Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

I heard Frank talking to the tower, making our approach to Atlanta, and looked back at Dawn. I am sure the same expression I saw in her face could be seen in my face as well. I was nervous, apprehensive, and downright scared. There were less than a dozen words between the three of us since we lifted off the ground. I watched Frank for several minutes and I could see he was worried, his jaw was firmly set. One time I saw him move and when I looked in his direction, I thought he was wiping a tear from his face. Dawn had tears in her eyes both times I looked back to see if she was awake. Each time she looked away, apparently embarrassed. I didnt want to embarrass her and refused to look back after the second time.

My palms were soaking my trouser legs, I was perspiring that much. I tried to think of something positive to get my mind off the fear of the unknown. I tried thinking about mom, and the arguments we had in the past. I thought that would clear my mind since she and I had many heated words. It didnt work because I kept seeing her in a hospital bed, beaten and bruised, and I wondered who had beaten her.

Cecelia came to mind, and I began thinking about the fun time we had. That didnt work because two men were beating her, however, I couldnt see the faces. They stopped beating her and began ripping off her clothing, and she turned and started laughing. She was pregnant, and she was just laughing and pointing. The largest man threw her on the ground and began raping her, and she continued laughing. The phone was ringing, and continued ringing, until it was becoming annoying. The man, without a face stopped raping Cecelia and looked up, and yelled, "Answer the phone."

I reached for the phone and placed it against my ear. Dawns voice was cheerful, "Hey sleepyhead, you better hurry or you will miss breakfast." I sat up quickly and looked around the room, I had been dreaming. I looked across the room and saw my suitcase sitting where I placed it earlier that morning and looked at the phone again. "Hal... Hal... Are you there?"

"Yes, Im here, I was sleeping."

Dawn was laughing and I held the phone close to my ear a minute before she stopped laughing and I heard her speaking again. "Hal, you are missing the best part, hurry, and get dressed. You are missing the show, its a magician."

Hal couldnt believe she was having fun, and asked, "Dawn, are you okay?"

"Yes, hurry; youre missing the best part."

I sat up and looked throughout the room. The room was elegantly furnished, much nicer than any hotel I previously stayed in. The evening previous we met Archer at the airport, and after a drive of three hours, we were welcomed at the mansion. From the outward appearance, it resembled a hotel. It is not as large as Archers home, however it is still gigantic.

I was brushing my teeth and looking at my image. I stopped brushing and leaned closer to the mirror, thinking Sue might be correct. I could see lines in my forehead as she told me a dozen times. You are much too serious and you are going to have worry lines before you turn eighteen, her remarks were becoming a fact... I could see the lines and I remembered why we were visiting this mansion.

Truthfully speaking, I was amazed at Sues actions the previous afternoon. She was truly concerned with Dawns physical ability to handle a rough situation, the reason she convinced Dawn she should be prepared for unseen events. That led to four more episodes between Dawn and I after the first. Dawn refused when Sue tried to turn her over and work on her nether hole. She was finally convinced, however that was after I was asked to leave the two of them alone. I did hear Dawn scream on three separate occasions before we had to leave for the airport.

I showered and dressed, feeling like a human once again, and fifteen minutes after Dawn called, I was ready to search for the dining area. When I walked from the room, a maid was near the door, cleaning a spot on the floor. I couldnt see her face, however I couldnt complain. The view I had was much more thrilling. Her skirt was short, and as she scrubbed, I could see white flesh above the tops of her stockings. The scrubbing rhythm was rocking her ass, back and forth, and for a split second, I wanted to kneel behind her. She stopped moving and I continued to stare at her ass. I looked to her face and she was watching me, her arm poised, holding the small brush. She continued looking at me and began rocking, back and forth, and when I looked at her face again, she smiled and stood.

She spoke with an accent, however she was very pleasant, and beautiful, I must add. "Good morning sir, I hope I didnt wake you. They serve breakfast. I will guide you to the room of the breakfast, if you kindly follow me." The way she spoke was odd and she mispronounced some words, however I would have followed her anywhere. She could have been a model in any magazine she was that beautiful. I followed, watching the sway of her hips. I didnt know who owned this mansion, however he had excellent taste in women.

I heard the laughter before we turned the corner. My guide stopped and pointed and I could see people at the end of the corridor. I reached the door and stepped back quickly, a clown was coming out the door. He tipped his head and stood aside, allowing me to enter. As I passed, he reached and tugged on my ear, and passed me a silver dollar. The laughter started again and I looked into the room where the laughter came from, noticing Dawn immediately.

I turned to return his coin, however he was not in sight. Dawn rushed to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, still laughing.

"Sleepyhead, you missed him, he was really funny!" she exclaimed, excited. "They are bringing our breakfast, I ordered for you." She tugged on my arm and I followed. We came to the table and she pointed to the two girls still laughing, "These are my friends, Tracy and Erica, were going riding this afternoon."

I looked at her, and she was giggling and I dont remember ever being as silly as she acted. I asked, "Youre going riding? Where? When?

"The four of us, the bigger kids got to pick first and they took the go-carts. Thats okay, because we can ride go-carts anytime." She laughed and Tracy and Erica followed her lead.

"The four of us?

"Yes, you werent here and we included you. Anyway, you didnt have a choice, they got to pick first," she pointed to the only other table in the room, where four teens sat.

I looked at the table, and she leaned close and whispered. "That other stuff we worried about, well you can forget it. I talked to the twins, and all the other kids, and they said they are here for a weeks vacation. This is their second time here and they have a blast. I also saw their moms this morning, and they are going out and buying clothes for the party tonight."

I nodded and she smiled. I remained apprehensive, however, Archer was in a festive mood the evening before. He didnt say anything about a need to not worry, and I thought it would be in our best interest and was determined, I would continue to remain alert for anything unusual.

Tracy stood quickly, and said, "Ive got to pee!" Dawn and Erica began laughing and stood, laughing as they rushed from the room.

I watched them walk into an unmarked door and assumed it was the ladies room. Looking around, I saw how elaborate the furnishings appeared and I was impressed. Archer had a nice home but his rooms were large and spacious, and this home, although lavishly furnished, appeared used and lived in. I listened to the laughter coming from the table with the four teens and presumed they were older, possibly sixteen. From the conversation, I gathered each had a license to drive.

I watched them for three or four minutes and decided I was in better company. Tracy and Erica giggled and I could live with that. The four sitting across from me were apparently trying to outclass one another. They were three girls and a single boy, as was the table where I sat. The boys actions bothered me, his voice was feminine, as were his mannerisms. The way he would touch the girls became unnerving, it was as through their skin was hot as he would touch and jerk his hand back quickly. I made a hasty decision; I wasnt going to the toilet at the same time as he.

The prettiest girl was completely void of manners. She was continually speaking as she filled her mouth with food, and I saw her, many times, point with her fork loaded with food. One of the girls was fowl mouthed, and she kept reaching back and scratching her ass. The third girl was quieter than the others were, however she was unkempt. Her hair was a mess and her blouse partially tucked into her skirt. She was wearing sneakers, one unlaced, and one sock had fallen while the other remained pulled up her leg properly.

I was admiring the beauty of the surrounding hills when the teens yelled and began passing high-fives. I saw the houseman, or I presumed him to be, talking to them. When he left their table he walked toward me, shaking his head.

"Good morning sir, I have instructed the cook and your meal will be served momentarily. What do you wish to drink?"

I was impressed with his demeanor, and asked, "May I have coffee?"

"Certainly, and our unruly guests will be departing shortly. I have spoken to the master." He half turned his head in the direction of the other table.

When he walked from my table I could see him glaring at the teens. He was back within a minute with coffee, the same time the girls returned. He held the chair for Dawn and I jumped up quickly, and held Tracys chair. Erica waited for him to hold her chair and then he asked if he could be of further assistance.

"Mr. Taylor and Mr. Archer, may I ask where they are?"

"Yes sir, they are in the game room involved in a game of chance." He made a dealing motion to me, after turning and blocking his hands from the view of the girls. "Do you wish for me to announce you sir?"

"No, thank you anyway, I just wanted to speak to Mr. Taylor, but thats okay.

"Very well sir, will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you."

He turned and walked from the room.

Dawn spoke, she was mocking, "Do you wish for me to announce you sir?"

Tracy and Erica began giggling.

I motioned the girls and they leaned forward, without giggling I might add. "Look, he is upset at them," I pointed to the other table. "He seemed upset and told me he has spoken to the master so let us be on our best behavior. I dont want him getting upset with us."

The girls looked, one to the other, nodding, and then looked at me and each nodded. Two minutes later, I felt like a fledgling out of the nest for the first time. I was sitting at a table with three young women who had one hand in their laps, sitting erect, and although I couldnt see their feet, I assumed their ankles crossed. All I could reflect on was my lack of manners when they stood and sat.

Minutes later, I turned when the cheers came from the teens table. They rushed from the room, running and shouting, and the girl bringing up the rear was scratching her ass. I looked at Tracy and she frowned, as did Erica when I looked in her direction.

I didnt hear him approach although I felt someone standing near my chair. I turned and saw our man standing beside me. "Your meal will be served in a moment," he said, "I hope I have not inconvenienced you by delaying your food. The dining room will be calm and you may now enjoy your meal."

I looked from Dawn, to Tracy, to Erica. Each made signs by shaking their heads quickly, watching me and not looking up. "Thank you, the ladies, and I appreciate your concern, and rest assured you havent inconvenienced us."

"Thank you sir, ladies." He nodded as he backed from the table.

When he was out of the room and they didnt giggle or snicker, however each of the girls was grinning. I couldnt help but grin with them.

As we were eating brunch, the servings large enough to sustain a person for a week, I began studying the girls. Obviously, Tracy and Erica were twins, the major difference in looks was build. They were approximately 5-4, and comparable to Dawn. Their hair was a lighter shade of brown than Dawns however. Dawns hair was cut at her collar, and the twins hair looked as though it was allowed to grow, striking them at the bra strap level.

That would have been the case if either wore a bra, and from my vantage point, each of my three companions was braless. Erica was proportionately built to Dawn, her breasts were small puffies, and I could not see a pointed nipple on either. Tracy, on the other hand, was a walking erection. When I glanced at her the first time, I noticed the breasts. Although not much larger than a A" cup, the nipples were constantly erect. This was hard for me to handle because I saw her erect nipples and my prick became erect. I was anxious to see Tracy riding because I wanted to see, first hand, what the constant up and down movement of her nipples under the blouse would cause. I had wild ideas.

My wild ideas evaporated and my erection deflated when I remembered why we were in the mansion. I looked at Dawn and I must have transmitted my concerns to her because she became rigid and I noticed her hands were shaking. She was sitting on my right and I reached for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, and smiled. She returned the smile, although she forced it.

"It will be okay," I said softly, giving her hand another gentle squeeze. She forced another smile, and looked at her newfound friends who seemed not to have a care in the world. I was still holding her hand when I saw Frank standing at the door.

"Your father," was all I said and she turned. When she saw him, the forced smile changed in an instant and she rushed to meet him. They were clutching each other as I slowly approached, giving them a moment to share their affection and love.

"I hear you guys are going riding this afternoon." Dawn pushed back and nodded rapidly.

"Yes!" she exclaimed joyfully. Her tone changed and the joy was missing when she added, "The older kids got to ride the go-carts."

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