Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 42

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 42 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  


Blue Eyes had a way with food. I watched as she devoured a portion twice the size as I ate, but I didn't mention the fact to her. When she finished she looked up at me and smiled.

"Okay, go on and say it, I know what you're thinking," she remarked.

"I'm not thinking anything," I stated in a low voice.

"I know you're lying, but thank you anyway. I've always had a good appetite, but remember I do the same amount of work as the men I work with. No one says anything about how much they eat."

"I understand I know your job is strenuous. I think you have a wonderful body," I added.

"Then why did you..."

"Wait! Stop! Whoa!" I exclaimed not wanting to become engaged in a conversation as we had the previous day.

"I'm sorry; it's just that I thought... well I thought..."

"Forget it," I interjected.

"I can't, I need to explain," Blue Eyes said softly.

"You don't need to explain anything to me," I remarked.

"Listen," she said firmly, "I must. I'm not usually... what I'm trying to say is I work with men and I hear the snide remarks, lewd comments, and anything else they have to say about me. I've heard those same remarks for years. I'm not accustomed to a man treating me the way you did, with respect I'm talking about. I know I'm not beautiful, although I believe I do have a decent shape and I'm not coyote ugly. -- Yes, I've heard the phrase and I've heard most of the jokes. With you it was totally different. I felt very feminine just being with you and then suddenly you seemed to change. I felt you were comparing me to other women. Hannah for example, and I became overly sensitive."

"Comparing you? How was I comparing you, I don't recall?" I asked.

"I know it's juvenile but it was the way you were looking at me. You were looking at my hands and I remembered how your hands felt on me in the motel. Before and when we were making love, your hands touched me with a pleasing sexual caress. After we made love and were lying in the bed talking your hands felt different. You weren't touching me in the same manner, rather you played with my hands, caressed my calves, the muscles in my arms and you checked the firmness of my stomach. My hands aren't soft like most women's are and it brought back bad memories. You weren't looking at me last evening; you were staring at my hands. Your attention to my hands was terribly upsetting," she said in a soft tone.

"I wasn't comparing you; I was admiring your hands, arms, and yes I was checking your breasts as well. I think your hands are wonderful. Frankly, I was wondering how you managed to keep them soft because you have explained your work. I shook hands with your co-workers and their hands are rough. And as for me rubbing your calves and arms, well I find your muscle tone to be stimulating. You're not flabby and soft. For you saying you're not beautiful, I believe you are. Your beauty captured my attention even before we were introduced," I remarked.

I looked at her in shock when she said, "You're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey."

"WOW! Such language," I remarked laughing.

"Well what do you expect, I hear worse than that every day."

"Yes, but I didn't expect to... does it rub off?" I inquired.

"Some things do," she said with a grin.

"Oh, then I'd like to make a suggestion."

"Okay, I left myself open for that, what is it?"

"I'd like to suggest you don't take a job as a cocktail waitress, you could turn into an alcoholic."

Her expression changed to one of question and she asked, "How is that?"

"By association, being near all that booze," I remarked and laughed when she made the association and began smiling.

"You're changing the subject but I haven't forgot what we were discussing," she said and raised her brows.

"I haven't either; I know exactly where our discussion stopped. It stopped when you made the off-the-wall comment after I said I thought you were beautiful."

"Is that why your eyes roamed over every inch of Hannah's body? I saw you staring at her, I have good peripheral vision."

"Oh, then you were interested? I mean you were interested in me if you were paying close attention to know where my eyes lay. You never looked directly at me but she did. I knew if I kept staring at her long enough she would soon tell you. She did and you looked directly at me. I knew at that point I was in love."

"You're so full of..."

"No, no, no, remember that's not the language a lady uses," I said interrupting.

She laughed and said, "I don't believe you, you couldn't take your eyes off her."

The waitress seated two couples at the table beside us terminating our conversation, for the moment anyway.

"Let's go," she mouthed when the two men at the table began staring at us.

"I don't like the seats in this van. They may be good for traveling but they are not made to become cozy," Blue eyes commented as I drove from the restaurant parking lot.

"There is a good bed in the back if you're interested," I said and couldn't hold back a light chuckle.

"No thanks, we have a perfectly good bed at the motel," she remarked and grinned.

"Is that an invitation for an encore?" I asked.

She didn't respond and when I looked over she appeared to be in deep thought. I don't know why but I didn't make the turn leading to the motel. It wasn't I didn't want to get her in the bed because I did. At the moment that didn't seem a priority. I was thrilled by the fact she was talking more freely and her demeanor much different. I wasn't aware she was paying attention when I didn't turn in the direction of the motel.

"There are parks if you don't want to drive or if you want to sit for a while. I'm glad you didn't go back to the motel. I wanted to be alone with you," she said in a barely audible voice pointing in the direction I was traveling. We passed a convenience store and I stopped for drinks and snacks.

"You're still hungry?" she stated when she saw me set the junk food on the counter.

"If we don't eat it today I'll have it to snack on while driving," I commented.

When we came to the first park she looked at me and shook her head pointing straight ahead. I was pleased because the park was packed with what appeared a thousand kids running loose. I followed her silent signals until we came to a small park. It was nothing to write home about but presently it was barely inhabited. I pulled off the paved roadway between two small trees. They afforded some shade and I figured the police would drive by and make me move to the pavement before long.

She didn't say anything and I left her with her thoughts. Surprisingly enough I found it very pleasant sitting with her although neither spoke. More than fifteen minutes passed before I opened two drinks, passing her one.

"Thank you," she said softly. Perhaps a minute passed before she said in the same soft voice, "I wish we had met under different circumstances, or at a better time."

"Under different circumstances -- a better time -- I don't understand," I said speaking softly.

"I know it's a one night stand, maybe two, but I'm not complaining. I have enjoyed our time together. I don't know how to explain myself but I don't see it that way, a one night stand," Brown Eyes said solemnly. "I don't know how to explain how I feel but -- well you didn't just fuck me and turn away after you received your pleasure. That's only happened to me one time before and even then it was under a set of false pretenses. I'm sad to say it but I married the bastard. Somehow, the time we've spent together seems much different, like we were dating."

I didn't laugh at her because I felt she was slipping into a serious mood. Strangely enough I didn't want to change the feeling surrounding the moment. I was inclined to believe she wasn't one to meet a guy, bed him, and want to get married immediately. The previous day she indicated her teen years ran on a road that was rough and rocky. Perhaps I was a passing stranger she could unload her troubles on and possibly I would take them when we parted.

"It's possibly a one night stand but I honestly don't see it as such. Tomorrow I'll be driving across Texas and you'll be -- well whatever, but I don't believe I'll ever forget you. I told you earlier I 'fell in love' with you the moment I saw you. We each know that is figuratively speaking, or maybe the Christmas turkey you alluded to, but I was serious at the moment of my feelings. I can't envision myself ever forgetting your eyes."

"Thank you, I'll always remember you made love to me. You could have fucked me and forgot me but I don't believe that was or will be the case. I've been fucked many times," she said softly.

We stared at one another a few moments and, breaking the spell, she turned in the seat to face me. She smiled when she realized I was flashed when she twisted. I exaggerated my smile and she chuckled softly, spreading her legs purposely flashing me again.

"Were you speaking the truth when you said you've never used this bed? she asked moving from the seat to the bed.

"Only as you're using it now, to sit on," I replied.

"Then I'd be the first if we..."

"If we what?" I asked after several seconds passed and she hadn't completed her remark

"... if we slipped downstairs and christened it in the motel parking lot this evening. I know that sounds silly to you but it would be one time when I..." her voice trailed off and she reclined, twisting, and pointing her feet in my direction.

I moved to the passenger seat because I couldn't see her face without stretching. She was staring at the ceiling and I don't believe she realized I switched seats. I had the pleasure of staring at her body several minutes while she seemed in deep thought. I don't believe I convinced Blue Eyes I thought she was a very pleasing sight before my eyes but I found her to be exceptionally breathtaking. I watched her breasts rise and fall gently with her steady breathing. Her stomach appeared flat and sensual as it rose and fell, the gentle move synchronized with her mounds. I gazed at her several minutes, not lustfully rather admiringly. When she changed positions her skirt rose to mid-thigh and her legs separated. I could see her smooth thighs exposed just a tad shy of her panties. I became erect and my eyes went to her face. I thought she was teasing me but realized she was sleeping.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Penelope asked with a worried look on her face.

"Almost two hours, -- and you have been having bad dreams," I added. "I don't know who Bo is but you were giving him hell -- fighting him -- and his friends. I'm sorry to wake you but I didn't like you fighting in your sleep. I would have awakened you sooner but I was tossing the Frisbee and taking pictures of the kids playing. I didn't know you were having bad dreams until I returned."

She gasped, making a strange sound when she looked at her skirt raised to her waist and her blouse splayed, one button holding it closed. She pulled at her skirt as she sat upright and adjusted her breast in her bra before buttoning her blouse.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled and her eyes began tearing. "I can't remember my last dream, I mean a bad one."

"You don't owe me an apology. Do you want a drink; you never finished the one I opened earlier."

She nodded and asked, "Could we go please?"

Blue Eyes finished her drink before we reached the motel. She rushed from the van and up the steps but had to wait on me to open the door. Pushing past me as I unlocked the door she rushed to the bathroom. I heard the water running in the shower before I could set the styrofoam cooler on the counter by the sink. It was early in the afternoon for me to have a mixed drink but I prepared two after walking to the ice machine. I knew I would drink hers if she didn't.

I set my drink on the stand beside the single comfortable chair and switched the television on. The sound was muted but I didn't change it. I began thinking about our morning. Blue Eyes had opened up and begun talking more freely; I was pleased with that but the incident at the park, her dreams, disturbed me. Somehow my spending the weekend with her didn't seem such a good idea. Truthfully, she made me forget my problems but now she seemed to be involving me with hers. I waited for her to finish in the bathroom to join me, plus I wanted to shower myself. She had been in the shower almost twenty minutes when I lifted my drink to my lips.

I sipped from my drink and abruptly set it aside. I made a hasty decision. I began throwing clothing in my suitcase. I decided to get on the road to Houston. I had troubles of my own without gathering more. I had everything packed except my toiletry when she stepped from the bathroom wearing a slinky robe. It was held closed by a sash but she showed a lot of leg, a lot of nice looking leg.

"I set a drink for you on the dresser," I said slipping past her to get to the shower.

I stepped into the shower and wet my body. It dawned on me there was something different about Blue Eyes but our passing was brief. I heard the door open and "hair dryer" yelled before it closed. I showered unhurriedly all the time wondering what I saw different in her. I shut the water off, dried, and reached for my clothes. My skivvies were missing. I remembered removing them from my suitcase but they were not with my clothes. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door assuming I dropped them.

I saw my skivvies in the floor below my suitcase and walked toward them. The noise of the hair dryer stopped and I looked across the room at Blue Eyes. My mouth dropped and I froze. I was speechless. She saw me through the mirror and turned facing me. It was fifteen seconds before I could speak.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed as I felt my prick head rising partially due to rubbing against the rough towel.

"I see you packed," she said walking slowly toward me.

I nodded, my eyes locked on her. The transparent blue negligee hung from her shoulders and she tantalizingly pulled it wider as she slowly approached. The sheer bra and panty set color matched the sheer covering, each piece matching her eyes. She was a beautiful sight but the sexy outfit was secondary to amazement. Her hair fell across her shoulders and she wore mascara. I knew her hair was longer as we showered together. This was the first time I saw it combed out and covering her shoulders as she kept it in a bun on the back of her head. She hadn't worn mascara previously but now her eyes not only looked larger, they were much bluer, notwithstanding they looked much brighter. She was pageant beautiful.

"I rushed to make myself presentable when I saw you were packed. I wanted to leave you with a favorable impression of me. You'll forget me in a few days, weeks at the most, but I'll remember you for years. I haven't worn makeup in seven years, since the night of my sixteenth birthday. I did it for me more than anything but I did it for you as well. I just hope you're pleased," Blue Eyes remarked stopping just out of my reach.

I stared at her a few seconds and it dawned on me what the difference in her appearance was.

"You rinsed the coloring from your hair, or you either colored it," I remarked.

"You're observant, one of the nice things I like about you. I rinsed the coloring, as much as I could in one washing. I'm actually have more red that you can presently see but because of you I don't believe I'll try hiding the red sheen any longer." She chuckled and said, "I've enough red that should we ever have children I'm sure they would have red hair."

I laughed softly at her remark but I knew that would never be. Although she looked gorgeous, sexy, and desirable, I planned to be on the highway soon. I stepped past her and returned to the bathroom to dress. I came from the bathroom carrying my toilet articles and found her dressed.

"Are you leaving now?" Blue Eyes asked.

"Yes, I'll take care of the room. I'm going to eat and then head out. I'm anxious to get to Houston and talk to my mom," I commented.

"Could I join you for a late lunch or early dinner, whichever?"

"Only if you help me with my bags," I said smiling.

"Done," she said and turned to lift my largest bag leaving me to carry my cameras and laptop.

Twenty minutes later we were seated in the restaurant discussing the pros and cons of ordering from the menu or taking the smorgasbord. I took the smorgasbord and she took the menu. The waitress took our orders, brought our drinks and walked briskly to another table.

"With your appetite you should have chosen the smorgasbord," I commented in a low voice leaning in her direction

"I have the choice of the smorgasbord every day in the dining facility. I leave the post at least once a week and order from the menu. I'm different from most as I like the food in the dining hall, however it is nice to place your order and be waited on, it breaks the monotony," she said laughing softly.

"I've enjoyed this weekend," I said breaking a silence which had fallen over us.

"So have I. I assume you'll make an entry in your notebook when you stop for the night. Scored again this weekend. Penelope Foster, 23, 38C-26-38, 145#, 5'9", a bitch at times and unpredictable at all times. Gives a decent blowjob, average fuck, overall score --7. You don't think I rate below a '7' -- I hope."

I stared at her a moment before remarking, "You under rate yourself. I don't keep a black book, and I definitely don't rate one's ability, either in bed or out. If, for some unknown reason, I made a note I would have to say she is twenty-three but doesn't look a day over nineteen."

"Thank you but when I was nineteen I wanted to be twenty-one," she said chuckling softly and reaching across the table for my hand. "I wish I had met you when I was nineteen," she said softly squeezing my hand softly.

"You wouldn't have taken a second look at a lanky, redheaded, seventeen year-old boy covered with freckles."

"If I hadn't it would have been my loss," she said watching the waitress approach. "Here's my food now, where's yours?" she said in a soft cheerful voice.

We ate unhurriedly while making small talk, the conversation mostly about our work. Of course I couldn't tell her everything I did. She became serious the longer we talked especially when trying to explain her dreams earlier in the day. I told her to forget it but she insisted on explaining.

"I have to explain because -- well you look at me different, I mean differently than most men look. I'm not a beauty queen but I know I have a nice set of tits and a nice round ass. I've heard that a thousand times over. That's what most men see when they look at me, ass and tits. It's been that way since I was twelve. I matured early; well let's say I grew tits early. My ass was round also. A dozen men confirmed that over a period of three years."

"I think you are too hard on yourself. I think you're nice looking and you looked extra special when I finished my shower earlier. I received an instant erection as you well know. You should leave your hair down all the time, that bun is awful," I remarked. "I'm sure you were pleasing on the eyes when you sprouted breasts and I bet the boys loved them and your ass."

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