Damn Cowboys - Cover

Damn Cowboys

Copyright© 2002 by Big-R

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She was a runaway, he was the owner of a huge cattle operation. She was so useful to him he married her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual  

Cammy drove up to Phill Burgin's truck. She told Phill that she needed his help to plan to entertain guests the next weekend. Cammy said "They will arrive Thursday afternoon and leave when ever you men conclude your talks. Cammy said "There will be four women that want to ride horseback, I would like the Wrangler to choose nice horses for them and one of your hands armed with a shot gun to ride with them.

" Two of the ladies at least like to fish, I want a 'Dam Cowboy' to be with each lady and I want him to be armed with a pistol and shot shells. This deal could be ruined if one of our guests got hurt. A mad cotton mouth could screw up a lot.

Cammy said some of the men like to hunt Deer, I would like you to see that they get game, do what you need to do. Phill asked "you want me have them shot for them?"

Cammy said "Do what you need to do Phill."

Later that night Cammy was in Bob's arms after a long gentle session of making love. She was running her fingers through the long hair on his chest.

Cammy reported the plans she had set in force to make their guests enjoy their stay.

Bob said "Davis Cattle Company has never made this much fuss for guests before honey"

Cammy said "This is special, we may be about to begin a real marketing program for our cattle and have you thought of possibly auctioning semen at those sales.

Bob sat up in bed. He said "That is a brilliant idea Cammy, we could have a video projection on a big screen after the cattle sale and feature five bulls visually to those people that attend. They could see the top bulls in the nation grazing and walking around.

Cammy laughed and said "And for ten dollars per person we could have a back room where they could watch each bull breed."

Bob said "Go to sleep idiot!"

The next week subtle changes took place.

Wednesday Daybreak had a new person in the kitchen, she was a lovely Choctaw with a bright smile. Daybreak introduced her as Bright Star Murphy. Daybreak said "We call her Star." She said "Star works as a cook at the high school. She is taking a week off to help me here." Cammy and Bob told Star she was welcome.

Thursday morning Daybreak introduced Lee Ann Rawlings, she was an attractive middle aged lady and a Choctaw but her father had not been Indian. Day break said "Lee Ann was the house keeper in a motel at Mount Vernon until it was sold to the Hindus." Lee Ann said "They wanted only family there."

Around ten Phill came in to the ranch office to make his morning report. Cammy told Phill that Bob was at the semen lab. Phill said I will catch him there then. Cammy asked if every thing was ready for their guests. Phill said "Bought as ready as we can get mam, I have five gentle horses in stalls and Tack for them." Phill said "I have a fishing boat in five of our six ponds, we got a big gator in the sixth. I have had nearly a ton of corn and peas dumped in the grove in pasture eighty seven and the deer have found it. Got stands built on the route the deer take down there."

Cammy said "Sounds like we are ready then."

Phill said "Yes mam."

At two thirty a ten passenger van arrived in front of the office, the Col. and his party had arrived. Bob and Cammy met them as they got out of the van. Col. Hall said "That was not a bad drive at all, we made it here in two and a half hours. Cammy McDaniel and Doctor Robert Davis meet my wife Abigail Hall, my daughter in law Amy and my other daughter in law Sharon, you have met my sons Jerry and David." Cammy shook each ladies hand. Bob said "I don't shake hands with beautiful ladies, they get a hug." He embarrassed each lady and kissed her on her cheek. Daybreak, Star and Lee Ann appeared and took the luggage out. Cammy said "Mr. and Mrs. Hall this is Daybreak and she will show you to your room. Daybreak had Mrs. Hall show her their bags and led the Halls to their room. Star did the same, then Lee Ann. Cammy said "In a few minutes we will meet in the living room."

Later when every one was there Cammy said "It is the right time for us ladies to enjoy the pool, the water is heated and the winter cover is in place. Robert would like to show you gentlemen some of the ranch before we have dinner." The ladies spent three hours sunning at the pool. Bob showed the three Halls the Semen Lab. and the stables then took them on a quick flight over the ranch in the chopper. Before dinner they were all back in the living room. Bob said "The bar is open folks choose your own form of liquid pleasure."

Cammy said "I guess I am a red neck cow girl, I drink long neck Coors right from the bottle folks." Every one else chose to drink beer.

Dinner was served at seven. All was served buffet. The salad bar had items that were strange to the Halls. Star explained that this was a kind of Romaine Lettuce, that was a kind of Water Cress and then related several other items to things they knew. After salads the Halls returned for the main course.

There was a delicious rare roast, slabs of it could be cut with a fork, there were six side items. Tiny forks were there for sampling. The Halls did not recognize any thing but the wild rice and the diced new potatoes.

Cammy led the way, she said "O Daybreak you have all of my favorite things tonight, you are going to make me overeat."

Every one was finished with the main course when Daybreak took a large baking pan from the stove, Star took a canister from the freezer and Daybreak said "Desert is Fox grape cobbler and home made vanilla ice cream."

After dinner in the living room with brandy Col. Hall confessed that he had eaten in the finest restaurant in Paris and in New York and never dined better. Bob smiled and Cammy said "You have never dinned here before."

At ten thirty Bob said "My lovely lady and I are going to bed folks, feel free to stay up as long as you wish, good night."

The next morning breakfast was hum drum compared to the night before. After the men disappeared to the conference room with Clair Gwin, Cammy and the other ladies had coffee. In a few minutes Clair was back with them, she said "Col. Hall said that I would not be needed, that today would be just a getting to know each other thing."

Cammy told her that it sounded like the men wanted to tell dirty jokes.

Cammy told the ladies that they could ride horses, go fishing or stay at the pool, and asked what they wanted to do.

Abigail made the decision, they would ride that morning and fish that afternoon.

At the stables Saucy squealed when she saw Cammy. Sharon said "She is a beauty, may I ride her?" Cammy said "No one rides Saucy but me, we are lovers."

They left with a 'Dam Cowboy' riding with them, he had a shot gun in a sheath and was wearing a shoulder holster with a gun.

About a mile down the farm road Cammy reined to a stop, she said "Danny would you take care of this mess for me please?" Danny rode out ahead of the ladies, slipped his shotgun out, fired three shots and blew the heads off of three Cotton Mouths.

Cammy thanked Danny and they resumed their ride.

At ten Cammy said "Guess we better go back now, Saucy wants to run bad and your horses do to, let's let them." Saucy was fast but Claire's horse was soon beside her. Clair was grinning and she shouted "I have never ridden a horse that could run this fast, I love it."

Later while waiting for the others Cammy and Clair talked. Both got to know more about the other.

Phill Burgin was present at lunch, he had been included in the morning meeting.

Cammy asked "You fellows still telling dirty jokes in there?" David Hall said "Dad and Dr. Davis have not run down yet."

Cammy said "Good, then Clair and I can go fishing with the others this afternoon."

On her first cast Abigail Hall had a strike and in less than a minute was looking at her favorite rod broken. The fish had hit, stripped half her line off and when Abigail had tightened the drag, her rod broke and the line snapped. Abigail said "What ever that was would scare me if it was in the same boat with me anyhow so that is why I let it go.

Her guide burst out laughing, He said "Yes mam I saw you 'Let it go' and I was reaching for my knife to cut that line before he broke your rod."

Abigail said "I might as well quit fishing, My other rod and reel is just like this one."

The guide said "Miss Cammy sent one of her favorite outfits in case something like this happened." He took a rod out of a case and handed it to Abigail, he told her the line was thirty pound test and the rod could not be broken.

Abigail caught a Bass and her guide landed it in a net. Abigail said it was the biggest fish she had ever caught, and wondered how much it weighed. Her guide told her he would weigh it as soon as he got the hooks out of it's mouth.

The landing net was a set of scales also.

The fish weighed almost five pounds. He went in the live well.

About every other cast Abigail had a strike or a fish on. None she caught weighed as much as her first. Abigail was having them thrown back. Long before the time to quit Abigail made a cast and while her bait was hitting the water the surface exploded. A huge Bass came out of the water with her lure in it's mouth.

Abigail said "O my God and its hooked!" The match lasted about thirty minutes. At last a worn out Bass and a worn out fishing lady were in the boat together. When the lure was out of the fish's mouth the guide sat there frowning. Abigail asked how much that 'monster' weighed. The guide said "Don't know mam the scales only weigh up to twelve pounds. It weighs over that though."

Abigail wanted to take her fish to the ranch house to be weighed. They put every thing in the pickup and drove there.

The men were in the kitchen when Abigail came in with her fish in a nylon mesh bag, it was flipping and flopping, still alive.

David saw her first and said "What you got there Mom?" Abigail replied "I don't know, that is, I know that this is a Large Mouth Bass but I don't know how much it weighs."

Bob asked Daybreak to get her kitchen scales out and tell the lady how much her fish weighed. The Bass weighed fourteen pounds and twelve ounces. Abigail shrieked. She turned around from the scales and saw her guide. He had followed her in to find out how much the thing actually weighed. Abigail threw her arms around him and kissed him on both cheeks then shouted "This darling man caused me to catch that monster." He backed up blushing and "said "Blame that on Miss. Cammy mam, she had me take you the right tackle." Abigail told him she would never have landed that fish if he had not chased after him with that trolling motor. Later when Cammy came in with a string of Red Throated Bream Abigail kissed and thanked her.

The step daughters had caught fish, they had used the tackle Cammy had sent after their light weight tackle was demolished.

At dinner the talk was general and pleasant in nature, Sharon asked where she could buy a fishing rod like the one Cammy had let her use that day. Cammy said "Honey you can't" and went on to explain that the rods were made by a friend of Bob's and not ever sold. Cammy said "He hand makes each one out of material he has a patent on and only gives them to friends. But don't worry I am making you each a gift of the rod and reel you used today" she said.

The four men were going to get up two hours before dawn and hunt Deer. Phill Burgin was to be David's guide, a 'Dam Cowboy' would be with Jerry and Bob would be with Col. Hall. They were in their stands a full hour before dawn. When it was light enough to use their scopes Bob keyed his radio and said "Do it Ray." A piercing whistle was heard from the other side of the grove. Bob said "Get ready now, pick a large set of antlers and carefully sight in on him, he will be walking until you shoot but that will change." Deer began strolling out of the grove, they were not frightened, they were cautiously leaving because of Ray's whistle behind them. Col. Hill said "I have picked one."

Bob said "Take him out, the others are waiting for your shot." Hill shot and two others followed in milli seconds. The Deer scattered. Col. Hall had killed a perfect sixteen point buck.

They loaded him in the pickup and drove back toward the grove. David had killed a perfect twelve point buck. Jerry had what he thought was an eleven point trophy when Phill said "Jerry if my wedding ring will hang on that tiny spur that is a twelve point buck." It did, a happy hunter was even more happy.

The men were back at the ranch long before breakfast. It was Saturday morning.

At the breakfast table Bob announced that he, Daybreak, Lee Ann and Star and the other members of the Choctaw nation on the ranch would be attending this months Tribal Council that day. Col. Hall asked "You are an Indian?"

Daybreak answered "He is a Chief."

Bob said "Cammy and Phill will be here and you may fish, hunt, rest, use the pool or amuse yourselves in any manner you wish. We will be back in time to have dinner on the Bream Cammy caught yesterday."

The men said they were going to take a nap and lounge at the pool later.

Phill had come in and was sitting at the table. Clair asked him if she could ride horseback again today. Phill said "Sure thing mam, I will call the stables and have that mare you rode yesterday ready." Cammy said "She wont need anyone to ride with her Phill, I will go with her and take my gun."

The other ladies were going to be at the pool.

As Cammy and Clair were walking their horses away from the stables Clair said "I think we are going to be working together, I believe there will be some kind of agreement between our firm and yours. If there is you and I will be doing the job of making it work." Cammy said "I am going to enjoy working with you, these horses want to run, let's let them."

At noon Cammy and Clare were back and joining the ladies and men at the pool. Later Cammy showed Clair her computer and explained her program. Clair asked about the size of the computer. She was amazed at those capacities. She asked where she could get one that size. Cammy said "It would have to be hand built like this one." Clare asked who could build one for Hill Auction Company, who built this one? Cammy said "I did, I would be glad to build you one like it if our companies are going to do business."

That evening the men met again for two hours. Sunday morning after breakfast Col. Hill said "Ladies we have made a deal, Hill Auction Company and Davis Cattle Company will now be working together to market the cattle from here. We have four more auctions this year. The one three months away at Montgomery Alabama is an all breed Bull sale. A week after that sale we plan to have a sale of Davis bulls and heifers there. Dr. Davis and Phill Burgin are consigning five hundred head. We are to do all of the advertising and handle the sale details, Davis Cattle Company will deliver the cattle and see to their care. We will run them through the arena. Montgomery Stock Yards will be offered a contract for two sales a year. Our next sale will be at the Nashville Livestock Pavilion. We will follow it by a Davis herd reduction sale, Phill has said he would select five hundred cows for it. We have a sale booked at Saint Louis the following month, after it we plan on a bull sale of Davis cattle. Bob and Phill will send four hundred head."

Bob spoke then, he told them that after filling it's present commitments to other sales he was going to let Hill Auctions handle all Davis cattle sales in the future.

Col. Hill said Hill Auction would book no other sales but Davis Cattle from now on.

The next week Bob and Cammy flew to Jackson Ms. in the chopper with Claire's new computer. It already had Cammy's program and her complete herd files in it. It would be easy to fax Clair the ear tag numbers long before each sale and she could even re-produce the registration certificate. Col. Hill said his office was now set up to do all of their own printing even in colors. Clair said she was compiling a mailing list of everyone ever having bought a Charolais. She said she had entered nearly ten thousand names and addresses in a computer that just printed address strips. Clair said that she could do ten thousand 'mail outs' in less than a day.

That first sale at Montgomery was a success beyond Bob and Phill's expectations. Phill had a dummy buyer set up to bid in an item that was going to cheap. He did not even bid.

The arraignment turned into a perfectly smooth and very profitable thing for both companies.

Cammy made frequent trips to Jackson, Clair was at the ranch often. The two became very close friends. There were times that Clair was preoccupied, it was hard for her to concentrate. During one of those times while resting their horses Cammy asked what was wrong. Clair and Cammy had few secrets from each other. Clair said "God I need a man, there are times that my toys are not enough." Clair told Cammy that she had gone through several affairs and they had been disappointing, she could not bring herself to try casual sex with strangers so her sex life was a zero. There was no man around Jackson that interested her, all the good ones were taken.

She said she yearned to have a man on a regular basis. Not just any man, she felt the need to be loved and even have children. Cammy told her that she was talking about two different things. Cammy said "No one could feel more loved than she felt, Bob was a perfect lover and her sex life was serene but she desired to become a mother. That is a woman's maternal urge and is not satisfied by abundant sex."

Cammy told Clair that she was going to introduce her to a man that might want to satisfy her need for a good fuck, that was her main problem.

Cammy told Clair that every Friday night a young man her age conducted an auction in a empty store in town. He was from here, never been married, and a handsome Coon Ass. Cammy told Clair that they would attend the auction that night and she would introduce her to him, she told Clair she would have to do the rest.

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