Hard Guys and Hostages - Cover

Hard Guys and Hostages


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Three escaped convicts take three women, a man and a baby as hostages. Who will live to tell of this sadistic tale?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

The run-in with Pete had been a gut twister, Max thought as he walked back to the bedroom. Sally walked along in front of him, holding her robe closed with her two hands.

Things were getting tough now, and he knew they would get tougher. Pete and Butch were necessary for the time being, unless he wanted to kill everyone in the house. And that could lead to greater trouble later. Even a farmhouse in the sticks might hive visitors from time to time. And that meant he needed someone here who belonged here. Someone who could greet visitors and shoo them away without arousing suspicion. The only one he could count on at all was the wife, Julie. And he could only count on her, of course, as long as he had something to hold over her head. Start killing off the others and she might decide to make a try the next time someone came along.

Of course, eventually it would be time to leave the farm altogether and head out for--well, out. But that was in the future. In the meantime it would be best, and safest, to hang out here. And as long as he had this many people to hold captive, he needed the help he could get from Pete and Butch. That meant that he would have to watch them. They were dangerous, both of them. He had known that all along, of course. He had selected them on that basis. Dangerous men were a benefit when you were breaking out of stir, and when you were making your way across the countryside, trying to keep the heat from catching you. They were even a benefit now, keeping three females and a healthy farmer in line. But they were still dangerous, and that meant they were a threat to him as well as to his prisoners.

When he was in the bedroom, with the girl right in front of him, he raised his foot and kicked her in the ass as hard as he could without knocking himself over. She let out a yelp of pain and surprise and fell in a sprawl across the carpeted floor. Max laughed and slammed the door behind him.

"What was that for?" she asked, when she looked up at him.

"Just for fun, sweety. That was the beginning of what you're going to be getting from me from now on.

She sat up, wincing at the pain in her butt. She looked up at him with something in her eyes he hadn't seen before, a fear that was immediate and acute, as though it hadn't occurred to her before this moment that she was really at the mercy of a man who planned to make her life horrible.

"Get off your ass," Max said, delighting in the power he held over her. The time to relish the power was over, he decided. It was now time to start enjoying it more directly. It was time to start taking things out on her. Maybe, he thought, if he could take it all out on her, it wouldn't bother him any more. Maybe he could forget the little twat who had gotten him into all this if only...

Sally climbed to her feet, her eyes still wide with fear. "Look, please," she said, her voice unsteady. "Please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything to you, Max. It wasn't me who--"

Max slapped her across the face. He gave it a good swing with his free hand. It stung his palm, and he felt the concussion of the blow clear up in his shoulder. Sally's head snapped back on her spine, and she let out a little cry of pain and stumbled backward, almost losing her footing. She looked up at him again, towering over her, and she screamed suddenly, as though the fear in her gut had become too real, an actual physical pain. Max laughed, feeling the excitement bubble through him as he'd never felt it before. This was great, he thought. This was what he'd wanted to do all that time in stir, all that time. He'd been rotting away for killing someone who had deserved a lot worse than killing. And he should have given her worse. He shouldn't have let her get away from him that easily. Well, now he had a substitute, and she was going to serve the purpose quite nicely, he thought.

He hit her again.

This time it wasn't a slap, and it wasn't across the face. He brought his fist up into her gut with all the strength he had, and she went down on her knees, hugging her belly as though she were holding something she was afraid of losing. Max felt the pure, sexual excitement boil up in him, and he knew he wanted to take the girl, to fuck her right now, while she was in pain from the beating he had given her. While she was terrified. He wondered why he hadn't noticed before how attractive terror could be in a woman. It made them all the more feminine, he thought, all the more desirable. And now he was going to screw this particular one until she couldn't take any more.

Sally was on her knees, hugging her belly, and that held her robe almost closed there. It had fallen open when he had kicked her, and she hadn't bothered to pull it closed again. Her legs were revealed, of course, as the lower part of the robe fell away from them, and her breasts weren't completely covered either. One of them peeked out at him, a rosy nipple flattened and shrunken. The other was partly covered.

Max took a handful of hair and pulled Sally to her feet. He yanked her up with one pull, grunting from the strain. She screamed again, and he was sure it was only partly from the pain of having her hair nearly pulled out by the roots. She was screaming because she was scared shitless of him at the moment, and she didn't know what he planned to do to her next.

"Stand up," he roared, and she managed to make her legs hold her. Max spat in her face, and the saliva ran down her left cheek in a large rivulet. Sally cried, tears running down and mixing with his spit. He let go of the hank of hair he had grabbed, and used the hand to knock her hands away from her belly. She offered him a little resistance then, probably from a muscular reaction, her arms trying to stay in position to comfort her aching gut. But she was too terrified of him to offer any deliberate resistance, and she pulled her arms down to her sides as soon as she had a chance to make a conscious decision on the matter.

Her robe fell open down the front, revealing her. Her pussy was right there, open and inviting, and his property. Max placed his hand between her tits and shoved hard, driving her back to the bed. Her knees connected with it, and she sat down bard, almost bouncing up off of the bed again. She lay back on it, then, evidently thinking that was what be wanted her to do, and hoping that if she presented herself this way it would take his mind off of the other business, the calculated cruelty, for a while, And she was right, he thought with a kind of passion-fogged glee.

He dropped his gun on the floor and kicked off his shoes. It seemed to take him forever to strip, although it was probably done in a matter of seconds, He ripped open his belt and shoved his pants down over his hips, then his shorts. He didn't bother with anything else. His shirt buttons would just have to dig into her, he thought happily. He came to her, his cock already stiff and hard and throbbing with desire. He stood over her for a moment, looming above her, and saw the fear in her eyes. She seemed to shrink a little, actually to lose size as she looked up at him. Max realized that the heavy, throbbing desire in him must have made his face look heavy and brooding and very frightening to a young girl like her. Well, that was well and good.

He threw himself on her all at once, coming down on her hard. She cried out as his hard, heavy frame struck her, drove her into the mattress. He could feel the softness, the warmth of her thighs under him, as they flailed for a second in her surprise and pain. Then she lay very still under him. Her pussy was just above the level of his cock, and he could feet the hairiness of it, the bristly hair rubbing against his lower belly. His cock was between her legs, jutting stiffly toward the bed beneath her.

She was breathing hard and fast and shallowly, trying to suck in air against the force of his weight atop her. Max let his body relax, covering her and driving the wind from her. She whimpered, but she didn't dare object. He thought, she'd probably die from suffocation before she'd say anything to me about it. He felt a new excitement at the thought, and at the contact of her body. Her breasts pressed against him through his undershirt. He slipped his hands between their bodies and cupped her tits in them for a moment, then squeezed, squeezed hard, until he could feel his fingertips through the flesh of her mounds, and she screamed again. That's it, he thought, mike some noise, bitch. The screams he dragged from her were like rewards, little tokens for his efforts, and he enjoyed them thoroughly. He wondered, for a moment, just how her older sister was reacting to the sounds of those screams, but it really didn't matter because she was one person who was definitely cowed. She was the one who could be counted on to give them no trouble at all. She made her decision, and he was certain she would stick to it. It was little Sally here, he thought, terrified as she was, who would turn on them if given the chance.

He grabbed her ears in his hands, twisting them cruelly, and turning her face up to his. He ground his mouth down on her own, pushing his tongue deep inside and lasting her mouth deeply like a fine wine. Sally seemed to go stiff and almost dead under him at that, as though she hadn't expected it, and as though it was almost more than she could bear, Max kissed her again, just as intimately, just as roughly, making her plainly his property, his toy, before he went any further.

He raised his hips, and she lay very still, as though fighting herself to keep from offering any resistance to him. He took his prick in his hands and centered it on the slit between her legs, holding it there for a moment, enjoying himself, enjoying the anticipation of this invasion of her, body. Then he pushed it into her, just a little at first, holding it there, then pressing deeper.

Sally cried out as though in pain, although he was sure that she wasn't feeling any pain from this act. It was mental, he thought, the realization that she was all his now, that she was property instead of a person, that she had no rights left, no humanity, and he could do as he pleased with her.

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