Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 21

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 21 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Penny walked from the bathroom into the den drying her hair. The towel was working up and down, flashing her bare breasts, as she briskly worked it through her mane. The denim skirt was short and worked tantalizingly high on her thighs, although her pussy remained covered. The thought of it being exposed was erotic. Her laughter drew my attention.

"What's so funny?" I asked grinning at her outburst.

"I wonder what your neighbor thinks of me. She enters the first time and I'm showing my ass, and the second time, I'm still showing my ass however now it's on the table covered in redi-whip." She stopped laughing and blotted her eyes with the towel, exposing one breast completely.

"She is probably jealous," I said raising my arms to her.

She began slowly walking in my direction and asked, "She did stare a goodly length of time before she spoke." Penny stopped when her knees struck my own, "Have you had her on the table?"

I laughed and she leaned, placing her hands on my shoulders, before I comically expressed, "No, but there are many places to enjoy a woman's charms. The table is normally used for eating, but then, I was enjoying a fine meal." I laughed harder and she twisted her body and sat in my lap.

"You said earlier you mom will be returning late this afternoon; what will she say when she finds me here?" Penny settled deeper in my lap and spread her legs as I slipped a hand under the short skirt. The skirt didn't allow her to spread them wide; however, I reached her bare pussy and traced my finger around her engorged lips.

"She'll be okay with it, although she may be a little jealous. What do you think she'd say, I'm eighteen and live alone."

"I just don't to be the cause of hard feelings, but I can feel something else getting hard," she said as she squirmed against my growing erection. "I'll take care of that hard problem you have if you wish." She shifted more, grinding her soft ass against my prick.

"You say that because you know you'd drain all my strength and I'm going to need it tonight. Just save the thought for later however." I began laughing and she poked me as I tweaked the closest nipple, which was growing the same as my prick.

"I've never been to a group party," she said as she pressed my hand firmly against the breast. "You can explain in detail when you return, and I'll be satisfied with any leftovers."

I looked at her and grinned. She was forgetting there would be no leftovers for her for the remainder of the two weeks mom planned on visiting. I didn't want to bring it to her attention but mom would be receiving all my attention, both in and out of bed, as long as she remained. Penny was going to learn the use of a hand could work miracles when one was hard up. She seemed to be in deep thought and we were silent for many minutes. She gradually leaned against my shoulder and we sat cuddled for a long while, neither speaking.

As good as Penny's bare skin felt pressed against my shirtless torso, I longed to hold Sue. Penny fit in my lap just fine but Sue just molded against my body. Dawn's form fit perfectly also. I cupped Penny's breast. It was soft, fit my hand perfectly, and it felt wonderful to the touch. When I cupped Sue's breast, it sent a spark between us, and a bond seemed to be controlling our bodies. I enjoyed the feel of her body, however I realized Penny wouldn't be around many weeks, if she remained that long.

Penny was in my former bedroom dressing for a shopping trip when the soft tap came on the door. Before I could reach it, Ida opened the door and walked in. "I brought your supply of refreshments," she said as she displayed the case of beer. "Where is your guest?" She asked as she looked quickly around the room.

"She's dressing," I said, "and thank you for the food this morning."

Ida nodded however, she didn't move and I approached her, taking the case from her hands. "Hal, Margaret called a few minutes ago and wants you to call. She had a strong message for you also. 'Get that damn answering machine replaced.' Those were her exact words. She said she has called and the machine answers on the first ring, but it doesn't allow her to leave a message. I tried calling before I came over and it did the same to me."

"I've been right here and the phone hasn't rung," I said looking at the machine and there were no lights blinking. "I'm going out and I'll get another. Do you need anything while I'm out?" I walked into the kitchen and she was close behind, sitting as I began placing some of the drinks in the fridge. I could see she was troubled and I watched the grim expression on her face worsening. I stalled placing the drinks on the shelf, rearranging them needlessly, and eventually had to join her at the table. I sat and studied her for a few moments, actually expecting her to burst into tears.

I wasn't wrong. She suddenly burst into tears and I felt helpless as I reached and touched her shoulder lightly. I didn't know how to console her, primarily because I wasn't aware of any problem. She sobbed heavily for three or four minutes and then slowly began regaining her composure. I expect ten minutes passed before she spoke the first words I understood after her outburst.

"Hal, Archer called this morning and I have to go to Atlanta, or Wisconsin, in two weeks." She continued to sob although she was controlling herself for longer periods. "Five, ten years ago, even more, I looked forward to the sessions he held, but I was wilder at that time. I enjoyed the excitement, but now, it's not the same. The men are much crueler today, and I detest his sessions. I wish we had never become involved."

"Ida, I thought you, mom and dad, and Frank were through with him. I have tried to separate myself from him, however I have a few dealings I can't seem to dump," I said as I continued an attempt at consoling her. At least her sobs were lessening.

"Hal, you can never set yourself from them; they won't allow it. They hold to the slimmest connections, and they can be brutal." She looked up and I could see the pain was deep in her face and eyes; aging lines appeared replacing her normal smooth complexion.

"I'd like to get my hands around that mother-fuckers throat," I said, remembering the abuse inflicted on me. She could see my contempt for Archer in my face and hear it in my voice.

"Hal, Archer is not the one responsible. He is just an intermediary, the same as your father is with his position," Ida twisted uncomfortably as she made the last statement. "You've met Archer's daughters, and his wife; they suffered the same consequences as I did. Archer, Frank, and your dad, rebelled and refused to 'teach one wife a lesson" because her husband cost them more than a million dollars; for what I don't know. They learned Frank and Ed, your father, were also slipping out of their control slowly. They made an example of your mom and me, to bring Frank and Ed in line, and then the same to Archer's family because they held him responsible."

"Do you mean when you were claiming to be sick for those months, you weren't really?" I asked not understanding the scope, or severity, of my involvement.

"Oh, I was sick. I nearly died, but it was because of what they did to me," Ida said as she pulled a napkin from the holder and wiped at her swollen eyes.

"I was told you had female problems," I said looking at her as my brows rose.

"That was true, but I had other complications also; I didn't heal internally which was my major problem." Ida released a deep breath and sat upright.

I studied her a moment before asking, "What did they do to you?"

She stared at me intensely and then spoke in a much lower voice. "They had me drank about two gallons of water in just a few minutes. When I couldn't drink more, they filled me with water, from the bottom, front, and back. I passed out, but before it happened, I looked as though I was nine months pregnant, with twins, and at some point, I ruptured internally. They used their feet, standing on my bloated stomach, to expel the water from my body and some of my internal organs shut down temporarily. I'm fortunate I have Dawn, and although we haven't discussed more children, that is no longer a possibility for me."

"Damn, what are you going to do?" I asked however, I knew what the answer would be. She had no choice.

"I don't have a choice. I cooperate or they could come after Frank, or worse, they could choose Dawn." Ida sighed. "I wish I could just lie down, sleep, and when I woke everything would be different."

"Look, Penny is in the back. Why don't you lie on the sofa and rest for a spell. I have to do some shopping." I stood and took her hand. She looked up and I saw a faint smile as she rose. She followed my lead to the sofa and she was sleeping within a minute after sitting. She looked uncomfortable and I lifted her feet from the floor and placed them on the sofa. She turned making herself more comfortable, without actually waking. Covering her with a crochet spread resting on the back of the sofa, I stepped back and nearly bumped into Penny.

Penny had an odd expression as she quickly moved out of my reach. I extended my arm when I backed and she acted as though I had the plague suddenly. "I didn't do it purposely but I overheard your conversations," she said looking at the sleeping Ida. "I called the bus station and there is a bus leaving in two hours. Would you loan me the money for a ticket, and I promise I'll send it to you. I don't know what you are into but I think I had rather fight with father. Would you take me to the bus station, or at least let me have the extra money for a taxicab?"

"I'll buy you a ticket and don't worry about repaying me," I said as I saw her small valise sitting near the door. "I am going out and I'll drop you at the station." I remembered Ida said I was to call mom and the number she brought with her was lying on the table. "Let me make this call and we'll be on our way."

"You have many more problems than I have," were Penny's only words as I drove her to the bus terminal. She was out of the car almost before it stopped and the closest she came to me after she asked for the money and ride, was to accept the money when I offered it. She failed to acknowledge, one way or the other, when I said I'd email her.

I stopped at the small shopping center and bought the best answering machine in stock, the clerk stating he had one exactly like it and his worked superbly. I was disappointed when mom said they'd be back tomorrow afternoon instead of later this afternoon. I was teetering on going to Janet and Brad's, but only because mom asked me to make an appearance. I believe mom and I would have really enjoyed the evening, but I wasn't keen on going alone.

I felt relieved Penny made the decision to return to her home. With the additional money I gave her she could live on her own a week or more, which should give her sufficient time to make amends with her family. I didn't understand how I allowed myself to bring her with me in the first place. She was a good fuck, however I could think of a dozen equally inspiring in the complex housing our condominium.

Stepping from the electronics store, the smell of food reminded me I hadn't had a meal. I laughed aloud, drawing an odd stare from a passing couple, as I thought about my meal on the table earlier. Pussy and tits, covered with Redi-whip, and not a cherry in the house. Ida walked into the kitchen while I had my face buried in Penny's pussy and asked where the cherries for topping were. I was initially shocked but she was gracious and left quietly, making the remark Penny and I later found humorous.

"Don't let me disturb your meal however you could have used cherries for topping. On second thought, cherries are just to spruce up the desert and I can see she doesn't need any help."

I followed the aroma of food and paused when I reached the small area; a choice of chicken, hamburger, Mexican, or subs, although the combined aroma led me to believe there would be a much larger selection. I wasn't aware of Ida's recent eating habits; however, I was aware she lost many pounds, possibly fifteen, and I expected she would top out at 135. I walked to the sub stand as it was probably more nutritious, and it had no waiting line.

"Hi Hal! How have you been?" The young girl was pretty and I couldn't imagine meeting her and forgetting her face, especially with a body shaped as hers was. I could only se to her waist but that was enough. She had a slim waist and her breasts, well; I could only say she was richly endowed. She was aware of my quick observation and I caught a favorable tone in her voice.

"Yes I've grown some since I last saw you. By the way, did your arm heal properly; your date seemed very concerned." She rolled her shoulders slightly causing her breasts to shift gently, side-to-side. The swaying motion was enough to cause my head to move side-to-side as I followed their movement.

"Yes," I mumbled, "it healed just fine." I had to force myself to remove my eyes from her breasts and I stared at her a few moments chastising myself for not remembering her name. I assume my blank stare projected my inability to recall meeting her in the past.

"I'm Carolyn, but I don't expect you to remember me. We met at Hot Dog Haven karaoke night, but that was a while ago," she said as she began preparing the sub I pointed a finger nearest.

I was in the car before I finally remembered meeting her. I laughed as I wondered if she would draw my hand to her breast if we were sitting in a darkened movie. I made a quick mental note to return and ask her out, but that would be after mom returned to South America.

Returning to the condo, I glanced at Ida's sleeping form on the sofa and it appeared she hadn't moved. I read the instructions and hooked the answering machine up. I walked into the kitchen and lay the subs out, grabbing a beer from the fridge. I ate both, and I thought I could eat another should it be available. I didn't want to wake Ida; however, I made a quick check on her before I retired to the stillness of my room and my computer.

I deleted dozens of unwanted emails and stopped on one from Howard. It was brief and I let out a silent sigh of relief. "Sorry man, but I got tied up and couldn't meet you. I'll explain later. Howard." I gazed at the message before deleting it, I wouldn't need to make any excuses, and I wouldn't need to explain my purchase. I settled back in my chair, relaxed, and realized I wasn't worried about trying to explain anything to him. I made a business deal and it was that simple, I owed no explanation.

I did some searching but after two hours, I realized my mind wasn't into business. I attempted to pull up Penny's site, merely a routine I fell into, but the site was "not found". Shutting the computer down, I walked into the family room to check on Ida.

"Thank you for the use of your sofa," Ida said surprising me when I entered the room. "I believe that four hours is the longest uninterrupted sleep I've had in a month."

"Anytime," I said, "but why the sleepless nights?"

"Mostly because I'm a lousy mom," she said stretching her arms over her head.

"How long have you been awake, and what reason do you have to say your parenting skills aren't impeccable?" I smiled and she caught my attempt at humor.

"About two minutes and that's not long enough to try and challenge your quick wit." She continued twisting and stretching, pulling at her skirt when she realized it was near to exposing her female charms. If I hadn't been staring intently, she may not have noticed.

She stood and walked past me, "Have you had anything to eat today?" She stopped abruptly after she realized her remark and smiled before she spoke again. "I'm not speaking of your breakfast desert," she began laughing and continued to the refrigerator.

I watched as she opened the door, removed the half-gallon orange juice carton, and brought it to her lips. "I know this is not lady-like," she said before she tilted the container and drank. I stepped close and she extended the carton to me. I took it and drank as she had moments before.

"I went out and brought us subs, but I ate both," I said and smiled as I passed the orange juice to her. "I didn't want yours to spoil," I said and began laughing.

"Fat chance of food spoiling around you. You forget who stocks your food, and she knows exactly how much you eat," she said returning my laugh as she closed the fridge.

I bowed, bringing arm in a wide sweep into my midsection as my torso bent at the waist. "Thank you Mistress," I spoke gallantly and heard her chuckle as I held the bow.

"You may rise kind sir, but only if you'll take me somewhere and feed me," she said as she continued to laugh.

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