Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 25: A Day of Disappointment

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 25: A Day of Disappointment - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Penny returned two hours after I made my first disappointing call. In the meanwhile, I made three other calls, each with the same results.

I was highly disappointed at her appearance. The beautician did a remarkable job, however Penny looked her age. It was important to me she look much younger, then again I didn't let my disappointment show. I learned much in a year and showing disappointment was definitely a no-no. I smiled as though I was extremely pleased with her look even though in the future I would accompany her to the beauty shop. I didn't want to leave the room until I learned why Jamison changed his plans and I had Penny model her purchases to occupy our time. When she paraded before me in the last dress, spun around flashing her legs, lifted her skirt to show her bare pussy, I knew she saved it for last. I picked it out purposely as it was as close to a cheerleader's look as I saw in the shop. The skirt flared when she turned, which would tease anyone watching, and the top barely covered her breasts. I was positive when made up properly, Jamison was sure to want her.

"It's been hours since we ate lunch. Do you think we could go to supper," she said as she waltzed seductively in my direction.

I stopped her at arms length by placing my hands on her shoulders. I looked her up and down with a leer I presumed she saw many times in her life. It wasn't a look women prefer, rather one of a man undressing her.

"I believe I could stand a good meal," I said as I smiled and slowly let my hands trail across her breasts and down her sides to the bottom of the skirt. Sliding my hands to her bare ass, I pulled her close and pressed my groin into her midsection.

"That's not on the menu - - - for now at least," she added. She chuckled and pulled from my searching hands.

I wanted to place my phone call again; however, I wasn't prepared for Penny to become too familiar with my business; not at this time at least. I wasn't taking any chances by letting her know too much too soon.

"For now," I said and laughed. "What would you say to a nice dinner, maybe a few dances, and then a few drinks, just you and me?"

She smiled and stepped close, "That sounds wonderful. I'm dressed," she said as she teasingly shook her hips before spinning and showing me her bare ass by. "I feel daring. Would you like for me to go pantyless?"

She had a disappointed look when I reached into my pocket and handed her money. I told her the location of the liquor store in the next block, gave her my order for Jack Black, and told her to get her favorite drink. I wanted her out of the room when I made my call. She insisted on donning panties and I relented for the reason I didn't want to waste time arguing. It was all to naught because the call was the same, the ringing phone was unanswered.

Half an hour later, she walked through the door and I could see she was upset.

"You knew I was going to be taken for a hooker," she said slamming the bags on the small bar.

She spoke harshly, placing her hands rebelliously on her hips when she turned in my direction.

"You knew it and you made me suffer the embarrassment, and the groping hands."

Her words and tone caught me off-guard. I drove past the store and never saw customers inside. However, thinking quickly I responded to her verbal blast.

"You appear to have handled it well. You're safe and in one piece. Yes, I thought you may get some remarks but I want you to be aware you'll get many more if you stay with me. Many of my clients are going to be just as crude. They may be dressed to the hilt, but don't let that fool you. They are going to lust for you, many will touch you in a distasteful way, and as many will openly grope you when my head is turned. Some will even get a cheap feel while we are speaking face-to-face. Don't be disillusioned, my job isn't always peaches and cream."

"I wasn't prepared," she said softly as her expression changed and her arms fell to her sides.

"I should have warned you what to expect, but its better you find out on your own."

"Wait a minute! Are you telling me the reason you want me to come with you is so you can use me as your whore? Just what will I be doing? If you think I'm going to fuck your every client you're crazy as hell."

Penny walked across the room and when she reached the dresser, she had removed her new dress and tossed it in the floor. She was removing the same skirt and blouse she wore the day before, stepping into the skirt, when I reached her. I stopped her from pulling the skirt to her waist by holding her arms firmly.

"No, it's not that way. Listen to me please," I said as I struggled to keep her from fastening the skirt.

"Just what way is it? You just said men would feel me up while you're talking to them, and others would grab my ass while you're not looking. It certainly appears you want me to be your personal slut, but forget it."

"The majority of my associates are gentlemen; however there is a few which I call undesirable. I just wanted to make you aware of the possibilities. As I stated, my job is not all peaches and cream."

"And I presume you expect me to fuck the ones you call undesirable. Is that why you want me to go with you?"

"No, that's not what I expect," I said as I stared at Penny, eye to eye. "Well, that's not exactly true either, there may be a circumstance or two where you could really help me."

"You mean by me fucking some stranger," Penny said antagonistically.

I glared at her a moment and felt the rage building inside. She reminded me of Sue and I felt like I wanted to strike her for that. Releasing my grip on her arms and stepping back, I vented verbally.


Her eyes became enlarged and her chin dropped. She stared at me with an open mouth. I stared at her a moment before leering at her naked body. I didn't remember her releasing the skirt, however it was laying at her ankles.

"Get your shit together, and get your ass out!" I spoke in a loud gruff voice. "I thought I would provide a better lifestyle than you've seen in the past. What I had in mind for us is much more than you have ever had before. Just pack your shit and get out of my sight," I said as I turned, snatched my sportscoat, and walked from the room.

I made mumbling noises as I walked the hall to the elevator. The door opened as I approached and I stepped inside without breaking stride. I didn't necessarily need her, but it would be much easier. I was familiar with her and she would be easier to guide in the right direction. "Fuck her," I mumbled as the elevator came to a stop. I didn't notice the two men I shared the elevator ride with until one spoke.

"Having trouble with your girlfriend," he said jokingly.

I nodded.

"You could say that, but she's not my girlfriend," I remarked.

Patting me on the shoulder as they passed me, he said, "Hell, don't let one get you down. There are plenty of fish in the pond."

Both laughed as they walked toward the lounge chatting. I walked through the lobby and out the main entrance to the street before I realized I didn't have an agenda or direction in mind. I stopped, turned, and walked back inside to the restaurant. I was seated and placed my order before it dawned on me I had to make alternate plans, and quick. I assumed, at a minimum, it would be a week before I could set the wheels in motion to meet Jamison at another location. I felt comfortable the accidental meeting would turn out to be most favorable.

I felt the stress leaving my body as I looked around the restaurant. I unconsciously searched for a younger looking female however there were none meeting the qualifications. I made eye contact, receiving smiles, from two women eating alone. Although I was more than a dozen years younger, their eyes continued to turn in my direction. They were attractive and found my eyes scanning their motherly charms. I forgot business thinking the sudden stiffening in my trousers could use personal attention. I returned the smiles and decided to make my next stop the lounge. They appeared to be alone and if the smile was any indication, one or both, could be available for fun time later.

I was just beginning my meal when they finished and rose. They stood close, speaking in whispers, and each gave me a quick but obvious glance. They separated, walking in my direction however only one would pass my table. Extending my hand into the aisle as she approached caused her to stop at my gesture.

"Are you two ladies by chance going to the lounge?" I asked using my best husky tone.

"We spoke of it, why?" she asked.

"Wonderful! I would love a dance with you. That is if you don't find my asking prematurely out of line," I remarked.

"No," she said smiling and quickly glancing at her friend. "We would enjoy that; we're here alone and we discussed the possibilities of enjoying a dance or two if we found the atmosphere appropriate," she said and walked past me to catch her friend.

I glanced at them before they reached the exit and each gave me a quick glance. They were smiling and I returned their smiles. Perhaps the evening wouldn't be a total loss, I mumbled to myself. I continued eating my salad as I thought about her remark. She had a purpose for telling me they were alone and intuition told me they were business women/housewives, alone for a night or two. The one with whom I spoke appeared to be about thirty-five, the other a year or two older. Either way, they looked wonderful because, although quite attractive, each had a pussy. I chuckled softly; at least I hoped one had a pussy.

Surprising me, Penny stepped to my table at the same time the server brought my steak. She looked at me questionably and I pointed to the chair across the table. As she sat, I noticed she was wearing the dress I purchased.

"Would you like a menu for the lady?" the server asked.

"Not now, maybe later," I answered quickly.

She appeared shocked at my quick answer and remained silent while the server filled my tea and water, removing the salad dish as he departed.

"Could we talk?" she asked softly.

"There's nothing to discuss," I said, cut a piece of meat and began chewing.

"But I need to know..."

I interrupted her.

"You need to know I will treat you right. You know me and you know it's a fact I will. I've also told you occasionally I may call upon you. That's all there is for you to know, or be concerned about. I've told you my business isn't always peachy keen, and it's your decision to take or leave. Either way we can remain friends."

"When do I have... ?"

Again, I interrupted her.

"I'm leaving in the morning. You have until then to make up your mind."

She sat silently, thinking. I was almost finished eating before she spoke.

"Could I have something to eat?" she asked softly.

I motioned the server who had been watching our table closely. Penny ordered and I finished eating before her meal arrived. When I finished, I motioned the server and signed the check, adding it on my room charge. I stood and she looked up at me.

"I'm going in the lounge. Enjoy your meal and remember, it's your decision to make. You can either join me and we'll work hard, play just as hard, and have a grand time doing both, or you can stay and live as you have been doing."

I walked into the lounge positive Penny would join me. Her face glowed as she picked out the new clothing and I knew she couldn't pass up the thought of continuing her present lifestyle versus what I promised. The two men I met on the elevator were sitting just inside the lounge. Each waved as I passed their table. I smiled and nodded in return, looking for the two women from the restaurant. I spotted them and walked to their table. They smiled as I approached and the one I spoke to pointed to the chair beside her. I sat in the offered chair and introduced myself.

"Hal, that's a nice name. I'm Edie and this is Shelly," the younger woman said. "We're glad you could join us - - - you'll help keep the wolves away," she said and they each chuckled.

"Wolves?" I questioned.

"Yes, every man in here has asked to buy us a drink, or asked us to dance. Do we have a sign on our backs, 'Horney Housewife' or something similar?" Edie jokingly asked.

I smiled at her comment.

"No sign that I can see, but you must realize you are two very attractive women. I don't blame anyone for trying to strike up a conversation with either of you."

Shelly chuckled, "Are you included in that group?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm leading the pack," I said and joined their soft laughter.

I reached for Edie's glass and drank from it before sliding it to its former position.

"You're not old enough to drink, are you?" Edie asked.

I shook my head and smiled.

Shelly spoke, whispering. "I told you he was very young," she said to Edie.

Our conversation bounced back and forth many minutes, each asking my age. I refused to tell them I was twenty as they refused to reveal their ages. The music stopped minutes after I joined them and it was much easier to talk. It was too early for the hotel band to be playing although the equally loud jukebox was an excellent replacement. Each song was one which couples could enjoy an early romp on the small floor. I continued drinking from Edie's glass and either she or Shelly made the necessary trips to the bar. On one such trip Edie made, Shelly pointed to the table by the door, drawing my attention.

"I'm not sure but I think they're trying to gain your attention," she said.

I looked in the direction she indicated and gathered the same feeling. Penny was sitting with the two men from the elevator and I could see one had his hand buried under her short skirt. He stood and walked to the men's room, stopping and looking in my direction. He made a head motion and I excused myself before walking to him. He waited until I was almost at the door before he entered. He was standing at the urinal pissing when I entered and stepped to the urinal beside him.

"The girl said she'd like to go bar-hopping but said I'd have to clear it with you. What the hell, are you her pimp, or something?" he asked after he finished pissing, standing at the sink washing his hands...

"Or something," I replied as I stepped to the sink.

"Hell, I don't mind paying for a good time," he said, tossing the paper towel at the trash barrel and reaching for his wallet.

He fished nervously, removed a $100 dollar bill, and offered it. I could see it had plenty of company and I laughed. I was actually joking when I spoke. I had no control over her going with him anywhere.

"You are going to have her back in an hour?" I asked laughing.

"Look, I don't know what your usual rate is but I'm not going over $500 for the night," he said as he pulled four Ben Franklin's from his wallet, offering me the five bills.

"I'll take one of your cards if you don't mind," I said as I tapped his business card holder. "Have her back by eight a.m. and no marks, bruises, or you're fish food," I said shocked at how easily I said the words.

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