Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 29: The Other Side

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 29: The Other Side - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

"Come in," I called out when I realized the soft tapping was on my door.

I expected to see Naomi. Instead, it was the woman in the conference room with me earlier in the day. She looked much different even though she wore the same business suit. She no longer appeared sharp in dress, her hair pressed flat on one side of her head. I rose on my elbow and realized Naomi was sleeping beside me.

Looking at the time I asked, "Can I do something for you?"

I reached for the lamp and pressed the button, filling the room with light. The woman stepped inside and closed the door.

Naomi woke when the door closed, lifted her head, and sleepily spoke, "Hi Carol," letting her head fall back on the pillow.

"She called you Carol, who are you, and how does she know you?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

Brief moments of hesitation interrupted her reply, "I'm -- Carol Tomlinson and I've -- I've been to her home."

"Well Carol Tomlinson, you look as bad as I feel. I've had about five hours sleep in two nights so make it quick," I stated obviously irritated by her interruption.

"I... I need... I need to talk to you, Mr. Archer sent me," she said, again hesitating before she spoke. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

"No," I said waving my arm in the general direction.

Archer sent her she said but what the hell for I wondered. She was an attractive young woman, possibly less than thirty. I saw her the evening before, and earlier in the day. She didn't display a smidgeon of attractiveness now. She looked like shit.

Displaying a faint smile, she rushed toward the bathroom. When I heard the door close, I stood, stretched, and reached for my robe when I realized I was naked. I looked at the sleeping Naomi and wondered when she slipped into my bed.

Earlier, I napped thirty minutes before she woke me and wanted to eat supper. I left her after supper and returned to my room. I couldn't sleep, thinking of the past three days; however, I finally dropped off around midnight. It was now a few minutes before two and I was awake once more. I had a dry mouth and I felt like shit. I walked to the small fridge, removed a beer, and took a healthy swallow. I preferred a cola however beer was my only choice. I heard the shower and wondered what the hell this woman was up to. I sat on the bed and lifted the bottle to my lips, finishing it before she turned off the shower.

"Thank you," she said walking from the bathroom, dressed, but toweling her hair. "The hair dryer doesn't work," she said as she stepped aside allowing me to pass her.

I took a piss and washed my face. I needed something to wake me. I saw the small trash container now held a disposable douche bottle. "She made herself at home," I mumbled to myself. I dried my face and walked into the room noticing Naomi was sleeping soundly.

"I hope you don't mind," she said raising the orange in my direction. "I needed this to get the taste out of my mouth."

"No problem," I commented as she began eating the orange a slice at a time. Motioning to the chair, I watched her eat half the orange before asking, "You haven't told me what you... why you are waking me at two in the morning."

"Mr. Archer said to see you immediately," she replied as she sat gingerly in the chair, shifting to get comfortable.

"For what?" I asked.

"I just assumed it was to..." she mumbled and stopped, looking at me strangely.

"To what?" I asked,

"Well... you know... but I didn't know Naomi was in here," she said speaking cautiously.

"Yes! And just how do you know Naomi?" I questioned.

She was hesitant at first and then she started by stuttering, "I -- I -- I have been to her home -- several times," she added.

"Her home! For what?" I inquired.

After another long pause she replied, "I accompanied my husband on business trips."

"Business trips, what type business trips?" I asked.

I saw the look on her face and I knew I asked a dumb question. I had been to his home several times, each time I enjoyed the company of a variety of nice looking woman.

Before she responded I said, "You provided entertainment for businessmen."

Lowering her head, she nodded slowly.

"How many times have you been to his home?" I asked.

After a long hesitation she mumbled, "Six or seven."

I was fully awake now. I remembered my visits, twice staying in the mansion. The remainder of my visits I traveled with a group of men for three days of golf. I didn't golf and spent three days sampling the women accompanying us. They were ordinary homemakers one day, and high priced prostitutes the next, or as one not so attractive housewife informed me on one of my trips.

"Did you stay at the mansion on these trips?"

"Twice," she said, once more hesitating before she spoke. "Could I have one of those drinks?" she asked pointing to the empty bottle sitting on the nightstand.

I rose from the bed, walked to the small fridge, and removed two bottles. I opened the bottles walking to her. When she turned in my direction, I noticed the three-piece business suit was now two pieces, the blouse and lacy bra were missing. She extended her hand and I stared at her cleavage. One breast had a red mark, which couldn't have been there long. Placing the two bottles on the table, I reached for the buttons on her blazer. She just stared at me as I opened the three remaining buttons.

I spread the blazer and stared at her breasts. She lowered her head in obvious despair allowing her shoulders to droop. Her tits had many red spots and I knew many would become bruise marks later.

Taking her hand, I directed, "Stand up."

She stood and I reached for the hem of her skirt. Her hands touched mine and quickly dropped to her sides as I slowly raised the skirt. I saw red marks on her inner thighs and heard her moan as I cupped her pussy in my hand.

"Spread'em" I said softly.

She spread her feet and moaned as I slipped three fingers in her pussy. I looked closer and saw her outer lips red and swollen. Walking around her, I pulled the skirt higher. Her ass was red and bruised, with several easily identifiable handprints. Facing her again, I had an idea Archer had been fucking her when I pressed four fingers into her pussy easily. Her pussy became wet and I felt her press against my fingers.

"Did Archer do this?" I asked.

"No," she said in a barely audible voice.

"Who?" I asked.

"The big man that beat the people last night, the man that raped the girl, the other two men who helped, and three more I never saw before," she said speaking in a low tone, barely audible.

"How did it happen?" I asked and realized my question was stupid.

"We left the room this afternoon and one of the men told me to be in Mr. Archer's room in an hour."

I knew that was a fact because I saw her enter after my short conversation with him.

"I went to his room and he told me to undress. I undressed and he pushed me over the sofa, and took me from behind. I thought he was going to stick that giant prick in my ass; however, he was gentle and loving, doing me in the normal way. He brought me off three times before making a phone call. The big man came in, the one that beat everyone last night, and they had a private conversation. Mr. Archer said I needed a workout and the big man said he would take me to the gym downstairs.

I didn't know what he meant because when we went downstairs to the gym other men began coming in. They tied my arms at my elbows after removing my clothes and they began fu... using me. It went on for hours, until just before I came to your room. Mr. Archer came to the gym, asked if I had a good workout. The men began laughing and then Archer told me to come here, to your room. They gave me part of my clothes, but they wouldn't let me shower or clean their sperm from my face, hair, or body. That's why I showered when I came here."

She wasn't crying although I saw tears in her eyes. It dawned on me suddenly; Archer was telling me something, just as the short man told the new guy the evening before. That had to be the reason for her coming to my room freshly fucked and disheveled. I began asking her questions and had to sit when she mentioned the runway.

"This afternoon my husband said he wished he had bought the fucking runway, especially if it caused all this."

Her explicit language surprised me but when she mentioned the runway, a bell went off in my head. A year earlier, Archer, and I got into a heated discussion about the runway. He told me to purchase it and I refused, stating the owner wanted four times its true value. I remembered laughing and telling Archer it was worthless unless you wanted to land smuggled drugs or other smuggled items in country.

I thought for a moment and remembered I had nothing but bad luck since that date. A dozen properties I made offers on, only to have someone offer a few dollars more. I was making good offers and I knew I would have difficulty making a few bucks. Someone paying more was going to lose money unless they held their acquisition for years. Even then, the profit would be minimal because of taxes and other maintenance expenditures.

Carol came to my room with full intentions of spreading her legs in my bed. After she answered my questions, I didn't disappoint her. Pulling her into my bed, I fucked her before sending her on her way. I started out tender, thinking of her earlier tryst. Before I shot my load into her pussy, I recalled my bad luck the previous year. Driving into her tender pussy without mercy, I expended a year's frustration.

Minutes after Carol left the room, Naomi broke the silence uttering, "You're getting just like him."

"Him, who?" I asked turning and glaring at her.

"MY FATHER!" she exclaimed forcefully before turning her back to me.

I woke the way a man would like to be awakened every morning of his life, with a pair of soft warm lips enclosed over his prick. I felt the warm sensation however I thought it was a dream. I was close to cuming when I realized it wasn't a dream and I opened my eyes slowly. Naomi was between my spread legs. Her mouth held my prick and I could see the grin on her face as her eyes looked into mine. She released my prick and moved over my body when she saw me return her stare.

"That's my favorite alarm clock," I said as she directed my prick into her warm pussy.

She was wet and I entered her easily. She sat tall and straight on my groin, burying my prick deep.

Leaning forward until one her breast found my waiting mouth, she chuckled before speaking, "I thought you were never going to wakeup."

"I haven't had much sleep and I take every opportunity," I said when she lifted her breast to switch the nipple she wanted sucked.

I sucked each nipple until it became rigid and then our lips met for a long passionate kiss. Her hips never stopped moving, working up and down on my prick. She made love to me, slow and steady until she came. That part wasn't slow. She drove her cunt on my prick hard as she came, although she never broke our lip contact.

Gasping for breath, she rolled to my side and said, "I never thought I'd enjoy a white man's prick, but you're different."

"Why do you say that?" I queried.

"You don't fuck me, you make love," she said softly as she ground her breasts into my chest as she pulled me tightly against her warm body.

"You did all the work, I just enjoyed the ride," I said laughing softly.

She grinned and then wriggled her tongue at me.

Raising and placing a hand over each breast, I squeezed gently and asked, "May I keep these to remember you by."

"I would never get a favorable look from a man without them," she said pressing her hands over my own. "Would you shower with me, and then we can have breakfast?"

Pulling her by the nipples, I led her to the bathroom, leading her by the erect points. We showered, taking our sweet time. We did a lot of touching, some oral, and finished by me fucking her against the shower wall, before dressing for breakfast.

"Look, there's Carol," Naomi said as we walked into the room set up for meals.

I followed her to the table which Carol and her husband sat. The women hugged as though they hadn't seen one another in years. Naomi introduced us and I learned her husband was Brad. I smiled as I shook his hand and I assume he saw the strange look I gave him.

"I understand you've been to our home and met the imposters," he said as we shook hands.

"Yeeeeessssssss, I have," I replied slowly, "but I don't understand why someone would go to the trouble."

"I understand you are new to the company, but it was their way of showing me how vulnerable I am, and my family," Brad remarked.

"I think I know who the man was, but who were the woman and children?" I asked.

"An unfortunate woman whose car broke down I understand. It's a shame because I believe they treated her rough," Brad declared.

I looked around the room to see who was in earshot before I replied, "If you call being raped rough, I guess you're right."

"She was compensated I understand," Brad said smiling.

I held my words but I wanted to ask what price could he put on rape. Dad was wealthy however even his money couldn't repay the pain and suffering I endured. I looked from Naomi to Carol when I saw each was shaking their heads in disagreement of his remark.

Changing the subject, he remarked, "I understand we're business partners now, so," he paused staring at Naomi's breast and then raised his eyes to meet hers. "When can we get some time together?"

I caught the double meaning of his question and glanced at Naomi. She also understood his double-edged question.

"Possibly as early as the next time you're asked to the mansion," Naomi replied and smiled when she saw the down in the mouth expression overcome his smile. "Not many seek an invitation although you could speak to Archer," she replied calling her father by his street name.

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