Hard Guys and Hostages - Cover

Hard Guys and Hostages


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Three escaped convicts take three women, a man and a baby as hostages. Who will live to tell of this sadistic tale?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Sally didn't make any fuss. The sight of her little friend getting the shit screwed out of her by Butch seemed to have taken out whatever starch she still had in her sails. She carried her suitcase, as Max ordered, and walked into the front bedroom. Pete took Julie's arm and ushered her into the master bedroom. Julie didn't make any trouble, either. She looked back over her shoulder at Max and Sally just disappearing through the doorway, but that was all. No doubt she couldn't quite get used to the idea of her darling little sister getting raped. Well, she'd just have to get used to it.

The front bedroom was just off the hall, right behind the screened porch. It had one window on the side of the house. Max pulled the shade down and swore to himself over Pete's carelessness in not pulling it down by now. He half-expected Sally to make a break for the door and the porch while he was at the window. When he turned back to her, she was still standing in the middle of the room with her suitcase in her hand, leaning slightly to the side from the weight of it.

"Why don't you put that down?" Max said with a laugh. "You're going to stay a while, and it might get in the way of things." She put the suitcase down and stood looking at him. Her hands worked at her sides, her fingers rubbing at her palms.

Max sat down on the foot of the three-quarter size bed and lit a cigarette. He had found a carton of them that morning, in a drawer in the kitchen. "You're a little cooler than your friend, aren't you?"

"I guess so." She had a hard time looking at him while she spoke. Her long, light brown hair hung like a halo about her face, setting off the face's beauty. She looked like an angel, or a Madonna.

"It must run in the family. Your sister was as cool as ice last night. Until we got to the fucking, that is. Then she warmed right up." The statement, and the language, drew a shudder from her, but that was all. Max had to hand it to her. "Watching Butch out there giving your friend the works really got me turned on. Isn't that the term you kids use nowadays? Turned on?"

"That's right."

"Well, I don't usually go for stag shows. I prefer doing it to watching it. But I appreciate watching a smartness kid get her comeuppance. And that's what Connie got just now."

She looked surprised, as though it hadn't occurred to her that there might be anything other than ordinary, sexual desire behind his actions. "You don't like young people?"

"I've got nothing against them. Not the boys, anyway. It's you smart little bitches, I don't like. Don't get me wrong. I like you physically. I just don't much like you as people."

There was a shift in her expression. She looked like something had just occurred to her. "There's some reason you wanted me instead of Julie, isn't there? I mean, it isn't just that you think I'm prettier. It's something else."

"You're younger. That's something."

"That's still not all of it."

"Bravo. If you were in a class of mine, I'd give you an A for that little bit of logic. Sure, there's something else. You remind me of someone."

"What did you mean about being in a class of yours? Are you a teacher?"

"Didn't you hear about it on the news? I'd think they'd be giving profiles on all three of us by this time. Sure, I was a teacher. A college professor, in fact."

"Was it one of your students? Whoever it was who made you hate young girls?"

"There's another A. It sure was."

"And I remind you of her?"

"Right. You remind me of her. You're sixteen, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'll be seventeen in six weeks."

"If you're alive in six weeks." That made her blanch, but she recovered in a moment.

"You want me to be scared, don't you? You want me to hurt inside from fear."

"Sure. Does knowing that make it any easier?" He smiled. "You're good at hiding it, but you're scared as hell right now."

"Well, of course I'm scared. Wouldn't you be?"

"You're scared, and you're going to fuck for me, aren't you, Sally?"

She looked away from him. "Do I have a choice?"

"Sure. You can fuck for me, or you can fuck for Butch out there."

"Okay. I'll take you. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Glad to know I'm number one on the hit parade," he said, smiling. "She was a little older than you."

The quick change of subject confused her for a moment. She looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"The student," he explained. "The one you were asking about a moment ago."

"I assumed she was, if she was in college."

"She was nineteen. Are you a virgin?"

The question brought another quiver along her spine. "Yes," she said.

"She wasn't. Not when I knew her. But she was nineteen. If you hadn't run into this situation, I doubt you'd have been a virgin by the time you were nineteen. You're too beautiful, and there are too many guys around who are happy as hell to relieve you of your hymen. And girls nowadays don't place that much importance on virginity. She didn't."

"What did she do to you? It must have been something pretty bad, to make you want to--"

"She's the one who put me in the death house, sweets."

"I see. You mean she testified against you, and you were innocent or something like that?"

"No. I mean I was guilty under the law. And she didn't testify against me. She could hardly do that since she was deader than hell at the time."

"My God, she's the one you killed."

"That's right. As I said, I was guilty under the law. But the law doesn't take as much into consideration as it should. She deserved to die."

"And you had a right to kill her?"

"I sure as fuck did. She ruined my life. She came into one of my classes and decided to have a little fun with the stodgy old prof. Maybe it was a bet with her little friends or something. I don't know. Maybe she just wanted to be sure she got a good grade in the class."

"Maybe she found you attractive."

"Sure. Maybe. Anyway, she put the make on me. I didn't have to do any chasing where she was concerned. All I had to do was stand still and let myself be caught."

"You didn't have to be caught, you know. You could have told her you weren't interested."

"No man would have told her that. She was beautiful. Like you. And she knew it, like you. She liked the things the sight of her body did to men. She liked to feel their eyes on her. She loved it when pricks were standing at attention, and they were yearning for her the way a man in the desert yearns for a drink of water. It amused her." He took another puff on the cigarette, saw that it was burned almost down to the filter. He dropped it on the carpet and crushed it with his toe.

"And she had to die for that? Because she liked being beautiful and attractive to men?"

"It was the way she used that attractiveness. There's no excuse for a bitch like that, I was a happily married man. I had children. She made a little game of breaking up my life. She swayed her hips in my face, and when I was helpless and she knew it, she started to take the candy away from baby. She made up little excuses, little reasons why she couldn't spare the time to bed down with me that day. She liked to hear me beg her for it. And I begged. Jesus, how I begged."

"You don't have to tell me all this," Sally said, looking at the window shade with embarrassment all over her face.

"Sure I do. I want you to know what she did, because you're the one who's going to pick up the tab for her fun. You might as well know what you're paying for."

"Didn't she pay enough?"

"Hardly. When she was dead, I--. No, I'm getting ahead of the story. Let me tell you how it happened. She started to play with me, as I said. And she started to get bored with me. I knew she was taking up with someone else. She was too damned sexy to do without it. If she wasn't getting her sex with me, she had to be getting it with someone else."

"And that made you jealous."

"Sure it did. You're damned right it did."

"So you killed her?"

"Her and her fucking partner. I followed them one night. He was another student at the college. I followed them to a place where the students went to fuck when they couldn't afford anything better, and when they were together in the back of the cock- sucker's car, I walked up and shot him, right through the window. That was when she panicked. She scared easily, like you. And she lost her cool. Isn't that the term?"

She didn't give him an answer, but when she saw that he was waiting for one, she nodded mutely.

"Well, she lost her cool. She opened the door on the other side of the car and started to run. Naked as a goddamn egg, running across the landscape. I shot her through the leg. One of those slender, lovely legs. And then I went up and fucked her, while she lay there writhing in agony. And then I killed her. I shot her through the belly, and listened to her beg me to get a doctor. She took fifteen minutes to die."

"How horrible."

"Really? I thought it was pretty nice. What was horrible was what she did to me, to my nice, orderly life. To my marriage. My wife is divorced from me now, and married to another man. A guy I've known for years. They've got my kids with them, and she's had another one by him. Isn't that horrible? I think it is. And that little cunt back on the campus was the one who made it possible. She started the whole thing."

"You're kidding yourself," Sally said with surprising boldness. "You did it. She couldn't have hurt you if you hadn't been ready for her."

"Shut your mouth," Max said. "When I want psychological help, I'll ask for it. She was the one who made it happen. And you know, the moment she was dead, I was sorry. I wanted to bring her back to life. Not that I was sorry I had killed her. I was just sorry she was out of my reach, and I couldn't hurt her any more. She deserved a lot more hurt than she got." He looked at the girl, a slow grin spreading across his face. "And you remind me of her. You could be her twin sister. Does that give you any idea of what's in store for you, sweetheart?"

She licked her lips, but he had to admit she was showing some guts. Well, he'd see how much guts she had when it came down to it. "I guess it does," she said. "I guess I'm in for a bad time. How bad a time do you plan to give me?"

"I'll make it up as I go along. First, I want you to strip down. Right now." He said it with no shift in the tone of his voice. She didn't react right away. It took a moment for the meaning of his words to sink in, and then she looked at him with widened eyes. Something in the flatness of his voice, he guessed, had sent a shiver of fear through her greater than she had felt before. Besides, this was it. This was more than talk. Sally's hands moved aimlessly, in a soft fluttering gesture. He could see the rapid pitching of her breasts, and her breathing became audible. He was about to repeat the command, more firmly, when she raised her hands and began to work at the fastener behind her neck. She had trouble with it.

"Come here," he said. "I'll do that for you."

"No, I can--"

"Come here," he said again. His voice wasn't any louder, but there was a firmness to it, and she got the point. She moved closer to him and turned her back. "Bend your knees a little." He was still sitting on the bed, and she had to move down a little so that he could reach the top of the dress without stretching. He opened the hook-and-eye fastener, then pulled the zipper down her back, as far as it would go. It jammed once, and he had to place a hand on the top of the dress, holding it taut, to get the zipper moving again. It opened all the way down to her ass. She was wearing a slip underneath the dress. It was pink, and it felt soft and smooth. It made his prick stand a little straighter. He could smell her, and it wasn't exactly an unpleasant smell. There was a mingling of soap and shampoo, and nice perfume, and good, clean girl.

"That ought to help," he said. "Now go back where I can watch you." She walked back to her former position, faced him, and pulled the dress over her head. Her hair, long and shining, swirled about her shoulders. The dress, just a piece of cloth now, dropped to the floor.

She was breathing with a steam-engine quickness now. She looked as though she was trying to keep from crying, and trying hard. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she gnawed at her lower lip to hold back. Max grinned at her and waved a casual signal to proceed.

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