The Diner Disaster - Cover

The Diner Disaster

by PWB

Copyright© 2024 by PWB

BDSM Sex Story: A tale of a mature waitress at a small diner who is captured by a middle aged man. After binding her thoroughly, the man takes her repeatedly through the night before leaving her to be found my her co-workers. Heavy bondage and sex.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   .

Katie was a 63 year old widow who worked as a waitress at a small family-owned restaurant. The place was older and its clientele were slowly dying off. She was worried that if business didn’t pick up, the owners might have to shut it down. She had worked there for 25 years and was afraid if she lost her job, she would have major trouble finding another considering her age.

Kate was the only waitress in the place that night, since the other Waitress, Janice, had begged off to take her kid to a see a concert. The cook and the owner were still there but that was it. There were a few customers, but as usual business was slow and the hour was late. Katie thought no one else would be coming in for a meal when the front door swung open, and the little attached bell tinkled.

A middle-aged fellow entered, bundled up to ward off the bitter cold outside. He went over to a table and sat down, beginning to remove his heavy outerwear. Katie let him settle in before walking over to welcome him. “Hello there. My name’s Katie and I’ll be taking care of you this evening,” she said, as she had told a million customers before. “Can I take your drink order?” “Come back in 5 minutes,” he mumbled. “I’ll decide by then.” Katie moved off and studied him a bit. He was tall and thin, and his face was a bit hard to see, because he kept his hoodie on. She could tell he was younger than she was, and he had a four or five day stubbly beard, but that was about all she could make out. She lost interest and began talking to the owner.

The new arrival was currently going by the name Jake. He used different names at every town he stopped in. He had been in town for two weeks and was staying in the flea bag motel down the road. Jake pretended to study the menu while casing the joint. He quickly decided that the sleepy little restaurant would be a nice little score to hit and then leave town. Jake surreptitiously began to study Katie. She was short, about 5’4” and curvy but not really fat. She had a large set of tits on her and her bottom was well rounded. She had a pretty face, and she had blonde highlights in her auburn hair. Her legs seemed long for a woman as short as she was, but Jake liked what he saw. She was wearing a stiff waitress dress, hosiery and a pair of heels that seemed too tall for an older chick. “A bit old for me,” he thought, but it had been a while since he had had a woman. “Maybe I’ll get lucky, and she’ll be closing tonight.”

Jake motioned Katie over and ordered a beer, a sirloin and a baked potato. Katie brought the food and drink and moved off. He ate slowly while the other customers drifted out. At ten o’clock, Katie came by and told him that the place was now closed and asked him if he needed anything else. “No, I’m good,” he said. “I’ll be finished in 5 minutes.” True to his word, he was gone in five, but he only went outside and waited in his car. He was parked at the side of the diner, and he knew he couldn’t be seen from the inside. The exterior lights went off and a closed sign lit up in the window. Jake watched carefully as the cook and the owner each left after about 30 minutes. He knew that left the lone waitress in the place to clean up and close. He left his car and moved around to the rear of the restaurant. As he suspected, Katie was hauling garbage out to the dumpster in the back. She went back in to get another load, and he moved to stand behind the door.

“Jesus, I’m getting too long in the tooth to be dragging these bags,” Katie thought. “I’ve got to beg them to hire a bus boy to help.” She knew that would be a tough thing to ask with the economy the way it was, but she needed some help. She exited the door hauling two large garbage bags, when Jake stepped forward and jammed a stun gun into her neck. The crackling of electricity went unheard by the small woman as she went down as if clubbed. Katie fell hard onto one of the bags, luckily stopping her from smashing her face into the concrete but she was totally incoherent. Her body ached all over and her neck stung like hell. Jake quickly pulled her arms behind her back and held them palm-to-palm. He fished in his pocket and pulled out a hank of thin nylon rope. Katie was beginning to move a bit and moan, so he jolted her twice more to shut her down and shut her up. He wound the rope around her wrists several times and then cinched it between her wrists tightly. He finished by tying the knot on top of the cinching, well away from her fingers.

Even after the multiple jolts, the old girl was starting to move and grunt, so Jake dragged her back into the restaurant and locked the back door behind him. He produced a second thin rope and bound her ankles. Again, he wound the rope 4 or 5 times around before cinching it tightly and knotting it. Knowing she was helpless for the time being Jake closed all the blinds in the place and killed all of the lights but one. The one remaining light was over a huge wooden table in the back that would hold eight or ten people. He emptied the cash register and then walked slowly back to Katie.

By this time Katie was awake and aware. “Untie me and get the hell out of here, you bastard,” she screamed. “For God’s sake don’t rob the joint. We are barely making it as is. If you rob us, I know they’ll have to close the place and I’ll be without a job.” “I am robbing the place, you old cunt,” he sneered. “That is a done deal. I need the money, and I don’t give shit about this place. There was very little money in the till, so I guess I’ll have to take something else while I’m here.” Katie was puzzled by that comment. She had no idea that anything else was of value in the old diner. She looked up at the intruder and noticed the way he was staring at her. She knew that look from hundreds of other men through the years. “No way!” she yelled. “I’m old enough to be your mother, you asshole. Just take the money and leave. I don’t even know what you look like so I can’t identify you. Leave me alone and get out.” “Not a chance,” he said gruffly. “You may be older than I am, but you have what I like in a woman. You got big tits, shapely legs, and a nice round bottom. I’m going to tear your ass up. We have all night to play!” he gloated.

Katie pulled furiously at her wrists and kicked her legs. She worked her wrists from side to side, trying to rub some slack into her the bindings. All she succeeded in doing was abrading her wrists and hiking up her skirt and displaying the sexy legs that Jake was already interested in. “Get out, get out, get out, get out,” she screeched over and over. Jake calmly walked over to his helpless captive and slapped her hard in the face several times. “You need to calm the hell down, woman,” he snarled. “You are going to get fucked whether you like it or not. You need to decide whether you are going to play nicely or not. If you play nice, I won’t hurt you ... much. If you fight me, I will beat the crap out of you.” That shocked Katie and she reluctantly quieted down. She kept thrashing about, trying to loosen her bonds but it was futile. The ropes were too well tied, and she wasn’t strong enough to loosen them by pulling. Jake stood and watched as defeat and despair overtook the waitress. “I don’t want to take you on this filthy floor, Honey,” he said. “Let’s move your fine ass over to this table.” With that, Jake lifted the old girl to her feet and guided her as she hopped reluctantly over to the huge cypress table. “Stand still and shut up,” he ordered. Katie started to protest, and Jake slapped her again several times. This stunned her long enough for Jake to spin her around and bend her over the table. “Don’t move, dammit,” he growled. The next time won’t be slaps. I’ll punch you with my fists and you won’t like that at all.”

Katie slumped over the table and whimpered softly. Jake pulled a knife from his pocket and slowly and carefully began to cut the uniform off his victim. In a few moments she was bereft of the dress and her shiny, satiny slip was revealed. Jake left her in the slip, hosiery, and heels. A quick glance under her slip revealed the woman had no panties, just the pantyhose. “That’s good,” He thought to himself. “All I have to do is cut the gusset from the hose and she will be ready to go.” Jake dragged a long piece of rope from his backpack and began to wrap it around and around the despondent woman’s arms. Tighter and tighter the wrapping continued before he cinched the ropes, welding her arms to her back. The ropes encircled her chest, above and below her bosom, pinching her breasts between them. This caused her tits to stand out even better than they usually did. He reached around her and began to grope her huge mounds, squeezing and pinching her breasts and moving to her nipples. This elicited a few howls of indignation from Katie. “Goddammit, leave my tits alone, you bastard!” she screamed at him.

That was enough for Jake. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a thick stocking hood and a 2-inch red ball gag. He snatched Katie up from the table and punched her hard in the stomach. With an explosive whoosh, all her air was forced from her lungs and she doubled over in shock and pain. He knew he could have used the stun gun again, but he sometimes liked to employ a “hands on” approach to his victims. Jake roughly pulled the thick stocking over her head, robbing her of most of her sight. He then slapped her ass viciously, causing her to open her mouth to scream. Unfortunately for Katie, when she opened her mouth Jake crammed the ball into her open jaws. It was a struggle because the ball was so large, but by twisting, pushing, and working it around, it finally popped into place behind her teeth. Jake quickly buckled the straps behind her head. “That will quiet your ass down some,” he said. “I do get so tired of mouthy sluts.”

“Owwww, yyyy mmmmtttttrrrrrr fffcckkkkrrrr,” Katie mumbled through the ball gag. “Llllltttttt mmmmmm gggggggg.” “At least you’re quieter now,” Jake muttered as he reached for more rope. He untied Katie’s ankles and tied her right ankle to a table leg. Stretching her legs wide apart, he tied her left ankle to the opposite table leg. She was now tied facing the table with her ankles tied tightly to the table legs and securely cinched. Jake now tied her thighs to the top parts of the table’s legs, being certain to thread the rope through the joinery of the leg to the table top. This prevented the thigh ropes from sliding down the table legs, and it kept her thighs as widely spread as possible. Her thighs, spread and snugly bound as they were, kept her ass from moving around very much. Jake wanted that soft, round ass, steady enough for him to pound her good and hard.

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