Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 43

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 43 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  


I was disappointed when I couldn't reach Naomi or Carol Tomlinson. I dialed their numbers two times in as many hours and let the phone ring until it stopped. I hadn't spoken to Naomi since meeting her four months earlier in Oklahoma City. Discouraged, I mixed a JD and coke. I finished the drink and made another. I took a healthy sip as walked toward the bathroom. I showered and returned to finish the drink. I made one more attempt at reaching Carol and Naomi before I called Carlette. When I spoke to Carlette I explained I couldn't reach Naomi or Carol, I felt mischievous and harassed her about aging and her failing memory.

We spent four days with Naomi. Granted, Naomi and I spent most of the time in her room. Naturally, we had sex, but much of the time, we were just enjoying one another's company in a relaxed mode. It didn't surprise me somewhere in our conversation when she said both she and Natalie, her mother, had entertained men for the organization within the past month although on separate occasions.

The weekend in Oklahoma City had been the first time Carlette gave any indication she had maternal instinct. Naomi, Carlette, and I spent a relaxing four-day weekend in Oklahoma with a couple who were friends of Naomi. Naomi had formed a close relationship with the wife years earlier. The couple was average, average for kids that had everything when growing up leastways. The standout in the family was their young daughter as she had a brilliant mind. I couldn't remember if she was seven or eight but I do remember Carlette feeling despondent after we left. She regretted passing his name to Dawson because both the wife and husband would possibly face a prison sentence. Her regret, the child would be placed in the custody of other family members or social services. The husband, well to do with social status in the community, was pushing drugs. He didn't make an attempt at hiding the fact he was making 'a killing off powder' as he put it. Carlette, using her bedroom skills, weaseled the name of his supplier. She wasn't surprised but I was upset because she couldn't link him to her investigation.

Carlette caused a dark cloud to form in my mind when she said our report was only a beginning. Months, possibly a year or more, would pass before they made a case and would take them into custody. She said it could take untold hours of surveillance, coupled with transactions before building a case against him. She tried explaining why our comments meant nothing until agents actually proved his remarks to us were true. I saw it as another delay. I was let down more when she said he possibly could receive a slap on the hand if he cooperated with agents working his case. They would make a deal if he would cooperate and give them information they wanted.

I remembered my exact response, "WHAT! He won't go to jail?"

"If he rolls over on his supplier and can tell us how the drugs are being distributed, we'll cut a deal. It means additional months of legwork but it will lead to additional arrests. Depending on the number of names he supplies, and those he is willing to turn over, has a lot of impact on the deal made with him. This could be a major bust when all the pieces fall together, that's the way I look at it. Don't worry; we will take him down, but -- I know it won't be as soon as you'd like."

Her words, although becoming redundantly familiar each week, came as a let down. I didn't know at the time but it was only one of many I would receive in the following months, just as I had in the past. I wanted it to happen now. As usual, I considered their methods much too slow. I previously made this same comment to Carlette, several times in fact.

I knew Carlette was anxious to hear what Naomi had to say. It was obvious from our earlier conversation. She alluded to the fact Naomi called her and it was a possibility she was reaching out. I nodded, as though she could see me, at her idea but I knew Naomi could have other reasons for calling. Over the years, we hadn't met often but we took every available opportunity to meet. She could be coming south and the possibility of a meeting could happen. Naomi loved the TLC I provided but it was also possible she just wanted a shoulder to cry on.

I laughed aloud as I replaced the phone in the cradle. I tried to drag out our conversation with Carlette because it was obvious she was having the sausage put to her as I spoke. Her grunts were somewhat familiar, although they were different in that she seemed to be enjoying the moment. I realized I was happy for her, as she needed someone to make gentle love to her. I thought of times that were not so pleasant.

I thought of the last afternoon at Carol and Brad's home the first weekend we worked together. Eli had taken Carol and Carlette into his room the first night and marked the women, receiving joy at punishing them as he filled their pussy with his seed. Three days later, Bruno took Carlette behind the pool house, and in broad daylight, roughly took her in front of Jasmine, a spectator informed me later. Jasmine informed me Carlette had the option of watching or being a participant. Jasmine had tears in her eyes as she said Carlette took Bruno's savage thrusts into her small body, saving her, Jasmine, from his brutality. I filmed Bruno in bed with Carol his first night at the Tomlinson's residence. It was near rape. Julia and Jasmine were in the room as I filmed and after he humiliated Carol, he sent me and Carol from the room. He kept the girls in his room. In Jasmine's words, he fucked her three times. Each time he would force Julia to clean his cum-covered prick with her mouth.

I mixed another JD and coke and lay on the bed flicking the TV channel to channel. I was merely flicking the channels and not really paying attention. I was thinking more of former visits, namely our visit with Courtney and Henry. I felt an erection building when I remembered the first time I saw Carlette engaged fully and totally in a sexual situation with another woman.

Henry and Courtney Wilson weren't pleased to see us but Eli insisted. As usual, he wasn't to be denied. It was our first visit to Amarillo, and our third assignment Eli forced on us after leaving the Tomlinson's. It was the first time Eli gave me specific instructions although I failed. He wanted graphic video of their teenaged son and daughter, who were by word of mouth having an incestuous relationship. It just happened they left on a school trip the same afternoon we took the family portraits. The portraits were superb. In fact, Henry liked them so much he asked me to take Courtney's photo in a more seductive session. The photo session started out in a skimpy bikini and changed to me shooting her in the nude. Carlette and I brought on the invitation, or so I felt. Henry saw my erection, Carlette's hard nipples, and used it against us.

Actually, Eli used us because Henry walked behind Carlette and slipped his hands under her blouse.

"Eli said you had small tits but could take a man sized prick. He also said you were available and you were a good fuck," Henry remarked as he pulled at Carlette's blouse, ripping it as he roughly tore it from her body. "Courtney loves small tits, large tits, and budding tits, just as long as there is a pussy at the junction of the legs below them," Henry said smoothly releasing the hooks on Carlette's bra.

Carlette's bra fell from her shoulders and I remember shouting, "HEY! What are you doing?"

"Eli said you each enjoyed a close relationship, real close," Henry said boldly as he mauled Carlette's small breasts laughing.

I started to further object but the look Carlette gave me caused me to remain silent. I could see he was handling her breasts roughly and her calm comment surprised me.

"I'm a woman not a piece of clay. Admittedly, I don't have much up top but that doesn't mean you can reshape them. I suggest you go to your wife if you want to abuse someone's tits."

Carlette pulled from his groping hands with a practiced move. The expression on his face displayed surprise, as he seemed as shocked with her move as I was at her comment. The biggest shock came when Courtney walked to Carlette and wrapped her arms around my associate, pulling her close. Courtney was half a foot taller than Carlette and crushed her bare breasts under Carlette's chin. To me it appeared Carlette welcomed the intimate contact.

"Get this on movie film," Henry said taking the still camera from my hands and laying it on the dressing table.

I reached for the movie camera, began filming, and the longer I viewed the two women the more I became obsessed watching the pair. Courtney was naked from our recent shooting and I watched, as did Henry, while Carlette and Courtney ground their bodies firmly together. Their lips appeared to be mauling or attempting to consume one another. Carlette worked loose from Courtney's firm hands and stepped back. They stared at one another a full minute and they weren't the only ones becoming excited. I felt Henry's hand on my shoulder as his head moved close and whispered.

"Damn, would you look at that? That is one fine looking woman, your girlfriend that is. I know Eli said she was available but -- listen -- I'm prepared to swap for the night. I don't want to leave you high and dry because I can see you are as enthralled in them as I am."

I thought of his comment a moment and I realized my primal thoughts began swaying to the naked Courtney. I had just taken two rolls of 35mm of her in the nude and, prompted by Henry, each pose was more provocative and explicit than the previous. At the time, her nude body or her poses didn't affect me, as I wanted the poses professional. They would bring me a sizeable check when I found the right buyer.

She was curvaceous, tall, a beauty, and my eyes now devoured her naked body, as the pair seemed mesmerized with one another. I suddenly wanted to get her in my bed but I knew Carlette would not let that happen. Carlette rejected Henry earlier and I couldn't see her changing her mind in a few short minutes. My thoughts drifted and I could foresee Courtney making love to her, woman to woman, and when she came to our bed, I had a good chance of providing her masculine love. The women were breast to breast as they moved to the bed, their moans becoming more aggressive and passionate, their lips and hands feverishly active. Out of the blue, they seemed as one and I felt Henry and me were oblivious.

I didn't realize Henry was directing my movements until I was pushed into a position uncomfortable for filming. My legs were pressed against the bed and he was pushing on my shoulders attempting to get the camera closer to the faces of the two lovers. I was forced to hold the camera in an awkward position, one I knew was incorrect for the quality I desired. I tried to raise up but Henry whispered in my ear again.

"Watch the expression on their faces, especially Courtney's. You are about to see a definite change."

I nodded and pushed, forcing him back, allowing room for me to stand erect.

"Hurry, please, you're going to miss it and I'd like to have it on film because she doesn't believe me. It should only be another minute," Henry urged, again pressing me toward the bed.

I knelt and moved in for a closer view of their faces. Carlette was sucking on Courtney's nipple of the closest breast. Nothing appeared unusual but Henry had me believing something was going to happen. Either that or Henry was going to have a forced stroke. His breathing increased and he was beginning to make a slight whining sound. For a moment, I believed he was in heat as I'd heard bitches make the same sound before a stud penetrated her offered pussy. I glanced down and saw Carlette's hand working on Courtney's pussy and it appeared she had three fingers buried deep. I looked into the viewfinder and moved a smidgeon centering the mouth covering the nipple. I felt the movement and looked down just as Courtney spread her legs wide. I couldn't see to verify it but it seemed as though Courtney forced Carlette's hand deep in her pussy. When I say hand, I mean her clenched fist.

Courtney moaned and Henry said, "It's happening, keep the camera on her breast."

I rechecked, keeping the mouth and nipple centered in the viewfinder and knew I was capturing the change Henry was speaking of as his hand began drumming on my shoulder.

"It's happening, don't miss it, p-l-e-a-s-e," Henry drug out with a whine.

Courtney's breast seemed to be growing before my eyes, rather her areola were growing. Her once perfect four-inch areola was rising, obviously from the blood flowing in her breast but her areolas now appeared as puffies. I couldn't believe it; rather I never saw it happen before that moment. Something else was happening as I watched. Her once perfectly shaped half-inch nipple suddenly popped from the areola and it appeared to be a perfectly shaped black raspberry. Moments earlier, it was smooth, round, brown, and hard in Carlette's mouth. Compiled of large drupelets, it was now rough and black. It also appeared its size tripled. Apparently Carlette felt the change because she pulled her mouth from the nipple and stared at it a moment. She had but a moment to stare as Courtney's hand pulled her face back to the once perfectly shaped breast.

"She has never believed me but now you have it on tape as proof. She is going to come hard and she is a screamer, trust me," Henry said and I saw his hand slide under Carlette's skirt.

I expected some type of response from Carlette but I didn't expect it to be to spread her legs to the extent her skirt allowed. Henry's hand had to be on her pussy because I heard her soft moans begin seconds before I heard I heard the beginning of Courtney's seventy-five decibel scream. Her scream was loud, long, and her lower body was driving against Carlette's hand. I wasn't positive before but now I saw it with my own eyes. Carlette was fisting Courtney and she wasn't gentle. Courtney wouldn't allow it as she was thrusting her body against Carlette's hand while the hand on her wrist helped force Carlette's hand in the climaxing pussy. It was a first for me as I watched and I was certain I could feel Courtney's vaginal contractions.

I was watching the couple on the bed and I didn't notice Henry had removed his clothing until he climbed on the bed. The first thing I noticed was he was endowed with a healthy prick. I thought my seven plus inches was a substantial shaft but I had to admit, without question, he was toting much more than I was. I watched in awe, forgetting I was filming a minute, before I quickly aimed the lens at Courtney's pussy. Courtney became still after more than two minutes, half of which her shrill squeal filled the room. Chuck pressed his prick against Carlette's hand and Carlette automatically tried to remove hers.

"Open your hand and let me slide my prick into it," Henry said softly to Carlette.

"What?" Carlette answered the strange request.

"Open your hand, let my prick slide in, and then try to jack me off," Henry said attempting to explain.

"I can't do that," Carlette said in a whisper.

"Yes you can, just try it," Courtney said speaking in a lower than normal voice. "It's not difficult; you just have to go slow."

It's a good thing they weren't expecting a response from me because I was speechless. I never saw anything close to what was asked of Carlette but then it was a night of firsts. I focused the camera on the hand in the pussy and, as Courtney said, go-slow and you can do it. I wasn't keeping time but I felt it took almost three minutes before Carlette was holding the lower part of Henry's shaft, the majority buried in Courtney's pussy.

"I can't move my hand," Carlette said speaking in her normal voice.

"That's okay, Henry knows what to do," Courtney said in a strained voice.

"Keep your fingers around my prick and I am going to jack myself off using your hand," Henry said and he started moving his shaft in and out.

Amazed, I continued filming. Courtney was no longer lying still as her body was beginning to work with the in and out strokes Henry made. I didn't have a clue as to how long Henry was fucking Carlette's hand as I fell into a trance watching. I wasn't positive I kept the camera on the hand in the pussy, I only hoped. I didn't remember but I wanted to review the film and I would actually see what transpired while I was entranced. Courtney's shrill scream brought me out of the trance and when I looked at Carlette's hand, I was aware my eyes hadn't transmitted everything to a conscious brain. Carlette's hand was now buried deep in Courtney's pussy, and if she was grasping Henry's prick I was certain she had the head in her hand. I didn't think it possible to get an arm as deep in a pussy as hers was buried.

Courtney was coming again and this time her screams of passion were as loud as before but if possible, I believe they were even louder. Her body bucking against Henry's hand was as before, hard thrusts against his forced thrusts. She was getting the maximum prick he was capable of giving and enjoying every thrust more than the last, or so her screaming sounds indicated. When she was past the peak and her screams diminished to moans, Henry slipped from the bed and several minutes later returned with four small glasses. I was dry mouthed and readily accepted the drink. The girls accepted the drinks and as I did, wasted no time in downing them. I was unfamiliar with the drink but I did taste the rum in it. Henry took the glass from each of us as we drained the glass and then he rejoined the couple on the bed. He began removing Carlette's skirt. She lifted her ass to allow him to remove it, and her panties quickly followed. Henry surprised me when he buried his face in Carlette's pussy. I heard her groan. I hadn't noticed but Courtney still held Carlette's hand in her pussy. It didn't take Henry more than three minutes before Carlette began thrashing on the bed and I noticed Courtney removed her hand allowing Carlette to remove her hand from the gaping pussy. I zoomed the camera lens to the pussy and kept it there several minutes. I could see her pussy was returning to its normal size but I knew it would take a while, quite a while.

Carlette showed more passion than I imagined possible after watching her, first with Henry and then with Courtney. I filmed the trio as they made love. Actually, Henry fucked the women one after the other; there was no love involved only raw sex. Again, I had to admit he was more man than I was because he shot a load into Carlette's hand inside Courtney's pussy and ten minutes later a load filled Carlette's pussy. Without rest, he spread Courtney's legs and within minutes, filled her pussy with his jism.

After Henry fucked Carlette, and then his wife, he slipped from the bed and watched the couple as I continued filming. When the women locked in an embrace and their mouths met, it was much different. They actually made love. I continued filming until I ran out of film. I left the room and when I returned with a loaded camera, the door was locked. I heard them inside and I was positive they heard me shaking the door. When they didn't open the door, I returned to my room.

Later in the evening, I made myself at home. I found a tray of snacks in the kitchen and I ate until I satisfied my hunger. I then went into the family room and watched the television a while before I went to our room. I didn't see evidence Carlette had returned when I went to bed. I didn't think anything about it when I woke the next morning and Carlette wasn't in the room. I really didn't expect her but I was surprised to see Courtney lying in her place. I assumed Carlette had remained in the clutches of Henry. Courtney woke when I turned on my side, took a nipple in my mouth and sucked, at the same time pressing against her pussy firmly with my hand.

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