Jumping Through Hoops - Cover

Jumping Through Hoops

Copyright© 2002 by sourdough

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A mother bursts in on her son and his girlfriend. Bad move.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Hypnosis   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   FemaleDom   Pregnancy  

A slight wave of panic went through Lucy's mind when she realized what she was looking at: the bottom of the tea canister. The tea that Beth had given her was almost gone, just enough for one more cup. She was expecting to run out but Lucy wasn't counting on this reaction. Lucy imagined it was the reaction of an addict when he realized his drug of choice was no longer available to him. Was there something in the tea besides herbs and spices? Should she have it analyzed? Lucy sighed and poured the water. It had to be her imagination. She blamed it on the regret she was going through from having cancelled further meetings with Beth. Lucy shrugged her shoulders and finished getting ready for work. She left without seeing or talking to anyone.

Amy woke up hoping the previous night had all been just a bad dream. The soreness she felt all over dashed that hope. It really happened. The teenager got up and looked in the mirror. Her eyes started brimming with tears when she saw the ugly red mark on her throat just above her left collar bone. It would take a lot of makeup to hide the hickey she was now wearing.

Despite Karen's warning Amy was entertaining thoughts of leaving the house and not coming back. Unfortunately, the only safe place she could think of at the moment was back with her dad 3,000 miles away. The pretty girl didn't like the idea of being chased out of town by the likes of Karen. There had to be a better way.

Surely, Barry wouldn't do anything to his sister against her will. It was inconceivable that Karen had turned her brother against the family. The trouble was that Karen apparently wanted Amy to seduce Barry and she knew her brother was unlikely to look a gift horse in the mouth. When she had the chance, Amy would talk to her brother alone and explain Karen's plan to him. She would get Barry to oppose Karen even if he was being blackmailed. The sound of the door opening startled Amy and she whirled around to see her tormentor walk in.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Karen chirped. "I'm glad to see you're up. You have a big day ahead of you." The girl embraced Amy and kissed her fully on the lips as if they were lovers. Karen smiled to herself when Amy didn't offer any resistance. This was going to be easy, she thought.

What a waste of time and effort it was to call in Beth. In fact, it had been a big mistake. Karen didn't at all appreciate the games Beth was playing, making it more difficult to control her slave. Beth's subtler methods were bogus anyway and it would be a cold day in hell before she asked for that bitch's help or advice again. Karen saw herself as an expert in the art of intimidation. Yeah, that's all she needed, a practical knowledge in intimidating and then controlling her opponents to get what she wanted. Everything else was just bullshit. Hell, Karen was sure now she would have succeeded even without the blackmail.

Well, the problem of Lucy continuing to see Beth had been solved. Lucy had been the one to quit Beth voluntarily. That was a lot better than ordering Lucy to stop seeing Karen's erstwhile mentor. Karen's thoughts were interrupted by Amy's whimper.

"Please don't make me do this," Amy begged. "I'm sorry I said the things I said yesterday."

"I don't give a shit if you're sorry or not," Karen declared. "Stop with the whining and just do as I say or I'll think of worse things for you to do. This isn't about what you said yesterday. It isn't even about you. It's about power."

Amy nodded her head as if she understood but she didn't. She already knew it would be a waste of time pleading with Karen but she had to give it one last try. The only who might be able to save her now was Barry. The teenager had to speak to her brother alone but she doubted Karen would give her a chance to do so.

"Do you have anything nice to wear for your brother," Karen asked.

"Uh, I haven't thought about it," Amy answered. "I don't think Barry will be that particular given the circumstances."

Karen laughed. "You're probably right. Barry won't care how you're dressed or undressed for that matter once he realizes he's going to have his very own little sister as a fuck toy."

Amy blushed in embarrassment and humiliation but smiled grimly. There wasn't anything she could do except cooperate. She felt helpless and vulnerable. "Where's Barry now?"

"What's the matter? Can't wait to get into the sack with him, hmm? Do you want me to go get him now?"

"N-no, I was just asking,"

"Well, I'm sorry to say you're just going to have to wait. He left just before I came in here and he says he won't be back until after noon."

Amy didn't know whether she should be relieved or disappointed. Barry wasn't around to be seduced but neither was he around to enlist his aid. She wished her brother had a cell phone. He seemed to be the only person on the planet who didn't have one and didn't want one.

"Since Barry's not home I've decided to get out of here for a while. I haven't left this dump since Friday. Care to join me?"

"No, thanks," said Amy. She didn't want to be caught in public with Karen. If she insisted Amy supposed she wouldn't have any choice but to accompany her.

"Fine," said Karen. "I expect to see you here when I get back. If your brother gets back before me you'll keep your mouth shut about our little surprise, won't you? I'll be very pissed if you even try to talk him out of fucking you."

"You're so sure he'll want to go through with it, aren't you. How does he feel about it?"

"I haven't asked him and yes, I'm very sure that he'll want to go through with it," said Karen confidently. Amy wished she was as confident that Karen was wrong. She loved her brother but she had the feeling that Barry had developed the moral character of an alley cat.

After Karen left Amy lay down on her bed and had a cry. Crying about a problem always made her feel better even if it didn't solve the problem. With that out of the way Amy took a shower. Covering up her hickey with cosmetics wasn't as big of a problem as she feared but to someone looking close enough it was still visible.

Gosh, she thought. What if Barry goes ahead and has sex with me? Shouldn't I be taking precautions? Amy wasn't on any birth control and she knew that Barry wasn't responsible enough to think of using condoms. The sixteen year old had insisted on Nick wearing a condom whenever they fucked even when she thought it was safe but in this situation Amy didn't have any control. She certainly didn't want to be impregnated and carrying her brother's baby. Well, it seemed they'd be taking their chances if it came to that and Amy couldn't help but feeling she was doomed.

That didn't stop Amy from carefully considering what she'd wear no matter what happened. Since it was going to be a warm day anyway, she decided on a cute sundress she liked. It was short enough to show off plenty of thigh and low cut enough to show off plenty of cleavage. She knew Barry liked to see her wearing it. That last thought bothered her a bit but not enough to change her dress for something more conservative.

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