Captive - Cover


by JCT & KT

Copyright© 2002 by JCT & KT

Erotica Sex Story: Always wanting her "rape fantasy" to be carried out, she finds herself victim of a possible home break-in with her as the intended target. Is it her fantasy? Is it real?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Mind Control   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Squirting   .

© April 6, 2002

Chapter 1

She hated it so when her Master went to work. He left Sunday, now it was Friday and it would be a VERY long weekend. Though her Master would call her and they would chat on line, she wanted her Master with her. She never liked when she had to share him. He was hers, all hers. Though she knew there were others, she and he had a stronger bond. None of "them" could get away with what she could. None of "them" understood him the way she did. None of "them" could deal with the Monster like she could. The Monster was hers and hers alone.

She thought back over the years and all "those" that had tried to replace her. Though her Master swore he did not do such things, she knew him way too well to even believe this fairy tale. She just sat back and watched as each of "them" fell by the wayside. They would all change after they thought they had him. Once they thought he was head over heels in love with "them", they would lead him to believe in time that they would be able to deal with the Monster. This just never happened, and they could not even come close. They always hoped he would understand and would accept their inadequacies to satisfy him because of their "love". When they failed to grow and tame the Monster, the Death Watch would begin and once begun there was no reprieve from a Death Watch. She just smiled when she knew the wake was to begin.

As she drove home from work, her mind kept returning to the last telephone conversation they had that morning. Master did not usually insist on her wearing anything special. This morning he had been very specific right down to her panties and bra. Actually, he insisted on panties something else he did not usually do. She got out of the car that she had parked in the garage. As she tried to get into the house, the garage door into the house would not budge. She figured that the shelf over the washer and dryer had fallen and was blocking the door. A few months before she had opened that door to find that two of the shelves had fallen for no apparent reason. Master had replaced them and they never did figure out why. She pushed the garage door opener and walked out of the garage down to the mail box and back to the front door. As she open the door she thought she smelled her Master but dismissed the thought as to how badly she missed him and just wanted his nearness. She pondered checking the laundry room mess, but pushed that thought aside as she hurried into the Master Bedroom to disarm the Alarm. She punched in the code and the system went silent.

She pulled off her jacket, threw it on the bed and went into the bathroom turning on the water in the tub. As she started to stand up, the entire room went black as a hood was placed over head... She was forced to the floor by someone and her hands were quickly tied behind her back, her ankles were bound and her dress, bra, and panties cut away and roughly pulled from under her. She screamed, and as she was doing so, her panties were shoved into her mouth to silence her. She was turned over unto her belly and the hood replaced by a blindfold of some sort. She tried to get a glimpse of her capture to no avail. Fear replaced common sense as this unexpected intrusion took place.

Her mind was in high gear as she "hoped" she was in for the Monster, yet not having any indication who was doing this to her. Before she could even think further, her ankles were untied and she was helped to her feet and forced into the tub. She wondered if her captor planned to drown her or what. She squirmed and try to talk to her captor, but the gag just made noises come out. However, the room, other than her muffled screams, was silent as no one even uttered a word.

Then a voice spoke angrily out of nowhere. She could not tell by its tone as to who it was. The gag was pulled from her mouth and she knew better than to speak. She was told that if she followed the instructions exactly as she would be given from time to time, and did not attempt to see her captor's face she would not be harmed, simply used. She protested that no one used her but her Master, and he did not share his toys. Even none of "them" had ever been shared. If one ever wanted to be released in the twinkle of an eye, all it took was to allow another man other then your husband to use you in any way or attempt to leave your husband. Those were Master's strict rules. They were allowed to be in the company of another woman, with his permission, but no other men. Married, or single, the rules were plain: OBEY, remain true to Master, and do not attempt to break them.

She was now told, "Shut Up". She was even less sure now that this might be her Master, and was beginning to feel the anxiety of what was in store for her. Yes, she was more than scared by this time, and totally unable to protect herself. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought of her Master, and where was he when she really needed him.

Her arms were untied, cuffed and attached to the ceiling above the tub. She heard her captor rumbling through her and her Master's closet. Whoever it was had apparently found the toy bag and was hooking up the small pulley they had bought at a tack store on one of there many outings that she loved so well. She heard the oh so familiar sound of the ropes passing through the pulleys. As her arms were stretched to their limit, she felt the bite of a wet finger towel sting into her full breast that were stretched. Next, nipple clamps were placed on the tips of her nipples. Her breast, chest and back were being scrubbed with a very rough material - the exact origin of which she is not sure. Her skin had not felt like this since the weekend Master bathed her and put the cleansing mask all over her body followed by a wrap of some sort.

Just as she was thinking again as to the identity of her captor, the voice whispered into her ears telling her she had a choice of either drinking the spirits she would be given in a few minutes or they would be poured down her throat. The choice was totally hers. She was instructed to acknowledge her decision. She asked why this was being done to her. The unknown voiced again told her she was not to speak unless instructed and failure to comply would result in sever punishment. She cooperated, drinking the spirits which turned out to be a refreshingly cold champagne. As she drank, the champagne dribbled down her chin, over her breasts since she was not used to drinking standing with her hands tied above her, and her nipples swelling around the clamps. She had to admit, however, that this was an unusual captor she had. Was it possible her Master had organized all this? Or was she possibly in danger from an unknown kinky stranger? It was hard to swallow as fast as she was being served, but she just kept drinking until it was gone.

"Good slut." The words came from some voice-altered source. She felt the water being turned on from the shower massage, and soft rainwater spray rinsed her off. All of a sudden it turned ice cold. She screamed, only to be hosed down with a more powerful spray until she finally realized she had better just shut up and wait for further instructions. None came, and the water was freezing. The stinging of it made her nipples even more sore than the clamps were doing. Just as she thought she was alone in the room, the clamps were pulled roughly off her nipples, causing excruciating pain that made her bite thru her own lips to keep from crying out again.

Chapter 2

While all this was going on, something else was happening to her body. The champagne left a warm inside glow, lightening her head and ability to concentrate on her situation a bit. Yes, fear was still present, but at the same time, she was basking in the pain from the aftershock of the cold water and clamps on her nipples. That alone sent a flush over her entire body that even frigid temperatures couldn't take away. Her knees wanted to buckle, but the overhead contraption kept her standing there.

Within a couple of minutes, however, the water was turned off and her arms released from the torture rack. She almost fell over in the dark as she tried to climb out of the tub, but was roughly grabbed and wrapped in a huge towel.

STOP! This was the only word said, but it was enough for her to freeze in her steps. Strong arms toweled her dry then adjusted the blindfold to be sure it was still in place. Her arms were cuffed again, but this time in front of her chest, and she was being pulled along by her captor. Even with the blindfold on, she knew it was dark inside the house. No traces of light shown thru the edges. To further prevent her from hearing the voice, music was playing on her stereo. It was country music. This made her decide it really mustn't be her Master here, because he insisted on Jazz music whenever they were together, and she often complained. She felt herself being pushed along the carpet, and a final shove sent her across the bed, head first, laying on her still-bound hands. She could not turn over, as something had pressed against her back, not allowing her any movement.

She heard some strange noises coming from across the room. They sounded like a muffled cry.

Was there more than one person here? It was impossible to tell. The crack of a whip sent shivvers thru her body, then the sting of it hit its mark on her still damp ass. "OUCH, please NO" she screamed. "My Master will not allow anyone else to whip me." There was no answer this time as she felt her ass, legs and back being stung with what felt like a crop, and that unmistakable sting that only it could bring. It alternated with a soft horsehair flogger that also delivered pain, but of a gentler, more erotic nature. Each time the instrument was changed with the other, she squirmed and wiggled over the bed, moaning, begging, pleading to no avail.

Her legs were being tied to the end posts of the bed, spread out as far as was possible. The ties were not harsh, but silk, and her thighs were rubbed and stroked as this was done. She remained silent now, unable to even begin to have the answer. Whoever was here with her was determined to drive her wild with both the punishments and the unexpected small pleasures like the champagne, horsehair flogger and the silk scarves.

Still laying on her stomach on her bound arms, she saw the light in the room go on thru the ends of the blindfold. Again, she heard the muffled cries from afar, and just as she tried to open her mouth to ask who was there, those panties filled her mouth again, and she only could manage unintelligible sounds. Whoever made those cries apparently had their mouth filled also she determined.

Everything happened so quickly now, that she had a hard time concentrating on one thing and lost her wits trying to do so. Her thighs, ass, back and even pussy lips open with those spread legs were being whipped and hand spanked at such a quick pace. Every so often though, a hand would stroke her ass, her legs, then a huge wiggling vibrator was inserted in her pussy roughly. She felt it being pushed in and out quickly, then in hard, deep thrusts, then just left alone. For just a minute, it was removed, and whoever was on top of her left. She heard the muffled sounds turn into a moan as something was going on across the room. She definitely heard a woman's voice cry out "YOU BASTARD"...then a slap, then the sucking sound that sounded like the vibrator had been shoved into that person's mouth. "Taste this pussy juice, bitch" was what was said,"see if she doesnt make you wish you were eating at this fountain."

Then the sound was replaced, again with the muffled noises of the gag. She felt the vibrator being inserted back into her pussy, as a couple of fingers played with her clit. Moaning inwardly, she really wanted more, but did not dare to even show her need. Master, she thought, Please come to me tonight.

I need you now!

Just as she was inwardly begging for her Master, she felt her ass being whipped again, her clit was being massaged quickly and expertly and she allowed the champagne to work its wonders. She responded, even though she tried not to, and started pumping against the hand of her captor. "You can't help yourself, slut, can you?", came his voice. He used his hand and slapped the sides of her squashed breasts, her calves, her feet, even her face. She now heard the moans increase from the other person across the room, and he continued to ignore them. Then it started. He climbed over her and began finger fucking her ass, quickly, using the lubricant from her now thouroughly wet pussy. He didnt give her a chance to even get used to this new invasion, before he replaced his fingers with a quick lunge of his huge cock, passing thru her sphincter instantly into her ass. As she tried to move away, tried to scream, he held her tightly and whispered into her ear that he was fucking her ass until she made him cum, and that she better not even think of cumming herself, or there would be hell to pay.

Over and over he plunged into her, hurting her at first, but surprisingly turning it all to pleasure as he reached under her and began pinching each nipple as he drove himself deep into her. He pulled and pinched each nipple with every thrust of his cock, over and over. He kept blowing into her ears, nibbling on them, licking at her neck as he finally just twisted each nipple hard and spilled all his cum into her now begging ass. She couldn't help herself by this time...the champagne wouldnt make it easier, either. As he began to cum, she did also, shaking and crying out and pushing herself into him as it happened. I'll pay the hell was her only thought.

Chapter 3

"So you don't want anyone to invade your precious body other than your Master, correct, slut?"

He laughed and said something about what a hopeless case she was once her submissive space was captured. She was confused by the voice and his choice of words, and still shaking from the ass fucking. Yes, even the champagne was making her head spin a bit. She really thought that her Master was not present, but possibly was in the presence of someone who had been watching her somehow.

Now he demanded..."Do you want more, bitch??" She shook her head no...pressing her legs tighter together as she could do with the barrier of the ties. She felt him moving closer then...He began to tease her breasts...fingers close, but not quite touching them...then he pinched both nipples hard...and quick!! He untied her and quickly turned her over and bound her on her back. He squeezed and pulled at her nipples, telling her how hard they were getting. "Shall I suck on them? Shall I suck on them hard, make them hurt?"

It was more of a statement from him than a question as he was already taking care of them. He sucked and pulled at her nipples until the nipples were larger and tighter than she had ever felt them. She felt the pain down in her toes as he bit down. "Oh, does the whore like this??? Look at these breasts just begging for my attention. Watch the nipples beg for more."

Then, he grabbed and arranged her so that her back was flat on the bed...he slid his hand between her legs, commenting: "For fighting and crying as you did, you sure have one wet pussy. Feel it bitch! Feel how wet you are!" At that point, her hands were untied and a strong hand guided her fingers to her pussy, pressing her fingers inside where she was indeed quite wet. "Further slut, touch yourself where you need me to touch you. Show me where you are begging for my attention."

She drew her hand away, only to have it grabbed, twisted and forced back to that area between her legs. He said "DON'T MOVE!", and got off the bed. She heard sounds as he was apparently bringing the person across the room closer.

Now, he spoke softly, and had this person help by fingering the extremely wet and begging pussy. "Finger fuck the painslut, or you will feel my wrath" was his only statement at that time. She felt two hands spread her apart, and her own fingers inserted again into the wet mass. "Do as I say...and I will not harm you...besides, you might just enjoy this." he demanded!! Now two sets of hands played with her clit and pussy as she slid her fingers lower with the help of her new assistant, and pressed across the wet, slippery flesh. Every place they touched blazed with heat! Every place they caressed created a deeper need.

When she hesitated, he said: "Don't stop, keep touching yourself the way your Master would touch you, the way you crave. Learn the hunger you are capable of and the joy you will feel when the hunger is satisfied!"

She could smell him, he was so close. Holding her arms so that she would not hit at him with them, but by that time, her focus was not on him. She stroked until all she could feel was pleasure, unable to see, not moving. It was somewhere during this time that his tone changed as he talked to her, and she KNEW that her Master was there. It was HIM! He still demanded. He was still was rough, but he was encouraging her to please herself. She kept it up, moving her fingers back and forth until the spasms that began in her pussy consumed her entire body. Ohhhhhhhhhh, please, she called out into the gag. The other person in the room was physically removed and was told to go back into her chair, and learn, if she could, what true submission was.

Chapter 4

For a long time she heard and felt nothing. She could tell he was near, but he was silent. Then he said "That was a beginning slut, but not nearly as good as it would have been if you would have relaxed. Besides, you are failing in the obedience learning, and we have much work to do in that department."

She felt him moving around the room, and heard noises as he came closer. It was at this time that she remembered that her hands and feet were now free. She tried to reach up and remove the blindfold, but he was quicker than she was, and slapped her hands down. "Oh no you don't, cunt! I am not ready to be done with you, not by a long shot." He pulled her hair and tossed her hard across the bed. He quickly tied her hands together and brought them high above her. She could feel the pressure as he fastened them to the bed above. Next he fastened each foot to a tether, and they were hooked tightly to the posts at the foot of the bed.

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