Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 2: I Struck Out

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: I Struck Out - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

I still say the food sucks, but mom is getting better. Between the two of them, Sue and mom, they do have a way of setting a different dish most evenings. I thought school lunches were bad but I have changed my mind somewhat as they do serve some good dishes.

Sue is my older twin, by three hours, but she likes to think its three years, the way she acts sometimes. She does have a trim little ass though. I finally got to see those 32B's she struts around jiggling. I think she was trying to show them to dad but I got the best view.

She came from the shower, wearing a towel, and backed up to dad and asked him if her thought her legs were getting shapelier and he made a lunge for the towel. She started to run, tripped, and fell directly in front of me. Dad got to see her ass sticking up in the air but her head hit my knee and she dropped the towel. She was dazed for a moment and I reached down, I actually was going to help her up, and she pushed my hands from her. She was kneeling on the floor before me and those 32B's were within inches of my knees. She saw where I was looking and that I was getting a really close look so she jumped up and ran from the room.

I got a good look at them however it was a little too quick for me, I wanted to see more. Oh, I did get to see the small patch of hair covering her pussy and it was as red as the hair on her head. She is definitely hot, a five-two stick of dynamite with ninety-eight pounds of powder inside, waiting to explode.

Sue got her looks from mom, forgive me because I sure hate to admit my sister is hot. Mom, is hot also, she looks great in a bikini. Her five-three frame holds a fine looking set of tits. The clothes hamper catches her soiled clothing and I check often to see if she is still wearing a 34B. She was last night.

She insists she is fat and only tips the scales at one-fifteen. Her ass is a little larger than Sue's however her overall shape is curvy where Sue is still working on her curves. It's going to be a tough call, in four or five years, of which has the shapelier body.

I'll be taller than dad's six feet and it won't be too long the way I am growing. I need four inches to catch him and just being twelve and a half I will make it easily. I need some weigh in the right places to attract the females eyes. They see me at one-forty but they see a lanky guy, not that I'd asking or wanting to look like a stud, but if I fill out in the right places I will definitely pull in more looks. I guess this red hair and freckles looks like a flag sometimes.

Getting some crotch time between Dawn's legs gave me some confidence, if nothing more than in my ability. I did get her in bed one time after our trip however it wasn't the same. We spent the whole morning in her bed but there was something missing and it wasn't exciting like it was in Nashville. She hasn't said it was bad but she hasn't asked me to come over again when her parents are out for the day. I am sort of glad because I like to think we did something special and I don't want to take a chance on spoiling that night with some bad memories.

I think I came on too fast and too strong, after my trip with Dawn and her father. I tried my charm on the older girls. I guess I will have to admit that a fifteen year old girl may swim with a boy, confide in him at poolside, seem best friends while in a group, but they don't want to be seen with him in public. Someone may accuse her of having a young boy friend and that could hurt her standing within her peer group.

I owe Jo Ann a round of thanks for explaining this to me because Melinda and Jennifer just flat brushed me off.

Christmas came and went. There were lots of parties in the condos and we, my family, and I was invited to many. We attended a few but the ones we attended weren't all that great. I needed some companionship and I wasn't getting it.

I wasn't an outcast at school but the guys I started chumming with lived too far away to run by their houses in the afternoon. There were no boys, my age living within a three block radius of me. I brought this up to dad a couple of times and he seemed concerned but nothing was said after that.

I was walking from school just before Christmas and a woman, living in the farthest condo from us was getting her groceries out of her car. She lived the closest to school. I watched her take the groceries from her car and start to her door. Before she reached her door a sack broke, seeming to cause a chain reaction and her groceries spilled on the walk. I didn't notice until she was trying to pick the groceries up that she was pregnant. She was very pregnant.

I saw she was having trouble and I walked over to help. She was pretty nice and had a great set of tits, which I could see as she bent over to pick the groceries up. She saw me looking at them but she just smiled. I told her I would get the groceries, after she caught me looking and she stood and watched while I picked them up. I carried them into the house for her and refused the money she offered.

I saw her about a month ago and this time I just ran over and helped her with the groceries before she could get them out of the car. She wasn't pregnant any longer, instead there was a baby in the car. I asked, "Is this your baby?" As soon as I said it I knew I had asked a stupid question.

"Yes she is, what do you think of her?" She asked with a big smile.

"Well, she looks OK for a baby. What's her name?" I asked as I was standing over her and checking her out.

"Camille, after my mother." The woman had a pretty smile and she was much prettier than I remembered from before.

"Hi Camille, I'm Harold Wayne Stewart, but you can call me Hal, that is until you learn to talk better." As I was speaking I held my hand to her and gave her a mock handshake.

She was smiling and lifted the baby from the car, turning where the baby faced me, and speaking 'as the baby' said, "I am very glad to meet you, Harold Wayne Stewart, and may I introduce you to my mother, Hal, meet my mother, Cecelia Carlson."

I was looking at the baby and said, "I appreciate you introducing us, Camille, and I am pleased to meet your mother, Cecelia. You each have such pretty names."

"Thank you Hal, that is nice of you to say." Cecelia said as she closed the door.

I followed her to the door and waited for her to open it. I watched her walking, the short skirt split in back to allow her longer paces. I could see the tops of her stockings as she took each stride. I was getting an erection and thankful for the bags. I accepted the soda she offered and we talked about the baby until I finished the drink. I made an excuse and left while my prick was limp.

We were studying the sun and moon and Friday after school I rushed home and got my camera. I thought that it would help my grades if I had pictures to go with my paper so I went back to the school and climbed on the rooftop. I had spoken to the maintenance man the day prior and he had taken me to the roof and showed me where I could get the best photos, in his opinion.

I waited and got my pictures and I would return and catch the sunrise. I was in a hurry to get home, that is until I came upon Cecelia and quite naturally I carried her packages inside for her. I walked into the house and felt a little self conscious as soon as I was inside. I was wearing a tank top and cut-offs and she was sharply dressed in a suit, matching skirt, and blazer. She always looked good so her sharp appearance was no surprise to me.

"Are you taking pictures this late at night?" Cecelia asked, sort of frowning.

I saw the frown so I thought I needed to explain and said, "Yes, I took pictures of the sunset. It's for a school project. Tomorrow morning, I will capture the sunrise also."

She was eyeing the camera and I held it up for her to look at it. I hope she didn't hear the sound I heard inside my head when she leaned over, placing her hand on my bare leg to support her shifted weight.

Her hand was burning my bare skin and my eyes were burning her breast as she leaned towards me and said, "Where do you look through, I can't see."

I removed the lens cap and pointed to the viewer in the rear of the camera, not removing my eyes from the cleavage which was only inches from my eyes. I didn't want to speak for fear my voice would fail at that moment.

She continued asking questions and her hand was moving on my bare skin. She was caressing my leg as she seemed interested in my answers and I almost moaned aloud when I felt her fingers slip under the cut-offs. They were tight and she could only get two inches under the leg band. She seemed satisfied and sat up, catching my eyes directed at her breasts.

She stood and walked to the refrigerator and asked, "Would you like something cool to drink, to cool yourself?" She was smiling at me and I was too naïve to catch the pun, at the time. I was just wondering if she saw my erection making the tent in my cut-offs.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

When she sat the glass of ice and the drink before me her hand went to my shoulder, "I told you about calling me ma'am, haven't I? Her brow was raised as she looked at me after the question.

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling a little embarrassed at being reminded about the sixth time.

Camille was fretting and Cecelia went to another room, returning shortly carrying her. She sat down and was 'cooing' to get her attention and Camille appeared to have a slight smile. Cecelia looked up at me and asked, "Would you like to take a picture of her?

I didn't respond but rather lifted the camera and centered them in the viewer. I snapped a couple of pictures sitting in front of them and then stood and started walking around to get different angles. I snapped off about eighteen photos before the film ran out. I rewound the exposed film and said, "I'll have this printed and bring you copies," knowing she would get only about a dozen. The remainder were for my collection, one button opened on her blouse had left a lot of exposed breast, especially when I stood over them and shot looking strait down.

The following morning I was on the roof top at dawn and I shot a lot of snaps as the sun came up. I had to get two rolls printed now, not the one I had expected. I just had to get mom to drive me to the one hour.

I walked into the house and heard mom, "Ed, you don't have time, you will be late."

I guess they didn't hear me enter because I walked into the kitchen and mom was sitting on the kitchen counter, in the corner, one leg spread on either side of dad. His head was buried between her legs, his position looking very uncomfortable the way he was leaned over. Mom was wearing a robe and it was spread and she was twisting her nipples as she pulled them. I knew that had to hurt, she was pulling on them so hard. I watched them for five minutes, stepping back where I would be barely visible if mom opened her eyes. Dad was making an awful lot of noise and mom was moaning pretty loud herself.

Mom had beautiful breasts and I wanted to walk in and take them in my hands, replacing hers. I flipped the lens cover off and snapped half a dozen shots before I heard Sue moving around upstairs. I didn't want Sue to catch me watching so I backed up to the door and opened it, slamming it closed.

"Mom, I need to go to the photo shop this morning," I said in a much louder than normal voice. I knew they heard me, from the shuffling and whispering, so I continued into the kitchen. Mom was standing, facing the sink and dad was sitting in his chair. "Mom, did you hear, I need to go to the photo store this morning, will you take me," I asked.

I ended up with dad dropping me off and I could call mom and she would pick me up in a couple of hours. That was the best deal I could get and I had to promise to clean the garage to even get that. I would have agreed to almost anything for the prints I was going to get this morning.

It had taken an hour and a half to get my prints. I knew that clerk made reprints for himself on some of my prints because I watched him checking them and shaking his head. I figured he was beating off the ten minutes he was in the back room while I had to sit and watch a big woman chew a wad of gum. It would have been OK but she kept popping it.

I was sitting on the bench where the bus stops and going through the pictures for the fourth time when I heard Frank, Dawn's father call my name. I know I jumped three feet when I heard Frank, "HAL, are you waiting on the bus?"

I slipped the pictures into the envelope quickly as I walked across the sidewalk to his car, "No sir," I said. "I am waiting on mom to come for me."

"Come on son, get in, I'll give you a ride home." Frank sounded pretty jolly this morning so I got in. He hadn't spoken to me hardly after the trip back from Nashville.

Half way home he drove in silence and when he spoke I jumped, "I need you to do something for me next month." He was looking at me now.

"Yes sir, what do you need?" I asked expecting to get a tongue lashing.

"I am going to summer camp for two weeks and my gals will be home alone. I'd appreciate it if you would check on them occasionally to see if you can do anything for them. Could you do that for me?" Frank was asking me to check on his wife and daughter after he caught me fucking his daughter, WOW.

"I think they will be OK but you know how women are, they might need the garbage carried out or something like that. It wouldn't put you out would it?" Frank was asking something of me. I thought he was mad at me.

"I'd be happy to check on them and no, it wouldn't put me out. I had to carry our garbage out and I would just stop by and get theirs at the same time." I said to him, just glad to know I wasn't on his shit list.

"I'll slip you a few bucks before I leave," he said shifting in the seat and patting the steering wheel.

"I don't need money, Sir," I said as I felt a smile on my face as I saw our building coming up.

We were home and getting out of the car when I noticed the contents of the bag on the seat, tampax, super, and regular.

He saw me looking at the package and smiled, "Both at one time, I should be flying this week I think." He was whistling as we walked to our respective entrances.

I locked my bedroom door and spread the photos on my bed. The shots of mom gave me an immediate erection. I could see the passion in her face and I wished to my self that the head in the picture could have been mine. I separated the pictures and placed the pictures of the sun on my desk. I sorted through the pictures of Cecelia and pulled the ones I couldn't let her see and stored them with the pictures of mom.

I started out the door and stopped. I needed to change pants. I checked all my short pants and finally put on the pair with the largest opening in the legs. If Cecelia was going to put her hand on my leg she was going to have enough room to slide her hand beyond the point she could reach with the tight leg cut-offs.

I yelled at mom, informing her I was leaving and heard something about the garage in reply. I didn't pay any mind and rushed to Cecelia's to show her the pictures.

I knocked on the door twice and got no answer. I was disappointed I missed her and was walking away when she opened the door. She was dressed in a robe and it came to mid-thigh. She looked insatiable as she opened the door and motioned me inside.

"I was in the shower when I heard you," Cecelia said. "At least I hoped it was you."

I saw the strange look on her face and it looked so familiar. It was almost the same look Dawn had just before she had that mind blowing orgasm. Surely that couldn't be the case here, Cecelia had a husband and a daughter. "I have the pictures of Camille," my voice a little squeaky as I spoke.

She was going through the pictures, one at a time, studying each for two or three minutes, I was going crazy. She was sitting on one leg and each time she reached for a picture I could see her right breast, not a portion, but the full breast. As she leaned, the robe would fall away, and the breast would be fully visible to me.

Cecelia reviewed each picture and when the last was placed back on the table she turned and spoke. "Those are really great. I didn't expect your pictures to be so professional looking. I have an idea and I will pay you. Next week is Valentine's and I haven't sent my husband anything yet. Would you photograph me and I can send the pictures to him for his present?"

I knew the answer but I hesitated before speaking, "I would love to, and you don't have to pay me. You can pay the printing though."

She broke out in a big smile and said, "OK, let me see what I have to wear." She swung her leg around and I saw a flash of pussy hair. I thought it appeared neatly trimmed however I only saw it for a split second. She went to the kitchen and made two sodas and brought them back, placing mine on a coaster. She took a drink from her glass and placed it in another coaster before walking from the room, appearing in deep thought.

I sat and waited for a long while, long enough to finish my drink.

"Hal." I heard Cecelia calling my name. "Would you refresh our drinks and bring them back here, please?"

I prepared the drinks and walked in the direction of the voice. I saw he sitting at a dressing table, ten or more dresses piled on the bed. I walked to her and passed her soda to her as I looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a skirt and blouse however the blouse was open and I could see her bra encased breasts. The skirt was short, barely covering the panties, in some places, not all.

Turning to me, she spoke, "None of those fit," she said motioning towards the bed. "Could we go shopping for some that do. I would need someone to watch Camille as I tried something on."

I nodded as I looked at her. When she turned she had stopped with one leg still facing the mirror and dresser and the other was pointing at me. I could see from her panty-covered pussy to her toes.

She stood, walked the three steps to me, and hugged me tightly, my face buried in her soft breasts. "Thank you, it's not everyday a man agrees to go shopping with a woman." She was buttoning her blouse as she spoke.

An hour later I was sitting on a bench in the mall watching her in the dress shop. She had tried on six and three were laying over a floor stand, and she was working on the seventh. Half an hour later I watched her pay for the dresses and she brought them out to me.

"One more stop," she said and walked two stores farther, turning into Victoria's Secrets.

Two girls, in my class at school, walked pass me about twenty steps, stopped and walked back, stopping to look at Camille.

"What's her name?" They asked, almost in unison. Both spoke again, "Is she yours?"

I smiled, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, and looked up at the pair, "Her name is Camille and she is mine."

They looked at one another, smiled, gave a courtesy wave, and walked off. They were talking low and I couldn't hear what they were saying to one another.

Cecilia walked up and asked, What was that?"

"They asked he name and if she belonged to me, and I answered them. That's all." I was grinning as I told her.

"You said she was yours, Right? Otherwise, why would you have kissed her." She was looking at me with those raised brows again.

I nodded and picked up the packages after passing Camille to her. She was laughing as we walked from the mall.

Cecelia said, after we had the packages in her bedroom, "I need to feed Camille and then we can start. You get your camera and I'll be ready when you return."

I was hoping to get to watch Camille being fed, since she was breast feeding, but I didn't let the disappointment show as I nodded and replied, "OK, I won't be long."

I called out when I entered the house but there was no response. I checked the upstairs and found no one. I walked into the kitchen and found the note on the table. It read:

Harold Wayne,

Susan is spending the night with friends.

Edwin has to go out of town and I am


You may microwave your supper.

Lock the doors before bedtime.


Margaret Elaine

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