Jumping Through Hoops - Cover

Jumping Through Hoops

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A mother bursts in on her son and his girlfriend. Bad move.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   FemaleDom   Pregnancy  

Lucy was in a fix. Her daughter Amy was flying home soon. There wasn't any way she could hide from her the fact that Barry's girl friend had taken over the house. What would Amy say when she found out that Karen had installed herself in the master bedroom? Amy would be sure to report what was happening to her father. He'd be sure to start snooping around and then the whole sordid mess might be out in the open.

Barry didn't have any influence with Karen although he seemed to have her affection. The only other person she could think to turn to for help was Beth. Even though she'd just met Beth Lucy could see that she commanded Karen's respect. It might be worth a try. Lucy was desperate. Beth had left her card with Lucy so she dialed the number right away to leave a message.

"Hello?" She's there! Thank goodness she works out of her home thought Lucy.

"Beth? Lucinda Wyatt here. I need to see you as soon as possible. It's very important."

"Lucinda? It must be important. I've just come from there. What has happened?"

"Please, I can't talk on the phone," said Lucy. "May I come to see you today? Right away?"

"Well, certainly if it's that important. Give me an hour to change and clean up the place, okay?"

Beth's apartment was in a modest complex near the college campus. The door opened at Lucy's first knock and Beth invited her in. Beth had changed into a simple skirt and blouse. The skirt's hem ended at just above her knees and the young woman had tied her hair back into a ponytail. The overall effect made Beth look like a pretty teenager rather than a sophisticated adult.

"I'm so sorry coming to you like this after having just met you but I didn't know where else to turn."

"That's okay. I'm going to pour myself some tea? Would you like a cup?"

"I'd love a cup," said Lucy.

"So, let me guess. This is something about Karen, right?" Beth had sat down after pouring out the tea.

"How did you know?"

Beth chuckled. "She's always been kind of a wild child as long as I've known her. Where Karen goes, trouble follows."

"You're absolutely right," said Lucy. "I'm afraid I can't go into all the details as they're rather embarrassing."

"That's all right. How can I help you?"

Lucy told Beth as much as she dared and then explained the likely consequences when Amy came home. "Karen respects you and seems to defer to you, Beth," Lucy explained. "She claims to love Barry so that if you can show her that continuing to stay in my home would hurt her relationship with my son as well as possibly doing irreparable harm to everyone else, she might decide to move out and prevent a lot of grief."

"It's true that Karen and I have a good relationship, Lucinda," said Beth. "But that doesn't mean she always listens to me. She's very willful at times and I'm afraid this is one of those times. I'll do my best though."

"That's all I can ask." Lucy sighed. There was nothing else to say. "I guess I shouldn't take up any more of your time. I'll see you on Monday?"

"Well, now that you're here you might as well stay for a session," said Beth. "You do have the time, don't you?"

"I suppose I do," said Lucy.

"Then finish your tea. While you're listening to the CD I'll call Karen and try to get her to listen to reason. I wish I could talk Karen into some sessions with me but she's afraid I might turn her into a soulless zombie or someone's sex slave." Beth laughed and Lucy laughed right along with her.

Lucy lost track of time again as she listened to the CD but it was so relaxing she didn't much care. It was hard to believe that her possible savior could have been introduced to her by Lucy's tormentor.

"Ooh. Can't I stay listening for a bit longer," Lucy asked as she felt the earphones being removed.

"Absolutely not," Beth declared. "You've been listening to that thing for an hour."

Lucy felt so relaxed during her session but already she felt a knot of nervousness building up in the pit of her stomach. "Were you able to talk to Karen? What did she say?"

"I'm afraid you're still going to be living with her but it's not all bad news," said Beth.


"Karen says she'll move out of the master bedroom and into Barry's room with him. She's also agreed not to be disrespectful to you in front of anyone including Barry and Amy. In return, you have to agree not to say anything against her to Barry or anyone else and to end further attempts to kick her out. She says to take it or leave it."

"I'll take it," declared Lucy. It was actually more than she could have hoped for. Lucy probably would have settled for less. It would still be difficult to explain Karen's presence to Amy but Lucy thought she could work around it if the maniac teenager kept her promise. "I'm very grateful to you for your help in this matter, Beth."

"No problem, Lucinda. Remember, you're helping me out too. If you're willing to work with me I'm sure we'll both have successful outcomes."

"I'll do anything you ask of me," said Lucy. She meant every word.

"That's the spirit. For your homework tonight, I want you to write down a list of goals so that we can determine the proper suggestions for your personalized CD. Have you started your exercise program yet?"

"Yes, I've started walking and I intend to dig out some old aerobics tapes I still have."

"Those are good," said Beth. "But I also want you to try something that's fun so you won't become bored and start slacking off."

"What's that?"

"Belly dancing."

"Belly dancing?" Lucy knew about belly dancing as a good form of exercise but she never thought of taking it up herself.

"Yes, it really tones the muscle and burns up the calories. As long as you eat sensibly you'll be in shape in no time at all. Besides that, it's fun and it makes you look and feel sexy."

"But don't you think I'm too old for that?" Lucy didn't want to look and feel ridiculous.

"Of course not," said Beth. "I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise. My own mother is in a belly dancing class and she's older than you. She tells me there are seniors who are in her class."

"I'll look into it," Lucy promised.

"I've already started looking for you," said Beth. She handed Lucy a video tape. "This tape contains basic moves and music. I want you to get started right away."

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