Helping Hand - Cover

Helping Hand

Copyright© 2002 by Tallorder64

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Sarah asks Ed for information. She and Ed are both running away from failed marriages. Ed helps her get a new start ad they fall in love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Slow  

Sarah awoke to find herself alone on the living room floor. She got up and put the pillows back on the couch and folded the coverlet. Sarah went to the office wing but Ed was not there. She went to the kitchen and found Ed sitting at the table staring out of the back window, a cold cup of coffee in front of him. Sarah said, "Good morning." Ed turned to her and gave her a little smile. "Sarah, I have to talk to you about last night." he said. "Two things." "First, there is something about my Seal experience I have never been able to talk about and probably never will." "Until the day comes that I am able to talk about it we'll just have to leave it unsaid." "Second, I had no right getting so familiar last night." "I apologize and I promise that it won't happen again," he said looking down at the table. Sarah walked up behind him, put her arms around his neck and shoulders and held him for several minutes. After a while she said, "I guess if you're never going to hold me again, I'll have to move out today." "Maybe we can discuss that later, ' he answered with a smile. Sarah pulled away and kissed him on the top of his head.

"How about some breakfast, I got some cantaloupe yesterday," she said as she walked to the refrigerator. "Just cantaloupe will be fine," he replied. "If you keep cooking like last night, I'll weight 400 pounds by the end of the year." Sarah prepared a half of a cantaloupe for him and the same for herself. She took Ed's cold coffee from him and poured a fresh cup for both of them. "We'll have to get out of here by ten this morning," Ed said. "We have to get you some suitable clothes for Shadow." "I have clothes for work," she said quickly. She wondered what he was getting at. "Sarah, Shadow Security is a company that does business all over the world," He said. "You'll be meeting CEO's from the Fortune 100, Arab princes, heads of state, and an occasional criminal or two." "The clothes that you wore at the insurance company will be out of place at Shadow." "You have to have business suites and such." "I'll just have to make do for now, I have to watch my spending," Sarah said quietly. Ed laughed. "Don't worry, you can put it on your credit card for now." "If things get too tight, I think I can afford to make one credit card payment for you." Ed stood up, took her hand and said, "Let's go shopping."

Ed and Sarah went to their respective bedrooms, took a shower and dressed for the shopping trip. Ed was waiting for Sarah in the kitchen when she walked in. "I forgot how long it takes a woman to get dressed," he said with a smile. Sarah stuck her tongue out at him. Ed suggested taking the Explorer in case they had any bags to carry home. Sarah kidded him that he just did not want her to get his Porsche dirty.

Ed pulled into the parking lot in front of the store. At first Sarah didn't notice the brass plaque at the front door identifying this as "Ester's". Just "Esters", no indication of what type of establishment it was. Ed led the way into the store. Ester immediately walked up to Ed and hugged him. She held him at arm's length and said, "That was a nice thing you did for my mother, I was afraid that old place was going to fall down around her ears." "Why did you tell her I paid for it?" Ester asked. Ed smiled sheepishly, "As proud as that woman is, you know she wouldn't let me do the work if she thought that I was going to pay for it." Ester leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, "Well the place looks like a brand new house." "She'll be able to live there the rest of her days." Ed looked at Sarah. She was shaking her head. "Strays," she said as Ester walked to the back of the store. She said it only loud enough for him to hear. Sarah suddenly felt afraid. She was not prepared for the feelings she was starting to have for this man. She resolved to put a clamp on her feelings.

Ester arrived from the back of the store followed by two young women. All three had an armload of suits and business dresses. Sarah looked them over and tried several suites and most of the dresses on modeling them for Ed. Ester's taste was impeccable. Ed liked all of them. While Sarah was in the dressing room changing Ed asked Ester to put the lingerie that she thought Sarah might need into a box. Sarah picked three of the suites and four of the dresses that she had tried on and told Ester that she would take them. As she was changing back into the clothes that she had worn to Ester's Ed called Ester over. "We'll take them all," he told her. "Please send them over to my house later today with a note that they are samples that were given to you by salesman and that if Sarah can wear them she is welcome to them." Ester smiled, "Is this woman the special one?" "You know, I have been praying for you," she added. Ed just smiled. Ester said with a smile, "See, now you have me lying for you." Sarah concluded her shopping with the purchase of several pairs of shoes and stockings. Ester had talked her out of buying pantyhose. "Dear, if you get a run in one leg you throw that one away and replace that one stocking," Ester told her. "You'll find that your stockings will last longer."

Ed asked Sarah for her credit card. He took her credit card and went to the counter to settle up with Ester. He used his own credit card, signed for the purchases Sarah's card back to her. "I signed your name, OK," he asked. Sarah nodded her head yes. Sarah was exhausted from shopping and trying on clothes all morning.

They left the store and started the drive home. "What's in the bag," Sarah asked. "Ester said it was samples, and if you could use them you were welcome to them," Ed replied. "I forgot to ask what the damage was," Sarah said. Ed replied that the bill was a little over $700 not telling her that the bill was really a little over $10,000 dollars and that he had really put the clothes on his credit card. Sarah started looking through the bag that she and Ed were talking about. Her face got red and she quickly closed the bag. "What's wrong," Ed asked. "I think Ester is a bit kinky, ' she said. "It's a bunch of lingerie." "Straight out of Frederick's of Hollywood," she added. Ed grinned, "You modeled the dresses and suites, are you going to model what's in the bag." She punched him in the arm. The rest of the ride home was quiet. Sarah was thinking about the shopping trip. She had never shopped at a store such as Ester's. Her shopping trips were at K-Mart or Fashion Bug. There was never enough money, when she was married, for the type of clothes that Ester sold. Sarah concluded the Ester's store was very reasonable based on the "damage" the Ed told her.

Ed opened the garage door and pulled the Explorer into the garage. He asked her to go in and fix some sandwiches while he unloaded her packages and took them to her room. When he returned to the kitchen he found that Sarah had fixed sandwiches and had thrown a salad together. They ate with Sarah marveling about how reasonable Ester's store was and how the clothes were excellent quality. After eating Ed said that he had to get some work done and went into the office wing. Sarah cleaned up the kitchen and followed him into the office. Eve was working on the computer and Ed was behind her checking a specification book and giving instructions. Occasionally, he would go to the phone and call someone to get prices or find the availability of an item. Sarah watched them for a few minutes and marveled at the way they functioned as a team. Ed looked up and noticed Sarah in the doorway. "Sarah, would you like to help?" Ed asked. Eve looked up frostily. "Sure," Sarah replied. "You know that I have never done anything like this before, but if you think that I can help, I'll be glad to." Before Ed had a chance to say anything else, the front door bell rang. "Would you get that pleas?" Ed asked Sarah. There was a man standing there with boxes stacked to just above his knees. "Can I help you?" Sarah asked. He looked at his clipboard, "Is this the Sensa residence?" "Yes it is," She replied. He handed Sarah the clipboard and set the stack of boxes on the entryway floor. Sarah let him out and went back to the office. Ed took her to the print table and unrolled a set of prints for a three-story office building. He showed her where the symbols were for the light fixtures and how to count the fixtures needed for the building. Ed pulled a clicker/counter from under the print table and showed her how to count the fixtures and how to make sure her count was right. Sarah started counting the light fixtures and writing the number down on the pad that Ed had provided. Sarah completed the task in about an hour and rechecked her count. She looked at the print to try and familiarize herself with what Ed did for a living. She looked at the title block on the drawing and saw that the building was called Cedar Offices. The customer was Sensa Developers, Inc. The architect was Ed Sensa, AIA. Ed noticed that Sarah was finished counting and gave her a list of five phone numbers and a person's name next to each number. "Called each of these supply houses and get a "buy" price from each," He instructed. "When they give you a price just confirm the price and say that you'll get back to them," Write the price down next to the person's name and we'll decide who to get the fixture package from." Ed went back to working with Eve and Sarah made all five calls and got the prices. The fixture sales people did not even question who she was or when she had started with Sensa. Ed gave her a list of plumbing fixtures and showed her who to call and how to get the quotes on the plumbing fixtures. Eve left the office about 6 o'clock and Ed and Sarah continued working. Later, Sarah looked out the window and saw that t was dark. She looked at her watch and saw that it was 9 o'clock.

"Don't you want something to eat?" Sarah asked. Ed looked at the clock above the print table. "I don't want anything to eat, but I have to get something to drink," He answered. "I'm about dehydrated." Ed and Sarah started for the kitchen. Sarah remembered the packages in the entryway hall. "Ed, I forgot to tell you, some packages came for you while you were in the office," she said. Ed went over to the boxes and showed her a note taped t the top box. "The note is to you," he said, handing Sarah the note. Sarah read the note. "These are some samples that were laying around." 'It seems a crime to just throw them away." "I think that you have the figure to wear these." The note was signed Ester. Sarah looked in the boxes, "These are samples?" "I can't believe it." Ed picked up the boxes and asked her to fix him a glass of iced tea while he put the boxes in her room.

Sarah was sitting at the table when Ed came back downstairs. "Ed, why does Eve hardly speak to me and look at me like she wished the earth would swallow me up?" Sarah asked. Ed looked at her for a minute and smiled before answering. "Sarah, it's not what you think," he started. "Eve is married to a third year medical student." "She has been working with me since she was about fourteen years old." "Her parents used to live in the house next door." "She was here all during the breakup of my marriage and knows almost everything that went on." "She's become very protective and I think she's afraid that you'll hurt me again." "I'll talk to her," he added. "How often does she come in to work for you?" Sarah asked. "She works whenever her studies allow," he said. "It's normally two or three days a week." "She comes by to use the exercise room occasionally, but that has slacked off since she's been married." Sarah thought to herself that that explained the women's shampoo, conditioner and lotion in the exercise room shower. "When do you use the exercise room?" Sarah asked. "Everyday," he said. "Come on," she retorted, I've never seen you use it since I've been here. "I normally use it before you get up," Ed replied. "Well, when do you sleep?" she asked, "Your always in the kitchen on your second or third cup of coffee when I get up." "I try to avoid sleep," he said looking away. "Too many nightmares or laying there looking at the ceiling." It was all Sarah could do to keep from crying.

Ed got up and said, "You remember, you have lunch with John Barrett tomorrow." "I'll make you a map so you can find the place." He added, "John is a good person." "Don't be nervous about meeting him." "He'll bend over backwards to help you." "Wait a minute Mr. Sensa," Sarah said sharply. "I have a few more questions for you." "First, Eve's husband, he wouldn't owe his education to the fact that Ed Sensa can't hold onto his money can he?" Sarah asked. Ed grinned, "I just can't be handing out money to every Tom, Dick and Harry can I?" Sarah said, "I thought so." "Second, I see that today I was working for Sensa Developers, Inc." "You wouldn't know anything about that company would you?" "I hear that it's a pretty good company to work for," he replied. Sarah was exasperated, "Ed Sensa, I think that I know less about you now than I did before we sat down." Sarah walked over to him and kissed his lips. The kiss started small and grew. Her tongue licked his lips and found his tongue and the kiss grew in intensity. After a minute they broke the kiss and held each other. "Ed Sensa, my man of mystery," she said into his chest while trying to catch her breath. "I think that I had better go up and get ready for my lunch tomorrow with John Barrett before I get in trouble," Sarah said with little conviction. Ed kissed her softly on the lips and released her.

Sarah looked at Ed for a few seconds and went to her bedroom. She was upset that she had initiated the kiss but was pleased that Ed seemed to enjoy it as much as she did. Sarah's emotions were in turmoil. She did not want to get into a relationship but she missed having a relationship. She knew little about Ed but she felt that she was falling in love with him. She was terrified that he would reject her. She knew that her emotions were too fragile to accept his rejection. She wasn't sure that she could that she could give him the things he needed. She was afraid to give her heart fully to a man. She knew that both she and Ed had demons that they had to deal with. Sarah's mind was going a mile a minute. She thought of a hundred reasons not to get involved with Ed Sensa and a hundred reasons why she should get involved with him. Sarah tried to turn her thoughts to preparing for her lunch meeting with John Barrett tomorrow. She took the tags off of the clothes and selected the suit she would wear tomorrow. She hung the rest of the clothes in the walk-in closet. She started going through the lingerie that Ester had put in the bag. The lingerie was much more feminine than Sarah would have picked for herself. Sarah had always wished that she had the guts to wear such nice things but she didn't feel that she was that sexy. Sarah went into the bathroom and took a shower.

She put on her nightgown and lay down on her bed and turned the light out. She looked at the clock radio and saw that it was midnight. Sarah lay in bed for what seemed like hours. She looked at the clock radio and saw that it was only one o'clock. Sarah went to her window and saw Ed get up from his desk in the office and turn the light off. She could hear him come up the stairs and heard the shower in his bathroom. Sarah went back to bed. Sleep just would not come. After awhile Sarah got up and opened her door. She walked down the hallway toward Ed's bedroom. She was more afraid than she had ever been in her life. She had not turned on the hallway light and she could see that the light was still on in Ed's bedroom. Sarah gently tapped on the door. "Ed?" she said. The loudness of her voice scared her. Ed opened the door. She pushed into the room and walked into his arms. He put his arms around her and held her tight. Her fear started to grow. She was terrified that he would push her away. He didn't. Ed lifted her chin and kissed her passionately. Their tongues were dueling. Sarah pulled away and walked to the bed. She grabbed the hem of her nightgown and pulled it over her head. She stood there naked waiting for his reaction. Ed walked over to her and lifted her gently and laid her on his bed. He stripped his pajamas off and pulled the covers back to reveal Sarah's beauty. Sarah noticed the large scars on several parts of Ed's body. Ed got into bed next to Sarah and took her in his arms. He kissed her deeply and she kissed him back with equal passion. His head went to her breast and she gasped as her nipple was sucked into his mouth. His lips teased first one nipple and then the other. His teeth raked her nipples just hard enough to send electricity through her body. Sarah's passion grew until she felt that she was floating on air. Ed's kissed started down her stomach until he reached her cunt. His tongue flicked over her clit and her hips rose to meet his tongue. Every time his tongue touched her clit she moaned deep in her throat. All of a sudden Sarah felt her body explode with passion as she came for the first time. She grabbed Ed's head and pulled him up to her. She held him away and looked into his eyes. "Ed, I'm terrified," she said, "I haven't had sex in about three years and I want to make it perfect for you." Ed leaned down and kissed her passionately. "It's been longer than three years for me," he said through the kiss." "I need you inside me," Sarah said hoarsely. She grabbed Ed and guided him into her. She cried out as she felt him sliding into her cunt. Sarah rose to meet his thrusts. Ed matched his rhythm to hers. Suddenly Sarah cried out, "Fuck me hard Ed, I'm so close." Ed started thrusting harder and she increased her rhythm to match his. Sarah cried out loudly as her organism hit her with wave after wave of ecstasy. Ed could feel his balls tighten and he released his essence into her at the same time and Sarah came again. Ed stayed inside Sarah until he started to soften. He pulled out of her and lay beside her. He pulled her into his arms and held her.

Sarah raised her head from Ed's shoulder and looked into his eyes. "Thank you for not rejecting me, she said. "I don't think I could have handled your rejection." Ed pulled her close again, "How could I reject you," he said. "We only known each other a few days, but it seems very natural having you in my bed and in my arms." Tears started rolling down Sarah's cheeks, "Oh, Ed." We've both been so hurt." "Maybe we can be good for each other." "Let's just take this day by day and see where it goes." Ed started kissing the tears from her cheeks and started caressing her. "Her passion started to rise and she got on top of him. He was hard and she guided him into her cunt. She started to rise and fall on his cock with a steady rhythm. As their passion grew she increased the rhythm. Sarah cried out as a small orgasm swept through her body. Ed started thrusting hard up into her and Sarah came again as Ed did. They lay joined together for a long time. Sarah was content to lie on top of Ed and hold him tightly. Sarah broke the silence. "I forgot how good sex can be," she said softly. Ed got serious, "One thing Sarah." "I didn't use any protection for you" Sarah got off Ed's chest and lay down beside him. "You don't have to worry, I can't have kids." "I'm only half a woman," she cried with tears flowing down her cheeks. Ed held her tightly. "Will you stop beating yourself," he said. "Your more enough woman for any man." "I think that is probably why my ex started running around," Sarah said. Ed and Sarah held each other and just enjoyed being together. Sarah rose on her elbow and looked at Ed. "Ed, I've never done this before, I'm a one man woman," she said. Ed pulled her to him and they kiss until they coupled again with greater passion than before. When the separated both had been sated and Ed pulled her to him and put his arm over her and cupped her breast. Sarah fell asleep spooned for the second time with Ed.

Sarah awoke to find that Ed was still asleep with her in his arms. Apparently, neither had moved much during the night. Ed woke when he felt Sarah moving in his arms. He squeezed her a little tighter and kissed her neck. Sarah turned and kissed his lips as her passion grew again. She pulled him on top of her and they made love instead of having sex. They showered together and Sarah went to her bedroom to get dressed for her meeting with John Barrett. She put on one of the bras and panties and a garter belt that Ester had put in the bag. She pulled on a pair of the stockings she had picked out to go with her suit and clipped them to the garter belt. She put on a pair of the high-heeled shoes that she had purchased yesterday. Sarah put on her bathrobe and went down stairs to the kitchen. Ed had his back to her and was pouring a cup of coffee for her. "Is this alright to wear for my meeting?" she asked holding the bathrobe open. Ed almost dropped the coffee cup. "My God, you are about the sexiest woman alive," he said with a big grin. She rushed into his arms making him spill the coffee all over the counter. "You don't know how great it is to know that you find me sexy," she said. Ed held her and kissed her tenderly for a long time. He thought to himself that this is a very fragile woman. "You had better get dressed or we will have to schedule your meeting for next month or the month after," he grinned. She stuck her tongue out at him as she left the kitchen to finish dressing.

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