Family Secret - Cover

Family Secret


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - It seems that almost everyone is having some one-on-one fun, until Mom walks in and catches Daddy & Daughter together, then everyone goes to court.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook  

"Well, I certainly don't want to go pick her up," Abby said, pulling the brush through her hair. She loved her hair. So black, so silky, so long. It wasn't the only beautiful thing about her but people seemed to notice it first. It framed her thin delicately featured face perfectly. She rested a hand across her chest and admired the long fingers, the long, crimson nails. It was no wonder that men adored her, competed for her attention. She caught the reflection of her brother in the mirror and frowned. "Somebody has to go meet the plane," she said, "and I'm expecting my date any time now."

Howell finished his beer, put the can down on her dresser and belched.

"You mean that weird dude who works at the bank? I bet he likes you to wear spurs, don't he?"

Abby pinched her mouth tight. "Take your beer can off my dresser, brother dear." She wiped the dampness with a tissue and dropped it in the wastebasket. She didn't think Howell's statement worthy of reply but it had started her thinking. Wouldn't it be fun to really spur a man while he made love to her? She shivered at the ultimate wickedness of it. Perry already let her do shameful things to him and now she was considering spurs! Her nipples went hot with blood and she had an urge to rub three fingers across the crotch of her panties. She resisted successfully. Howell loomed close, smelling of beer and pretzels. His jeans were torn out at one knee and half his shirt was untucked. The black sheep of the McNarey family. At twenty-five he was a leech on their father's fortune. And dad went on indulging him like the lazy hound Howell was. Her brother leaned closer.

"Come on Abby, tell me what you and Perry do, huh? I won't tell nobody else!"

"Why do you insist on using bad English?" she snapped, getting up. She brushed by him in her bra and panties, opened the closet wide to pick a dress.

"Cause you talk so god-damned nice," he was leering at her legs as she turned with the dress she'd chosen. For an instant Abby had a most uncomfortable feeling. Brothers weren't supposed to look at their sisters like that. She put a hand self- consciously to her chest, covered one cup of her bra. The weight of her tit against her palm excited her for no special reason. Except that she was always aware of the size of her breasts. For her thin, almost frail shoulders they seemed huge. They rode high and firm on her body and the nipples were embarrassingly thick and dark. But men seemed to love them. She wasn't quite sure why. When Perry had seen her undress that first time, he'd almost slipped to his knees in utter worship. She smiled with the memory. Howell made a dirty sound with his mouth and snapped her back to the present.

"Jesus little sister, you are one hell of a piece of ass..."

"Oh Howell, why don't you go get another beer and let me dress?" She swung across the room, pretending not to be disturbed by his words. But she could almost feel his eyes crawling up and down her body. She glimpsed her thin waist in the mirror, the graceful swell of her hips. She had legs that could rival any New York model. Howell made another dirty sound.

"That Perry doesn't know his ass from a hole in the..."

"Please Howell, I'm sure you don't like Perry. But he is a gentleman. Something you don't know anything about." She pulled the white dress over her head and shoulders and wiggled into it. "Besides, what do I care if you disapprove? Perry is my friend, after all."

"But you're my sister..."

"Oh get out of here, really!" Howell bent his empty beer can and wandered towards the door. She watched his muscular shoulders sway and felt a tiny amount of pity. Not enough to call him back. He closed the door muttering something sullen, Abby didn't catch the exact words. She stood before her mirror and finished preparing herself for her evening's date. Perry was going to drool when he saw her.

"Come on, Perry, it's a perfect night for the little patio." Abby giggled. "It's so private..."

"Your brother certainly seemed upset about something when he met me at the door."

"Just because he has to go pick up Vicky!"

"Your sister's coming back tonight?"

Abby sighed. "Yes, I'm sure she can hardly wait to straddle that cursed motorcycle of hers and go roaming out over the lawn. Someday she's going to crash into the ocean with that damned thing." Perry pulled her against him.

"Abby, you look like a goddess tonight!"

"You like me?"

"Shhhhh... come on."

She led him to the south patio, the one with the high wall around it. There was only one entrance from the house. With the French doors closed no one could disturb them. Of course, Daddy was his study and didn't really care if Abby took a date to her room. He trusted her implicitly. But it was more exciting in the patio. And the grass felt wonderful under naked flesh.

"I feel funny out here," Perry said, looking around.

"Here, between the trees." Abby plopped down and arranged her dress on the grass. "Nobody could possibly see us." Perry peered around and finally sat down. She reached up to loosen his tie and shirt collar. She let her long nails linger there against his skin as she unbuttoned his shirt down the front. Then as he looked at her like a lost pussy, she pushed her red mouth against one small, male nipple and sucked gingerly.

"Abby... Ohhh God, if you don't let me make love to you..."

"You forgot that I already did." She frowned. "And you made a mess of it. Got me all sticky without even..." She dipped her head and returned her teeth to his chest. Perry groaned and writhed under her licking caresses. She was remembering that time in his car. They'd come home early from a dinner date. Perry had pulled into a grove of trees on the estate. He hadn't wanted to, but Abby'd insisted. He'd been breathing so hard. His hands jerked when they'd undressed her. And then his cock had caught the light and she'd seen it jutting from his pants, seen it clearly. She'd been shocked by its size and shape and color. The darkened tip had brushed her white thigh then and Perry had groaned and suddenly hot jets of his seed had spurted across her belly. Perry's clumsy attempt to mop the mess from her skin had embarrassed her more than anything.

"I'll do it right this time, darling," Perry begged. His eyes were large and moist. He pushed a hand up under her dress. Abby squirmed down onto the grass as his fingers pressed upwards against the lace crotch of her panties. They were the finest silk panties that could be bought. She hoped Perry appreciated them. Her juices surged, wetting the sheer, taut band.


"Now Abby, I want you now!"

"If you don't watch out, you'll make another mess." She could tell he was loosening his pants. "And anyway, it's not the right time. You might make a baby..."

"I've got something..."

"Don't Perry... don't!" She had a grip on his wrist but he was sliding the band of her panties to one side, getting a finger between the swollen lips of her pussy. She could feel the taut black curls divide. Then her back arched and she quivered like an arrow had gone through her. "Uhhhnnnnnn!"

"Abby... let me kiss you." She could feel his mouth slip down her neck, down the swooping neckline of her dress. Then he caught her head between his hands and pressed his lips hard against hers. She struggled. Abby didn't like to let Perry kiss her unless he'd been especially nice or brought a gift or something like that. But he had her firmly, his tongue forcing her teeth apart.

"Mmmnnnooo... noo!" His tongue raked the roof of her mouth. She gagged and struggled, the kiss went deeper and she felt herself weaken in his embrace. Then the thought hit her... hit her like a storm. She could almost imagine that tongue of his against her somewhere else. It would feel a thousand times more wonderful if he'd do it there. She managed to slip her mouth to the side.

"If you want me, you have to kiss me first... down there!" She was panting so hard she could hardly get the words out. Perry froze for an instant. She knew he hadn't dated much before he'd met her. He was twenty-one, her age. But he was a hundred times shyer. He even thought she was still a virgin, something she'd not bothered to argue with him about. She could make her cunt so tight that poor Perry would never know the difference anyway. Once when he'd felt her up, she'd been able to keep his finger from entering her body by sheer muscle power alone. Perry had been impressed. She was the most virginal virgin he'd ever known. As far as she could tell he'd gone to bed with only one girl in his life. The redheaded waitress at the truckstop five miles out of town. And that had been on a dare with a half-pint of whiskey to shore him up. Rumors had it that Perry had made a mess of that one too.

"Do it, Perry," she breathed, pushing his head down. "Do it to me like that!" The idea of having a male licking between her white thighs had absolutely devastated her. She had to have it done now! She wouldn't let Perry escape this night without feeling what it was like. She'd heard stories. Now she had to know. But would shy, nervous Perry dare such a thing?

"Abby, I want you so bad!"

"Then do that to me! Ohhh hurry!" She wiggled her body in the grass, throwing her thighs wide. Her dress scooted up around her waist as she forced Perry's head down. She could smell her own musk, the flooding excitement of her body! She writhed and moaned, digging her long fingers deeper in his hair now as she tried to pull his lips against the drenched silk of her pantycrotch.

"God, I've never done anything like... Abby... Ohhh god, you smell so nice!"

"Do it," she rasped, tilting her hips up sharply, her right sandal flopping off. With a grunt of excitement Perry began to lick the white silk band that clung to her outer lips. Abby widened her legs more, letting the inner petals of her cunt bloom outwards against the spit-soaked silk. Perry felt the raw flesh through the pantycrotch. She knew he could feel it! And in his excitement, he was gouging the silk aside with a shaking finger.

"Abby! Oh god, I love you Abby!" His tongue divided the heavy lips of her pussy and she choked a cry of pleasure, both sandals kicked off now, her heels digging wildly at the lawn. She rocked her hips, opening her blossoming folds to be licked. She couldn't even yell out her enjoyment it was so intense. Instead she just gurgled quietly, plunging and rubbing her dripping pussy against her shy lover's tongue and teeth and chin. He was obviously new at the game. But Abby had never been eaten out before, so it didn't matter. She could feel him trying to hit the right places and even when he missed the sensations were electrifyingly good.

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