Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 24

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 24 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Erica looked up at me with the most pleasing smile on her face. My nipples were hard, much harder than ever before. She closed her lips over the nearest and nibbled, first on the hard nub, and then on the flesh surrounding it. I experienced erotic thrills before when a woman sucked my prick, however I couldn't remember any woman's mouth feeling any better, other than my first blowjob. The sensation I felt with her mouth on my nipples came close to my first suck by Camille.

She raised her head and smiled the second time and I quickly used the opportunity to lead her onward. I began kissing her on the stomach, slowly moving south, until I was licking her pussy. Pressing against her knees, I spread her legs when she moaned approval after I licked her closed slit. I let my tongue slowly pass through her spread pussy. I was surprised when she pulled her knees wider, spreading her pussy as well. I plunged my tongue deep, receiving a loud moan as her head and shoulders lifted from the bed. Falling back, she moaned again.

"Hal, I never imagined... ," she said, before moaning again, when my tongue made a quick pass between the spread lips a second time. "HAL! I can't... ," she cried aloud as I quickly probed her deep again.

I raised and pressed the switch, turning the bedside lamp on. I turned the switch, setting the lighting to the lowest level. Shifting on the bed, I placed her legs over my shoulders. I looked at her, and then to her naked, spread pussy. I smiled as I slowly lowered my head. Her eyes appeared to become larger as my head lowered. My eyes left her sight and she squealed through clenched teeth when I took her clit lightly between my teeth. I applied only enough pressure to secure the tiny nub, however I felt the spasm in her body.

"HAL! I can't stand it; you're going to embarrass me. Please, NO!" she squealed through clenched teeth.

I felt the warm liquid on my chin and I became amazed she could come as quickly. I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue rapidly and felt her body spasm one more time.

"HAL! NO! PLEASE!" She cried through clenched teeth once more.

Again, I felt the warm liquid strike my chin, and then my sense of smell kicked in. I caught the odor of urine. I wasn't sure, however I felt the spasms were her clenching her bladder for control, or either her bladder lost control. Either way, the smell of urine became much stronger.

"Hal, please, no more," she whined as she pulled at my head.

Her pulling at my head did one thing, that causing me to stretch her clit. I didn't release my hold on the tiny muscle. She squealed again at the same time my tongue made more quick passes, titillating her love button.

"Nnnnngggggggg," she cried aloud as I felt the warm fluids gush and strike my neck and collar bone.

I released her clit and lifted my head. I could see droplets of piss hanging on her pussy lips. I reached over her leg and touched her reddened clit and another burst of piss shot through her lips, striking me on the upper lip. Some of her piss rolled into my mouth causing me to tense momentarily. I was shocked at the quick stream, however out of stupidity I reached for her clit. I wanted to test its firmness. I received a solid stream of piss once again, and this time it struck me between the lips.

"Noooooo," she wailed unhappily, as my head snapped back.

The acrid taste covered my tongue and mouth. I used my tongue to try to expel the liquid, however all I succeeded in doing was spread the taste. I knew immediately I wasn't going to touch her clit again. The taste was unpleasant, however after a few seconds, it became as any other unpopular taste, becoming unnoticeable.

The thought of drinking piss was repulsive, however in my sexually aroused state I didn't hesitate to swipe my tongue across her lips, consuming the tiny droplets of her piss.

"No, you can't," she moaned.

I was aware in reality she didn't want me to stop tonguing her pussy, not when she raised her midsection attempting to get to my tongue. I licked her lips, my tongue slowly covering as wide an area as possible. Each swipe of my tongue brought a moan from her clenched teeth, and an attempt to get her body pressed more firmly against my tongue.

Raising my head from her love junction, I peered into her strained face. Although her words said no, the pleasuring glow I saw on her face read much differently. I rose to my knees while lifting her body. Her weight now rested on her shoulders. I reached behind her knees and lifted her legs slowly upward, watching the expression on her face. Her body folded until her feet were over her head.

"What are you doing to me?

She groaned and spoke as she grasped her ankles, prohibiting me from pressing her feet to the bed. I placed my hand on her ass cheeks, further elevating her until her feet were more comfortable over her head than on my shoulders. I stared down at her face and smiled. She returned the smile. I could see anxiety as well as doubt in her face. Her puffy nipples, standing high on her breasts, relayed a sign I felt displayed a high level of excitement. Her unruly hair appeared ravishing spread over the pillow and sheet, giving her the facade of a lusting wanton.

I was in uncharted territory although a compelling need overcame me. I lowered my head until the tip of my tongue touched her wrinkled-brown hole.

"No Hal, you can't," she moaned.

I realized she was in the same state of denial as I was and probed my tongue against her anus. Her body became rigid, denying my tongue entry into the foreign area.

"No, no, no, please," she begged.

I flicked my tongue across her tiny butt-hole several times, hearing her moans of excitement, although maintaining her flexed muscles and denying my tongue an entrance.

Trailing my tongue slowly through the crevasse, I tasted her acidic juices when I probed her tiny urethra. She twisted, wiggled, and moaned. I knew if possible, she would have allowed me to enter the small opening.

"Ohhhhhhhh, never has anyone... ," she moaned blissfully as she spoke.

Plunging my tongue into her vagina sent a warm feeling throughout my body. She was warm, wet, and her young teen female tang excited a need within. I had made love to very few young females in previous months. My conquests of late consisted of women with young teens at home. The fact I was sucking on Erica's pussy was a thrill beyond measure. Working my tongue in and out of her pussy became tiring. In fact, her body was difficult to control. She was bucking, bouncing, twisting, and I found myself exerting great effort to maintain contact with my mouth on her pussy. Her moans and pleas served as my motivation.

"Oh yes!"

"Oh more."

"No more, please."

"I can't take more."

"I love it."

"Please, no."

"Wonderful, that feels wonderful."

Giving my tongue a much needed break, I began kissing her about her deliciously wet mound. I continued working my lips higher on her body, prolonging the kisses when reaching her breasts. Her puffies were prominent and I alternated sucking each, relishing their firmness. My lips nibbled on her neck and ears and she pulled against me, holding my body firmly against her own. I positioned my prick in her slit and the head slid into her body easily. She froze. Her eyes opened wide and her body stiffened, head to toe.

"NO! Please, NO!" she moaned in a loud frightened voice.

I momentarily froze and stared at her. I rolled to her side when she pushed me roughly.

"I'm sorry, I thought... ," I said quickly thinking I misunderstood her moans as pleasurable.

The seconds turned to minutes as I stared at her. She began shaking, and she was crying. I was speechless and afraid to speak after she roughly pushed my hand aside. Several minutes passed and my breathing became labored. I began to feel extremely uncomfortable lying beside her. I was on the verge of slipping from the bed when I noticed she had stopped shaking. Large teardrops continued to roll across her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

Her head turned and she looked at me strangely. The tears stopped after a many seconds and her expression began changing. The fear seemed to dissolve slowly, however it was replaced by a look of sympathy. We stared at one another two or three minutes before she rolled on her side, closer to me. We were now staring at one another, our eyes inches apart. Lifting her hand, she reached in my direction although she pulled back quickly before touching me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't let you do it," she said after another long silent period.

"That's okay, you don't have to," I said although that is not what ran through my mind.

Many thoughts had passed through my mind, the one prevalent being she was a prick teaser. I didn't think the term fit her, and I thought of every move I made. I couldn't think of a single incident, or move I made, to turn her off as quickly as she refuted my lovemaking. Tracy warned me she appeared to be afraid of pricks, but also admitted she put her pussy on display willingly. Perhaps the counselor did a poor job, I thought, but then Tracy said she exposed her pussy to him.

"Tell me about your counselor," I said just to have something to say.

I wanted her to talk. I didn't know what to say, and even though she pushed me aside, I desired her. My eyes couldn't remain on her face, not when her naked gorgeous body was so near. They made the sweeps down her body and across each breast. Her body sent a warming erotic surge extending to my hands as well as my legs and feet.

The buzzing of the telephone interrupted my thoughts and I turned to answer the noisy instrument before it woke Penny. My hand struck a can and it rolled from the countertop. I attempted to catch it, actually striking it and knocking it in the opposite direction. It struck the tiled bathroom floor and rolled from me. I took three steps and reached for the can, grabbing it before it struck the bathtub. Placing the can on the counter, I turned to the door and the phone became silent. I stepped to the sink and saw my image.

I stared into the mirror a few moments and stepped back in disgust. I told myself I wouldn't become depressed because of Sue; however, I was doing it again. I assumed the warm emotional feeling over came me, and my thoughts fell on the past because of the warm reception I received from Penny. I couldn't help but wish my last meet with Sue could have been as warm. Penny was a wonderful girl, but she was second fiddle to Sue and Dawn. The enlightening factor of her presence was she seemed to understand my feelings, however not in agreement with them.

I stepped into the shower and without thinking, I found myself stroking my prick. A week, no more than a week I recalled, I had been without a woman. Penny gave me an excellent blowjob the evening before, however to me that didn't equal a good fuck. I stepped from the shower determined to wake Penny and get temporary relief with another quick knob job. I'd have her medical report within a few hours and, depending on the report, I'd get a good fuck. I walked into the room wearing my skivvies.

Penny was sleeping when I went to shower and shave, however she wasn't sleeping now. She was standing at the closet, taking a dress from the hanger and tossing it in a pile of other clothing on the floor. I watched as she tossed the last dresses. The pile consisted of clothing I purchased for her the evening before. Almost $2,000.00 of dresses lay strewn on the floor and she walked to the dresser. Panties, bras, and bikinis, followed the dresses.


"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?" She shouted back at me.

"What's wrong with you, why this?" I asked pointing to the clothing.

"You're no different than any other man. I learned why you wanted me to see the doctor and it sure as hell wasn't for birth control pills. You bastard, all you had to do was ask me," she said tossing the last of the items I purchased in the pile.

She turned as she spoke and I would have laughed had I not been upset. She was nude, just as she slept.

"What are you talking about?" I asked walking in her direction.

She backed away from me.

"Don't touch me, you'll get a disease. I'm diseased remember."

"What are you talking about?"

"As if you didn't know, but I answered the phone to that snobbish bitch. Mrs. Donaldson, The note said it's urgent so I called you to let you know you don't have a disease. You can quit holding your breath and give your husband that pussy. However, if you're smart, when you play around, you'll use protection and you won't have to worry about the results. I could hear that smart ass bitch laughing at me," she said taking a step in my direction.

I saw the spite in her eyes and I backed from her.

"I took everything into consideration and thought the tests were needed," I said as I matched her step-for-step backing up.

"Everything into consideration?" she growled.

"Yes, you've had a rough year and I didn't know if..."

"IF WHAT?" she shouted.

"You know, you've been, well... ," I didn't get to finish.

"I've been what - - -."

She looked at me strangely for a moment and turned to the desk. She began walking towards my briefcase.

"You checked on me with this damned machine," she said as she picked up my briefcase.

She swung her arm and the briefcase sailed across the room, bounced on the bed, coming to rest as it smashed into the footboard at the base of the wall. I was fortunate she threw my briefcase and not my computer.

"No, I didn't."

"Like hell!" she growled.

We stared at each other for a moment, her face changed from pale to red.

"What did you find out? I hope you're proud. I take it back, you're worse than the other men are. At least they have the balls to come out and say they want my pussy. You, - - - you think you can buy me a bunch of new clothes. You think I'll just hop into your bed. You're sick - - - AND you're stupid. I would have jumped in bed with you without the clothes."

She walked to the dresser, removed the skirt and blouse she wore the previous day and began dressing. I needed her in my plan and I deemed it necessary to explain to her before she walked from the room. I walked to her and grasped her hands, preventing her from working the buttons on the blouse.

She didn't struggle; she merely looked at me with an expression of pity. She glared at me and after a long period I saw her face relax and tears welled in her eyes.

The inner strength I felt moments earlier was forgotten and I began feeling sympathetic toward her. I wiped at a tear as it fell across her cheek.

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