Jumping Through Hoops - Cover

Jumping Through Hoops

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A mother bursts in on her son and his girlfriend. Bad move.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   FemaleDom   Pregnancy  

Barry sneaked a peek at his sister for the fourth time in the last five minutes. Man, she was looking hot. Amy had blossomed over the summer break. Or maybe it was just that he was paying attention to Amy for the first time as a sex object. That was the danger of listening to a crazy girl like Karen and of fucking his own mother, of course.

Amy Wyatt would never be a classic beauty. She was of medium height and was already having to confront weight problems just like her mother. Amy's big tits were considered her best asset by admiring males of which there was no shortage. With a pretty face and shoulder length brown hair she had a choice among potential dates but there was no one special at the moment.

Ever since being picked up at the airport Amy had noticed her brother looking her way every few moments. He seemed nervous about something and probably wanted to talk about it. She decided her intuition was correct when Barry turned into an abandoned industrial park and pulled over. Amy watched Barry light up what she correctly surmised as a joint. He inhaled deeply and then offered her a hit.

"Uh, no thanks," said Amy. "What's on your mind?"

Barry finally exhaled. How do I start? How do I explain Karen and the weird things going on at home? Would she freak out? Call Dad? Is she still a virgin? How does Amy feel about incest, specifically, sex with her brother? Despite the delicacy of the situation Barry felt a boner building up. He would've liked nothing more than to make a pass at his little sister. Well, first things first. She could always go live with Dad if she felt uncomfortable with the situation.

"Um, I just wanted to warn you about certain things before we got home."

"What things, for goodness sake? I've never seen you so jumpy. Has Mom joined a cult or something like that?"

"Well, nothing like that. I've got my girl friend staying at the house with us."

"And that's all right with Mom? Damn! Things really have changed around here." The old fuddy-duddy that she knew as her mom would never tolerate that. "How did you get Mom to okay that?"

"I guess we caught her at a weak moment. Also, Karen can be very persuasive."

"That has to be an understatement," Amy exclaimed. Amy had never met Karen in person and now she looked forwarded to it. Karen had to be the world's greatest saleswoman for her to get Mom to agree to her moving in with her brother. Maybe she could pick up some pointers from this miracle worker.

"I didn't want you taken by surprise and going ballistic when you got home. Karen can be irritating even for me sometimes and I want you to try to ignore her if she starts to get on your nerves. This isn't a permanent arrangement so I hope you'll put up with it for now."

"I can take care of myself," Amy assured her brother.

Barry breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe things would work out. Although he obviously hadn't told Amy everything he figured that his sister wasn't going to raise hell if she saw some strange behavior. Besides, Karen had promised to play it cool when Amy came home. Barry intended to remind Karen of that promise as soon as he got her alone. Heck! Amy and Karen might actually get along. They were the same age and probably had a lot in common. Barry snuffed out his joint and put it back in his shirt pocket. This was going to be easier than he thought.

"There are sodas in the fridge," said Barry as he led Amy through the front door. "Mom just went to the grocery store. I'll get your bags."

"Thanks," said Amy. A soda would hit the spot right about now Amy thought. It had been a long and boring flight. As she walked into the kitchen she saw a girl sitting at the table. The girl was someone Amy recognized.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I live here," said Karen calmly.

"You're that Karen?"

"At your service," Karen replied. "I thought there was a lingering stench around here and now I know where it's from. Welcome home."

"Thanks," said Amy. "Now pack up your gear and get out of here. I want you out of here immediately!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Karen declared.

"Um, do you two know each other," Barry asked as he walked into the kitchen. He'd heard the commotion and feared the worst.

"How could you," Amy exclaimed. "I can't believe you invited the West High Weirdo to come stay in our home. I can't believe Mom actually agreed to this. If my friends find out about this creepoid being here I'm dead meat. I won't be able to show my face at school. My friends will all drop me."

"No great loss," said Karen.

"I didn't know you were called the West High Weirdo," said Barry.

"I know I shouldn't brag about my accomplishments. It's doesn't become a lady. Don't you agree, Amy?"

"You don't know anything about being a lady," Amy screamed. "I'm going to call Mom right now." She pushed past her brother and stomped upstairs to her room where she could make her call in private.

"How did you get her on her bad side," Barry asked.

"I have no idea," said Karen. Barry didn't really believe her but didn't say anything. "Why don't you let me talk to her alone," Karen added. "We might be able to work something out."

"That sounds like an idea," said Barry. It was her turn anyway. He'd already talked to Amy and a fat lot of good it did.

Amy called her mom at the bank but all she got was her voicemail. She left a curt message about Karen and hung up. The teenager thought about calling her friends to announce her return home but they might start dropping over and one of them might run into Karen. That would be a disaster. That bitch had to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. After calming down a bit, Amy decided to take a shower. She did some of her best thinking in the shower and it would help refresh her.

"Get the hell off my bed and out of my room this instant!" Of all the nerve! Amy had just back from the shower. She'd blown dry her hair but she was still clad in just her bathrobe. That stupid slut had invaded her space and now she would pay if she wasn't out in the next five seconds.

"I'd like to talk to you first."

"We have nothing to talk about. Get out!"

"Fine," said Karen. She thought about threatening and posturing like she'd done with the bitch's mother but then decided to take a more physical approach. Karen was in the perfect mood for it. She was still pissed about the setback with Lucy and the girl was looking for an opportunity to cause some major pain. Amy would be a convenient target.

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