Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Sue was jealous, and it became obvious, however she took it like a champ, standing back and grimacing often. The first three days home were torture, each person wanted to cater to my every whim. Thankfully, it slowed gradually and I learned that too much of a good thing can become intolerable. If I moved an inch, someone was immediately by my side wanting to help, and mom was the worst. I took a deep breath the second day and she was beside me asking if I was okay.

Mom and dad closed our study, making it a bedroom for Tracy and Erica, and I no longer had that room to hide in. If I wanted to be alone, to relax or work on the computer, I had to retreat to my bedroom.

The bathroom became a bottleneck the third day. Three teen females need all morning to dress and primp, and heavens know what else. Mom and dad felt sorry for me and I began using their bathroom, my waiting time was cut in half. Dad joked about mom taking as long to dress as two of the girls; however, he said it was always worth the wait. I had to agree with dad when he said mom was getting better looking as she got older. She didn't like the word 'older' however she swelled with the compliment.

Dad was happy; he had four women waiting on him, and each trying to outshine the other. I didn't hear him complaining however, and mom became more loving, especially at bedtime. I think she was a little jealous also. Sue, Tracy, and Erica, me included, began laughing one evening because mom was especially vocal. Dad spent one night from home and they were making up for the lost night, having retired early.

That same evening Sue slipped into my bedroom, the first time since we returned. I felt uncomfortable, all of a sudden realizing how the girls felt. Until that moment, I didn't understand how a woman could feel badly after a rape, after all, it was over and done with, and they couldn't be blamed. That was before she slipped into my bed.

My thoughts hadn't changed that much. I became erect each time I saw mom, Sue or one of the twins, sitting in a pose in which I was able to spot a bit of flesh. Sue's leg was just touching mine, her hand was caressing my chest, and for some unexplainable reason I couldn't get an erection. I felt less than a man at that moment, and I actually wanted to push her from me. I became nervous and scared, afraid she was going to reach for my limp prick. I could feel my body trembling and I had a wad of cotton in my mouth, I couldn't speak.

She was soft and warm, and I could feel her hot breath on my neck. Her hands were busy; they were tracing the slick lines on my chest, my scars, which hopefully would disappear. At least that was the word from the doctor. They would be conspicuous for possibly a year, and maybe a little longer. After that, they would only be visible when I was burned or tanned, at which time they would become pink quickly, only to burn quicker.

"You are uptight and I can feel you trembling," Sue whispered. "Don't worry, it's been a long time, and I know you will be quick. After our first time, we have the rest of the night. I have missed you loads, and I don't ever want you to leave me again." Raising on her elbow, she asked, "Are you listening to me?"

I could see the thin strip of light crossing one breast, highlighting her pointing nipple. I studied the nipple until she moved from the light, failing to get an erection. I became more apprehensive and troubled. I could feel my body trembling and I pulled her down, her body facing away from me. I didn't want her looking into my face, even in the dark I was terrified she would become aware of my fear within.

Sue snuggled close, my cast resting on her ribs. Her head was positioned high on my right shoulder, my right hand clutching her hand. We lay silent for a few minutes, and her hand began guiding my hand across her breast, to her nipple. When it became hardened, she continued guiding until the hands covered her pussy. Pressing against my hand, she was forcing my fingers into her slit, moaning lightly as she maneuvered my fingers to her liking.

There was a light tapping on the door, and it opened a few inches. A soft voice whispered, "Hal, are you awake?"

"Yes," I said, and Erica stepped into the room.

"Hal, can I talk to you for a few minutes, please?" Erica whispered her words.

"I had another bad dream, and I don't want to go back to sleep." She saw the chair sitting just inside the door and moved to it, sitting and pulling her feet against her buttocks, pulling her gown over her knees. The light from the hallway was shining directly on her and I knew she could not see me in the darkness. She leaned forward, hugging her legs, and resting her chin on her knees.

"Tell me about your dream." I assumed it was about her attackers; however, I was unsure. I almost snickered aloud; Sue was slowly pulling the sheet over her head, insuring herself she couldn't be seen, unless the overhead light was turned on.

"Well," there was a long pause before she continued. "Those men and... , " she paused again. "I have the same dream almost every night, just like the doctor predicted," she sighed. "I think it is getting better, my dreams that is, because it does not last as long, the rape I mean. Hal, do you have bad dreams?"

"Yes, I do, however like yours, they are becoming shorter and the beating less severe. I'm hoping they will cease altogether soon, just as the doctor stated." My hand still covered Sue's pussy and her hand was pressing against mine. Three fingers were buried inside her and I could feel her juices gathering on my pinky. Sue was trying to remain motionless and silent; however, her body was trembling.

"Hal, Tracy does not confide in me, and we hardly talk as sisters any longer. Do you think she holds me responsible? After all, they raped her first because she had breasts, and I didn't." I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No, I do not believe she holds you responsible, you were also raped. I believe you are blaming yourself and shouldn't, you were a victim, as were we." I was aware I could not change her thinking; however, I did want to put a doubt into her mind.

"Your parents are treating us great, much better than we have ever been treated, and Sue treats us as though we were her sisters, however, I think they are treating us nice because they feel sorry for us." I could hear her crying softly.

I felt Sue tense, and a few moments later I felt teardrops on my arm. Sue was crying. "I don't think that is the case, they have treated you as they treat all of our friends, and you are no exception. Remember, the doctor told us we could have thoughts in that direction, and it would be it up to us to overcome it, rather than let it consume us."

"Yes, I know; however I catch them staring at me sometimes and I wonder what they are thinking. Do you think they have respect for us? We are used, not like your sister. Your dad hugs her each evening, he never hugs us." I felt Sue begin sobbing harder; her tears came faster, trickling across my arm and wetting a spot on the sheet.

"Well, I can tell you why dad stares at you, however, you would probably slap his face for what he was thinking, and mine for telling you."

"Hal, I could never slap you, I love you too much to hurt you," Erica said, her final words barely audible.

"I love you also, just as I do Sue," I said, and felt Sue press my fingers deeper into her pussy.

"Hal, could I lay with you a while? Not for long, just a little while."

I felt Sue's body tense before I replied, "Yes! Sure, come and lay behind me. We can talk, or just lie close to one another; it makes no difference to me."

Erica tiptoed quietly to the bed and slipped between the sheets, pressing her warm body against my cooler one. I could hear her softly crying for two minutes or more, and just as quick, I heard her breathing become regular. I was positive she was sleeping. I wondered how many sleepless nights, of the past ten, she had tossed and turned. I felt her warm body transferring a rush into my own; specifically, her hard breast nubs excited me. I lost control over my inner feelings and my prick began stiffening, pressing against Sue's buttocks.

Sue became tenser when Erica slipped into the bed. I could feel her body trembling and her hand was pressing mine much harder into her pussy. Sues trembling eased when she heard Erica's breathing become regular, and she realized the tormented girl was sleeping.

I thought she might get up and leave us alone however that wasn't the case; her hand continued to direct my hand in her pussy. I continued following her guidance. She moved her hand from mine, and I knew she was pulling on and massaging her breasts. She was beginning to issue little moans, and I felt her body stiffen, followed by a slight tremble twice before her hand covered mine again, this time forcefully. She moaned aloud, as she became tense and her body straightened full length. The trembling was intense and I could feel it through the bed, and I thought about Erica and wondered how soundly she was sleeping.

I wanted to cradle Sue into my arms, however I could use but the one arm. I was softly circling the lips of her swollen pussy with my fingertips, and I continued until I could hear her moans no longer. She eased back into a comfortable position and after minutes, she turned and kissed me, a passionate kiss, her tongue probing deep and searching my mouth. She broke the kiss and began placing tiny kisses on my lips, chin and nose and finally my cheek. Whispering softly, she said, "Thank you that was wonderful. I love you."

Pressing her body firmly against me and reaching for my prick at the same time, she whispered again, this time her words cut like a knife, because she was direct. "I don't understand; we need to talk."

I understood, my stiffie disappeared as fast as it appeared. I couldn't explain it to her and I certainly didn't want to talk about it. I whispered to her, "Thanks for treating Erica and Tracy special. Erica thinks a lot of you, which you heard for yourself." Sue gave a gentle squeeze acknowledging my comment and rested her head against my shoulder.

I lay awake for a long while, enjoying the closeness and warmth of the two bodies pressing against mine. For a few minutes, I forgot about the un-pleasantries my companions and I were forced to endure. I remembered Archer's words from our first meeting and I realized I didn't actually understand at the moment, I passed it off too lightly. "It's business son, they want their husbands to get ahead and husband and wife know they have to go through me."

I began to see Archer in a slightly different light. He discussed business with me many afternoons; however, I just considered it small talk. Oftentimes I thought he was just passing the time of day. I compared it to a lecture, from either a teacher at school, or my father when my actions were disappointing to him.

Everything Archer spoke to me about was 'down the road' and not immediate. I realized I never thought of next week, next month, and next year was definitely far from consideration. I have been on a today-tomorrow plane, not actually thinking or planning. My investments, although I looked at them far out, I was actually working them day-to-day, maybe tomorrow in a very few cases. I was willing, even anxious, to trade or sell in an instant, for a profit. Everything I did, or saw, was on the value at the moment. Never once had I considered the potential value down the road.

I dozed a couple of hours and managed to wheedle out from between the two sleeping beauties without waking them. I had a full bladder needing relief. I returned from the bathroom and my warm, cozy, comfortable spot between two of my favorites was non-existent. They were locked together, arms encircling one another.

Sitting at my computer, I began comparing my earnings against potential had I not been as active with my holdings. My mood was gloomy when I felt dad's hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the sun was coming up and dad was grinning at the screen. He understood, I could tell from the look on his face. He looked at me sympathetic as he shook his head. The figures weren't lying and in my haste at becoming financially secure at an early age, I was staring at numbers showing I was twenty-five per cent less secure.

"I tried to point some things out to you," he said as he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

I looked up, and for the first time I could remember, stared into his eyes as I communicated with him. "I was too pig headed to listen, I'm sorry dad."

"Hal, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you have done well, and I'm proud of you.

"Yes, however I would have done better if I had listened. I was too set in myself, thinking I didn't need your help." Pointing to the screen, I said, "If I had taken the advice freely given by yourself, and Archer, I would be far ahead."

"Maybe, however there is a lesson on the screen, one you will never forget. Just be thankful everything is black." Dad smiled and patted my shoulder. "I have an early flight, come, and have breakfast with your mom and I."

For the first time I could remember, I sat for a meal mom prepared and failed to criticize. The conversation was much different also; dad wasn't giving me alternatives, or criticizing my behavior. He did make one startling statement that made mom and I sit upright.

"Marge, you better get the girls on birth control." He didn't look up from his food as he spoke. I felt my face redden as I had failed to think about the two girls dad saw in my bed.

Mom gave me a quick glance and I expected her reply to be much different. "Yes, I think we should," she said softly. The quick glance she gave me was assuring, and she didn't mention Sue had been on birth control for months.

Dad made another startling statement, although he made it very casual.

"I was talking to Frank and Ida. Dawn is depressed, it seems no visitors for a week have been disturbing, and she is becoming withdrawn. Hal, do you think you and Sue could include her in one of your outings, or invite her over for supper?"

"Of course, I should have thought of her being alone. I guess I have been expecting her to come around as she has in the past. I haven't thought of her feelings. I will see her this morning." I looked at mom and saw her facial expression change. I couldn't conceal the bleak look.

"I have been concerned about the girls and Hal; I have forgotten Ida must be feeling terrible. I'll get with her and we'll plan something for everyone," the distressed look remained in her expression.

Mom drove dad to the airport after breakfast and I sat alone for a few minutes before deciding to see if Dawn was up at the early hour. It was just after seven, after I dressed in a pair of shorts, the only article of clothing I could get over the ankle cast without assistance. I checked on Tracy and knew she had a disturbed night, although she was sleeping. The bedclothes were askew, and her legs were covered from the knees down. I pulled the spread and sheet over her body, gazing at her bare breasts a long while before finally covering her. She was beautiful and I especially enjoyed looking at her long nipples.

I knocked lightly on Frank's door and Ida opened it within seconds. She stared at me for a few moments before a huge smile overcame her serious expression. Stepping to me, she hugged me tightly, whispering into my ear.

"I'm so happy you came. Dawn has been worried about you; however, we couldn't get her to leave the apartment. Maybe you can change her mind. Have you had breakfast? I was going to ask Dawn if she was hungry, but now I'll wait."

I knocked on Dawn's door lightly.

"Come in mom, I'm up."

I stepped inside the door and closed it silently.

"Mom, you're just in time to put salve on my back."

Dawn was sitting at her dressing table, her robe removed from her shoulders, her breasts were bare, and she was applying salve to the marks on her chest. I could see the marks high on her shoulders, marks she concealed from me earlier when I questioned her.

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