Family Secret - Cover

Family Secret


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - It seems that almost everyone is having some one-on-one fun, until Mom walks in and catches Daddy & Daughter together, then everyone goes to court.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

Vicky wasn't at all surprised that her mother didn't come down for breakfast. Even to welcome her home after a month at Aunt Pat's. Florence's headaches were famous. Sometimes she used them for weeks on end. Sister Abby had learned the ploy as well. She'd gotten out of going to meet the plane with Jim by pretending some complicated migraine. Vicky knew because Jim had told her himself. She and Jim were old friends, fellow miscreants of the McNarey Estate. Though the chauffeur was quite a bit older, he treated her as a peer. When things got strange at school, Vicky had always taken her problems to Jimmy, as she liked to call him. He was a large man, a native of Canada, whose soft-spoken kindness had always appealed to Vicky. She had to admit that she had more affection for him than her mother or sister or even her brother. Only Carl, her father, rivaled Jimmy in her personal popularity poll.

"I suppose Jim told you that your cousin is staying with us for awhile," Carl said, passing a plateful of melon pieces.

"He mentioned it. I don't even remember Kevin." Vicky forked a chunk of cantaloupe and held it up to her nose for inspection. "Is he the kind of..." she rolled her eyes, "wigged-out lad that they sent to special schools and all?"

"Yes," Carl said. "Really a shame. He's quite intelligent, I think. In his own way, of course. But that speech thing..."

"Now I remember," Vicky said, sitting up straighter in her chair. "He can't talk. My little chubby cousin who couldn't talk..."

Carl wiped his mustache. "He's not chubby anymore. Grown into a very nice-looking young man. But they've never solved that problem with his speech. Some connection in his brain I would think but I'm no expert!"

It'd been years since Vicky had even thought of Kevin. He'd only been a baby when she'd last seen him. A strange little kid who made grunting sounds and scooted around much like other children. But he had a special aura about him all right. Yes, she remembered the look he'd get in his eyes. Like he was seeing things other kids couldn't.

"He'll only be here for the summer," Carl went on, "and Gus and Rebecca thought he'd do better if we housed him away from the main house. He likes to spend a lot of time by himself so it seems. Too much social hubbub confuses him." Carl pushed his chair away from the table and rose. "My brother tells me he's gotten to be quite a woodcarver."

"Kevin? A woodcarver?" Vicky glanced at Abby, who hadn't seemed a bit interested in anything that'd been said. It was hard to imagine that roly-poly little baby becoming anything special. But of course a few years had slipped by. Vicky realized she had been nothing much special herself back in those days. When she looked back at her father she caught him giving his sister Mona the strangest look. Vicky could almost swear it was a hot come- on. She glanced at Mona and saw the handsome woman lick her upper lip in an obviously sensual way.

As the breakfast table was abandoned, Vicky kept an eye on Carl. He and Mona were on their way to the tennis court, laughing and talking. Vicky couldn't suppress her curiosity. She went to the garage to take the canvas off her motorcycle and for awhile she tinkered around with it, starting up the engine, taking a few turns around the drive. But she finally parked it and sneaked around back. Just as she'd suspected, the tennis court was empty. Carl's racket leaned against the net and nearby was Mona's monogrammed towel.

Vicky was having a hard time believing this. She wouldn'tve been surprised to find that her father was having an affair with someone. He'd been doing that for years. Almost every time Florence pled a headache and went to bed. But his very own sister! It made chills run up her back. Or were they thrills?

Abby was lolling on a couch in the living room with a fingernail file and polish, Vicky didn't even rate a look as she padded by and turned down the long hall. The library was empty and so was the small greenhouse that opened out into the huge back yard. But the door to the billiard room was closed and locked. Vicky tried the knob carefully so that no one inside would know she was there. Vicky smiled. There were other ways to find out what was going on. She went to the next door down the hall and entered quietly. It was a small kitchen and bar, there only for parties Carl sometimes threw for his men friends. And though the sliding service door was closed, Vicky knew exactly how to get it open. She'd used every room in the house for a playground at one time or another.

She found a paring knife and climbed onto the counter, working herself over to the door as quietly as possible. She was lying on her belly now and through the thin wood of the sliding panel she could hear her father's voice. A groan from Mona followed by a shuddering sigh. Vicky's hand trembled as she gingerly pried the bolt back with the short-bladed knife. Did she really want to see what was going on in the billiard room? When Mona moaned again, she decided that yes, she did want to see. The bolt inched back and Vicky held against the pressure of the spring as she eased the service panel open. Then she let the bolt slip back to its previous position, careful not to let it snap. She had an inch wide slit to peer through now and dragged herself forward on elbows. When she pushed her short nose up against the wood and squinted through, her heart lurched.

Her Aunt Mona was bent forward over one of the billiard tables. She had on the white top of her tennis outfit. The short skirt lay between her feet on the floor and so did a pair of fancy frilled panties. From the waist down Aunt Mona was stark naked. Vicky felt her own body flush with heat. A slick sensation between the lips of her cunt was spreading to the crotchband of her panties. And the reason she'd experienced this sudden rush of sexual fever was because her father was naked too. He stood behind his well-preserved sister with the biggest hard-on Vicky could imagine. The head of his cock looked like some strange blue mushroom. It was coated slickly with Mona's pussy juice. And as she watched, Carl eased it up between the lips of her aunt's cunt again and rubbed it teasingly against the protruding nubbin that swelled out from between two plump petals. Mona's clit! Vicky finally remembered to breathe.

"Uhnnnnn... Ohhh Carl, darling, if you don't ram me with that lovely cock of yours I think I'm going to faint!"

Carl ran his hands over Mona's full, white ass, caressing each cheek with special attention. Then he bent to kiss her back. He was holding the weight of his cock up as he worked it around in circles. Vicky realized that he was searching for the hole in her aunt's body, searching for her pussy opening. Vicky rocked her slim hips, felt the seepy butter smear out to mingle in the blond down that covered her pubes. With a jerk, Carl pushed his hips up and under. Mona's ass rose slightly from the edge of the billiard table and a look of pleasure spilled over her features. She was breathing raggedly, her fingers hooked tightly over each mahogany siderail. Carl closed his eyes and growled as he jabbed upwards. Vicky sucked a quick breath as she watched her father's thick shaft half disappear. She was only guessing but it'd looked eight inches long before he'd put it between Mona's cuntlips. Now there were just four inches left. Mona's ass shivered and she rocked her hips sharply to one side.

"Ohhh, Carl... Ohhh fuck me my darling... fuck me to death!"

Carl bit her back and then kissed it. His hips were working steadily now, rooting the head of that huge cock deeper all the time.

"You're the best fuck in the world, Mona," he gasped.

"Only because you are," she breathed back. Her knuckles were white as she clasped the edge of the billiard table.

Vicky tried to swallow but found her mouth dry. She managed to lick her lips and pull herself together somewhat before putting her eye back to the crack in the sliding door.

"Yesssss..." Mona was plunging and roiling her ass, moving against the surging power of Carl's lovemaking. His cock was buried to the hilt now and Vicky could hear the sucking, slick sounds of their fuck. There was an unmistakable aroma of hot pussy, too, which drifted through the tiny opening she was using. There was certainly nothing dirty about the smell. There was even a hint of perfume along with it. Expensive perfume. And for the first time Vicky found herself amused by what she observed. The only way to describe that overall scent was to call it the smell of very pampered cunt. And so her aunt was just that. A very pampered cunt.

"Deeper... deeper my darling!" Mona's head flopped on the green felt. She was drooling a little. Vicky found herself very excited. Even though she hadn't resolved her moral uncertainties, the witnessing of the event was terribly thrilling. To watch her strong, virile father really slap the meat to good old Aunt Mona! It served Florence right for pulling that silly headache bit all the time. Mona wasn't going to let a headache get in the way at a time like this.

"Mona baby, you're lovely... the loveliest fuck!" Carl grabbed his sister's wide hips and rooted to the hilt. From the squishy, slurpy sounds Vicky could almost imagine the slickened head of his prick rubbing and pressing in the deep folds in her aunt's body. What did that feel like to a woman anyway? Vicky's only experience was her own finger and she was certain that a man's prick could fill a girl's clasping tube much better.

"Carl... Carl... Jesus god in heaven!"

Mona's back was sharply curved now, arched down as she lifted her quivering ass high to make room for the gouging, ramming cock. Carl held her cheeks firmly as he fucked in and out with savage movements of his body. It was getting good for him, too. Vicky could tell.

"Are you getting it good, Mona?" he gasped, biting his lip. His gray-flecked hair was mussed and there was a patina of sweat on his forehead. Mona pounded the surface of the billiard table weakly and seemed to be choking. But Vicky knew that she wasn't really choking at all.

"Carl... Ohhh I'm going to come! I am... I am my darling! Now-ow-ow-ow! Unhhhhhh!"

Carl seemed to come unglued. Vicky's mouth fell open as she watched him almost climb up Mona's back, his muscled ass plunging wildly now, going at her aunt's ass from every angle, every speed. Then he held himself as deep as his shaft would fit and it seemed like Mona had gone into convulsions. She flopped belly down on the table, her breasts popping from the tennis blouse she wore. Vicky saw that they weren't as firm as her own young tits, but for a woman of forty-five, they looked fantastic.

"Yesssss, Carl... Ohhhhhh!" With a shriek, Mona seemed to tremble all over and collapse. But her ass was still dipping and dancing and making quick little circles around the plunging movement of Carl's cock. His shaft was shiny and dark with trapped blood. And now Vicky could see something oozing down the underside, dripping down to his balls. As he fucked with animal fury, the droplets splatted to the rug, darkening it noticeably.

Vicky could hardly think. The wild show before her eyes was exciting enough if she'd had no personal connection. But the fact that it was her father and his sister making love on the billiard table in her very own home... She worked her teeth against her lip and felt another tingle of pleasure shoot through her pussy.

Carl was holding his cock deep again now, resting his chest against Mona's tan back. They were both panting like crazy and, except for an occasional shiver or jerk, the fucking seemed to be at an end. Vicky could see her father's cum making whitish trails down the insides of both of Mona's thighs now. The hot stuff leaked all the way to her ankles and dripped off slowly. The room was full of a sharp smell, something Vicky had never had a whiff of before. She wasn't sure it was Carl's cum she smelled. But she hadn't smelled anything like that when they'd just been fucking.

"That'll ruin my tennis game for the rest of the day," Mona breathed as Carl continued to kiss her back. With a sucking sound his cock slipped from Mona's body and Vicky held her breath again as she watched the cum hang in strings from the tip. Mona turned and slid to her knees on the floor before Carl. With hungry animal sounds she began to clean him up. Vicky watched spellbound. She'd never in her life heard of such things happening. But the two of them were even closer to her vantage point than before. She could see her aunt's tongue flicking out, curving around the cum-coated head. Carl's cock was only slightly wilted and it hung down at a curved angle. His sister held it up delicately with her long fingers, her lips and tongue working gingerly over the raw, fevered surface. Then she turned her face brightly up at Carl and smiled, cum glistening on her lips. Finally, Vicky managed to swallow.

"Oh wow," she breathed to herself, "wowee!"

Vicky didn't know where she was going when she stumbled from the room. She'd left the little service door open, left the paring knife on the counter. She felt dazed and strangely excited too. Her own father! But all she could really see when she thought of him was the shape of his cock. The slippery way it had penetrated her aunt's pussy. Her body tingled as she pushed a door open and wandered back through the grounds.

It was a beautiful day, birds twittering in the trees, the sun coming through the leaves. Vicky wondered if she should feel upset because she'd witnessed incest. But she wasn't particularly disturbed. She tugged a braid as she walked, looking down at her feet, feeling the grass poke between her toes. Her T-shirt felt uncomfortably tight until she realized that it was because her nipples had grown larger. This was something new to her too. She'd noticed the phenomenon a couple of times while bathing. But now with the soft cotton rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, she thought she might go crazy if she couldn't fling off everything and roll in the prickly grass.

The thin denim of her shorts had pulled up between her cunt lips too. That was because her labia had swollen and bloomed apart. She felt like she was being fingered expertly by some invisible force. Every step she took was beginning to really get to her.

"Damn... what's happening to me anyway?"

She thought of the incident on the plane, of how she'd worked her middle finger gently into her hole and then rubbed herself with her thumb until she'd come. Then she blushed at the thought of what Dr. Holden had seen as he'd peeked from behind his paper. How could anyone be so sneaky? She shook the thoughts away and tried to keep her mind from spinning off into wild flurries of desire.

Vicky was about to turn around and return to her room so she could give herself a good fingerfucking when she came around the corner of the guest house. There on the grass knelt the most beautiful male she'd ever seen in her life. He was holding a knife in one hand and an intricately-worked piece of wood in the other. He smiled, his blue eyes sparkling in the sun, his hair was blond and shoulder length. Vicky's breath left her as she recalled the reverie she'd had on the plane while exciting herself. That dream prince she'd conjured up out of her dreams. Here he was in the flesh, almost every detail perfect. And then she knew that this was her cousin Kevin. The long-lost cousin who couldn't speak a word.

And still she felt like she was drifting, in a strange new world. She went over to him and knelt there. God, he was beautiful! She made a quick calculation, came up with the guess that he was seventeen. Yes, just two years older than she. Vicky had been the ripe old age of six when she'd played with him.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked. His blue eyes seemed to know her. He pulled nervously at his cowboy shirt and went to carving again. But he was watching her from the corner of his eye. Vicky could hardly keep her hands off of him. She touched his blond hair lightly while he chipped away at the wood. She could see his chest where a snap had come undone. She wanted to touch him there too, kiss him there. If only she could take him in her arms...

"Kevin, I'm your cousin Vicky. We used to play together." Kevin nodded without looking up. So he'd known all along. It was at that moment she noticed the swell at the crotch of his jeans. Vicky had never been so excited in her life. She glanced around to see if they were alone. It seemed that they were. Away off she could hear Jim whistling as he washed one of the family cars.

"Would you show me where you live?" she said softly. Kevin looked up at her, licked his lips and sighed. Then he got up. It amused Vicky to watch the boy try to hide his obvious erection from her. Somehow he straightened it in his pants and led the way into the guest house.

Vicky looked around the room. There were pictures of planes and the usual junk a teen-age boy collected. She knew from experience. Her own brother had been the same way. At last she walked very close to Kevin and gave him another of her best smiles. One braid swung out to touch his face as she spun. He was half a head taller than she and just perfect for hugging. Again she had the most powerful urge to do that very thing.

"We're gonna have a terrific time this summer, you and me!" she said, clapping her hands. Kevin smiled. He was staring at her like if he didn't she might suddenly disappear. She picked up a braid and tickled his cheek with it, smiling mischievously all the while. He was barefoot too and she couldn't resist lapping her big toe over one of his. Kevin closed his eyes for a good five seconds, opened them again.

Vicky had never experienced anything so intense. And what made it better was that for the first time in her life, she felt in control of things. Usually boys made her nervous. They knew more, or were stronger or more aggressive. It was always something. But now she was the one in charge. She was controlling her cousin, watching his reactions. Her nipples glowed hotter than before and the silken crotch of her panties was doing simply terrible things to her poor little pussy.

"Kevin, I've got a secret," she said, motioning him close. He bent shyly in her direction, eyes curious. When her lips were just brushing his earlobe, she whispered, "If you don't kiss me, I think I'll just die."

Kevin jerked back a little, swallowed. He wasn't smiling anymore, but he wasn't frowning either. Then she knew he was going to do it. She lifted her chin as their lips brushed. Kevin didn't know the first thing about a good kiss, but Vicky moaned a little and melted against his slender body. He put his arms around her a little. It was like he was afraid that if he touched her she might break. Vicky hugged him, too, only tighter. Her nails explored the bumps of his ribs and then she dug under his shirttail and rubbed passionate patterns against the small of his back. Now it was Kevin's turn to moan a little.

It was obvious he had no idea what was happening to him. She could feel his cock pressing against her thigh. She worked her hips up and down, letting him feel the pink tip of her tongue. She pretended to weaken and fall across his bed, somehow managing to pull Kevin with her. He was really mixed up now, but she kept petting his body, kissing his lips open a little. Sooner or later he'd have to get the message, wouldn't he?

"Oh, you beautiful man, you!" she breathed, nuzzling her short nose down into the hollow of his neck. She scratched his shirt open and ran her fingertips across the smooth, tan surface. It rippled as he tried to get up. Vicky threw a leg over one of his and touched her slightly parted lips against his chin. She was a little ashamed at being so aggressive, but she was burning up with want. Watching Carl sock it to his own sister had gotten her blood to boiling. She wanted a little fun for herself. At fifteen she was still really a virgin. And she didn't want to remain one much longer.

"Ohhh Kevin, Kevin... kiss me!"

Kevin made a sound. It was like a word that didn't quite work. A word of fear maybe or uncertainty. Vicky knew how to get rid of uncertainty. She pushed the flat of her palm down his belly, down, down. She slipped fingers under the elastic of his shorts. But even as her fingers curled under the throbbing hardness of his white cock, it began to soften. Kevin made another little sound and tried to rise from the bed.

"Oh darling, don't do that," Vicky gasped, squeezing and massaging the dying shaft. But now it was just a little soft snake. The fever had gone out of it and all the stiffness. She could hardly believe that her own foolish bumbling had done that. Kevin jerked her hand from his pants and sat on the edge of the bed, breathing hard. He wouldn't look at her, wouldn't let her touch him.

Vicky walked to the door. She felt like bawling. Her body yearned for loving and she was trembling all over. She didn't know how to make things right again. But she couldn't leave like this. At last she went over and knelt at Kevin's feet. Then she made him look at her.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Kevin. It was all my fault."

She kissed his knee and got up. "I'll see you tomorrow. I still want to be friends." He gave her a little smile then and she hurried out before she made things worse.

Abby had finished her nails and read half of a dull book and was now bored to tears. She wished that a girl could go into one of the bars in town by herself without starting some kind of talk that would eventually get back to daddy. After all she was twenty-one. And still she couldn't really do much of anything. It seemed as if women's lib hadn't really gotten all that far. Of course she could always get herself a motorcycle like her tomboy sister. Buzzing around like a maniac wasn't her idea of a good time, though. She'd leave the motorcycles for misfit girls like Vicky. But what could she do to stir things up some?

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