Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 4: School Business First

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: School Business First - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

School started and I became more involved in school, however I was spending more time on out of class activities, than schoolwork. Mom and dad brought this to my attention when I came home one evening; they were sitting in the family room, no TV, no music, just a dead silence in the room.

I was under the impression the school was giving me all my reports but I was wrong. The U.S. mail works well when you least expect it. Dad had my mid-semester averages and they weren't too good. I use 'too good' literally, because I was just above the dunce level. I had been appointed as a photographer, to the yearbook, and been using all my free time taking photos or trying to put the make on some older girls. To tell the truth, I wasn't doing well at either. I wasn't satisfied with the photos as I seemed to be a fraction late in each capture, in other words, I had a total of zero of what I considered dynamic photos. As for the girl situation, I was still in the starting gate and the race was half over, I was doing that poorly.

Failing to do my homework, many days I failed to complete classroom assignments finally caught up with me, and dad was holding the evidence. My third love, my growing wealth in stocks, and my dad knew that too well.

I tried to ignore them as I walked past but dad called me and a minute later had me sitting before him and mom. He tossed the savings account book into my lap, and I checked the total. WOW, I thought, there was a deposit of over twenty thou. Feeling great, I looked up and smiled at them. They could see from the expression how pleased I felt.

Dad spoke, "That is your investment in stocks. I sold your stocks today. There is a conflict between school and extracurricular activities. I also spoke to the school and you have two weeks to bring your grades to a passing level or activities at school will cease. There is no debating; you have my decision."

I saw the look on his face and I knew now was not the time to attempt a negotiation. Mom's face held a blank look, there was no help coming from her. I went to my room and lay across the bed, I couldn't do homework, my books were at school.

I was pissed at dad; selling my stocks really hurt. I was on a roll. I had dreams of becoming a boy millionaire, by the time I reached eighteen. In the back of my mind, I just wanted to prove to dad I could equal his success.

Sue came in before supper and sat on my bed. She was down and it showed in her face. I looked at her for a moment, hoping for a hint as to why, finally asking, "What's the matter, Sue, you look down today?"

"You know Jo Ann's sister is in college, in Georgia, mom's alma mater; she asked me to come up with her parents this weekend and mom said no. I haven't seen the campus and you know mom always hoped I'd attend there. I don't know why she is being so stubborn, actually hateful." Sue was almost in tears.

I knew why mom didn't want her to spend the weekend with Allen and Anna, or I had a good idea why she didn't want Sue to go with the couple. I had dozens of pictures showing just how sociable Jo Ann's parents could be. I missed meeting Jo Ann's sister, as I was always in the wrong place during her infrequent visits, her pictures were nice however. I looked at Sue and began to wonder if mom was a little jealous.

Sue's breasts were just a bit smaller than mom's was however; I really felt they were much nicer. Of course, I had seen moms only through the lens, and although Sue's was a quick flash, I would still vote for Sue's.

I wanted to try the touch test, my prick having become hard at the thought of comparing the two sets of baby pacifiers. I turned and pulled her to me, causing her to lay back, her back against me. I curled my arm around her, placing my hand on her stomach, just above her waist. I was slowly massaging the small area as I asked, "Do you think it would help if I asked mom?"

"I don't know she seemed a little upset at me even asking. She is in a terrible mood today." Sue was unaware I had a lot to do with mom and dad's attitude today.

I was massaging her stomach and moving in a circular motion, taking in a wider area as I was speaking. "Would you object if I came along, I could ask if we both could go and that way I would be sort of a chaperone?" Being male was in my favor, mom and dad were both protective of Sue and it seemed that was the only time I was held in high esteem, when making comparisons, I was a protector.

She turned, causing my hand to ride up and it was now on the breast, "Would you mind going up with us? I know you don't like riding in a car that far. It would mean a lot, if you would ask her. I'm sure Anna's parents wouldn't mind you going along. I will ask them." She was trying a bribe now because I could feel her forcing her breast against my hand, something she would normally call revolting. The pressure wasn't that great however it was apparent to me. My erection was pressing against her round ass and she wasn't moving away, the pressure against her very apparent.

Our eyes were making direct contact. I moved my hand slowly, turning it to cup her mound. I could feel the nipple as I applied a small amount of pressure, enough to make her aware I was cupping her breast and it was not by accident. "How do you think I should ask? Do you think I should place the emphasis on seeing our friend in her new surroundings, or should I place the emphasis on you wanting to actually have a look around the campus?" I gave her breast a firm squeeze at the first question, and the second was a firm squeeze while pulling her tighter against me. She was well aware I was playing with her breast now.

We broke eye contact and she relaxed her body, pressing against my chest firmly. There was no pretext; I was openly caressing the breast. I moved my hand to its mate and molded it in my hand, feeling the nipple growing against my palm. I was gentle in my caresses and began planting small kisses on the tender spot of her neck. It was working because she took in a deep breath and turned her head slightly, allowing me a greater area to plant my tiny kisses and nibbles upon.

I had both nipples hard, and she was breathing deeper, and uneven. I moved my hand to the buttons on her blouse and loosened the top two. Slipping a hand inside her blouse, my fingers began tracing across her soft skin, under the bra cup, not stopping until making contact with a nipple. Pressing my hand farther and taking the nipple between two fingers, I began applying a slight pressure, just enough to keep it hard, and sensitive to the touch. After a few moments I removed the pressure and drug my finger tip across the top of the nipple. My rough finger acting as course sandpaper as it crossed the sensitive tip. Her body shuddered; she took another deep breath.

I could feel her body moving, caused by her heavier than normal breathing. She began twisting, removing her blouse from her skirt as I loosened the two remaining buttons and tugged at her bra.

Understanding my desires, she raised and a hand went behind her and after a few seconds, the bra fell loose. I whispered in her ear, "Take it off, please?"

She started to rise, but I held her firm against my body. She manipulated her body and her arms worked the bra until it became free, and tossed on the floor.

Twisted on the bed to get comfortable and allow freedom of both hands, I continued kissing on her neck and ear, as each hand cupped a breast. Whispering in her ear, "You left the door open." I held her, not allowing her to raise, and said, "Dad has been wanting to see your breasts, now is the time for him to come by."

Her body trembled and became stiff, but only for a moment. "You want him to see your lovely breasts, don't you?" I kissed her earlobe after whispering to her. I could feel a slight tension in her body, and continued whispering as I was manipulating her nipples much rougher. "Spread your legs and let him see under your skirt, pull your skirt higher, let him see your beautiful pussy." I could feel her body shaking more as I whispered but I didn't believe the shaking was from fear.

"Slide your fingers into your panties and play with your pussy; dad wants to see you doing that." I was getting harder and her weight was pressing against my erection, which was becoming painful. She was working her finger inside her opening, "That's right, dad wants to see his little girl come on her fingers, don't stop, spread your legs wider." She was following my instructions and her erratic movement was telling on her, she wasn't far from an orgasm, a big one I was hoping.

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