
We were led to the room and were appropriately disappointed. It was of a decent size, but the sleeping arrangements, as promised, consisted of two queen-size beds. The balcony looked out over the parking lot in the front of the hotel, and beyond that lay what looked to be a desert. We hung up what could be hung and set the luggage on the table and nightstands.
There was absolutely no privacy. This took a bit of working around. It was dinner time, and everyone needed a shower. Tony and I ended up watching the desert out on the balcony while the girls showered and changed, then they returned the favor. We went down to dinner, then wandered around the place, visiting the casino and the bars, and strolling along the beach. It was as if nobody wanted to go back to the room and confront the awkward sleeping arrangements. Finally, late in the evening, we were so tired that we did just that. Again, Tony and I went out onto the balcony while the ladies changed and got under the covers, then he and I went inside and did the same. Nobody got any that night.
The next morning went a little better. Jackie and Suzanne managed to wake up before Tony and I did, and grabbed some clothing and went into the bathroom together. They showered and dressed in swimsuits and beach cover-ups, grabbed some more beach gear, and headed out saying they’d meet us downstairs. My brother-in-law and I took our time, pulled on some trunks and shirts and sneakers, and went downstairs to meet them. After breakfast, we all went down to the beach and grabbed some lounge chairs. It was very sunny and already getting quite warm; the forecast was for a scorcher.
We did the usual beach stuff, sunning and swimming, for a few hours, then mid-morning Suzanne said, “I didn’t sleep all that well. I think I’m going up to the room for a nap. Coming, Tony!” she asked.
“Nah, that’s all right, I’m fine”, he replied.
Suze gave him a dirty look. “No, Tony, I think you need a nap!”
Tony and I looked at each other, wondering what his wife meant. Suddenly, he grinned and hopped up, gathering his shirt and sandals. “Oh, yeah, I do need a nap!”
Comprehension dawned on me, and I stared at Jackie. I turned back to my sister-in-law when she said, “I think we’ll be napping until lunchtime or so. Don’t wake us until noon, okay?” I smiled and shook my head as she led him back into the hotel, her ass swinging in a jaunty figure eight motion. I turned back to my wife. “Any chance that we might be tired this afternoon!” I asked.
She gave a sly smile. “Um, maybe darling, maybe.”
Tony and Suzanne met us back down by the beach at noon, looking terribly pleased with themselves, and we went over to the beachfront café the hotel had. We had several beers, and my cock was stiff with anticipation. I was looking forward to my ‘nap!’ Jackie had other ideas, though, and she and her sister spent a lot of time swimming and talking. It wasn’t until four that she announced that she was getting tired, and I followed her up to our room.
The maids had been by after breakfast and hadn’t been back. I looked over at our partners’ bed and saw that the bedclothes were very rumpled. It must have been a very energetic nap. As soon as we closed the door, Jackie came around in front of me. She pulled off her beach cover-up, then reached behind her back and popped off her bikini top. “Well, don’t just stand there, get undressed!” she ordered. “We don’t have all day, you know!” I stripped down in record time, finishing just as my wife peeled off her swimsuit bottom. We looked at each other, standing at the foot of the bed naked, with her nipples hard and pointy and my cock stiff as a log.
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