Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Mom and I were in a duel, and I felt I was playing my best however, she had an insignificant edge, on the board and in her blouse, and the blouse captivated my attention. She would lean forward and I could see both breasts to the nipples. I was aware she was teasing me, after she exposed her breasts for the umpteenth time. I was dawdling and she knew the instant I caught on, the smile spreading over her face.

The game lingered, I saw Sue jump up and embrace dad, and I knew she had won him over. Sue excused herself a few minutes later and said she was going to bed, and I knew then the spree was on. Minutes later dad stood and said he was going to call it a night, and he left mom and I to our game. I had been watching mom squirming in the chair, and I knew she wanted to get the game over, and go with dad. I asked if we could call the game a draw and she agreed.

I went to my room, showered, and was in bed and lay wide-awake, the shower refreshed me. I couldn't explain why, however I began thinking about the two new boys who enrolled in school. I tried to get to know them, especially the one my age. I soon realized age didn't play a big part in the association. We were similar in age but he projected himself years younger. By comparison, I guess I was years older. I began thinking about my life and I could only compare myself to someone much older.

Dawn and I lost our virginal status at the same time and Cecelia stepped in and fostered me. She gave me love, controlled me when I was beyond control, and finally leaving me a responsible and educated lover. The few days I spent with the big man, Mr. Archer, taught me I should be aggressive and take what I desired. Sue was manipulative, and I wondered if she was just using me.

I was almost asleep when Sue slipped into my bed silently. I looked at her, long and hard, however I could not see any indication she was using me, and I decided only time would tell.

She whispered softly, "I love you, we did it," and her arm slipped across my waist as she made herself comfortable, "Dad thinks it is a wonderful idea for me to visit the college."

Sue began slipping into my room, one or two nights a week in the beginning, and as time passed, it was more often. My life was becoming more complicated, and she was a welcome sounding board. Countless nights we lay awake, after making love, and I would speak of problems at school, the various calls I was receiving from Minnesota, and the girls with whom we associated. I was unable to bond with any of the males in school, our interests were surprisingly different I soon learned. For the most part, I found them to be too juvenile for our ages.

Sue finally made the visit to the college, after the original trip had to be cancelled at the last minute. She came back excited about the school, however she was very disappointed at the extra curricular activities the girls planned, stating the chaperones were everywhere.

Without informing dad, I removed the majority of my money from savings and began working with a broker. I was lucky many times, and on others I did my homework well. My net worth was slowly but surely on the rise, although it was only on paper. I could not see a penny more in my pocket. I was becoming better known for my photo skills and was beginning to obtain referrals, and each paid well. That was keeping me in spending and necessary money.

My world seemed to be gliding along smoothly, our grades were improved, and mom and I were communicating without ruffling feathers. Much of the credit was due to the relationship between Sue and me, no longer did I need to chase pussy, and Sue and I no longer argued and fought. Cecelia was responsible, for the most part. She taught me women liked little gifts, and a flower, or a dozen, made a big impression on Sue, and mom alike. Dad give me the thumb-up sign a couple of times when they were overly excited about even the smallest flower.

I considered myself a classic teen, I was a little bold, however I credited that to my rearing. The assistant coach had a different term, which he went into detail on a Monday afternoon when he called me into his office. His description of me was upsetting, a spoiled rich kid without redeeming qualities. My feelings were, he was upset and didn't understand me because I was direct and displayed my thoughts through my actions. He was steamed at the moment and I suppose the coach pressed him to address me.

He was displeased at my actions the previous Friday evening, calling my boldness insulting to the wives of his friends. The coaching staff was chaperones at the spring dance, and his wife accompanied him. She is a beauty. She is much younger and dresses her age, wearing a short revealing cocktail dress for the occasion. I was attracted to her and she was sociable, dancing with each student when asked.

I assume she was trying to be sociable and fit within the group because I treated her as I treat others; I took a few liberties with my hands. I caressed her ass a few times, slipped my hand inside her bodice, and massaged her breasts. She had nice hard nipples and enjoyed my youthful 'shenanigans' as she aptly described my actions. I knew she enjoyed my playful ways; she danced with me three numbers.

Little by little, I began increasing my independence, and only through necessity resided with my parents. Summer was approaching and I was soon to be fifteen, an age I considered sufficient to be treated as an adult. At some point during the year, I realized I was becoming more demanding and less tolerant. I owe it to Sue for bringing it to light. She yelled at me one evening to make me understand.

"I AM NOT YOUR WIFE OR YOUR SERVANT," she screamed. She cried a minute and when she looked at me, through tear stained eyes, she almost melted my heart. "Hal, please don't treat me like your concubine," she pleaded in a soft voice as she locked her arms tightly around my waist.

Mom and dad were spending more time traveling, leaving Sue and I alone. The single night alone became two or three nights, and on two occasions, we were alone a week. Sue was actually becoming a homemaker, learning to cook and keep a comfortable home. Ida and Frank were fast becoming our guardians in the absence of mom and dad. Ida began teaching Sue and Dawn, not only how to prepare fabulous meals, but make them appetizing as well. Ida would show them a specialty and a few nights later Dawn and Sue would prepare the meal in our condominium while Frank, Ida, and I, anxiously waited to test their new found skills. They were actually becoming quite skilled and each meal was delectable, so much in fact, I shied away from comparing them to mom's meals.

On the occasions when mom and dad were 'traveling' or so to speak, Sue and I made love at will. Sue was adventurous, creating scenarios to spice up our lovemaking. I never knew what to expect at bedtime. Dawn was privy to our sleeping arrangements and Sue often suggested she join us, however Dawn would halfhearted decline each request.

Two weeks before summer break mom and dad went away for the weekend, and Sue and I were left alone. Mom and dad opened a bottle of wine, offering Sue and I a drink before going out. Once alone we decided to have another drink of the wine and by the time we went to bed, we had finished the bottle and opened another. We were giddy, especially Sue, and she kept me amused into the early hours of the morning. We finally went to sleep just holding one another, contented to be together.

Someone shaking me awakened me, I opened my eyes, and Frank was smiling down.

"Hal, I am sorry to wake you. It is past time for you to be up so I am not really sorry," he said smiling and looking around the room and tossing my trousers on the bed. Walking to the foot of the bed, he leaned, pulled the sheet from the floor, and covered Sue. We both were naked and I watched as he carefully covered her, and he then motioned for me to dress.

I followed him into the kitchen, asking along the way, "What is so urgent you had to wake me so early?"

He pointed to the clock and I saw it was ten-thirty, well past our waking time. I nodded and noticed Dawn was in the room and she had cleaned the kitchen. I remember the mess Sue and I left it in the evening before.

"I'll have you some coffee in a minute," she said, "What would you like for breakfast?"

Shaking my head, I responded, "Nothing at the moment, but thank you anyway. Oh, Dawn; thank you for cleaning our mess." I waved my hand around the kitchen, and received a nod and a smile.

Frank spoke, "We tried calling you, the phone was off the receiver, and you didn't answer the door, so I used the key we have to get in your apartment. I just wanted you to know."

"No problem, Frank," I said. "Heck I trust you with our lives. Now what was it you needed to see me about?"

Frank started to speak, however he paused and pointed to the kitchen. Dawn was coming through the doorway with a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. She passed me the coffee and said, "This is for Sue so don't you be eyeing it."

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