Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 3: I Hit For The Cycle

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: I Hit For The Cycle - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

I was actually lost for a month after Cecilia and Camille left. I stopped by her condo a few times and talked to her mother, who was watching the house. She was nice but she didn't replace Cecelia. I did get to talk to Cecelia one evening when she called but I couldn't think of anything to say.

I stayed in our condo the majority of the time and began spending more time with Dawn. I kept trying but she would not agree to a repeat performance, either in her bed or mine. We were getting closer, more like brother and sister, and she slowly started confiding in me. Sue, an argument separating her from her friends, began spending more time with us also.

School was finally out and, mom and dad needing someone to watch us, she finally hired a housekeeper. She would come in late in the morning and leave at six in the evenings, but she always cooked our evening meal. She was an excellent cook, and she insisted we eat good foods. Sue and I began eating salads, spinach, and gone was the fast foods and sodas. It was a hard transition however within a month I didn't miss the five or six sodas a day, and juice became a refreshing drink. She sold Sue and I on the meals when our complexions began improving, almost overnight. Dawn was beginning to eat with us more than she ate at home, Frank and Ida being gone almost as much as mom and dad.

Mom and dad had business in Atlanta and Sue and I was asked to come along. Mom surprised us and got Frank and Ida, Dawn's parents, to allow Dawn to come also. Dad worked every day but mom spent a lot of time with us, making it a vacation. We had a great time during the days and most nights Sue, Dawn and I, were left alone while mom and dad partied. They insisted it was business, but it really made no difference because mom was spending time with us.

We came back home and a week later, Frank and Ida asked dad if we could go to Oklahoma City with them. Frank was flying the bosses and he would have plenty of free time and it would be a sort of extended vacation for Sue and I. Mom seemed happy for us to go and made a big deal out of it.

There were two limousines waiting at the airport and we drove over an hour before turning into a hotel. The hotel staff met us and took us straight to our rooms, not even stopping at the desk. I had a suite for myself and Dawn and Sue had the room connecting to mine. It was definitely a luxury hotel.

The first morning we were dressed, and within minutes of going out sightseeing when Frank's boss called. Frank had to leave but Ida took us out and we had a great day. We drove back to Oklahoma City and the girls shopped, in the middle of sightseeing.

That evening Frank came in complaining how they messed his holiday up because he was expected to play golf again, the following day. It seemed he was a pretty good golfer and his boss wanted him to play because of his ability. Frank asked me to caddy for him.

I agreed, but I was apprehensive, I didn't know anything about golf. I had a great time, and the bag wasn't that heavy. The best part however, was listening to the stories the men told. I learned half the men screwed the women working for them and by the time the day was over I could almost name the women that gave the best blow jobs and those who were the better fuck. When Frank asked me to caddy again the following day, I didn't hesitate.

The second day I caddied for Frank was just as informative as the first. There weren't as many stories about women, but I learned which companies were going to fail if changes weren't made and also learned there is a lot of deals made on the course. The play was a lot slower because two or three men would start discussing business and play would come to a halt for fifteen or twenty minutes, and a couple of times much longer. There were handshakes and play would continue.

The end of the day always seemed to end in the bar. The first day bartender had tried to throw me out but Frank's boss stepped in. He must have had a lot of clout because the bartender backed off quickly. He even had me served a glass of wine.

Business was being conducted, a few would remember very little the following day I thought, and Frank was in a deep discussion with a group of men and his boss came over. He asked me if I wanted to caddy for his wife the following day. I informed him I had to check with Frank first, I didn't know his plans. He told me Frank was flying him to Little Rock the following day. I agreed, leaving the final decision to Frank. He called Frank over and Frank left the decision to me. I agreed.

I could only tell Ida, Sue, and Dawn, I had a great time on the golf course, while we were sitting at our evening meal. They were excited about the places they had been and things they saw. Frank just looked over at me and grinned, knowing the secrets told on the course were not for discussion at the dinner table. Frank did make a statement, and everyone began laughing, when he said he was going to ask his boss for a raise to pay for this trip. The women were flashing the new clothing they had purchased.

A limousine picked me up the following morning and took me to the course. There were about twenty more limo's sitting in the lot, many with the drivers sitting inside the vehicles. There were no men at the club, other than staff, and I concluded it was a ladies only day. I was tasked with carrying two sets of clubs. I can't say tasked because I agreed after being asked. There were two other caddies also carrying two bags each. I wondered of they would be able to walk the course, especially with the weight of two bags. Each appeared well over sixty.

I thought the skirts women golfers wore were shorts with a flap in front but I learned different on the first hole. I saw two asses, pointed at me, when the first two women teed their balls. I walked nine holes of gold with an erection. The play was slow, there were six women playing. I expected someone behind us wanting to play through us as had happened the second day with the men. This didn't happen however. Apparently the party behind was just as slow.

The men played nine, stopped at the club for a quick refreshment, and use of the bathroom, and were back on the course. Play was different for the women. They stopped for a buffet, after the first nine, ate, and started on the back nine. We were only a group of four in the afternoon round. The language changed drastically also.

The two missing women for the afternoon were mother and daughter, the youngest and oldest, of the starting six players. The other women started talking about them right away, giving me another lesson. The mother was probably spending the afternoon in the bed of a young tennis player, while the daughter was on her knees in the back of the kitchen. The daughter appeared to be mid thirties while the mother was in her mid fifties. I got an erection thinking about the daughter sucking on my prick.

I did learn the wives knew which women, who worked for their husbands, gave the best blow jobs and who were the best fucks. The conversations were pretty blunt and I realized they didn't talk bad about the girls who gave the blow jobs however the women who screwed were labeled as sluts. I wanted to talk to Frank about this because I didn't fully understand. I also wondered why two of the women appeared to hit their balls into the trees and the other two caddies helped search for the balls on both occasions. I wasn't allowed to assist which didn't bother me because we were on the far side of the fairway those two holes.

I caddied again the following day but there were husbands and wives, playing against one another, and there was a lot of laughter and none of other people. It was pretty fun but not as interesting.

The next morning we were leaving and there was a farewell dinner planned for that night. Sue, Dawn, and I were invited, and we were treated just like as the others. There was a small gift under every ones plate, and Sues won the grand prize, an expensive watch. I had a nice broach and Dawn got cuff links. We had to switch because the gifts were not placed in any order.

I was sitting at the table alone, everyone else on the dance floor, when I saw Frank talking to his boss, and they kept glancing over to me. Frank got a big grin on his face and nodded and his boss walked over and sat beside me. He passed me an envelope and I saw it contained five one-hundred dollar bills. He said that was my fee for caddy services. Frank had previously given me one-fifty and every one else gave me a hundred at the end of each day. I had picked up nine-fifty for caddy fees.

The boss looked at me and asked what I had heard, in the conversations, on the golf course the past few days, and Frank's words came back to me immediately, "You don't see or hear anything today, understand."

"That's good, remember that." He spoke in a normal tone, paused a few seconds, and whispered for me to follow him.

We walked past many tables and he spoke to people sitting at each table, as we passed. He came to the table where the daughter who played the in the round of six the previous day, leaned over and spoke softly to her, and spoke to others sitting at the table. I thought he was taking me to the bathroom, but walked in a door marked 'employees only'. We waited for about five minutes and he finally spoke, "my wife said you had eyes for one of the women on the course yesterday." Before I could reply the door opened and the daughter came in and stopped in front of him. He pointed to me and she had a funny look on her face until her pointed the second time. She came to me and pushed me backward on some boxes.

Her hands went to my fly and she had my pants unzipped, my prick out, and her mouth was working on it in under thirty seconds. I looked at him and he was smiling. He reached behind her and I heard a zipper, she paused and he touched the back of her head and she continued sucking my prick. The dress fell away and my hands cupped her breasts as they bounced around freely. I looked back to him and he was smiling as he walked from the room. It took her about two minutes and she pulled my fluids from my balls. She sucked until I was dry and then licked my prick dry with her tongue, before she replaced it in my trousers and zipped them for me. She stood and placed her breasts properly in her dress and turned to me.

"Zip me please." She said. She straightened her dress and my shirt, kissed me on the forehead, and asked, "Will you wait three or four minutes, please?"

I nodded, unable to speak, and she opened the door, looked quickly around, looked back to me, and smiled, just before she walked out. I checked and seeing the hall vacant, walked from the room and took the few steps to the men's room. I washed my face and collected myself, and walked back into the hall with everyone else, having allowed much more than her four minutes.

The party lasted well into the morning. Dawn and Sue left around midnight and I stayed. I had danced with Ida, who taught me how to hold a woman, and then Frank's boss' wife. She taught me how to feel a woman's body while dancing. She also asked me if I felt more relaxed after the meal. I tensed and she laughed.

I had a great time and eventually with every woman, in the golfing group. The daughter was the best dancer of the lot and she conversed, while dancing, as though nothing had happened earlier. She made me feel a lot better when she said to me, "Relax, loosen up, I enjoyed it and you taste good." I almost fell when she placed my hand on her breast in front of Frank and her husband, my legs got so weak.

I slept the entire flight home later that morning.

We celebrated our thirteenth birthday on Sue's birthday and the following day she and Dawn gave me presents. I thought they had forgotten about me because I normally got presents on her birthday. I was so proud of them, they had remembered.

The following year was almost a duplicate of the previous year, with the exception our school work became much harder. Many nights the four of us, Sue, Dawn, Joan, and myself, went family to family, to get home work completed. Sue no longer got straight "A's", however, we four kept high "B's" all year. We became close through the year but when school was out Joan had to go and spend the summer with her father, as she lived with her mother and step-father. She was going to be missed however she was excited about spending the summer in southern California.

Mom and I were getting along much better, I only heard Harold Wayne occasionally. I, in turn, stopped, let's say I slowed drastically, my little episodes of when I tried to piss her off. Dad began spending more time at home and I got a half dozen more pics of them making love, thinking we were well out of the house. My favorite is where he has her on the sofa, reversed, and he is fucking her and she is sucking his balls. I have tried to get in the position and found mom to be much more limber than I.

Dawn and I have caught her mother and father making love twice but I had no pictures of it. I was still taking pictures, almost daily. I had dozens where Dawn and Sue had posed for me. They were my best subjects. Sue was also a little more relaxed around me and I got many good looks of her breasts, and even a couple of her pussy. She was modest, however she no longer went ballistic when I got a flash of leg or breast.

I caddied for Frank, a few times, and invested my earnings, along with the nine-fifty I made the first time. I had a seventeen hundred dollar investment and it ballooned to eight grand in a year. Mom and dad were proud of this but I believe Sue and Dawn were more excited.

On our fourteenth birthday, mom gave Sue a party. It was on Saturday night and everyone was ready but mom and dad called, being delayed, however they were three hours from home. Guests began playing games, delaying the start of the party. Mom and dad came in and the party began. They gave Sue a large stereo system she had asked for and the party was a huge success. It was almost one in the morning when people started leaving and, again I was disappointed, not the first present for myself.

The last guest was rushed out and everyone was sitting in the den and Sue was playing with her gift. Dad suggested we go out for a late night meal and they had to talk me into it. I was pissed and, to put it bluntly, pretty mad. Mom suggested asking Frank and Ida to accompany us and I thought they were crazy, being among the first to leave the party. I was finally persuaded to knock and ask. I knocked and got the surprise of my life, everyone was at Dawn's for my party. My whole attitude suddenly changed.

The following day I learned mom and dad had been at Frank's preparing for my party, only to walk across the ramp at ten, the time Sue was born, and then at one-oh-five, the time I was born. I got the neatest portrait camera, one I had looked at for months, one of the more expensive. I couldn't thank mom and dad enough however they said the credit belonged to Sue and Dawn. I hugged and kissed both.

The days after my birthday were great ones, my birthday finally recognized, after fourteen years. Ida became ill and had emergency surgery, due to female problems. Ten days later Frank and his boss were going to Illinois and at the last minute Frank asked if I wanted to go. It would be a ten day trip and mom and dad allowed me to go. Sue and Dawn were going to stay with Ida, with moms help. Of course I told mom to make sure she didn't prepare the meals. This drew a good laugh from everyone, except mom.

We made the flight and I learned we were to land in Milwaukee. At the time I didn't know how close it was to Illinois. All during the flight Frank's boss seemed worried. They were going to try and merge with a like company and, through listening to the conversation, the company would be worth twice as much, meaning many bucks in everyone's pocket.

A limo met us and it had the best looking female driver I had ever seen. I hardly noticed she was black. She was a looker.

We were driven to a mansion that compared to a medium sized hotel. It had to be five stories and my room was almost a block from Franks. There was an inside pool and the butler told me to dress for the pool and meet the others. There were a dozen suits in the closet and I picked one that fit. I came out of my room and the butler was waiting for me, allowing me to follow him to the pool. I was the last down, Frank and his boss already with a large plate of food from the buffet style spread.

I met the host and he was huge. He must have been six-four and he was firm, no fat showing in his tight trunks. I could see he was all man, from the bulge in his suit. There were about two dozen people in the room, almost a mix of men and women. I was introduced to his wife and two daughters, each looking like they were models for playboy, each wearing the briefest of bikinis.

I looked around and found I was the only youth in the group, the nearest my age, the daughters who were about twenty or older. There was about eight men who were in their forties or early fifties. The food was plentiful and there was plenty of laughter. Everyone was having a ball.

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