Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 19

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Marge lay immobile, staring at her son. His face was blank and he was staring into space, seemingly not focused on anything. She waited minutes and he continued staring, as though he was in a trance. The pain he inflicted upon her, although severe, seemed to vanish as she lay immobile, afraid to move. She was positive the moment she moved the ache she felt deep inside would return. His fist pushing deep in her body had been painful; however, there was a much stronger feeling of joy. It was hard for her to put in plain words, however she felt wonderful, totally relaxed and sexually fulfilled. She had reached her peak and remained there, far longer than she could ever remember. She felt wonderful.

Marge became troubled as Hal remained in the trancelike state. Raising and pulling his head to her breast, she cradled him as she had when he was a baby. Rocking back and forth, she tried soothing him. "Its okay, Momma has you, you're safe with me."

Marge's vision became blurred as her eyes became teary; she was positive his thoughts traveled back in time. The look on his face could only be one thing; he was recalling the rapes. Her tears flowed freely as she felt a deep compassion for her son as she wondered how many times he would recall the event, as she had after her rape. Her major concern was how it would affect him. Her rocking motion continued until sleep overcame her.

I could see she was crying, and feel her wet tears striking my arm, however it was in my dream. I didn't remember the time I went to sleep, although when I woke, it was noon and I was alone. I searched for mom, going room to room, and in the kitchen I found the note left on the table.

That was a wonderful homecoming present, much more than I expected.
I can't wait until we get over the nervousness of the 'welcome home jitters.'
I have a surprise for you this weekend. Get plenty of rest.
Sheila has medical tests scheduled and I am accompanying her and Claire.
It's possible we will be three days, and three long nights.
I am eager to return.

P.S. I miss you already.

I read the note a second, and then a third time. The anxiety I felt earlier passed and I felt reasonably collected, for the moment. I didn't feel as if I was standing in a bed of hot coals. I prepared myself for a tongue-lashing, at the least, for my roughness earlier. I interpreted the note as mom's way to inform me everything was copasetic.

I poured a glass of OJ and saw the two-day old sweet roll I stashed in the fridge. I made them disappear quickly and remembered I had a check to deposit. I showered, and when I returned to the bedroom, I could smell mom. I had no reason to check earlier, but I opened a drawer and found she had moved some of my clothing and made herself at home, placing her underclothes in the drawer. I picked up a bra and checked the size, noting that she and Sue each wore a size 34B. I placed the bra in the drawer, folding it in a manner I was positive she would know I inspected it, and reached for a pair of her panties.

Mom's perfume smelled wonderful, and opening the drawer had released the fragrance into the room. I held the silk panties and, the silk coupled with the fragrance caused my prick to stiffen. I checked the lace-trimmed silk and saw mom and Sue still bought their under clothing in the same store, even though mom was thousands of miles distanced. Her initials, woven in the waist, were just as unique as Sues were. I realized I missed Sue, especially the fragrance, and mom's perfume made me remember I had been missing the faint smell for months.

I sat on the bed staring at the panties and thinking of Sue. I placed them on my prick and the softness of the silk brought back memories of a year earlier. Sue was dressing and I was sitting in the exact spot as now, when she began laughing at my erect prick. She had one leg in the panties when she saw me watching her. I was erect, staring at the rounded shape of her ass as she leaned over, as well as the smooth flow of her hanging breasts. She removed her leg from the panties and knelt in front of me, covering my prick with the piece of silk. She began stroking me, staring into my face. She continued stroking until I dumped my load in her panties. Rising slowly and watching me, she slipped the panties carefully on her freshly showered body, pressing the cum-covered gusset against her barren pussy. Leaving the condo sometime later, she reminded me I was close to her the remainder of the day.

My body became tense and I felt my juices rushing through my prick. The panties, covering my erection, became saturated with my cum. I stroked until I was certain there wasn't another drop left in me. I walked to the bathroom and dropped the soiled silk in the floor. I wanted mom to find them lying in the floor when she returned.

I cleaned my prick and dressed. I felt elated having mom home, if only for two weeks. I wondered what surprise she had for me. My spirits were higher than they had been in months, and I went to my computer. I felt as though I could talk myself into a sweet deal; that is if I could find a good listing. I was abruptly let down when I saw there was not a single listing that caught my eye. I saw the email letter flashing and I knew there would be dozens of useless messages and I opened the site for the sole purpose of doing a mass deletion.

I watched the counter and it stopped after two minutes. I had 85 messages and I started deleting, a dozen at a time. I scanned the sender and subject, and all were the same until I came to the last page. It wasn't a full page but the last six messages were from Howard, and 'URGENT' was included in the subject line of each. I read the messages, each referring me to the first, with an added note. I read the first message, and then reread it, thinking to myself, he was mistaken. I hit 'reply' and added, "I'll call you."

I called the three numbers he listed and there was no reply, just continuous ringing on each. I looked at his email again and rechecked the location before going to my files. It was as I remembered, I was in the right area. I visited the surrounding area six months earlier and bought a small parcel of land for half the amount he quoted. The kicker, he was talking about ten times more acreage and a small river ran through it. I was elated at the thought of getting a parcel the size he mentioned, but I began to doubt if I hadn't paid too much when I made my deal. I pushed back in the chair, and suddenly my spirits felt lifted. I patted the check and stood, closing the cabinet; however, I left my computer on standby.

I took the steps two at a time, passing Ida entering the stairwell, her arms ladened with groceries.

"Hi Hal, your mom sure looks good, " Ida said as I passed.

"She does; it's nice to have her home, " I said continuing to my car.

"I'm eating alone tonight, as usual; care to come over?" She shouted.

"No thanks, I'm going out of town, " I responded as I closed my car door.

I drove in the direction of the bank and realized I made the decision unconsciously to meet Harold. I completed my business in the bank receiving a warning from my friendly clerk I shouldn't carry the amount of cash I requested. I didn't try to explain and on the way back to the condo picked up a to-go order at the Hotdog Haven. I was in a rush to speak with Harold, and realized I hadn't checked the phone messages in five days.

I couldn't explain why I was anxious to speak with Harold other than he impressed me. He was young; but I believed he would retire to a life of luxury within ten years. He was vicious when it came to money, and I liked that. During one of our phone discussions, he informed me liked to give cash as earnest money because the seller was tempted, and once he started spending the money he normally wasn't in a position to back out. I knew I wanted the buck, but he was like an idol to me. He saw the bill and grabbed it.

I chuckled when I thought of our only face-to-face meeting after the weekend we met. We exchanged emails frequently, spoke on the phone no more than a half dozen times, but I passed him coming out of the courthouse in Tallahassee during Christmas Holidays and he was beaming. We happened to be visiting the courthouse for the same reason, title research. We shared stories over a series of cokes and he told me of his slickest deal to date. It was simple the way he explained it. He loaned a friend a few thousand, and for collateral, his friend let him hold a promissory note on a farm that he held. Walter said he took the note to the farmer and convinced him to sell at sixty cents on the dollar, rather than facing a legal foreclosing where the farmer would be lucky to receive thirty cents, after debts, at closing. Walter was proud of himself for that transaction and doubly proud because he convinced the farmer to carry half the note.

Tossing the bag with my hotdogs and french fries on the table, I checked the phone machine and listened to two dozen messages before I heard Penny's voice. She had called twice in the message was same each time, "Read your e-mail please." Her first call had been the evening before, at which time I wasn't home, and the second was earlier in the morning. I slept through the call. I tried calling each of the three numbers again with the same results as earlier.

There was one other interesting call on the machine. The call was minutes before the call Penny made while I was sleeping. Mom answered the phone after the recording started.

"Margaret, it's good to hear your voice, I just learned you were in town. I was talking with Claire. I know Edwin is not with you, but we're having a party Saturday night. You need to come, but bring your own man, or two." She laughed, "You know we're always short of men." She laughed again and said, "Short men, that's a joke isn't it, short men." She began laughing harder.

"I'm afraid I can't make it; I don't have a partner."

"Claire said you'd say that, but she said that son of yours is worth any two men. Margaret, bring him, and a friend if he has one."

The recorder shut off after a minute and I was at a loss for the rest of the conversation. I wondered if that was the surprise of which mom was speaking for the weekend. I knew the woman's voice, but I hadn't seen her since mom and dad moved abroad. The only remembrance I had about her was the humongous tits and she loved showing them. I never saw her in anything except a low-cut blouse. She was mom's age; however, her husband was much older. They were pleasant to be around although Sue and I both agreed she talked too much. Frankly speaking, she never stopped talking.

I gave up on a call from Howard, showered, dressed in slacks and a sport shirt, and was within minutes of calling Sabrina and asking her to have dinner with me when Penny called. She was cheerful; we spoke a few minutes and she gave me the name of the hotel where they would be stay. I agreed to meet them. I told her to get me a room and I would be arriving between 10 and 11 p.m. I expected a five-hour trip, considering the traffic and the time of day. I was showered, dressed and my suitcase was packed from my earlier trip; I told her I would be leaving within the hour. Turning my computer off, I looked around the room and remembered I hadn't brought the suitcase inside. I switched the lights off and walked out the door.

I drove for more than three hours and when I saw the sign; it captured my attention. Florescent paint and neon colors looked out of place and I stared at it too long, clinging to the wheel when I felt the tires leave the asphalt. "DAMN!" I shouted to an audience of none. I was alone with my thoughts, as I corrected the path of the town sedan. I should have been watching the road instead of daydreaming. I wasn't the only person captivated by the sign, as half was missing. Someone, like myself, was reading the sign and didn't turn with the roadway, plowing into the sign and destroying half. I glanced at the side standing, and wondered what I missed.

"IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD, THEN..." were the only words I remembered. I was shaken and the small diner looming in my headlights seemed a blessing as I slowed and crawled into the so-called parking lot at a snail's pace. The potholes out numbered the patches of asphalt.

I walked inside and sat at the counter. I was the only customer and I could hear someone talking in the back. I picked up a menu and saw what I missed on the billboard. On the front of the menu was an identical sign on the part of the billboard-standing, "IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD, THEN YOU'RE AT PETE'S." I raised my head when I felt the presence of someone near. A cute girl was staring at me. Either I was still alone with my thoughts, or she moved silently. I wasn't sure which applied. I glanced at the menu again and she spoke.

"The grill has been cleaned and we're closing in 15 minutes. I can offer you fresh coffee and a piece of pie." She could see I was staring at her, and I'm positive I wasn't the first. She was wearing a white blouse and, from the stains, it was obvious she wore an apron earlier. It would seem she had lifted or lowered a blender too soon, splattering her, as there was a perfect outline of the apron on her blouse. She must have seen my grin because she said, "So I got in a hurry."

I smiled at her comment and said, "I'll take the coffee and the pie."

She was correct because the coffee was fresh, and the pie tasted freshly baked. I didn't realize I was hungry until I pushed the empty pie plate to the side and picked up the coffee. My hand froze with the cup at my lips when I saw her return. Minutes earlier I saw the outline of her bra, however now I could see too large areola, placed on the tips of two large breasts. I would have still been staring had she not spoken.

"Would you like another piece of pie?" She asked.

"No thanks," I said and remembered to drink from the cup. She was standing about 6 ft. from me, leaning against the counter, arms folded under her breast, and she remained that way until I tossed a fiver on the counter and walked out to my car. I backed up and noticed it was ten past the hour on the clock, and they hadn't locked up.

As I continued up the narrow highway, I kept thinking about the billboard. 'IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD' loomed in my mind. Dad had cautioned me years earlier as I realized how quickly I had accepted Howard's email at face value. Dad and Archer, warned me to take things slow and easy, especially when someone told you, 'it was too good to be true', and as I thought about it, this was a perfect example. I started questioning Howard's reason for contacting me. We had never worked a deal jointly, and all of a sudden, he wanted to include me on a deal. The flags began going up and I felt the speed of the town sedan decreasing. I looked at the speedometer and realized I was creeping along.

Although more than a year had passed since I saw Penny, I recognized her walking across the hotel lobby. I don't believe she recognized me until she was half dozen steps away. My smile must have tipped her off because I was thinking about all the photographs I viewed of her in the nude. I got a funny feeling in my stomach all of a sudden. We hugged, and she began pulling me toward the elevator. The hotel was only two floors and my room was on the second floor. The new hotels had a swipe card, however she used a key to open the door, stepping back and letting me enter. The room was large, although not lavishly furnished, definitely considered a suite only because of its size. She may have been Harold's girl, however I knew within fifteen minutes she planned to stay in my room.

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