Family Secret - Cover

Family Secret


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - It seems that almost everyone is having some one-on-one fun, until Mom walks in and catches Daddy & Daughter together, then everyone goes to court.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mona McNarey couldn't seem to keep her mind from straying since Kevin had appeared on the scene. She'd known her nephew every bit as long as any one else in the family. But Kevin had changed. At one point she'd thought of him as merely an abnormal child. But now he had an aura that surrounded him. It made him something special, like some exotic being from another planet. The fact that he couldn't use his vocal cords heightened the effect. The fact that he was so completely innocent also excited her. But more than anything, the difference in their ages simply drove her wild.

She was a well preserved forty-five and he was--what? Seventeen? Yes, something like that. Did it really matter what the exact difference was when it was so large any way? And the more she thought of Kevin, the more she wanted to add him to her gallery of photographs.

"There's no damned way I can do it without embarrassing him," she said aloud. She was in her bedroom, her collection spread before her on the bed. She couldn't remember when the urge to collect male genitalia had hit her. Maybe she'd always collected them in a way. She'd always been amazed at the difference in length, size, shape. Even her earliest experiences with men were still vividly etched in her memory. Every cock that had fit between her thighs she could recall. And then she'd gotten into photography some ten years back. It had seemed the most natural thing in the world to record these lovely, tumid pricks.

Mona picked up the eight-by-ten glossy of her brother's cock. It had a slight curve downward, even when fully erect. She had a shot of it when he was forty and then another at fifty. He was holding up quite well as far as she could tell. And he still fucked like a mad bull. She laughed out loud, thinking of poor, weak Florence with her headaches and complaints. Mona had known when her brother married that she would soon be called upon to satisfy his unnatural hungers. She'd spotted Florence as a weak person who wouldn't be able to please brother Carl. Not like she herself had pleased him. Since her fourteenth birthday Mona had slept with him anytime he wanted her to. And she still loved it when he came to rub his rigid cock against her belly, Carl's signal that he wanted her to part her thighs wide and take what he had to give.

He had about eight inches, she estimated.

But sheer length wasn't everything. And though she wasn't really bored, Mona kept examining the youthful lines of nephew Kevin's body. What would his sweet slender cock look like? She wanted to record it on film from every angle. She wanted close- ups of it when he was sleeping. And she wanted shots of it fully erect. Then when all the photography was over she wanted to take it in her mouth and...

"Damn, if I keep daydreaming like this I'll have myself in a terrible state of mind." She sighed, walked over to the mirror to brush her hair. She had wrinkles all right and her hair was streaked with gray. But surely a young man would appreciate her body. She lifted her breasts, examining the shape and droop of them. Luckily she had small ones. The years had been kind. She crossed her long legs and spun towards the bed where she'd laid out her day's attire.

She wiggled into the dancing tights that left her legs bare and swooped down so that any male who cared to could view the smooth tan cleavage of her breasts. The tights had a crotch that snapped under her mound. It was a style she'd long favored because it could be undone at a moment's notice, even under a skirt. And since she wore no panties, she had easy access to her pussy in almost any situation. She smiled thinking of the phone booth she'd been thoroughly fucked in. Another of Carl's lewd suggestions. There'd been an elevator too and... But enough of those old memories. She was going to concentrate on the present even if it did drive her half mad. She snapped a skirt around her waist and slipped into a pair of freshly washed tennis shoes. Then she scooped up her array of cock photos, slipped them into a drawer and snatched her camera from the dresser. Carl was taking his daughters to town today so she'd have a number of hours to see if she could make any headway with sweet Kevin. And so what if she did freak him out? He couldn't tell anybody about it, could he? She laughed out loud and pushed through the front door.

"Excuse me ma'am," the chauffeur said, "if you need the car today, I'm available. Mr. McNarey wanted to drive the old Packard himself to town."

"Thanks, Jim, but I'm not going anywhere."

"Very good, ma'am."

Mona headed across the back lawn towards the guest house. She didn't know what made her glance back, but she did. Jim was smiling, watching the easy swing of her hips under the loose skirt. She smiled, making sure he saw it and then went on.

"Pictures. Do understand what I'm saying?" She held up her camera and pointed. "Pictures of you."

Kevin gave a short nod and put his carving knife down on the table beside his bed. He was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks. They were faded and one leg was torn almost to the waist. Mona sneaked hungry looks at the white flesh that was exposed. When Kevin bent to pick something off the floor, she could see the hard muscular curve of his right asscheek. What a lovely ass it was! She fingered her camera, setting the aperture for the dimly lit room.

"Nude photography is what I do," she smiled, acting nonchalant. "Nature photography is what you call it. It's like mother nature wanted. Pictures of everyone in their birthday suits!" She laughed and looked at Kevin. His reaction was a blank stare. She sat near him on the bed. It took all her willpower not to reach out and brush the lovely boy's shoulder. She kept looking at the crotch of those tight trunks, praying that Kevin wouldn't catch her.

"Would you pose for me, darling?" she cooed, petting his blond hair. Kevin blinked, then shrugged. Her heart was in her throat. Finally he gave a short nod. She was in heaven!

Pretending to be busy with her camera, Mona walked around the room. But she was glancing secretly at her new catch. Kevin was still sitting on the bed. Maybe he didn't understand that she wanted him posing without a stitch on.

"Why don't you slip out of those... trunks, Kevin," her voice was shaking. "With the light coming through the window it should be just perfect!"

The slender boy touched his hands to his waist, hesitated. Then after flashing her a look, he skinned them down and quickly turned onto his stomach on the bed. Fine, Mona thought. For starters. Let him get used to the situation. Let him get used to being naked. She circled around him snapping off shots as fast as she could wind.

After a moment or two she reached down to arrange his legs. He jerked at her touch but let her bend his knees. Now she could see the white sac hanging, the white curve of his uncircumcised cock. It was one of the loveliest things she'd ever seen in her life.

"Now how about rolling onto your side," she suggested, acting as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Of course it was as far as she was concerned. But she didn't know how Kevin would react. He reacted just fine.

"Oh that's beautiful," she went on, getting a quick focus of the length of his body and snapping off three shots in a row. "Now close your eyes and prop your head on your hand. Yes!"

While the boy's eyes were closed, Mona focused on his cock and bent forward until the gracefully curved thing filled her frame. She took shots until she'd used up the rest of the roll.

"Why don't you relax for a while," she said, breathing hard from her excitement. "I've got to reload this thing." When Kevin started to pull on his shorts again, she took his arm. "Oh don't dress yet, please don't!" She realized that her voice was not at all natural. It was as if she were begging the young god to let her do something more than just take pictures. And he heard this, sensed her smoldering excitement. She saw a tinge of pink color his face. For some reason she glanced at his cock again. It was lengthening, hardening. Her breath caught. She couldn't remember being so stirred up since she'd been in her teens.

"Uhhmmmm," Kevin moaned, speaking for the first time since she'd come into the room. He grabbed frantically for his trunks but Mona held them away. She was panting now, hot with want. She pulled the slender boy against her body and petted his head and shoulders.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about," she said, watching the blood being pumped to his cock steadily now. Kevin squirmed in her embrace. He was plenty strong enough to get free if he really wanted. But she held him just tight enough to prevent this. His cock lengthened more. The foreskin was being stretched back now, exposing the dark blue membrane underneath.

"God you're beautiful," she whispered aloud. She sensed that he liked being held like that, enjoyed his position of mock helplessness. She dared herself to try more. And so when his cock had risen from his thigh and bobbed there like a projectile about to discharge, she pushed him down on his back on the bed and pinned his shoulders. There was a faint smile on the boy's lips. Mona could no longer restrain herself. She put her mouth against the boy's neck and started kissing him softly, wetly. He made another of his strange sounds and squirmed. She could feel his wiry shape under her belly. She reached down with one hand and unsnapped the crotch of her tights. The material slipped up her hips, cinching around her waist. She was exposed, naked from there down. And Kevin knew it. He could feel her cunt hair with his cock now. She groaned and kissed his mouth. He moaned into the kiss.

"I want to love you," she gasped, half crazy with desire. She'd never wanted any one male so badly in her life. Except maybe the first time she'd had her brother. But somehow taking her young nephew seemed even wickeder than doing it with her brother.

"You darling boy! Ohhh god, you're perfect!" She worked her hips, letting his cock divide the hairy plumpness of her mound. Almost immediately Kevin was making an animal growl in his throat. His eyes were closed as if in prayer. She worked her body into the right position and felt the exposed head of his cock slide up into her hole. With gentle, rocking motions she was penetrating herself.

"Oh god, is this really happening?" she breathed, kissing Kevin's face with furious passion. "I've dreamed of it, but I didn't know..."

"Mmmmmmm," he cooed, slipping his slim arms around her back. He hugged her as she wiggled her hips. She could feel the stiffness inside her. Kevin wasn't nearly as hung as her brother Carl. But the fact that it was Kevin's white cock inside her made it all the better.

"Ohhh, I'm crazy about you. I want to keep you forever!"

"Uhhnn! Ohhhh," the boy gasped, tossing his head back and forth. She wondered how it felt to him. Was her forty-five-year- old pussy tight enough to give him any sensation?

Mona rolled onto her back then, pulling Kevin on top. She saw him smile like a child with a new toy. He kissed her eagerly and then began to pump his slim hips in amateurish fashion. But Mona would've been enthralled if he'd tried to fuck her with his ear. She gasped and worked her hips on the narrow bed, feeling the probing heat of his young cock going deep. Now that he was really hard, he wasn't all that small. She tilted her ass so that her clit was rubbed by the blond curls around his shaft.

"Harder darling, harder..."

Kevin fucked her harder. He held onto her swaying, bucking hips. He nuzzled deep in her neck, licking and sucking and biting. She tried to make her pussy tight around him, closed her thighs to make it better. The boy's face said that he could tell the difference. He let out a breath and put trembling fingers over one of her breasts. Mona closed her eyes and let it all out. She was coming in just a few seconds, the bed thumping under the violence of her release.

"Kevin... shit... Ohhhh god, Kevin! It's wonderful... soooo good!"

When she stopped moving, Kevin stopped too. He seemed confused.

"Have you ever done this before?" she asked, holding his head between her hands. He frowned, then shook his head no. She had the funny feeling that the boy didn't know anything at all about sex. He'd been going on instinct alone and done pretty well considering.

"Have you ever come?" she asked, smiling to let him know she was only trying to help. Again Kevin looked puzzled. He didn't seem to know what she was talking about. "Come," she repeated, "when a man makes a baby inside a girl." Kevin still looked confused.

Mona eased her pussy free of his cock and then knelt beside his body. She picked up his still-rigid shaft and moved the skin slowly up and down. Kevin sucked a quick breath.

"Has anything ever come out of this little hole?" she asked, pointing out the details. Kevin blushed, looked away. "When?" she pressed, making him look at her again. Kevin made the motion of laying his head on a pillow, of slumber. Mona was enthralled.

"You came in your sleep!" she laughed, bending to kiss his flat, hard belly. "Of course! And it probably scared you, didn't it?" Kevin nodded. Mona hugged his shoulders. "But it's all perfectly natural," she assured him. "Here, I'll make you do it again. It feels wonderful."

Kevin acted as if he wasn't sure he wanted her to do anything to him. But Mona pushed him back down on the bed and leaned close to his cock, jacking it with her hand until it was rigid like before. Kevin's breathing changed, grew deeper. He closed his eyes and his fists clenched and unclenched on the sheets. Mona watched the blue head expand and grow glossy with lubrication. Then she eased the foreskin back to expose the tender morsel completely.

Kevin twitched when she touched her tongue to the underside. He twitched again when she wrapped her upper lip around the curved crown and sucked him in as far as she could without choking, but he wasn't fighting her, wasn't freaking out.

Mona felt like she was in some kind of sex heaven. A real- life angel to play with until the cows came home! She could hardly believe her good fortune. She sucked longingly at the stiff pecker that tickled the roof of her mouth with its spongy head. Her tongue moved expertly along the sensitive underside. She monitored Kevin's breathing and movements, sensing how excited he was. She worked her tongue between the little lobes at his tip. She was enjoying the youthful firmness of his flesh and the shy moans that he couldn't hide when she licked furiously at the bulging blue head of his cock. What did it matter if he couldn't talk? All humans needed was to groan and moan and sigh. That's all she cared about anymore.

"You lovely animal," she whispered, examining his prick with ginger touches of her long nails. It was throbbing noticeably and her spit was glossy on the surface, oozing down into his balls. She made a trough of her tongue and eased forward again, taking him all the way into her throat.

Kevin arched his back up from the bed and trembled. He was holding his breath. His fingers twisted the sheet around as she began a slow, bobbing movement. The sensation for Kevin was probably like fucking. She tightened her cheeks in around his shaft and made sure her tongue was in contact with the underside of his cock at all times. Up and down she bobbed, slurping noisily when the flared head bumped against her lips. Kevin was like tensioned rubber. He couldn't relax now that she was bringing him faster towards climax. She could feel his gland begin to spasm. His balls hung loose in their sac.

"Nhhuuggg!" he grunted, twitching, clawing at the bed now. His heels dug and scratched at the mattress. "Ahhh... Ohhhh!"

"Mmmmmm," Mona cooed through flared nostrils. She wanted to tell him to go ahead and unload. She wanted to tell him that she'd drink it all, drink whatever he could manage to spurt into her mouth. But she was too busy sucking at him to pause. And she wanted it to be good, the best he'd ever had. She wanted this child in her power from now on.

"Mo... na," Kevin gasped. "Mona!" Mona was so thrilled by the sound of her name that she almost pulled her mouth off his cock. But she knew that that would be the worst thing to do. Kevin had managed to speak only because she'd so excited him. Now she was going to excite him more.

She gently took his balls in her fingers and began to roll them around in the slickness of their sac. Poor Kevin was really coming unglued now. He was thrashing and moaning and throwing his head from side to side, blond hair tangling across his mouth. Mona had never seen anything so beautiful. And her mouth suckled powerfully at his exposed tip, begging for the dessert she wanted so badly. It didn't take long.

"Yuuuhhhhh!" Kevin cried, pumping his hips instinctively. A hot spurt of jizz coated the back of Mona's throat. Another leaped from the tiny orifice and washed over the roof of her mouth. Then it was coming in fast floods. The stickly glops puddled on her tongue and leaked from the corner of her mouth. She sucked noisily, getting almost all of it down. Kevin thrashed like someone was horsewhipping him. But his face was twisted with the agonized ecstasy that men experienced when they really got their rocks good! Mona felt like a fairy godmother taking care of him like that. She kept licking the underside of his prick, but gentler now.

Kevin subsided, slumped back into the bed as if every bit of strength had been drained from his young body. Mona went on gently nursing at his cock for a few more seconds, urging every last droplet up his tube and into her mouth. Then she pulled away with a slurp and pressed her cummy lips against his navel.

"My darling, you are absolutely the most precious thing I've ever..." She kissed him and massaged his thighs with loving strokes of her long fingers. Kevin smiled and seemed to enjoy the attention. Then she rolled him over and gave his back a good rubdown. The adolescent grunted with pleasure as she worked her fingertips deep into his muscles. She massaged him all over and then gave him a playful smack on the bottom. Kevin sat up and smiled at her.

"M-M-Mona," he said, voice so quiet she almost missed it. Mona hugged him against her naked breasts, petted his blond hair until his heart slowed its pounding.

"I sure am happy you can say my name. Maybe you'll learn to talk before we're through." Kevin gave her his shrug. He seemed shy again now that all the sex was over with, Mona dressed slowly in front of him. Though he was too polite to stare, she noticed that he saw everything. When she was through, he came over and gently touched her hand. She pulled his face between her palms and kissed his nose.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Maybe we can figure out a way to sleep together. Would you like that?" Kevin looked puzzled. She decided to let it drop for now.

But Mona hadn't even reached the house before she was plotting, thinking, trying to find a way to have Kevin for her very own. She knew it wasn't going to be easy. It might even turn out to be impossible. Her brother was a very demanding person. And there was something about her he seemed to need. Mona could guess part of it. They'd fucked for twenty years. Carl was sexually habituated to her. And he wasn't one to give up a habit very easily.

Since her rebuff by cousin Kevin, Vicky was half crazy with desire. She wasn't showing anybody, but underneath she could hardly think of anything else but sex. On Friday morning she'd stayed in bed late. Afraid to try anything bigger than her finger, she'd brought herself off until at last she lay trembling and weak and still not satisfied. Then she'd gone down to the basement where the exercise room was. Carl kept a couple of vibrators down there to relax his muscles when he played too much tennis. She settled for a unit that fit on her hand with elastic bands and sneaked it to her room in a towel.

"I hope this thing does me some good," she whimpered, plugging the device in and slipping off her nighty for the fifth time that morning. Her door was locked, there was a bottle of love oil on her bedside table. She was ready for another journey into sex-land.

Smearing her fingertips generously with oil, she turned on the button and pushed against her closed cunt. She'd already climaxed three times so the outer lips parted easily and she began to move against her clit. The vibrating movements of the machine brought the tiny nubbin bursting from its hood quickly. In fact the titillations were so intense that Vicky found herself writhing on her mattress, gasping from the sexual storm that pounded through her slim body.

"That feels almost too good," she cried, jerking her hand away from her cunt. She stared at the buzzing thing strapped to her hand and felt suddenly depressed. "I don't want this damn thing rubbing me," she whimpered, "I want a real guy." She turned off the power and pulled the elastic down over her wrists. Then she wiped her hands on a towel as she wandered over to the window to look down on the back lawn. She could see the guest house and through the trees thought she saw Kevin sitting on his chair.

"All he does is whittle all day. Doesn't he care about things that feel good?" She dressed languidly and, after hiding the vibrator under her bed, wandered downstairs. She was thinking of paying Kevin another visit. Maybe just talk to him. She glanced down at the pair of jeans she'd put on and squinched her nose. No, these weren't her best denims. She could surely find a tighter-fitting pair.

Or maybe her bikini would even be more interesting to her cousin. She was on her way back upstairs to change when she heard her father talking to someone in the large side patio. There was something about his amused tone that interested her. She slipped up to the French doors and leaned an ear close.

"Since when did you become a therapist?" Carl asked, chuckling. Mona frowned at him.

"Oh don't make a joke out of it, Carl. If there's any possibility that I can make Kevin speak, don't you think I should try?" Vicky saw her father shake his head as if thoroughly amused.

"You're just not the do-gooder type, Mona. It kind of takes me by surprise." He looked at her in a funny way. "So you'd want to do this in the evening?"

"Well Carl, the child works with his carving all day. I wouldn't want to stop him doing that. It's all he has after all." Mona looked at her nails. Vicky thought she saw her aunt tremble slightly. "But in the evening I could work with him on language and sounds. I think it's just that he doesn't want to sound like an animal that's kept him from trying to talk. I can got a little tape recorder and..."

"But all the specialists said--" Carl began, getting up from his canvas chair.

"The specialists are often wrong," Mona insisted, rising too. "Don't you think it's worth a try? Just think how overjoyed his parents would be if I had some success."

Carl walked over to the bar wagon and made himself a drink. "I really don't think brother Gus cares much one way or the other about Kevin really. That's why he summers here from now on. Maybe I didn't tell you that's the way it'll be. If Gus had his way he'd give us the kid."

Vicky noticed that Mona seemed extremely excited.

"Well, maybe if he isn't loved at home, he should be here."

Carl waved a hand. "Hold on, let's not get in too deep. I don't even know if we should fool around with the poor kid on this speech therapy thing."

"Let me try, Carl," Mona pleaded.

"Well maybe it wouldn't hurt!"

Vicky left them talking and hurried upstairs. It did seem odd that Mona was so interested in someone else for a change. She'd always been extremely self-centered. Not that she wasn't nice and all. But she didn't have any interests outside her own world and had never made a pretense of any. Joining the rich matrons of Rocksford and raising money for the orphanage just wasn't her style. Vicky bit her lip as she thought of Carl and Mona going at it so hot and heavy that day in the billiard room. Yes, Mona liked to fuck too much to bother with being a do-gooder. But it would be neat if somehow Kevin were allowed to stay with them all year. A little thrill went through Vicky's body. She still had hopes of getting him to like her. How could she let her dream guy go without giving it a good try?

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