Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 11

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

Janet invited me inside when I walked Tammy home. We drank a soda and talked a while, mainly about school, the past year and the one forth coming. When I stood to leave, she rose and walked me to the door. My eyes were working overtime as she was dressed in a bathrobe, obviously showering after she left the pool. During our short talk I let my imagination run wild, envisioning her without the robe.

I returned to the condo and after watching Janet I had full intentions of relieving myself manually; however the phone was ringing when I unlocked the door.



"Sue, how are you doing? Are you having a good time? How was the ride in the RV?"

"Hal, the RV is great, we have to convince dad to get us one. Where's mom?"

"Maybe we should, Mom's shopping."

Sue and I chatted for twenty minutes, and during our chat gave me an emergency number in addition, the number to their timeshare apartment. I was surprised, yet disappointed, they would return Tuesday afternoon, not Monday as I expected. I was extremely pleased when she said both she and Dawn missed me. Tracy and Erica were having a good time, especially since they met two boys within an hour after arriving.

I drew a tub of hot water and settled into it. My mind was doing crazy things and I was somewhat confused. At fifteen, I wondered if I was normal like other boys my age. I wanted to fuck every woman I looked at, and at the same time, I felt possessive. Earlier, I stared at a young girl, too young to grow breast, yet I envisioned fucking her. It wasn't that I wanted her because she was a virgin rather she had a cunt. Minutes later, I was looking at her mother thinking about fucking her. I hoped all boys my age had similar thoughts; I didn't want to be different. I removed my hand from the erection I was stroking slowly at the thought of being different.

I fucked my own mother; although I realized it was wrong, I wanted to fuck her again. I was fucking my sister, however she was different, and I didn't feel possessive. Neither did I feel possessive about Dawn. What I truly needed was an hour alone with Cecelia, she would know the answer, and I trusted her judgment.

I was dressed in slacks and a pullover. I planned to spend a few leisurely hours with mom, and then we could go out for a meal, after she returned. I turned my computer on and began checking a few stocks. I was shocked when I saw the first and I saw red after the second. I lifted the phone and called my broker. His line rang busy. I continued redialing and finally got him on the eighth or ninth try. I was relieved when he informed me he saw a trend two days earlier and dumped the damaging half of my assets, taking a small loss. I felt relieved, sat back in my chair, and sighed heavily. He earned his commission and I made a mental note not to complain when I saw his name in the deduction column on my printout.

Dad had given me good guidance, soil may erode however it's size remains. That was much better than the erosion I saw on my computer. I reached for the red book and began reading. I had a week and I had many notes to study. Dad made it clear I would need to do some research. I was engrossed in the notes from dad and didn't hear mom come in. She didn't interrupt, making an additional trip to the car for her own purchases. I didn't realize how deep I was into researching the points dad made, and when mom knocked on my door, I was tired. I gathered the printed pages, arranged them, and thirty minutes later I was ready to join mom for dinner.

My business mind vanished when mom slid into her seat. I closed her door and ran around the car, slipping into the passenger's seat. She hadn't touched her skirt, it still rode high and I was staring at the tops of her stockings. I looked up and saw her eyes watching mine. She smiled and I couldn't help myself, I slid across the seat and kissed her lightly on the lips, my hand intentionally resting high on her thighs, touching both bare skin and stocking top.

"Hal," her voice squeaked as mine had three years earlier when it changed. "I don't know how to say this; it's something your father should talk to you about."

"You're not going to explain the birds and bees, I hope." I gave a small laugh and she laughed harder.

"No," she laughed again. "I believe you are past that point." She turned her head and looked out her side window. "I feel like a pimp, but I called Claire and told her we'd be over." Turning back to face me, she said, "There will be three or four women there also; I know at least two of them are horney all the time." She stopped talking and looked away again. There was a long silence and I had to admit I was as confused as she was. I knew about the phone conversation and I had a reasonable idea where she was going, however I was far from sure.

"Mom, what are you trying to say?" There was another period of silence.

"Hal, these women will try to seduce you; if you know what I mean." She was still looking out the opposite window.

"Should I let them," I replied and began laughing.

She was shaking and I knew she was laughing also. She didn't respond immediately and I let my hand slide closer to her pussy, not covering it, just tracing a finger lightly across her stretched panties. I heard the sharp intake of a breath and her body tensed at the same time.

Repeating my question I continued to look at the back of her head, "Should I let them?"

"If you like," she said her voice barely audible.

Reaching for a tissue, I guided her hand, and watched the back of her head as she blotted her eyes. Neither of us moved for a period of five minutes. During this period of silence, I watched as she blotted her eyes, using three different tissues. Suddenly I sat more erect. I don't know if it was a sledgehammer striking my head, or a brick lightly tossed. Either way my chest felt like it doubled or my buttons were popping off. Mom was crying, and I thought of two logical reasons. The first being she was leading her son to a slaughter of the virgins, secondly, she was allowing her friends to violate her property. In other words, she was reluctantly giving me permission to fuck another. My chest expanded because she made me feel so proud of her apprehension at sharing me.

"I won't let them," I said placing pressure on her thigh. She turned quickly and smiled at me with tear-stained eyes. I could see a dark trail where her mascara had run. Reaching for a tissue, I leaned forward and wiped the blotched mark. I almost came in my slacks when she pressed my hand hard against her pussy. She leaned and kissed me lightly at the same time.

Sitting upright, she started the car and backed out of our parking space, and then forward; I didn't move, my hand was still pressing firmly between her legs. Approaching the security gate, I sat upright, removing my hand. I saw her glance down at her skirt askew in a way her panties were visible, however she didn't move. A few feet before reaching the guardhouse, I pulled her skirt to cover her panties, receiving a smile as a gesture of appreciation.

I determined in the few minutes we were in the car mom was possessive. She didn't want me fucking the women we were going to be meeting. This was not the case with Sue and Dawn, each would have told me to have-at-it, or something similar. Dawn went so far as to tell Sue and I that Ida became exceptionally cranky while Frank was away for an extended period. I can't forget Sue's excitement when Dawn mentioned her mother's cantankerous periods.

"How long is an extended period?" Sue queried.

Dawn laughed at her question, "Anything more than two days sometimes."

I kept my eye on mom while she drove, specifically her legs, and suggested a restaurant. I chose the restaurant for a purpose because I knew they served wine. It wasn't anything special; however, it was one of dad's favorites. I didn't have a license and mom would surely have at least one, possibly two glasses at Claire's. She wouldn't be in any condition to drive after three glasses.

I ordered and naturally, I ordered a glass of the house wine for mom and a cola for myself. I think it is rather odd, however ordering a glass of the house wine seems appropriate when ordering a meal. It appears as a part of the meal where ordering a special wine gives the appearance of drinking. The shocker of the evening was mom accepted a second glass of wine when offered by the waiter. I ordered lamb although I detest it because it is dry in my opinion. My plan was working twice as well as I expected.

"Are you trying to get me soused again?" mom asked after the waiter was out of earshot.

I smiled, "Do I need to get you drunk before you'll let me ravish you?" I believe my face turned a little red a moment after I asked the question. "Dad said you're a pushover after a few glasses of wine."

"What did he tell you? Did he put you up to something?" She leaned forward; her breast was almost in her salad.

"No, dad told me nothing except you get friendly after drinking wine." Mom didn't have to confirm it because I felt my face flush.

She sat upright after looking at the salad and her chest. "Did he mention how friendly I get after vodka?" Her stare was hard and direct and I felt uncomfortable suddenly. Her tone changed and she was no longer speaking as a friend, she was speaking as a mom. All softness left her face and the change was abrupt, just seconds. No longer was I sitting in front of a young woman, I saw a woman of forty. I was amazed how fast she changed.

Mom finished her meal without speaking further and I saw her looking at me, staring, twice when I looked up. Unable to understand her sudden change in demeanor, I became extremely uncomfortable and I believe she felt the same. Each of us failed to finish our meal and, after taking only one sip from her wine, she pushed it aside and drank water.

"Are you finished? Are you ready to leave?" Her words were crisp.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

There isn't a dagger made as sharp as the look I received when I responded to her question. I don't believe her eyes left me until we reached the car. She was still giving me the look when I closed her door. I thought we were going to Claire's, however mom apparently changed her mind because the route she drove took us home. I informed her I was going to the pool area, and she gave me a sour look before starting up the stairs. I didn't hear laughter or talking when I approached the swimming area. I decided anything, even the droning noise of the water filters near the pool, would be better than her company would in her present mood.

I stopped just inside the entrance, standing in front of the entrance light; I looked at my long shadow and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Those low wattage security lights outlined the concrete area surrounding the pool emitted enough light for me to locate a table. I walked to the closest table and sat in the plastic chair. I saw the figure of a small person approaching.

"Hal, is that you?" A familiar voice was speaking however I didn't recognize it immediately.

"Yes," I replied shielding my eyes making an effort to see the individual.

The figure was almost upon me before I recognized it to be Tammy. "It's me, Tammy."

Looking back at the area she emerged from she called out softly, "It's Hal."

"Tammy, what are you doing out here? Is that your mother?" I nodded in the general direction, realizing too late she couldn't see the nod.

"No, it's Melinda," she said excitedly. "It's Melinda and Bobbie, Melinda's back." I could hear the joy in her tone and I expected had I been able to see her face she would be a bundle of smiles. Taking my hand, she began pulling me in the direction she came from.

I followed, stumbling over a lawn chair I didn't see. Melinda's parents split up a year earlier and she moved along with her mother. I didn't remember Bobby, that wasn't her brother's name.

"Hal, how are you?" Melinda stepped to me and I could barely make her out, she was the same height however when we hugged, she was heavier. Our faces touched and I froze momentarily, realizing her face was sticky with a peculiar aroma. I recognized the aroma immediately, and understood why they were in the darkness. I didn't understand why Tammy joined them however. I assumed Melinda's bi-tendencies were stronger than I believed.

I knew she was aware because she wiped at my face and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Pulling her close, I kissed her lightly on the lips, "No problem friend," I whispered in her ear. We were still clinging to one another and out of curiosity I asked, "When did you get back?"

"Early this morning, Bobbie's mom drove us, mom and I. Bobbie's little brother came with us also. Bobbie's my friend," she said and the way she said friend I knew their relationship was stronger than explained.

"Hi Bobbie," I said however I was speaking to a shadow six or eight feet distanced.

"Hi," a weak voice responded.

"Let's get a table where we can see one another," I said moving in the direction of the entrance.

"Mel," the soft voice called.

"I'll be right there; I'll only be a minute." She walked back to Bobbie and Tammy took my hand, leading me to the table nearest the light.

"What are you doing here and where's your mom?" I questioned the preteen.

"She made me leave; she pushed me and made me fall. I hurt my knee."

"Who pushed you?"

"Mom, her boss came in the house."

"What do you mean her boss came in; where is your father?"

After a long hesitation, she spoke very low. "I'm not supposed to say anything but he hasn't been home for a long time, even before Albert was born. He and mom had a fight and he left."

"What's you mom's boss doing there? Did she invite him?"

"I don't think so because when he knocked on the door she called him a son-of-some-bitch, and she pushed me out the back door."

"Has her boss been there before?"

"Yes, but she hates it. This is the second time she has made me leave. I stayed in here, the pool, last time he came. I was tired and the sun woke me up, but mom wouldn't let me in. I had to wait till he left and I was hungry when he did."

Melinda and Bobbie came up and started to sit on a lounger. "Melinda, how would you like to come upstairs where we can talk. First, I have to call Janet."

Tammy looked at me sharply, "No, you can't, please."

"Don't worry. I am just going to tell her you are safe, and with me. I want to know if your mom is safe, how about you?"

"You're not going to make me go home now are you?"

"No, I need to know if she is safe, and I'll tell her you are spending the night with mom and I. How is that?"

She put her arms around my waist and looked up at me, "If mom tells you it's okay, or else I will have to stay out here and wait for him to leave."

"That's a deal; let's go call her." She took my hand and started walking. I had to pull her hand back and stop her.

"Melinda, you and Bobbie are welcome to come up, we can have a cola and talk. You have been gone a year and I have many questions."

I didn't notice until we were on the stairs that Melinda and Bobbie were wearing beach robes. Melinda's was loosely tied and I could see she had a blue bathing suit. Bobby was holding hers closed tightly and I couldn't see what color her suit was. Mom was in her room, I could see the light under her door and I pointed to the sofa for the girls.

"Melinda, you and Bobbie have a seat, Tammy and I have to call her mom." Tammy followed me into the kitchen and I lifted the phone receiver. "What's your number?" I asked and noticed she was dressed in her pajamas. I dialed and listened to the rings. The phone rang almost twenty times before Janet answered.

"Hello," Janet said.

"Janet, this is Hal and Tammy is with me. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It's good to hear from you. I have company now; can I call you back when my company leaves?"

"Janet, I know who your company is, and can he hear me. Are you sure you're okay?"

"No, there's quite a distance but I'm glad you called. I'm fine but I'll have to call you back." Janet's line went dead. I was relieved, in a fashion; I wasn't as worried as I was initially. Her voice sounded normal.

"Hey pumpkin," I said to Tammy. "Your mom knows where you are and she'll call when it's time for you to go home. How about a coke, and I'll get you a robe."

"Yes please, I'd like one; but I don't need a robe." I went to the fridge and took four cokes from the shelf. Tammy may not have wanted a robe but she needed one. During the time I was talking to Janet, I had Tammy's breasts on my mind. Her top was thin and I could see her tiny nipples pressing against the materiel.

I opened the cokes and gave three to Tammy, "Give these to Bobbie and Melinda please, and I'll be in there in a minute." Taking the drinks, she was gone in a flash. I opened my drink and sipped from it. I was concerned about Janet.

After a stop in my room, I returned to the living room, tossed a robe to Tammy, and sat across from Melinda...

"I hope you don't expect me to wear that," she said as she tossed it back. It was a long robe. She turned to Melinda, "Melinda!"

"I don't blame you; I wouldn't wear it either," Melinda said looking at me and smiling.

I held both hands up, palms facing my critics. "I tried," I said.

Tammy was sitting in mom's recliner, however when I sat in dad's she came over, pushing, gaining more room for herself to join me. I shifted and let her have space. Reaching for my hand, she pulled my arm behind her neck. She snuggled close and I took her hand in mine.

It was good talking to Melinda, catching up on a year's separation. Her parents were getting back together and I was happy for them, as well as her.

What are you going to do now, college or work?" I asked.

Lowering her head, she spoke softly. "I didn't go to school last year; I will start back on my senior year soon."

"What happened?"

The answer came after a short pause, "I was pregnant when I left here, however I didn't know it at the time. I was sick much of the time and I lost my baby when I was at six months. Don't tell me you didn't see a difference." She hadn't been keeping the robe closed, however when she opened it for me to see her body, she was admitting to her weight gain. Most evident, the size of her breasts, now filling a 'D' cup easily.

"I think you look great, you were too skinny anyway."

"Thank you, you are kind to say that. I know my hips are too big now, and these things," placing a hand under each mound and bouncing them a couple of times, "they started getting bigger as soon as I learned I was pregnant. They just kept growing and growing, actually more than I asked for when we sat in the circle and talked about sizes." She began laughing. I knew she was thinking back to when we sat and fantasized when we were younger.

Bobbie was silent for most of the time we spoke, nodding occasionally. I was looking in her direction, not staring; however, I could see she was uncomfortable. She leaned closer to Melinda and whispered something. Each nodded, and Melinda turned to me.

"Hal, do you have a flashlight? We lost something at the pool and it was to dark to find it. I need to find it before morning." Bobbie shifted as though she was uncomfortable.

"I think we do, although I don't know how good the batteries are," I removed my arm from Tammy's shoulder. I thought she was quiet and I understood as I gazed at her sleeping form. I looked at Melinda and we grinned.

"I found the light, now what am I looking for?"

"I'll get it," Melinda said and an odd sound came from Bobbie's closed lips.

"No, just tell me what and where and I'll get it."

"I had better go with you," she said and I saw a relieved look on Bobbie's face. I assumed it was something personal.

"Bobbie, will you stay and listen for the phone?" Pointing to the sleeping girl, "Sleeping beauties mother may call." Bobbie spoke aloud for the first time.

"Sure, that's no problem. Could I use your bathroom please?" Her voice was normal; she hadn't spoken aloud and I had some concerns about asking.

Pointing in the direction of the bathroom, "Sure, first door on the right." Turning to Melinda I asked, "Are you ready?"

The item was personal; Bobbie's one-piece bathing suit. Retrieving it twelve feet or more from the lounger, I had to comment, "You must have been anxious."

"Haaaal!" She said dragging my name out. "Stop it! We couldn't find any privacy." We were standing under the light at the pool entrance when I asked.

"What, no bedroom?" I looked at her and we had been close for a long time, she knew I wouldn't say anything to hurt her feelings intentionally.

"No, Bobbie's mom has my old room, my brother has his and Bobbie's brother sleeps on the sofa. Bobbie and I make a pallet in the living room."

"Look, Sue, Tracy, and Erica, are away until Tuesday, and their beds are free. Why don't you stay with us at night? I know mom would love to have you stay with us."

"I don't know I'll have to check with mom first. Eighteen or not, she said as long as I live under her roof she is boss." I thought that was funny and started laughing. She joined me.

"Come on, let's go ask," I said taking her hand and pulling.

"What about Bobbie?"

"She can stay too."

We started for the street and she stopped, gripping my hand. "Hal! Why?"

I stopped and turned to her, "Why, what?"

"Hal, you know," she was being evasive I thought.

"Know what?"

"You know about us. Why would you want us to be together... you're a guy."

"You're my friend. Don't forget, you told me years ago you thought you liked girls better than boys, and anyway..." I didn't finish. I was going to make a comical comment, however I didn't want to chance hurting her feelings. I would make the comment later, I reminded myself.

"Anyway, what?"

I wasn't prepared for another question, and I had to think fast. "Well, maybe someday, well, you may want a boyfriend... and... and I think you're good looking." I was tongue-tied and couldn't think fast enough. "Someday I may have the opportunity to go to bed with you," I blurted, a mischievous grin on my face. If I hadn't been looking at her breasts as I spoke, I could have thought of something better to say. She did have some huge breasts, much larger than Cecelia's.

"Hal, you'll be the first man I call on when I want a man, that's a promise." We continued walking and talking about little things, mostly laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Talking to her mother and father was great, however getting away from them was a problem. They each had a thousand questions, her father saw my casts a month earlier and I finally explained I fell off a horse. On the walk back, I had to explain to Melinda. I gave her the horse story although I made up details.

Bobbie was all smiles when we returned to the condo. That is after Melinda woke her. I saw her in all her glory. Melinda called me over when we entered and Bobbie was sleeping. She was leaning against the arm of the sofa, one leg on the sofa and the other on the floor. She had a cute shaved little pussy although I expect she was probably twenty-one years old. Melinda took my hand, led me into the kitchen, and asked an explosive question.

"What do you think of her?"

"I think she's great and I can see one good reason you like her so much." If the grin on my face hadn't become so big, she may not have elbowed me in the ribs quite as hard.

Melinda laughed lightly and then her face turned serious. "Hal, if you still take photographs, would you take some pictures of us together tomorrow, please."

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