Fit To Be Tied - Cover

Fit To Be Tied


Chapter 12

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 12 - This FANTASY book has it all! A woman helps men and women act out their fantasies, gets paid for it and she loves playing the part(s).

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Novel-Pocketbook  

"It was excruciating, Bill," Laurine told her boyfriend. "I couldn't even move and then he stuffed those ice cubes up my cunt."

The man looked at her, surprise on his face. "And this director just let him? I thought he looked after his people better than that."

"He said he was busy with some others on the staff. He apologized, Bill, and I think he meant it. But Christ, the way my twat feels now! It's still a little numb."

"The hell with Love, Inc. The hell with them all. Just give me what new info you've got and we'll bust the lot of them to hell and gone. I want nothing more than to see them sent to the joint for twenty to life."

Laurine was silent. Her hand moved over her cunt, stroking lightly, remembering how it felt to be filled with the wet ice cubes, the cold cubes that sent tremors of pain all the way up her spine. She hated that, sure, but could she really turn in the director?

The shiny red Mercedes standing by the curb had been given her. Was the pain offset by the snappy sports car?

"I want to think about it, Bill."

"Think about what? Just give me the address you said you got and all the other information on how they solicit their customers and we'll bust their asses good."

"No. I want to consider this for a bit longer. Look, Bill," she said earnestly. "It's not as easy for me as I thought it would be when I started. It was a lark. It's something different for me now."

"How different?"

"I like the place. Don't look at me that way, Bill. Please, don't. Let me try and explain."

"You'd better do a damn good job. My lieutenant is on my back wanting a bust soon."

"Okay, look, Bill. It's like this. I'm a horny bitch. You know that as well as anybody can. This job lets me get rid of those sexual tensions. When I took the job, I was just changing the excitement of the undercover work for sexual kicks. Now that I'm getting all the sex I can handle--and believe me, that's a lot--I don't need the thrill of the undercover work. What I'm saying is that I don't think I want to rat on the director and the others at Love, Inc."

"Laurine, I don't believe I'm hearing this. Love, Inc. is an illegal business preying on the community. We've got to crush it out!"

"It's not preying on anything that I see, Bill."

"What have they done, brainwashed you?"

"Maybe you'd consider it that. Or maybe you'd consider it that I've gone over to their way of thinking. They provide a needed service. And face it, I'm getting more bread working there than I ever could at another job. The best part is, I don't consider the time spent at Love, Inc. to be work. I enjoy it! I even look forward to it."

"Christ, I never thought you'd sell out like this."

He roughly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the table. "We're going to take a little trip out to the country. You're going to tell me what I have to know if I have to beat it out of you."

"Oh, Bill, stop bluffing. You couldn't do that."

"I'm a cop. I have to get confessions the hard way sometimes. And this looks like one of those times."

His handcuffs clicked ominously around her wrists. She looked at the silver bracelets, uncomprehending.

"Bill, you wouldn't..."

"Hell, if I wouldn't!"

He drove them out to a deserted part of the foothills, heavily wooded, where he told her she could scream all she wanted. No one was within miles and miles.

Roughly, he shoved her into the trees beside the road. Spinning her around, he said in a cold voice, "We don't have to get tough if you'll tell me everything about Love, Inc. Especially where it is located."

She laughed. And he hit her--hard--across the mouth. She tasted blood oozing into her mouth, across her tongue, down her chin. Touching the injured lip, she looked up at her boyfriend. She saw a wildness in his eyes that had never been there before. He looked like he was capable of killing her if she didn't tell him what he wanted.

"Talk, damn you!"

He hit her again, this time in the belly. She doubled up. He held her up by her blouse. The fabric tore. He tossed the handful of ripped cloth aside and grabbed another handful, then another and another. In record time, she was completely naked.

She huddled against the rough bark of a tree as he stood looming over her. He said, "I like the way you look mother naked. All that white skin. But you really should get some sun."

He dragged her out into the bright light and threw her down on the ground. Pulling a magnifying glass from his pocket, he began focussing it over her body.

"Tell me when you want to talk."

She screamed as the magnified sun's rays cut across her skin. He carefully kept the focus from becoming exact and burning a hole right through her but the intense heat was still enough to make waves of pain wash through her body.

He circled around her tits making the skin begin to blister and turn a raw red. Seeing she wasn't about to talk, he worked lower on her body. He laid a crisscross pattern on her belly with the magnifying glass. When he started to singe the pussy fur, she began crying noisily.

He slapped her. "Talk and I'll stop this."

"You son of a bitch! I hate your guts!"

"You're only making it worse. You can't escape. And even if you do, who is going to believe a cop did this to you? No one, that's who. Now give me the information!"


The ragged burns on her body hurt like hell. But the more they hurt, the more she vowed not to tell him a goddamned thing. He couldn't torture the information from her.

She almost blacked out when he focused the magnifying glass between her legs. He was searching out her most delicate parts. Her pussy lips began to wrinkle up under the heat. The pubic hair was burning with a horrible odor. Her entire cunt was painfully alive.


She shook her head. She didn't trust herself to speak. She might give him the information he wanted.

He dropped down to his knees, kneeling between her slender legs. He took one leg in each hand and lifted. She was rocked back onto her shoulders, her cunt widely exposed to the man's crotch. He took her legs under his armpits and ran down his zipper. A long, ugly red prick leaped out, eager to bury itself in some pussy.

"You stupid bitch. This could have been more pleasant for you. But you had to rock the boat. I'm gonna have my pleasure with you and to hell with the way you feel!"

"Don't, Bill! Please don't do it to me!"

"Talk, then. Tell me what I want to know!"

She simply shook her head, her brown hair forming a little halo around her skull. The girl wasn't about to give in this easily. She didn't know why it mattered so much. Her burns hurt terribly. And the way he'd used that burning glass all over her snatch had been the sheerest agony.

Perhaps that was why she had decided never to tell him a thing about Love, Inc. He might have been able to get her to talk eventually if he'd been nice about it. But not now, she'd never tell this rapist bastard a thing.

She gasped as his cock fucked hard into her cunt. She had a dry hole, he had done nothing to get her excited about this. Her skin was burned and charred in places from his abuse. But she knew it would do no good to beg further. He was going to rape her.

She might not enjoy it but she would try. That was the only way she had of getting back at this son of a bitch she'd once called her friend.


He punctuated his demands with an especially hard thrust up her twat. He ground his crotch into hers. Their pubic hair mingled, his all sweaty and hers partially burned away. She tried to let the waves of joy pass through her and soothe some of the pain. It didn't work.

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