Fit To Be Tied - Cover

Fit To Be Tied


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This FANTASY book has it all! A woman helps men and women act out their fantasies, gets paid for it and she loves playing the part(s).

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Very good, Miss Parks. I was watching on the closed circuit cameras and saw your performance. The customer even threw in a bonus for you, he was so pleased with your performance." He silently pushed a plain white envelope across to the girl.

She took it and looked inside. There were three one-hundred dollar bills. "I... this is for me?" She couldn't believe it. With what Love, Inc. was paying her, this was just too much.

"Yours. We believe in keeping staff members happy if they are doing their jobs well. You have worked out to be one of the more promising new additions to Love, Inc. Your next assignment is a bit less active, though I trust you won't sluff off on the job."

"If it's anything like the last customer, I won't!"

"It's nothing like the last customer, I assure you. We try to keep your customers as varied as possible. Prevents you from taking this job too lightly. After all, the customer pays for a unique service. We provide the finest in sexual excitement and fantasy for our customers. That will never change as long as I'm running the company."

"Okay, sure," Laurine said, not really caring about the sales pitch. To her, this was a sexy adventure like something out of a book. She was an undercover agent working against the forces of lawlessness. And she'd have to turn all of the staff of Love, Inc. in to Bill when the time came.

Until then, she'd enjoy this to the maximum.

She put the envelope containing the hundred dollar bills into her purse. Laurine didn't know if this would be impounded as evidence or not. Maybe it wouldn't. She wouldn't mention it to Bill. Let him bust his balls for the pittance paid by the police department. She'd make a few bucks off this little venture.

She silently stood and left the director, wondering what the new customer was going to be like. The first had been on an incest trip. That hadn't been so bad. Pretending to be the guy's older sister had been fun. And he certainly knew how to use that old fucking tool of his.

But the highlight of her brief stay at Love, Inc. had to be the well-oiled man and his wrestling. The feel of his hands slipping across her body had been sexy.

She was sorry that she'd have to turn him in to Bill, too. The man's cock was a real pussy pleaser. Sure, she'd thought he would rip her apart with that massive twelve incher, but he'd known how to use it. And he'd used it on her with all the expertise of a real stud.

The girl shivered a little just thinking about that huge cock fucking into her cunt. The way her twat was stretched in new and deliciously different directions had shown her she didn't know all there was about making love. He'd certainly shown her more than his wrestling style during her brief stay in that padded room.

Hesitating before the door to Room 18, she wondered what was waiting for her inside. Something different the director had said. How different? She wasn't sure she was up to anything really kinky. Yet the director had told her when she agreed to work here that he'd warn her in advance of anything really outrageous.

Whatever lurked inside couldn't be too bad.

Boldly, she walked in. This setting was a kitchen. The large, smooth kitchen table wasn't set but a woman sat there, drinking coffee.

She smiled as Laurine walked into the room and said, "My dear! Come in! It's so good to see you again. It's been months and months!"

"Well, I was just passing through the, uh, neighborhood and decided to see how you were getting along."

The girl wasn't able to work all this out in her head. What was expected of her?

"I've missed you so. Why did you leave me like you did? Was it, you know, him?"

Something told Laurine to say, "No, how could you think that. He wasn't the reason at all."

The woman relaxed visibly. She was happy, smiling from ear to ear now. "I'm so glad to hear that. I worried you'd left me for him."

It clicked in Laurine's mind. The woman was acting out a lesbian fantasy. Or was it purely a fantasy? Somehow, she didn't think so. She'd never made love to another woman. The idea struck her as kinky. It wasn't something she really wanted to do, either.

Still, the director had assigned her to this woman. She was obligated to carry through the best she could.

"No way. You're far too pretty for me to leave for long. I... I just had personal business that needed attending to. It was worrying me. And I didn't think I could give my best to you."

"You're so thoughtful. But then, you always were. That's what attracted me to you in the first place."

She reached out and stroked over Laurine's cheek. The girl had to fight to keep from flinching. But the touch was light, cool. And she knew how it pleased the other woman.

She took the woman's hand in hers and kissed the palm. This made the woman move even closer. The coffee cup shattered on the floor. She ignored it.

Her hands circled Laurine's head and pulled the girl's lips to hers. The girl wanted to fight, to back away. She didn't. One little kiss couldn't be that bad.

As her soft lips met equally soft ones, she found herself getting hot for the woman. She couldn't explain it. Perhaps it was the softness of the lips or the gentle hands. Men weren't this gentle. They were rough and demanding.

She liked that--but maybe not all the time.

Her lips parted a little and the woman's tongue came charging in. Their tongues tangled in an erotic dogfight. She darted her tongue lightly against the woman's, then tried to hide. The woman's pink, rough tongue sought hers out. The hide-and-seek game continued until they were racing back and forth between each other's mouths.

The sweetness of the woman's saliva intoxicated her. It was like the finest wine she'd ever sampled. It made her head spin and before she knew it, she was leaning back on the kitchen table. The woman had followed her all the way down.

A new dimension was added to their lovemaking. The woman's hands had left her hair where they had been stroking the oily strands. Laurine gasped a little as the woman worked across her belly and took one of her tits firmly in hand.

The fingernails cut into her soft titflesh and she flinched a little. But she found herself breathing faster, her tits heaving up and down. She was getting off on this! It didn't seem possible to her that another woman could reduce her to a yielding blob of flesh. Yet, it was happening.

"You're so pretty," the woman told her. "I love to make love to you. Shall we do it like the last time?"

Laurine sensed this was what the woman wanted. She merely nodded in agreement. Anything would be good enough for her since she didn't know exactly how one woman made love to another.

"Oh, good! I love to lick and stroke across your body."

Hands fumbled at her buttons, then stripped off her blouse. She looked down and saw tiny half-moon cuts on her boobs. The woman's fingernails had driven deep into her snowy white flesh to leave red marks. Somehow, as her heart beat faster and faster, those tiny cuts didn't hurt. They pulsed with a life of their own.

She knew that the woman was experienced at lezzie lovemaking. This was going to be quite a lesson in life for her.

"Lift your hips so I can get that horrid skirt off you. Oh, OH!" the woman exclaimed. Her lips had flowed into an "O" shape as she looked down at the girl's snatch. "It's even more beautiful than I remembered!"

"And it's all for you, my dear. Go on, do what you want!"

And Laurine meant it.

She gasped and fell weakly back to the table when the woman stroked the insides of her thighs and then buried both index fingers up her twat. The way she wiggled them around inside made the girl quiver with anticipation.

She had to keep reminding herself that this wasn't a man, that there wasn't going to be a big, ponderous cock fucking her. This was a lot more subtle, all mental.

The waves of delight ripping through her body told her it wouldn't be any less real making love to another woman, though. Her nerves were ready for stimulation and the woman was delivering.

"Just let me suck a bit on that little clit of yours, darling," she was saying.

When her ruby lips circled around the tiny spire of Laurine's sex, the woman began to suck. She pulled the clitoris all the way into her mouth and closed lips around it. She began lightly rubbing her tongue over the pointy tip.

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