Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 20

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 20 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

I was disappointed after we walked inside and the young girl with the large breasts wasn't working. My disappointment wasn't as great as I expected because the waitress working, obviously her sister, was just as richly endowed. The only difference I could see was our current waitress was approximately seven months pregnant. She was equally as beautiful as the girl was the evening before, the obvious difference being her larger stomach. She appeared comfortable and proud with her pregnancy, although it took only a few comments before I realized she wasn't married. Four men, obviously close friends, teased her about leaving the top off the cookie jar the wrong night. She was serving many customers and looked weary and tired, however her spirits made the atmosphere amiable.

There were eight other customers eating and it appeared each of them knew her by name, continuously making small chatter with her, even as she took our order. I listened to the conversations between the men. It was a way of occupying my mind until she returned with our order. I kept an eye on her, even as I ate, while continuing to listen to the conversation of the male customers. They began laughing and I had to chuckle myself. They were ribbing one individual about selling a truck, and the older man in the group was catching the brunt of the remarks.

"Hell yes!" He said. "I know I promised the truck to someone else; however, that man was standing there with cash money and offering me what I asked. He didn't try to negotiate and I took his money."

I thought about his comment for a moment and looked across the table at Penney, "Let's go!" I said

"I'm not finished and I'd like some desert please?" She stated.

I stood and tossed money on the table, including enough for a generous tip. I walked around the table and took her arm assisting her from the chair.

"We'll stop again shortly and eat. There's something we must do now and it can't wait," I said. We had more than two hours before we were to meet Harold and I wanted my business completed before that time. We walked briskly to the car and twenty minutes later, we were approaching the house I hoped the seller resided in.

We were in luck. We took a quick look at the property, driven through the center and out one side, by a smartly dressed man near fifty. It was apparent he tried to impress us because I knew he dressed expressly for our benefit. I asked the price and he responded a thousand an acre more than Harold quoted me. I offered half the thousand less and he smiled. I knew when I saw him smile he was going to accept my offer. An hour later Penny and I were on the highway; the farmer, a ten thousand dollar check in his pocket, and an equal amount of cash. I had my promissory note and the rest of the closing would be minor, after I passed the papers to my lawyer.

"Did you see him looking at my legs? He paid more attention to my legs than he did driving and I thought he was going to hit a tree more than once," Penny remarked with a smile

I looked at her legs and commented, "I think he was interested and you didn't seem to mind. I believe you turned giving him a better view," I said and began laughing.

"I couldn't help it," she said and began laughing. "He was so obvious about it. If I tell you something you won't get mad will you?" She was staring at me and waiting for a response.

I shook my head, "I don't think so, what is it?"

"He was exciting, and he made me feel special. I've never felt that way often when someone looked at me the way he did."

I began laughing at her comment and wondered how close she and Harold had become, and asked, "Just how close are you and Harold, I mean are you in love?"

"A year ago I would have told you I was in love with him; however that's not the case. We haven't slept together, had sex I mean, in over a month. He said I don't excite him." She paused a while and the silence was bothering her because she was twisting and glancing at me and quickly turning her eyes. "I'm not positive, - - - but I think he has a boyfriend. - - - They spend an incredible amount of time together. - - - The boyfriend sleeps over often. - - - I haven't seen them together - - - but those are my feelings." I could feel the tension in her voice, while she was speaking in short phrases, and I am certain she felt her pride diminished due to her lack of appeal. I knew she felt hurt by her tone but at least she didn't start crying again.

There was a long period of silence, more than fifteen minutes, and I kept running her remarks through my head, over, and over again. It came to the point where I had to ask the question, "Then why do you stay with him?"

"Those papers you showed me in the hotel room have a lot to do with it," she said and exhaled deeply. "I wasn't soliciting prostitution the first time I was charged with it; however my father kicked me out. He wouldn't listen to me and just took the police officer's word over mine. The second charge was correct. Harold sent me out to earn money; he was busted. He became extremely upset when I was arrested, but only because it cost money to get me out of jail. I didn't have any experience asking for money. Since then, I have had more than a half-dozen jobs but each lasted one day, or until the manager learned of my background. Three said I could stay however, you know what they wanted in return. I'm no angel, by any means, however I'm selective."

The change in reflection of her voice left no doubt in my mind she was speaking from the heart. I didn't say anything; however, I began thinking about the report and her admission. There was another long period of silence, appearing as though neither wanted to break the stillness of the moment. We came into town and I saw her sit upright when she saw the first restaurant. I grinned when she looked at me, and I saw her smile as the town sedan began slowing. It was early for supper; however, everything on the serving line would be fresh and I did promise to feed her soon.

She filled two plates and each time she added something to a plate I just shook my head and moaned, receiving a wicked look from her. She was a bottomless pit and when she returned to the line the second time, I just laughed. It didn't upset her and she joined me with her own chuckle.

It would be foolish to say she didn't enjoy food. I don't believe she said two words from the moment we set our plates on the table until she had cleaned her plates twice, followed by two helpings of dessert. After the early supper, we drove a few more miles and reaching the interstate, I pulled into a motel. She hardly spoke after she finished eating and smiled when I pulled into the motel.

No sooner than we settled in the room, she undressed and walked to the bathroom door, stopped and asked, "Would you like to wash my back?"

I smiled at her and began undressing. She waited until I approached her before she moved again. The move surprised me when she dropped her knees and reached for my prick. She kissed the head and I waited for her to take me in her mouth, although she never did. Instead, she began stroking it, and continued until I told her I was going to come. She stroked faster and directed my prick at her face. I moaned loud as I felt my juices passing through my organ. My cum hit her on the forehead, chin, and chest, and she directed each spurt. My prick became limp in her hand and she used her free hand to massage my juices into her skin. All the while she was stroking me, her eyes remained locked on mine.

She stood and smiled at me. Grasping my prick with her sticky hand and turning, she led me to the bathtub. Before allowing me to enter the tub, she adjusted the water and stepped in to test it. Once she was satisfied, she beckoned me into the tub. I expected some type of horseplay, although there was none. She washed me first, and then her own body, turning and speaking for the first time asked, "Would you wash my back now please?"

I washed her back, and stepped from the tub, leaving her alone. I toweled and went into the cool room, pulled the spread back before slipping into the bed. When she entered the room, her hair was dry and combed, and she smelled of a wonderful fragrance. She approached the bed and smiled as she caressed her freshly shaved cunt.

"Do you want to feel it?" she asked as she stepped up on the bed and stood over me, one leg on either side of my shoulders. "Please, just caress it and don't try putting your fingers inside. I just want the soft touch of a lovers hand on my body, for a change."

I looked up staring into her pussy. Her lips were round, flawlessly smooth and her spread slit looked particularly inviting. My finger would have fit perfectly. Her flesh was pink and appeared spongy. Her slit, spread perfectly, was an open invitation, however I honored her request. My prick began growing and it took all the willpower I could muster to proceed slowly. I was staring at my ultimate goal.

Placing a hand on each calf, I let my fingers begin working as though each was independent of the other, working into her stretched muscles. Working from her calf to mid-thigh, I worked my fingers, soft one minute and then harder. I continued varying the pressure, running my hands up and down, never remaining in one place more than a few seconds. I worked slow and methodically and she was enjoying my caresses; she was beginning to breathe deeper and irregular. She placed her hands on the wall for support, and my prick grew harder, if possible. Her breasts were pointing at the wall above my head, and the slight change in her position spread her slit even more. I let my hands work up her inner thigh to within a few millimiters of her pussy; however, I resisted the temptation to allow my fingers to touch it.

Up-and-down I worked, never touching her sacred treasure. Time was on my side as she was becoming tired of standing. I could see she was gradually putting more pressure against the wall and her legs were becoming much less stable. More than once her knees gave way and she had to catch herself before she fell. I was fortunate because each time my hands were behind her calf. If they had been higher, I would surely have touched her pussy and it would've spoiled everything. I wanted her to ask me to put something in her cunt.

Penny was as determined as I was because she reached a point her legs were trembling, her breathing rapid and irregular, and she was fighting to cling to the wall. Her body gave way and disappointed, she gradually lowered herself, her weight coming to rest on my chest. She had determination because she was still struggling to remain standing when she was less than a foot from my chest. Her pussy was wet and I saw her lips were now puffy and full. Her slit spread and I could have easily slipped three fingers into the crevasse.

I was determined. I fought the urge to cover her cunt with my mouth. I knew if I broke the spell, it would ruin everything. Our eyes locked and her desire appeared to be as great in her expression as I felt inside. Her position was causing her discomfort and her weight, setting firmly on my chest, began causing me a bit of pain. We each were at a point where oxygen was essential and my breathing was gradually becoming labored.

It was awkward because she had no strength or control in her legs when she tried to lie beside me. We managed and she finally came to rest snuggled against me, pulling my arms around her body. Placing one hand on a breast, and giving a low moan, she pressed my free hand against her pussy. "Just hold me," she whispered weakly.

I woke, and I felt completely rested. I looked throughout the room and realized the sun was creeping over the horizon. I slept for almost ten hours and remembered it was more than a year since I did that last. Penny was facing me with her eyes closed. I took the opportunity afforded me and lowered my head. Placing a kiss on her nipple, I felt her skin flinch at the touch of my lips. I studied the nipple a moment and it began forming, protruding slightly, and I took it between my lips and began sucking it gently. Her nipple grew quickly, and she moaned. I looked up, the nipple remaining between my lips, and she was staring at me. I gave a final nip and suck before raising my head and looking into her eyes level.

"That was nice," she said.

"I thought so myself," I said and covered it with my hand.

She closed her eyes and placed a slight pressure against my hand as I toyed with the now erect nipple. "You have a wonderful touch," she said, eyes closed and barely speaking above a whisper.

I caressed one breast, and then moved to the other, bringing that nipple to full erection also. I played with her breasts, moving one to the other for many minutes before I asked, "How long have you been awake?"

"More than two hours," she responded although her eyes remained closed and she continued applying pressure to the breast I toyed with.

"What have you been doing for two hours?"

"Lying here and thinking about you. You're different and I wanted to ask you something." She opened her eyes, looked at me, and then asked," Could I ask you a question and you not get offended? I mean, well... you don't have to answer me, or anything."

"She thinks I'm different." I repeated the words to myself as I nodded to her.

Assuming my nod was approval, she spoke very softly. "Your touch is so unusual, when did you last have a girlfriend?"

My touch unusual, I thought. How could that be I asked myself? I couldn't tell her the love of my life was my sister, and I couldn't count her as a girlfriend, openly anyway. Cecile was married, I couldn't call her a girlfriend, and that left Dawn. We called each other girlfriend/boyfriend for a year after we made love, but other than that short period, I never called any of the others my girlfriend. "I guess my last girlfriend was when I was fourteen." I added, "Why would you ask about a girlfriend?"

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