Family Secret - Cover

Family Secret


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - It seems that almost everyone is having some one-on-one fun, until Mom walks in and catches Daddy & Daughter together, then everyone goes to court.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"But it's all right, darling," Vicky cooed, holding Kevin against her.

"I w-w-was so excited, it just went off!"

"Don't you see! If it hadn't happened like this, we'd never have known about that rubber." Vicky was lying on her side, facing her young lover. His cock was still frothing a little, the thick curds oozing from the slit in the tip of the condom. There were bright smears of jizz across her belly and thighs. She dipped a finger into one shining droplet and put it under her nose. "I can't believe they'd sell something with a hole that big. I know they test these things." She put a hand to Kevin's rigid cock. It surged and another dribble of steamy cum plopped into her palm. Vicky smeared the stuff against his thigh and frowned. "Why would it break right there? Right where it matters most. It's just all too convenient to be an accident." She picked up the foil wrapper where Kevin had flung it in his haste.

"Look Kevin! Oh god, somebody did play a little trick on us!" The package was torn all right, where Kevin had ripped the corner off. But along one edge someone had slit it before Kevin had ever picked it up. The nape of her neck felt shivery and cold. Kevin still didn't comprehend completely. It was probably the first time he'd ever seen a rubber anyway.

"Your cum is supposed to stay inside," she said, tapping the slitted tip that was shaped to be a kind of reservoir. Kevin nodded, looked into her eyes.

"God, I still want to. But it always does that after I shoot. It always g-g-gets soft."

"There's nothing wrong with you, darling. It's supposed to do that." She kissed his pouting lower lip. "What if I promised to come back tomorrow?" she said, leaning close to his mouth.

"But I want to tonight... right n-n-now."

"We can't without another one of these," Vicky told him, stripping the ruined rubber from his cock. She held it up and watched the stringy jizz leak onto the rug. "Boy, if any of that stuff had gotten in my little old twat I'd be big as a barn by next February."

"Yuh-yuh-yuh would?" Kevin asked. Vicky kissed his nose.

"You dummy, you don't know anything about the birds and the bees, do you?"

"But I know about us," he grinned. "Please, can't w-w-we play some more?"

Vicky smiled at the handsome boy. Though he was older, she felt more mature in some ways. But it was hard to resist the idea of having him close to her that night, if just to make out with a little. And she was sure she could get her hot little cunt eaten out good again. Kevin seemed to really go for that.

"Okay, you come up to my room in the big house." She looked at her watch. "Let's say about eight-thirty... okay?"

"You b-b-bet," Kevin grinned, hugging her hard. His affection thrilled her. She really did like this strange kid and now that he'd learned to talk it was even better. She could hardly wait to ride her motorcycle into town tomorrow and pick up some more rubbers. It was going to be a summer of screwing as far as she was concerned. There was no doubt that Kevin felt likewise.

"I'll see you in a few hours then," she breathed, brushing her lips against his. He kissed her belly as she wiggled into her cut-offs. She pushed him away playfully and found the T-shirt she'd flung off just before they'd been about to go at it.

"Shall I throw this a-a-away?" he asked, holding up the ruined rubber. "I wouldn't w-w-want Mona to see it."

"Mona!" Vicky said. "That's right, she does come down about this time every evening, doesn't she?" Kevin looked uncomfortable.

"I pretend I still can't t-t-talk," he said. "She..." Vicky watched the boy's face redden.

"You don't have to say another word," Vicky said, folding the rubber carefully and wrapping it in Kevin's handkerchief "I've known Mona longer than you have. And I guess I should've known that she couldn't leave a beauty like you alone." Kevin blushed violently and looked down at his bare feet.

"Hey," she laughed, "I don't mind if you made it with her. You like me better, don't you?" Her cousin's face brightened.

"You b-b-bet," he blurted. Vicky gave his cock a little pull and winked.

"See you later."

Vicky found the hammer and tacks in the kitchen drawer and went upstairs to Mona's door. She tacked the cut rubber to her aunt's door, a last dribble of jizz streaking down the painted surface and making a dark spot on the carpet. She had no idea where Mona was but she was sure to discover this whenever she came home. That would serve her right for fooling with someone so innocent as poor Kevin. It made Vicky angry to think about it. Especially when she could have ended up on the wrong end of the game. That Mona could bring herself to do something so... so awful. But Vicky had suspected a mean streak in her aunt before. And jealousy had opened the cage for something like this. No one else had a motive for getting her pregnant. For all Vicky knew her aunt had watched her and Kevin playing love games on the rug. She'd flipped out and gone in the front door, while they'd been tangled and panting. It had taken only a second to find the rubber and damage it.

Vicky looked at the cum streaking down Mona's door. Now her aunt would know that Vicky was wise. She went to her room then, showered and dressed in a filmy little gown and matching panties. The panties were nothing more than strings with silk attached, even skimpier than her almost non-existent bikini. And the flowing folds of the short gown were so thin that you could see the outline of her body through it, and the tiny white patch that covered her blond-downed pubes.

It was then when she started wishing that she had another rubber. Sucking Kevin would be fun and getting eaten out would be lovely, but wouldn't it be absolutely grand to have that raw, stiff cock sliding up into her tight pussy. She sucked in a breath and licked her lips. Where in the world would she find a rubber this late in the game? And then she knew. Howell! Of course he'd have something like that stashed in his drawer. She could sneak into his room and filch one easy. Howell was always downstairs at the bar boozing it up. He probably wouldn't even miss it.

She tapped at his door first, then pushed it open. The bed was a mess and there were dirty clothes piled in the corner. A guitar with a busted string leaned against one wall and there were empty beer cans littered around. She uncapped a half-full bottle of bourbon on the dresser and smelled.

"Wow! Strong!" But she felt daring tonight. She tipped the bottle up and took a swallow. It went down like molten lead but she bravely swallowed again and recapped the bottle. The booze gave her an immediate buzz. She felt warm and easy-flowing. It wasn't bad at all--except for the taste.

The first drawer she opened was stuffed full of eight by ten glossies of naked girls. All ages, all types. Some looked pretty whorish while others looked as innocent as a Sunday school teacher. A lot of the girls were posed with what looked like a collar. Made of silver so it seemed. With little straps of leather that went to silver bracelets. Though Vicky had never seen anything quite like that before, looking at the photos excited her unexplainably. She closed that drawer and opened another. There she found the found the rubbers. But she found something else too. The silver neck band and the bracelets to go with it.

She was about to take the box of rubbers and get out but couldn't quite seem to close the drawer. Finally she gave in to temptation and picked up the silver collar. It was finely made and engraved with tiny erotic scenes. Brother Howell had probably picked it up in some weird shop in the city. She opened it at the hinge and touched the velvet-lined inside. How many women had worn this thing? It smelled faintly of perfume and something else. Maybe just plain old excitement.

Vicky wasn't sure what made her go to the mirror and place the silver circle around her neck. She closed the latch but didn't let it click. She just wanted to see how it looked. Her hand was trembling. The latch made a little snapping sound and a stab of terror went through her.

"Oh shit, why did I do that?" She tugged at the thing but it wasn't going to give. Then she saw the tiny keyhole almost hidden by a clever engraving. She rummaged in her brother's drawer, looking for the key. The little bracelets that were attached to the collar dangled down over her breasts, exciting her in a strange way. She didn't hear her brother come into the room. She just heard the door close and the key turn in the lock.

"Well, little sister, what in hell are you up to?" Howell swayed towards her. She could tell that he was drunk out of his mind. "Come on, don't just go halfway, let's put these on too."

She was pulled against him as he forced one of the bracelets around her wrist and snapped it shut. It didn't take him but a second to close the other one too. She gave a whimper and tried to twist free but he pushed her up against the wall. There was another click and she found that her head was held tightly against the wall Howell must've installed a little iron loop and now he'd hooked the neck collar to it. Now she was really scared.

"And here I've been on the make for Abby," he laughed, stepping back to look at her. "Didn't know my littlest sister was a nympho with a few kinks of her own." He breathed liquor into her face. She put a hand up to push him back but he grabbed it, pulled the leather straps down so that she couldn't lift her hands. Then he wound the thongs between her thighs and up the wall behind her. It tied them to the same loop in the wall that held the collar. When he kissed her mouth, Vicky instinctively pulled her hands up to stop him. The thongs, already greasy from past use, pulled across her clit and the inner lining of her slit. She gasped as the pleasure trembled through her, Howell's tongue flicking between her teeth.

"Let me just pull that little pantycrotch out of the way," he breathed, letting the thong come into direct contact with her dainty parts. She gasped again as she forgot and tried once more to lift her hands.

"Howell, what are you going to do?"

"Well little sister, I'm going to fuck you. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do."

Vicky watched her brother finish undressing. Then he was standing in front of her, rubbing his thick hot cock under the hem of her shorty nightgown. Those thongs were taut through the dripping heat of her slit. She tried to keep from moving, but even the slightest twitch made the rubbing start again. And the underside of Howell's cock was so velvety against her belly. She looked at his dark eyes and messed-up hair. He was really kind of crazy. She could see a strange glimmer in his eyes.

"Everybody starts getting moral around here when the time comes to hide the weeny!" He started laughing like a crazy man. "Yeah!" he yelled, grabbing her chin to make her look at him. "I'm gonna hide my big ole weeny right up inside..."


"Oh yes, Vicky baby. You been tossing that pubescent pussy of yours around here like you don't quite know what to do with it." He pushed a finger between the two thongs to make a space for the head of his cock. Vicky writhed as much as the neck loop would let her, but she could feel the hot, spongy tip between the two strips of leather now. Howell gave a short jab with his hips and her insides bloomed around his stiffness.

"Nhhhhuuuhhh... Ohhhhh god!"

"You wouldn't want Abby to be the only one getting some good dicking, would you?"

"You... you fucked Abby?"

"You bet your pretty ass." He kissed her neck. "But really it was only a teaser. She was going to get the rest tonight... then I found you in here playing with my toys." He held her face roughly and tongued her teeth and lips. "You like weird toys, don't you? You saw these little trinkets and couldn't keep your hands off them." He touched a bracelet, "... or out of them."

"Howell, you're hurting me!"

"No, I'm not hurting you. I know that look." He jerked up her gown so that he could get his mouth around one of her small breasts. Vicky spasmed and banged her head against the wall as his tongue fluttered across the pink nipple, bringing it up out of its soft areola. When he took his mouth away, her tit was red and swollen and glossy with his spit.

"See, I know you've been letting Kevin dick you." He exposed the other breast and began to tease it with the tip of his tongue.

"Don't do that," Vicky gasped, squirming, trying to pull her hands up. The thongs tightened on either side of her brother's cock shaft, rubbed her clit. Howell grunted with the pleasure of having his shaft squeezed and rammed deeper. Vicky's bare feet lifted from the floor and she drummed her heels against the wall as her brother rooted with his bulging tip. She felt herself being stretched in the deepest places of her pussy. Kevin hadn't plunged so deep with his own slender cock. Her eyes bugged out as she realized that organs in her body were having to rearrange themselves to make room for the fucking she was getting.

"I don't believe this... the way you've got me hung on this damned wall!" Her head flopped and a braid fell over one breast. Her brother seemed to be growing more excited with every passing second. His hands searched up and down her willowy body as he lifted her toes from the carpet with each lunge. His cock made a slurpy sound and went into the hilt. Vicky wiggled wildly, head banging the wall, elbows bumping it too. She felt skewered, nailed securely on her brother's rigid prick.

She didn't want to let him know that she was so close to coming. The wild thrills had surprised even her. Maybe the tight little neck ring and those damned thongs rubbing her clit as they squeezed her brother's cock were doing it. But she could feel the familiar tremors, the excited itch.

"Howell," she gasped, "Oh don't Howell... don't, don't, don't!"

"You really want me to stop?" he moaned, easing his cock back slowly until only the flared tip hung between the leather thongs. Vicky could feel the muscles at the beginning of her pussy opening and closing as if trying to suck the slick, hot morsel back inside. She rocked her boyish hips, gasping weakly against her brother's chest.

"Huhhh... Ohhhmmmmm... Howell!"

"Well? Do you want me to stop or do you want more cock?"

"Uhhhhhh... Ohhh more... more!"

"More what?" he said, torturing her with light rubs in and out. Her pussy was contracting tightly inside around nothing. She felt empty all of a sudden. She jerked her hands and the thongs rubbed her and rubbed the underside of Howell's barb.

"Ohhh... more cock! Give me, give me... give me now!"

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