Family Secret - Cover

Family Secret


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - It seems that almost everyone is having some one-on-one fun, until Mom walks in and catches Daddy & Daughter together, then everyone goes to court.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Abby was on her way down the upstairs hall when Howell stepped from a doorway and caught her arm.

"Abby, I've been waiting to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about, dear brother," she said, lifting her chin and dropping her lids. "What you did the other night is absolutely unforgivable and you're just plain lucky I decided to keep it to myself."

"You enjoyed it. You know you did!"

"That doesn't mean I want to do it again," she said back, pulling her arm free from his grip. "Now if you'll pardon me, I've got a date with Perry."

"Damn you! You dirty bitch. You want it. You just won't admit it." Howell was shaking his fist at her. His dark eyes smoldered even darker than usual. She was afraid for a moment that he might hit her.

"Howell, let me explain something to you." She took a big breath and tried to make her hands quit shaking. "You are my brother. Blood kin. That's what we are. There's nothing in the world that can change that. When you... raped me the other night."

"It wasn't rape!"

"It was darned close!"

"Look," he said, jerking his pants. Abby tried not to, but her eyes were drawn down. In her brother's hand she saw the streamline shape of that thing that had brought her so much joy the night before last. She felt a tremble of raw lust go through her. Yes, it had been good. Howell could fuck circles around any boy she'd had relations with so far in her life. But she had to get control of herself.

"Excuse me, Perry's probably here already."

"You won't get by me so easy," he snarled, forcing her up against the wall. His hand went under her dress. She tried to cry out but her cry turned to a whimper as his finger curled under her pantycrotch. He gouged the thin silk aside and forced into the clenched circle of muscles. A flood of juice smeared his knuckles as he wiggled deep into her pussy. Then slowly, forcefully, he moved the finger in and out, fingerfucking her as he forced her ass cheeks hard against the wall.

"Howell! Ohhh you monster! Ohhhh!"

"See, you're as hungry as I am. You need it, baby, and don't kid yourself that you can do without my cock in your pussy." His mouth covered hers. She whined and tried to twist away, but her brother was a strong man. He had her wedged into the corner of the hall, his finger raping her freshly bathed cunt, his mouth forcing her lips back from her teeth. She had to suck his tongue then as his free hand found an opening under her blouse and stripped a cup from one heavy breast.

"Nhhhooo! Ohhh Howell, I hate you!"

"But you want me too. I know it. I can feel it." His finger jabbed as if to stress the point. More of her hot juice bathed his hand. He worked his hips up close. She was in a sexy, weak daze. She was aware of his cock touching between her thighs. He made her part her legs more and then bent his knees. She couldn't stand up much longer. If Howell hadn't been holding her there, she would have collapsed.

"Nooooo, you wouldn't do it, not here, not like... !" Her voice sounded far away to her own ears. What was going on to make her submit to such indignity? She clawed weakly at his chest. He was so close. Her brother. Her loving brother. And then something was happening. He was holding her pantycrotch out of the way.

"Noooooo, you can't, damn you! Not this!"

"Shut up you nympho bitch," he laughed, forcing the head of his cock between her outer lips. The juicy slickness made it easy for him. She tried to tilt her hips the wrong way but Howell hurt her and made her relax. The head of his cock slipped in inch by inch. Even though she was holding still, he got it deep without any trouble at all. She was panting, her head leaning wearily against his shoulder. He moved up and down, grinding himself against her raw clit. She sucked in a shuddery gasp and drooled on his neck.

"You like it, don't you?"


"You like your brother to fuck you, don't you?"

"Yessss!" She clung to his shoulders to keep from slipping down. He gouged her inner softness with his swollen head. In and out he probed with that terribly stiff thing that grew from his body. Why were men such animals? Abby cried against her brother's shoulder and thanked god that they were.

"Now that I've taught you a lesson, maybe we'll have less misunderstanding next time."

"Next time," Abby echoed numbly. Howell was easing his cock out of her pussy! He was doing it so slowly, so sexily that she couldn't get a breath. Frantic, she clutched with both hands at his glossy shaft, at his balls. He jerked free with a slurp and shoved her roughly against the wall.

"I'll come to you later. Be ready for me."

"Ohh Howell, ohh god, don't leave me like this!" Her pussy streamed juice. The crotchband of her panties was twisted up between her labia now and she ground her hips up and down, fingering the sensitive place with her long nails. "You started it, damn you! Ohhh damn you..."

Howell walked off down the hall, his shoulders moving as he forced his cock back into his pants. She leaned there weakly until she saw him turn the corner of the hall and disappear. She managed to get her blouse tucked in again and straighten her skirt. She was shaking like a leaf as she went downstairs one step at a time.

"You look wonderful," Perry said, smiling, getting up.

"Hello Perry," she said, trying to be cheerful. After all she had promised the date with him. But inside she felt like a hellhole. "Do you mind if we don't go out to eat tonight? I really don't feel like it at all."

"Anything you say, Abby."

"We could have Molly make some sandwiches and eat them in the billiard room. I'm kind of weak. I don't know what it is." Perry hugged her against him.

"We'll just loaf around," he smiled, patting her back. "You do look all in. Maybe a few rounds of billiards will cheer you up. And I'll make us some terrific martinis."

After her sandwich, Abby felt better. And watching Perry shoot billiards against himself had a relaxing effect. But every time her brother's face came to mind, she began to shiver. She had the awful feeling that everything he'd said was true. Absolutely true. She couldn't forget the way his cock had felt inside her body. She'd been aching ever since. If only he'd made her come--so she could've been rid of the tension, so she could be mad at him.

"You certainly are sexy tonight," Perry said, waving his stick. "I mean there's something about you. Your eyes maybe..."

"Oh? I don't feel sexy," Abby lied. She sipped the drink Perry had made for her.

"What if I said I wanted to make love to you," he whispered. "Right here. Right now."

Abby was about to reject his not-so-subtle pass. But then she wondered if maybe that might cleanse her some. To get rid of her bother's evil influence, at least for an hour or so. She smiled at Perry in a way that surprised him. He wasn't used to getting smiles like that. She felt a mild affection for him, but at the same time a certain contempt. He was so... flaccid. Not his prick especially, but his... soul.

"If you let me tie you up first," she said, letting the tip of her tongue glide over her upper lip in a suggestive way.

"Tie me up?" He looked puzzled but smiled through it. Abby could tell he didn't want her to be bored with him. Poor Perry would try anything to get closer to her heart. And she didn't seem to have the heart to tell him to fuck off.

"Sure. I've always wanted to tie a guy up good and then... tease him."

"Well. Sure. Why not?" He shrugged. His ears were pink.

Abby locked the door and turned out the overhead lights. The dim glow from a lamp on a table made everything seem sexier. Her heart was pounding. She stripped off her own clothes without glancing at her date. When she turned to fling her panties at him, he was staring dumbfounded.

"You're different tonight, Abby," he said.

"Give me your belt," she ordered. Her voice sounded odd to her too. She liked to be mean to him. What a soppy bastard he was anyway. "Give me your damned belt and shut up." Perry did what she wanted. He was starting to take her little game seriously now.

"Bend over the billiard table and let me tie your hands." When she'd bound his wrists, Abby made him sit down on the big divan. She tied his ankles together with a piece of cord she found in a drawer.

"It would be somewhat embarrassing if someone were to find me like this!"

"I locked the door," she snapped, cinching the knots so hard that he jerked with the pain. "Now lie down."

When Perry was on his back, Abby climbed up over his chest and straddled his face. Gently she lowered her seepy, steamy crack down over his mouth. He groaned at first, not sure what was going on. But then like a loyal, good doggy, Perry began to lap and slurp at her tender folds. A shivery jolt shot through her as the pleasure began to tingle around her breasts and thighs. Her erogenous zones came to life as Perry's tongue dug out her clit and worked it between his teeth. She let more weight down, not caring if it made him uncomfortable. Maybe she was getting back at the whole male race for the way Howell treated her.

"You like to eat me, don't you?"

"Mmmm... Ohhh Abby, I love you!"

"You'd do anything I said, wouldn't you?"

"Yes." He put his lips to her inner petals again and suckled at them gently. She worked her hips up and down, smearing his face with her flooding slickness.

She was thinking, take that and that. But poor Perry wasn't really to blame for anything. His teeth and chin and tongue were starting to take their effect on her, too. Could she damn him for bringing her pleasure?

"Uhnnn," she gasped, working her ass faster. The squishy, slurpy sound of her petals clasping and rubbing against Perry's face made her even more excited. She was working herself to a lather! She would be able to come if she kept it up.

But she wanted to prolong her pleasure. She wanted to tease Perry for awhile before the tight bonds began to cut off his circulation and she'd have to untie him. She turned and pulled her pussy up from his mouth. He breathed hard like he was getting air at last.

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