Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 32

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 32 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

I nursed the drink as I stood at the window and stared at the rolling waves. There were four young men two hundred yards from shore attempting to ride the waves on surfboards. They spent the majority of their time in the water because the waves were small.

I looked back at mom lying in the bed, resting comfortably, and wondered just how deeply she was involved with the company. My curiosity continued to build and I walked to the telephone. Opening her purse, I saw the business card she used to call the broker. Removing the card, I called the number. I spoke of the broker's secretary, made an appointment, and wrote mom a short note before I left the room. My curiosity was such that I had to speak to the broker personally.

I left the broker's office and my body was numb. Dad established himself with the broker six years previous, and during that time, the account grew from $1.6 million to $4.8 million. The initial three years showed the account growing from $8000 to $75,000 per month, primarily from oil. The preceding three years had the same growth in oil, however there were additional deposits to the account of $35,000 to $50,000 per month. The additional deposits totaled just under $1.5 million. I knew mom assumed correctly when she said close to $2 million, considering the additional funds in the checking account.

I returned to the room and mom was dressed in a robe, staring out the window with a drink in her hand. I told her of my visit to the broker and she merely nodded. She reiterated her concern for dad's safety and I explained my concern. At my prompting, she agreed to contact dad and have him call the following day. Removing the robe and pulling me to the bed, mom and I began a three-day fuck fest. We occupied ourselves in one of four ways. We slept, ate, swam, or fucked. I would have preferred to make love however, each time we returned to the room Mom began stripping, insisting I use her body.

Not once did we use the pool, but instead, we went into the ocean. We fought the waves two hours each morning and afternoon. Each time I returned to the room exhausted. She refused to let me nap until we had a session in sex.

She was insatiable, and I'm not one to complain of too much loving but I saw a pattern developing. Each time I mentioned my sisters she turned to sex, using it as a way to occupy my mind and body. My temperament changed drastically when we returned from our evening meal the third night, I fended my frustration and retaliated. I refused to join her in the bed until she answered my questions. She became close lipped once again.

"Please!" she begged, working three fingers in her pussy as she pleaded.

"No! Enough of your pleasure, I want answers," I stated. "I want to know about my sisters, where they are, and how they're doing. I want you to call dad and let me speak to him, also I want to know what you're hiding from me."

"Hiding from you, what do you mean? I am not hiding anything," she stated belligerently.

"The hell you're not! Each time I ask about my sisters you want sex, AND -- that man on the beach today -- who was he? Your head and eyes have been like a revolving door three days and today you rushed from the water like you were scalded. You went straight to him and appeared upset when he turned his back on you. Something isn't right," I said expressing myself with a strong voice.

"He was a friend, an old friend," mom remarked.

"Friend, friend, -- he didn't look too pleased to see you -- is he a company man?" I asked in a loud voice after a short pause.

She stared at me without speaking, her head nodding one minute, and going side-to-side the next.

"Well, which is it? Is he a company man, and take your fingers out of your pussy. You don't get to play with yourself until I get some answers," I said pulling her arm roughly.

"Please Hal, -- you don't understand," mom whined.

"You're right; however I'm trying to figure you out. You're not telling me something -- hell, you're not telling me anything. Who was the man -- his name, what is it?" I asked.

"Gilbert," she mumbled, her eyes seemed to pierce my head.

"Gilbert, is he a company man?" I snapped quickly.

Mom hesitated to answer but her eyes remained locked on me. Several seconds passed and I stared at her hard. Lowering her eyes, she began nodding slowly.

"What does he do?" I asked.

"He has a string of hardware stores," she mumbled.

"I don't care what he owns, what does he do with the organization? Guns -- drugs -- women -- all three," I stated.

"He doesn't do anything, the people working for him give me something to calm my nerves occasionally."

"You mean drugs?"

"Sometimes," she said as her head nodded slowly.

"Sometimes, how often, and what do they give you?

"Ludes," she mumbled barely whispering.

"Ludes, do you mean Quaaludes? Mom! Don't you know drugs can harm you? They're addictive, how often do you take them?"

"Hal, I only take them when I'm depressed."

"Mom, they're a depressant, they make you feel worse. That's why you don't get off, they have numbed you," I remarked.

"I do get off, -- almost every time," she added.

"Mom, don't you know they ruin sex, you keep taking them and you could fuck -- you could fuck an army and not get off. How often do you... IS THAT WHAT IDA GAVE YOU WHEN SHE BROUGHT YOUR CLOTHES?"

I knew the answer when I saw her shocked look, her face paling at the same time.

"It was! Is Ida on them also?"

Again, I knew the answer without mom speaking because her expression gave her away.

"And Sue?"

Mom began nodding slowly but the look I received was one of deep pain. I stared at her a moment and felt my eyes watering. I turned from mom and walked to the sliding glass door. Tears rolled over my cheeks as I thought of my beautiful sister and some scumbag cuddled close. I couldn't see clearly but in my mind, I pictured the same scumbag giving her a pill and Sue offering her body in return. It was more than I could fathom. I dressed quickly and walked from the room, not giving mom a cursory glance.

"Hey dickhead, sleep if off somewhere else," the officer said as he kicked me with the toe of his shoe.

The streak of pain went through my body, but it wasn't alone. It combined with the other pains I felt and I moaned a loud moan.

"Move your ass, you can't sleep it off here -- go home, or go somewhere, anywhere but here," he said and the pain rushed through my body when his shoe struck my ribs again.

My lazy eyes saw the frame of a human and finally adjusted to the point I could see. His twin image came into focus and I felt satisfied momentarily. It took a moment, but I felt much better when I focused on one person. I knew my eyes worked, although I had great concern for the remainder of my body. I struggled to my feet and he stepped back placing his hand on the revolver at his hip. It took a moment before I realized where I was.

"I'm going officer," I said moving painfully and stumbled toward the street.

The sun was just beginning to provide the necessary light for me to see down the short alleyway. I stumbled painfully and took a dozen steps before I fell against the building, my final destination face-up on the ground. The officer walked in the opposite direction and didn't look back as I groaned from the added pain of striking the pavement.

I pushed, forcing the door against mom when she peeped through the tiny opening. She stepped back and the cabbie assisted me inside, leading me to the sofa.

"Mom, give him $50," I said as I settled painfully.

"GOOD HEAVENS!" mom exclaimed. "Where have you been, what happened, where are your shoes, you look a mess," she said, speaking rapidly and vigorous.

"Mom, just give him $50, he's in a hurry," I restated.

"There's no hurry, is there anyway I can be of help," the cab driver said.

He wasn't concerned for me because his eyes were on mom. She apparently slipped into the robe when I knocked on the door and it wasn't secured. Her pussy and tits were on display as she leaned over me attempting to sit me upright. I pushed her hands from my shoulders, layback in a semi prone position, resting my head on the sofa arm. Mom stood and closed the robe; her eyes staring into mine displayed deep concern. She continued staring at me as I faded into dreamland.

"What time is it?" I mumbled after my eyes focused on mom.

She was standing at the sliding glass door staring at the ocean. I knew I had slept more than a few minutes because she was dressed.

"After three," she said as she turned and rushed to the sofa. "Hal, what happened, were you mugged?"

My head was cloudy and I tried to nod, however I froze when it felt as though my head was going to explode.

"The cab driver said you refused to call the police, what happened?"

I closed my eyes and tried to remember just exactly what did happen. I remembered walking into the bar and ordering a drink. I couldn't remember which bar because I was in a half dozen, or more. I had one, sometimes two drinks, in each bar and when I asked about Gilbert in the last bar I visited, his name was known. I'd had too many drinks and when the two bruisers came to me and said he was in the rear, I followed them. I shouldn't have called him a rotten bastard because they became upset, really upset. That was my mistake because we were alone when they began punching me after asking why I wanted to see him. I took the beating and they left me lying in the alley with a warning to forget his name.

"What happened to your shoes, jacket, wallet, and your money?" mom asked after I put the circumstances together and relayed them to her.

"I don't know," I replied.

I vaguely remember someone attempting to help me after the police officer left me and I could only assume that person relieved me of my possessions.

I felt almost human the following morning when I woke. My head ached, however the pounding of drums was no longer present thanks to a half-dozen Alka-Seltzers. Mom prepared and had me drink the mixture each time I woke throughout the night. The pain in my body remained, however I was able to move without flinching from my soreness. I took a much-needed piss and stepped into the shower, turning the hot water full force. I walked from the bathroom feeling even better after the tepid, pelting water relaxed my body removing much of my soreness. I slipped into the bed and mom slipped out. I heard the shower after she was in the bathroom several minutes. She walked from the bathroom naked, stopped at the side of the bed. I looked up at her and pulled the sheet back displaying my nakedness.

"I wanted to be sure you still wanted me," she said smiling and sliding into the bed beside me.

"I'll always want you," I remarked as I pulled her close.

We fucked as two animals, dressed, and ate breakfast at a restaurant across the street from the hotel. We didn't speak much while we ate, however our eyes met often. The few words we did say to one another related to my aches and pain. I didn't understand the reason but I knew she wanted to talk. Perhaps it was because she was so quiet I received that idea. We returned to our room after a short, leisurely, silent walk on the beach. Mom walked to the small balcony, removed two chairs from the stand, and indicated I should sit with her. I sat and peered at her staring at the ocean several minutes.

"I've something to tell you but you must promise me you won't repeat any of it to your father, and definitely not speak to him about anything I say to you," mom said after she studied my worried face a minute or more.

I nodded as I saw the pained expression in her face.

"You have to promise me," she said again.

"You have my word," I stated and wondered why she would keep secrets from dad.

We sat silently many minutes before she turned her chair to face my own.

"Your dad told me just over a year ago I should expect things to get bad, and I should also enroll Tracy and Erica in a college under their birth names. You knew you father and I adopted them and they started using Stewart, our surname, in South America. I enrolled them in a small college near here and each is doing fine. Things aren't as well with Sue, frankly speaking, they're terrible. However, you father is aware of her situation."

"What do you..." I sat upright and started to ask a question but she hushed me.

"Just listen," she remarked.

She didn't resume her story until I nodded and sat back in my lounge chair.

"Sue lives with another girl, but every time I've been to her house there were four or five boys there. A couple are men, much older than Sue. I don't believe either of the boys has a steady job and my feeling is the girls support them."

I could see mom was in pain as she spoke, large tears were falling from her cheeks. I went inside and brought a box of tissues to her.

"Thank you," she said softly as she wiped the teardrops from her eyes and cheeks. "I never thought my daughter would be selling her body, especially to buy drugs. Your father doesn't know she is prostituting, I've managed to keep that from him."

"Mom, that's my main reason for my visit. I've been informed she's on drugs and the organization is giving me time to get her clean. Archer seems to think it's possible in eight or ten weeks."

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