Hard Guys and Hostages - Cover

Hard Guys and Hostages


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Three escaped convicts take three women, a man and a baby as hostages. Who will live to tell of this sadistic tale?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Max led the little Winslow cunt into the kitchen and put her to work setting the table and getting something ready to eat.

"Could I have my robe?" she asked.

"It's dirty."

"Well, maybe there's another--"

"You look fine the way you are."

"Oh. Well, then could I have a towel? I'm--"

"It'll evaporate. Get your ass in gear." She worked fast, almost feverishly, and first he thought it was just to keep her mind off of her own nakedness and wetness. Then it occurred to him that there was something subtly different about her whole demeanor. She was more anxious to please now. It could be just that the shock of what she had done, and what she had been made to do, had counteracted the shock that Butch had put her through when he'd fucked her for the first time. But it seemed to Max that it was more than that. And then he thought about the reason he'd put the three women in that bathroom together, and it seemed almost too good to be true that Julie had been able to achieve that much that quickly. She'd made a believer out of Connie Winslow, anyway. He'd been listening at the door and had heard most of what went on inside, but it was hard to tell just what the effect of Julie's story was without seeing the woman. The door had taken out a lot of expression from their voices.

While she worked, Connie kept glancing at Max from time to time, as though she were trying to read him. Max kept his face impassive. Any sudden change of attitude on his part would be more likely to put her on guard than it would be to convince her of Julie's veracity. So the thing to do was to keep her guessing- keep her on edge.

She put some plates and cups on the table, then stood looking at it as though she couldn't figure out what to do next. She was still in a state of shock, he thought, though it was obviously wearing off.

"How about the silverware?" he suggested. She looked at him for a second before the blackness left her eyes.

"What? Oh, yes, of course." She ran over to the drawer that contained the silverware and took out two knives and two forks and two spoons. While she was putting them on the table Max looked her over. She was a very pretty girl, he decided, and it occurred to him that of the three of them he hadn't fucked her yet. That didn't make any sense, he thought with a smile. As long as she was there he might as well get some enjoyment out of her. She probably would be very cooperative from now on, he thought. And with a nice little ass like that, it would be a shame to let her die without testing her out first.

When the table was set, the other two women came out of the bathroom. They stood in the kitchen for a moment, looking around, as though they were trying to decide what to do. Max told them to pitch in on getting dinner, and they got to work, fumbling about at first, but then becoming more sure of themselves as they got into the job, and realized what had been done and what hadn't. When it was all ready, Max called for Pete and they ate. They ate well, while the girls stood watching them. And when it was over, they all started picking up the dishes and carrying them to the sink.

"How's Farmer Brown getting along?" Max asked.

Pete grinned. "I think the poor little fellow is uncomfortable, tied up like that for all this time. And he has to take a shit, I think."

"He can do it in his pants. He stays tied."

"That's what I told him. He's gonna stink, though."

"We'll lock him a closet, where he can't stink up the rest of the house. That ought to make him even more uncomfortable. Come to think of it, it'll make him safer, too."

Max heard Julie stir uneasily, but she didn't make any objection. She really was gutless, he thought with contempt. "You mind supervising the women for a while?" Max asked Pete.

"Shit, I never mind supervising women, old buddy. You know that. Especially when they're dressed the way these are."

"Fine. Because I want to take little Connie into the bedroom and give her a good reaming."

Connie looked at Pete with widened eyes, and her hand flew to her mouth. She trembled, but she didn't say anything. Max looked straight at her and grinned. "You tried her out. How is she?"

"Not half bad. Once you talk her out of being shy about it."

"I won't try to talk her out of it," Max said. "If she gets coy with me, I'll just slap her out of it."

"Sounds like the best way to me."

"Yeah, well, I think I'll take her by the hand and lead her to our little bower now, if you don't mind."

"Shit, I don't mind. Later on I'll take Julie to our bedroom. And then you can stand guard."

"Yeah. It's a full life, isn't it, Pete?" They both laughed.

Max took Connie to the small bedroom near the front of the house. When he closed the door she turned and looked at him uncertainly. She'd been tucked by two guys in the last couple of days, he thought, and still she looked like it was something she couldn't believe was going to happen to her. "Turn down the bed, baby," he ordered. She bit her lip, but she went to the bed and turned it down. She did it fast, and he had the feeling that she was trying to turn down the covers without looking at the bed. As though she were trying to keep from thinking about what the two of them would be doing on that bed in a moment. It was kind of cute, he thought, and felt a surge of excitement. He leaned his rifle against the wall.

"I hope you're not planning to make a grab for that," he said. "I'm not Butch, honey."

"No, sir. I won't try anything like that." She bit her lip again, and her hands worked at her sides nervously. She seemed to be trying to work up her nerve to ask him something, but she didn't quite make it.

"Get in the rack," Max said. "I'll be right with you."

She climbed onto the bed, and the way she did it reminded Max of a person diving into an ice cold pool of water. She almost jumped onto the bed, getting the act over with as quickly as possible.

Max undressed casually and slowly, letting her stew in her own juice all the while. He was already enjoying himself, enjoying her embarrassment and humiliation and the fear that was a real, physical pain to her by now.

His prick was stiff and big, pushing out his shorts like a horizontal tent pole. He pushed the shorts down and walked across the room to her. She lay there, quivering and glistening in places with nervous perspiration. She had a frozen smile on her face that made her look more terrified. Max sat on the edge of the bed and then lay down, rolling onto his side to face her.

"Come here," he said. It would have been just as easy to move toward her, but it amused Max to make her come to him, to force her to take the action that would bring them into contact.

She swallowed hard and the frozen smile almost cracked, but she moved across the foot of bed between them. She came into his arms, her body pressing against his. Once there she didn't try to hold back at all, which surprised Max. Her tits crushed against his chest, and down below he could feel the pelt of her cunt against his belly. Her thighs tangled with his. Max's cock pushed against her, so hard it was painful. He kissed her, driving his tongue between her teeth and deep into her mouth. After the first, shocked resistance, she opened up and let him have free play of her tongue.

The two tongues slid over each other rapidly, and the contact of them made a thrill run through Max's belly. He thought he felt an answering quiver of desire in her, but he wasn't sure. She was still terrified, and he was sure that if she had her way, she would still call things off. He decided to see if he couldn't make her like it. Considering her fear and natural shyness about sex, that would make an interesting and challenging task.

He embraced her, holding her against him with a firm gentleness. She had a body that was surprisingly sensual to the touch for such a young girl, and he felt like ramming his prick into her right then. But he held himself back. He slid one hand down her back to her ass and squeezed it lightly.

She gasped and her legs shifted against his. Max's prick got a little bit harder at the reaction in her, and he slipped the hand down farther. He inserted his fingers between her thighs and massaged her crotch with his fingertips.

Connie moaned and gasped, and her arms slipped all the way about his neck. She held him tightly, and he was surprised at the quickness with which she was coming to life for him.

He slipped his hand down her thigh and when it was halfway to her knee he pulled the leg up and forward. It bent at the knee, and her thigh crossed his body while the calf bent back to rest her ankle on his thigh. His cock was in a good position to enter her pussy now.

He pulled his head back a little for a good look at her face. She was in a fog of desire. Not that she had gone over the edge yet, but she was ready to go, and there was no doubting that. He kissed her again and then ran his lips over her cheek and ear and down to her neck. She trembled and squirmed with desire, and little mewing sounds were coming from her.

Max took her arm from about his neck. He had to pull hard before she even gave any sign of realizing that he wanted her to let go. She was really heated up by now. He took her hand and moved it down between them, placing it on his cock. He almost shot his wad at the touch, but he held back, and she grabbed onto the shaft as though it were a life preserver. She seemed to grasp it instinctively at first, as though she couldn't figure Out what she was supposed to do with it. Then she got the message, and it didn't take her more than a second to hike up the leg that was resting on Max's side and push his cock into her slit. She got it inside and moved her hand away, and the leg came down to rest on his body again just as she pushed her pelvis up against Max, ramming the cock deep into her. She let out a scream of delight at that, and Max grunted in reply.

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