Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 33

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 33 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Salacious immediately came to mind when Carlette entered our room.

Granted it wasn't my word, as Carl Logan, Penny's lawyer employer used it to describe Penny and his wife Tricia's dress my last evening in Valdosta. Tricia took Penny shopping earlier in the day and when I saw Penny's dress, I was within a stroke of coming in my trousers even though I hadn't touched my prick.

The evening began with many drinks and much laughter prior to a late dinner. After dinner, we began dancing. Carl Logan couldn't keep his eyes or hands off Penny, and Tricia's hands wandered over my body much too freely for the average homemaker. I'm positive if we hadn't unexpectedly met the senior Logan's it would have been an evening of sharing partners for sex.

Mom's dress was an old rag when compared to Carlette's, although mom looked young and sexy as hell. She purchased a beach dress that most women wore over a bikini. That is to say, it didn't cover much more than a swimsuit, however mom wore a sexy lace-bra and lace-trimmed panties. Each time she moved, her bra and panties were exposed in some form or fashion. I was optimistic Miguel was in for a wild night.

Carlette's dress, on the other hand, appeared to be from a foreign fashion magazine. Being small breasted, only a small amount of yardage was required to cover her mounds and there was definitely no wasted material. Six-inch strips of material crossed in an 'X' fashion on her back, came over her shoulders, and attached to a band above her belly button. The band was solid from navel to mons, the lower portion of the dress a conglomerate of one-inch strips that reached her knees. When she walked or sat, the strips parted and thigh appeared. It was sexy, daring, and I couldn't keep my eyes from her.

Mom started drinking before our meal reached the table and afterwards, we went to a lounge that allowed dancing. Mom partied heavily an hour before Miguel cheerfully volunteered to take her back to our room. She was extremely tipsy, nearing the point of becoming an embarrassment. I didn't object although mom gave me a hard stare as I thought of his offer. Jealousy filled my mind as I stared at her, however Carlette's plea made my decision. She begged to stay, dance, and party a while longer.

Carlette and I hit it off reasonably well, although she was extremely inquisitive. I enjoyed holding her close, and she pulled me to the dance floor before mom and Miguel could reach the car. Carlette didn't resist when my hands began roaming over her ass and breast. I danced with an erection and she insured I remained erect by pressing her thigh against Mr. Johnson

Two hours, a dozen dances, and six drinks later I physically pulled Carlette from the lounge. Minutes before I expressed my desire to leave the lounge, my mind focused on comparing Carlette to Penny. Numerous times I treated Penny badly, however she remained steadfast and stood boldly at my side. Carlette was close to her equal. After my fourth drink in the lounge I knew I was treating her without respect, none whatsoever. I was on the verge of raping her on the dance floor. I exposed her breasts, sucked her nipples, had my hand in her panties front and back, and she clung to me. She rejected several advances from other men, although they came as a request for a dance. After my despicable behavior, I still had to grasp her by the arm and walk her from the lounge.

We could have frosted the windows in the short cab ride back to my hotel, such was the passion we displayed in the back seat. I'm certain the cabbie took the long route just for the show we put on. I was on her the moment we closed the door and I did everything except fuck her in the short ride. I went for her tits first thing. I had the top of her dress pulled to her elbows before we were out of the parking area. I had just enough to drink. I knew I wanted her and I didn't plan on waiting until we reached the hotel. In fact, I was working on her panties when the driver stopped the cab at the hotel. I had them at her knees, and although I was exerting force, she was obstinate and used an equal force to keep them on.

The shock of the evening came when we entered the hotel. Miguel was sitting in the lobby and rose to meet us as we walked to the elevator. I expected him to be in my bed with mom, yet here he was greeting us as though we were long lost friends. He whispered a few words to Carlette and she nodded as he spoke. She turned, pulled me close, whispered in my ear, and kissed me on the lips. Her tongue made a quick search of my mouth while our lips touched.

"Your mom is waiting upstairs and Miguel said it's arranged for us to meet again tomorrow night."

With those few words, she took Miguel's arm and they walked from the hotel. She gave me a cursory glance and a tiny wave before they walked through the main exit. I rode the elevator to my floor with an erection and a confused mind. The sexual buildup of the dancing, the touching, and caressing along with the passionate kissing, came to an abrupt halt with a few words and a quick kiss. I ached.

"Damn tease," I mumbled aloud as I opened the door to our suite. I stepped inside expecting to see mom in bed, royally fucked. I received a surprise. Mom was sleeping rather mom was passed out. She wasn't in bed either, she was on the sofa and fully dressed. Her body leaned to one side, pressed against the arm of the sofa. Her short dress rode high. I could see her crotch and panties clearly. Miguel was more of a gentleman than I was, I would have fucked her if it was his sister spread as mom was.

Although mom objected when I started moving her, I carried her to the bed, undressed her, and spread the sheet over her lifeless body. I stared at her a moment and began laughing at the circumstances. I was certain Miguel rushed Carlette from the hotel as a form of payback. Mom passed out and he didn't get his pussy. Considering the circumstances, he didn't give Carlette and me an opportunity to warm the sheets.

I didn't know if that was his reasoning but it would have entered my mind had the tables been turned. Another thought occurred to me, he could have rushed her from the hotel and was poking his prick in her now. They did seem close but then they were brother and sister. Still mom and I, and Sue and I, made love and I had a feeling they were capable of finding the same pleasure with one another.

I couldn't go without pussy, not with the erection I suffered with the previous two plus hours. I undressed, slipped into the bed, and snuggled up to mom's back. Entering her wet pussy from the rear, I began moving in and out, treating her with tenderness. I thought it ironic. She craved sex, namely a hard prick. She was wet, ready, and I was working mine in her pussy yet she was unaware. I began pounding my prick into her body much harder as I wondered how many others fucked her while she lay passed out. She admitted she welcomed a prick often and I felt a rage of jealousy. She moaned several times as my thrusts became deep and hard. I vented my frustration on her pussy however she never woke. I planted my seed deep in her unresponding softness, purposely hoping to get her pregnant.

I lay back and smiled at the thought of getting my forty-one year-old mother pregnant. Any other time I would have fallen asleep after an exhausting workout. I drove into her hard several minutes, and whether it was because she wasn't actively responding, or my frustration, I remained on the fringe of an orgasm a significant time before I finally reached the apex.

I stared at mom's back many minutes before I reached over and caressed her ass. She wasn't as firm as two years previous, but then I realized she wasn't as young. Pulling her by the shoulder until she lay on her back, I began searching for aging signs. I felt proud as I stared at her, I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I studied her face and noticed tiny aging lines were visible under close scrutiny. In actuality, I knew they were there although I just didn't see them. There was a similarity in her breast as I observed they weren't as firm. As my hand traveled across her stomach, I found it to be spongy, less firm than my previous experience caressing her.

I cupped a breast and rose on my elbow, capturing the nipple between my lips. I began sucking gently and I could feel the nipple becoming firm. Although mom lay passed out, her body showed small signs reacting. I felt another burst of pride as I envisioned myself sucking nourishment from the same breast when I was a baby. I imagined dad watching me suckle and wondered if he was jealous.

My thoughts turned to dad and I wondered what he was doing at the moment. It was hard for me to see him actually doing anything considering the amount of time he spent at home. I could not remember him at home like other fathers. As far back as I could remember he was a weekend father. I thought about the lonely times, the times I missed him and really needed him close. I was envious of other boys, my friends, as their fathers came home nightly. I didn't have an interest in sports or anything else in particular, part being I couldn't share with him as my friends did with their dads. I knew he cared for me although he seemed to care much more for Sue. She received everything she wanted by asking. My requests seemed to go unheard, rejected, or ignored.

I lay beside mom toying with her nipples, moving one to the other and keeping both erect. I began thinking about my current situation. Although I thought I had problems growing up I realized they were nothing compared to what I faced at present. The prior year had been difficult, however it seemed nothing compared to what I faced now. I wasn't sure exactly what lie ahead, however I knew it would be much more than I envisioned. I made an error in judgment, and as Archer and mom said, the organization had me in their grasp. I would no longer control my life, as I would be a pawn, just as mom and Archer were at present. I wasn't prepared to be a pawn and I was determined not to be. My only trustworthy benefactors would be my parents, primarily my father. My only way out would be to learn from his experiences, although unsuccessful for him.

I gazed at the goddess lying beside me determined to free her as well as myself from the organization. I had no idea where I could start, however I was inclined to believe dad would provide the guidance I needed. At least he would give me a starting point. I knew I couldn't depend on Archer however he made a comment similar to mom's, and dad had even made mention of it. They each commented I had power and I should use it, however I had yet to understand the source. Mom remarked it came from confusion of power within the organization, however I didn't understand how it would work for my benefit. Perhaps dad could enlighten me and I made a mental note to make it a question of priority.

I managed five hours sleep although it wasn't uninterrupted. I had numerous questions to ask dad and I woke several times due to anxiety. When his call came, I was watching mom sleep soundly, having just stepped from the shower. I didn't get to speak as long as I needed, however I did get several pertinent questions answered. The one question which I didn't get a satisfactory answer pertained to his personal safety, as his only response was he felt safe. I was anxious to speak with mom and woke her after we said our goodbyes.

"Why didn't you wake me when he called? Mom, definitely irritated, asked after a waking shower and her first cup of coffee.

"You were sleeping soundly and I wasn't expecting his call as early as it came. I was barely awake myself," I remarked since I hadn't had my cup of coffee before the call.

"Did you ask him about the money?"

"Yes, and he assured me the organization doesn't know he ripped them off. You can rest easy," I said.

Her tone was short, crisp, and curt, when she asked, "What else did you talk about? You said you had many questions for him, did you get them answered?"

"Mom, I received many answers however for every answer he gave me I came up with a new question. He gave me an idea then said to talk it over with you. He tried to explain the power I presently have, although I don't fully understand. He said you would be able to explain it to my satisfaction. He stated that he had explained a system to you that he was unable to use, using people to get at people."

She nodded and remarked, "I made a feeble attempt to explain it before, but I was leery and stopped because he said it wouldn't work in his case. He saw it as a problem because he couldn't make contact with too many in the organization without arousing suspicion. I can explain it, but only to a certain extent, after that you will be on your own. Did he sound confident today, I mean was his voice normal or did he seem worried?"

"Yes, he sounded confident, very confident. He did say something that confused me, however when I asked him to explain he just said for me not to believe everything I heard. Do you understand what he meant?" I inquired.

Shaking her head slowly and appearing confused, she mumbled, "No."

I studied her face a minute and realized she was awake in body only. She seemed to have periods she didn't comprehend her words or mine and to make matters worse she appeared irritated and uncomfortable. I assumed the effects of numerous drinks the previous evening continued clouding her thought process.

"How about breakfast; would you rather order room service or walk across the street?"

"I believe I'd like to get out, but not that restaurant across the street. Could we look for something different please?"

"Certainly, get dressed and we'll take a ride. I'm sure we won't have a problem finding a hash house," I remarked jovially, inserting my feeble attempt at cheering her.

I stared at her gorgeous body as she dressed and applied makeup. I attained an erection. I had hopes she was dressing for my benefit because the dress barely covered her panties, her only other article of clothing. She openly rebuffed my gestures when I stepped behind her and cupped a breast through the wide opening of her bodice. Looking at her through the mirror, I knew the sexy attire wasn't for my benefit when I received the glare. The glare remained as we took the elevator to the lobby. She insisted I drive from the strip and look for a small eatery, complaining of too many tourists. I drove, turning on streets when she pointed, neither aware of what we would find. She pointed to a small greasy spoon, the type locals used. I pulled into the alley beside the building and parked. Parking in alleyways appeared to be common practice in the neighborhood.

I opened my door and before I could get out of my seat mom was out of the car walking to the entrance. I rushed to catch her and followed her inside. She stopped and looked around a moment before walking to a table half way back. The tiny establishment was 'L' shaped and the two tables on our right were occupied by two men and a family of four respectively. At the rear table three men sat. We were seated with three tables separating us from the trio of men. It definitely wasn't a class 'A' establishment, although I saw many that were worse. Although the walls needed paint and plaster, the overall appearance was clean. An overweight woman, probably mom's age, placed menus before us. The huge boobs hanging to her waist comprised of a fourth of her weight I surmised.

I glanced at the menu, and then looked at mom, "Breakfast special for you?" I asked and waited for a response. "Two, with coffee," I said after I saw her nod.

The server walked behind the counter and shouted our order to the cook. She could have spoke in a normal tone, as she was five feet from him. Mom hadn't looked at the menu, instead she was staring at the three man talking at the back table. I looked at her and then in their direction. They seemed to be ignoring us, although mom was staring at them diligently. Our coffee was placed before us and I doctored mine, watching mom at the same time. The service was fast, probably because we appeared to be the only paying customers. I didn't realize the two tables in front were now vacant until our orders arrived.

Mom picked at her food as I dove into mine. I ate, studying the trio mom continued staring at. One dressed sharp, although he fit well in the beach crowd. The other two wouldn't look sharp no matter how they were dressed. They were rough looking, in both dress and facial features. The larger man had a bandage on the side of his neck while the slim man had a scar along the left side of his face. Slim rose, looked in our direction, and casually walked through the door marked 'rest rooms'.

"I'm going to the ladies room," mom said and walked through the same door.

I finished my breakfast, and more than half of my second cup of coffee before I saw the door open and slim appeared. He smiled and nodded at the pair sitting at the table, and then walked to my table. He sat behind mom's plate and reached for her biscuit.

"No sense in good food going to waste, your mom surely won't be eating this," he said as he bit into the biscuit.

I looked at the stranger a second before looking up to see the larger man walking through the same door mom entered. Slim was muscular, and strong, I realized when his hand gripped my arm. I started to stand, however his vice grip brought me back to my seat. I winched in pain as he held his grip on my arm.

"Your mom is conducting business and doesn't want to be disturbed," slim said and forced the remainder of the biscuit into his mouth.

"BUSINESS!" I exclaimed in a loud tone. "What kind of business does mom have with you?"

"Man, can't you see she's on the skids and in need of a boost," slim remarked as he chewed the biscuit open-mouthed.

"A boost, what kind of a... ?" and suddenly I understood.

Each morning mom woke irritable and an hour later, she was fine, appearing to be her normal self. I realized not only was Sue using drugs, but mom as well. I didn't think it odd mom waking in a petulant mood and feeling better after coffee, now I knew the reason.

"My arm," I said placing my hand over his firm grip.

Releasing my arm he said, "Just sit still; don't try being a hero and you won't get hurt. Don't be asking stupid questions either."

I was going to ask another question, however he picked up the steak knife and tapped it on my arm before cutting into the slice of ham on the plate. I watched him finish mom's breakfast and twice when I started to speak, he shook his head and tapped my arm with the knife. I glanced at the lone man at the rear table several times, and each time he was smiling as he stared at us.

The larger man walked through the door and I started to stand once more only to sit back when the knife tapped my arm. The man stopped at the rear table and the pair spoke a minute. I tensed when they looked in my direction. They spoke a few more moments and the large man walked toward me unsmiling. For some unknown reason I realized I hadn't been frightened, not until that moment. Our eyes met and locked on one another until he reached my table. He stopped beside me and placed his huge hand on my shoulder. He didn't speak or turn, and when I looked up he was staring into the street.

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