Jumping Through Hoops - Cover

Jumping Through Hoops

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 9

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A mother bursts in on her son and his girlfriend. Bad move.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   FemaleDom   Pregnancy  

Amy lay in her bed that night but it was impossible to sleep. She was afraid Karen would show up and yet she was sure Karen would be there soon anyway. The teenager just wasn't certain when that would be. Amy was still in shock over the day's events. How could this have happened? Apparently her stupid brother had invited Karen to the house and she'd found something that could be used for blackmail against Barry or their mother or both. Amy could figure Barry getting in trouble like that but not her mom. Her mother was pretty straight arrow. Well, something had happened and now Amy was stuck in the middle of it too.

Amy hadn't really done anything against Karen at school except maybe snub her. There was a definite caste system at school and Karen had been placed with the geeks which were at or near the bottom. Amy wasn't at the top of the social ladder but close. One just didn't socialize with others below their caste without the risk of being stigmatized. Barry was the classless type who seemed to get along with everyone. He would have been labeled a geek when he was going there except everybody liked him. Now things had blown up in everyone's faces and Amy was one of the casualties. Amy's thoughts were interrupted by a sound at the door and she began to tremble with fear.

"Wake up, my pretty. It's play time." Karen crawled under the covers beside Amy and immediately embraced her. "Kiss kiss," she said. Amy's lips sought Karen's without hesitation. Her nipple was still sore from when Karen pinched it and she didn't want to get hurt again for disobedience. She wore a short night gown to bed but that provided no protection against Karen's advances. Amy tolerated Karen's groping until she reached between her thighs and Amy protested for the first time.

"Please don't," Amy pleaded.

"Take off your panties and spread your legs, darling. If I have to force you I'll yank out your cunt hairs one by one." Karen decided she wasn't going to let Amy play coy any longer. She wanted a puppet who would perform on command and that included performing in front of an audience. Karen would like nothing better than to see Amy abasing herself in front of her own mother. That would teach Lucy a lesson also for her rebellion. If the mother didn't obey the daughter would suffer.

The teenage tormentor smiled with satisfaction as Amy slid off her panties her legs and dropped them on the floor. She slid her hand between her victim's thighs and was delighted to find telltale moisture escaping from her cunt. The fat bitch was getting turned on. "You're hurting me," Amy complained as Karen shoved a couple of fingers into the girl's cunt.

"I'm just checking to see if you're still a virgin. Who took your cherry?"

"Does it matter? Ow! Don't! I'll tell you!" Karen had just pinched her other nipple and now both of them were sore.

"Then tell me but first I'm going to warn you that I'm tired of having to repeat myself when I give you an order or ask you a question. I want instant obedience to my orders and truthful answers to my questions. If I find out you've been lying to me about anything you'll be very sorry. Do we understand each other?"


"Fine, now who took your cherry?"

"Nick McCormick."

"Nick McCormick? Isn't he the second string quarterback? That figures. When?"

"It was after the prom. He took me to the prom."

"So, you spread your legs and let him fuck you because he took you to the prom, huh?"

"It wasn't like that. I liked him a lot. I still like him. We might go steady this fall."

Karen laughed. "It might interest you to know that he's going steady with your friend Megan."

"Oh, well," said Amy as if she didn't care. Inside she was seething. Megan knew she liked Nick. The bitch should have left him alone.

"It looks like I'm going to have to get you another boyfriend, someone on the varsity perhaps? How about Tyrone Washington? He's the star running back and I hear there are a dozen major universities that want to recruit him."

"Uh, I don't think so. He's not my type," said Amy.

"Why not," Karen demanded. "Because he's black?

"It's not that," Amy protested.

"I think it is. Did you know that Tyrone hates racist white girls? He likes to catch them alone and rape their lily white asses with his foot long prick. I think I'll tell him that you think he's not good enough for you because of his skin color. Would you like that?"

"He wouldn't believe you," Amy declared. She hoped she was right.

"I guess you're right," Karen conceded. "He'd probably ask you out on a date just to make sure I was telling the truth. Of course, when you refused to go out with him, he might decide you are a racist and then you're screwed. If you did go out with him he might decide you're a racist if you didn't put out for him and then you're screwed. You're screwed whatever you decide."

"Please don't say anything to him," Amy begged. The teenager never thought of herself as a racist but the truth was that she was always nervous around black people.

"I'll have to think about that. I won't say anything for now. Has there been anyone else fucking you since Nick?"

"No," Amy whined. She sure wished the bitch would get off the subject.

"What about Barry?"

"What about him?"

"Have you thought about fucking Barry?"

"No, of course not! He's my brother."

"So what? Incest occurs in the nicest of families, even yours."

"Not in my family," Amy averred.

Karen laughed. "Yes, in your family. What if I told you that Barry and your mother have been fucking each other?"

"I wouldn't believe you. That's disgusting!"

"Nevertheless it's the truth. If someone would have told you yesterday that you'd be sucking my pussy today, would you have believed him?"

"No," said Amy quietly. She was having trouble believing the strange things that were going on even now. What if it was true? That would explain a lot. Karen must have caught them fucking and was now blackmailing them with who knew what kind of evidence. No wonder she seemed to have the run of the house. "I don't care if it is true," she added. "I'm not going to sleep with my own brother."

"I could force you into fucking anyone I want and you know it," Karen declared. "But to show you how I nice I can be I'll give you a choice: Tyrone or Barry."

"Neither," Amy exclaimed. "If you don't leave me alone and get out of this house I'm going to call the police and have you thrown in jail. Blackmail is against the law, you know." Someone had to take a stand Amy thought. If her mother and brother were both too gutless then it would have to be her.

"You're right," said Karen. "Blackmail is against the law. There's the phone. You'd better call them right away and file a complaint. I won't try to stop you from calling them. I won't try to escape. I'll still be here when the police arrive."

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