Novice at Work - Cover

Novice at Work

Copyright© 2002 by Sausage Dog

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A 14 year-old boy is far beyond his physical age. His twin sister is very supportive, as well as his neighbors.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Orgy   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Size   Violence  

A sense of someone staring at you will, after a while, become unnerving and cause a reaction of some sort. That is what Hal felt although he was in a sound sleep. Opening his eyes, he saw his mother was the cause. Unable to see clearly, he began rubbing his eyes and after a minute, his bearings. He was in his mother's bed and the evenings activities flashed through his mind.

Guilt flooded his mind and body, even to the point his morning hard dwindled to a limp piece of flesh lying against his upper thigh. He made love to his mother, and then he had to recant that. In his own mind, he hadn't made love he fucked her. There was a difference and this guilt began stirring in his mind, she was his mother. Reliving the evening, in his thoughts he was looking for a reason, an excuse really. The wine, he thought; he drank three glasses of wine and it clouded his judgment. He knew that was a cop-out, he was aware of his actions.

He thought of a dozen reasons in an instant; however, they didn't change the fact he did fuck her. She raised him, and she cared for him and it was immoral. Although, he had to admit to himself she was a fine fuck. He wondered if she would consider him depraved after his imprudence.

That brought up the fact he also made love to his sister. He admitted the first two or three times, he fucked her. Lust drove him along with the fact he was scoring. He reasoned they were both as responsible their first couplings, she wanted something just as he did. The fact they made love as they joined sexually later didn't change the fact it was immoral. He tried to appease his actions by thinking she came on to him for her own selfish reasons, however it didn't change the fact it was wrong.

Cecelia he wondered, it wasn't immoral when he made love to her. She wasn't his mother or his sister, and he felt a sense of tranquility as he thought of the moments shared with her. This period of elation was short, lasting only for a moment. He wasn't sure his fondness for her was morally right. She was married; the short moment of calm passed, he loathed liars and cheaters, and she was both. She surely would not go to her husband and admit to their many moments of selfish delight.

Morality, where did it end? Every action, every person, every thing he did was wrong. Was he the only fifteen year-old having this problem, he wondered? The girls didn't appear to be having a problem, and Cecelia didn't, as far as he knew. Frank saw Dawn when he was lying between her spread thighs and he didn't seem over wrought. Moreover, his mother was smiling at him and she didn't appear to be upset. What was the problem? He decided to apologize, however he didn't know where to start and worse, how to phrase the words. He concluded now may not be the time as she smiled it him.

"Good morning, Margaret Elaine Stewart," he said his mind racing and poised for the worse.

"Good morning sweetheart," Marge said and began grinning. "Did you figure it out?"

His heartbeat increased. Surely, she couldn't read his thoughts. "Figure what out," his voice squeaked as his body suddenly felt limp.

"Margaret Elaine Stewart and Harold Wayne Stewart, I have tried my best not to use them."

He was positive she could hear his sigh of relief as his body functions slowly returned to normalcy. Nodding and after a long silence he said, "I think so, however I'm not positive. You started changing a few months ago. You stopped calling me Harold Wayne, and I didn't know why. It was confusing, but since you explained last evening, I think I understand more. You also began to become more affectionate. You know, little things, like a touch here and there or a hand on my shoulder. Sue noticed it also and we talked about it some. She noticed it almost immediately however I was slower. What made you change, well, like almost overnight?"

"Hal, counseling can work wonders. I wish you would reconsider and attend a session because I think it would do you good. You will be surprised." Marge looked at her son and wondered how she could get him to attend a gathering. He was headstrong and refused outright to attend, however the counselor urged her to continue trying. The long delay, years she remembered, allowed her to resolve many of the problems she held within, and she felt better about herself. She was pleased she was getting closer to her children.

"Mom, about last night, I owe you an apology." Hal saw the sudden change in his mom's expression. "What I did was wrong. I'm sorry, and I'm sorry I hurt you."

"You didn't do anything wrong, I am responsible. I shouldn't have drunk as much as I did. It's my fault and I should be apologizing to you. You are my son and what I did was wrong, legally and morally. I'm a terrible parent," she said as the tears came to her eyes.

"Mom, NO! I knew what I was doing and I urged you on. You're a great parent... sexy too." He began laughing and she joined him, still the tears continued to flow. Pulling her smaller frame to his, he realized they were each naked. Her warmth and soft body reminded him of the enjoyment he felt. His prick became hard.

Marge allowed herself to be influenced briefly. When she felt his erection pressing against her thigh, she attempted to pull from him. Her move became apparent and his arms pulled her tighter, denying her escape. Her slight resistance lasted only a few seconds before she moved closer. Her body was not in accord with her head; one part wanted to do the right thing while another wanted the pleasure her son could offer.

Thinking he made a mistake, Hal was relieved when his mom relaxed in his arms. More pleasing was the fact she seemed to snuggle closer. Placing a hand on each breast, he felt her body shudder for a moment. He was expecting her to remove his hands and he held his breath a moment. He breathed a gentle sigh when she made no effort to resist. Hal relaxed and wondered where he could start his apologies. They lay as one for many minutes.

The phone woke me. My hand made an automatic move and I felt bed. Opening my eyes I remembered I was in mom's room, mom wasn't. My bladder was nearing the bursting point and I rushed to the bathroom. I was pissing and I could smell mom's perfume floating through the air. I don't know if my bladder drained, or my erection stopped my flow of piss. I was hard. I picked up different spray cans and read the labels, and after the fifth or sixth I felt fortunate I was a male. Females had too many sprays and bottles, and I finally understood why dad and I had to wait an hour on mom and Sue each time we went out.

Checking the shower, I felt the presence of mom's natural aroma, not the artificial smell the cans provided, although they worked effectively. I was naked and reached for the faucet and mom's soap. Her aroma was no longer in the closed room when I shut the water off; I was highly disappointed by spoiling it. I toweled dry and slipped dad's robe on I found hanging on the door. I felt much better and I was now fully awake

I started for my room, but hearing mom's voice when I entered the hall seemed strange. Her voice sounded excited and I followed the sound. Mom was leaning over the sink; I stopped in the doorway and listened. She was looking through the window, holding the phone to her ear. I had no idea who she was talking, rather listening to, however the conversation must have been comical because she would laugh often. I would have enjoyed both sides of the conversation after I listened to mom's replies.

"Claire, I can't just leave him."


"No, I wouldn't dare bring him."


"He would be at a disadvantage with all you horney women."

Loud laughter

"He could stand his own."


"Claire, I know your mother. And yes, I heard her tell her favorite expression, 8 to 80."

Hard laugh.

"No, he would like your mother."


"No Claire, I'm not afraid of her teaching him something new."



GASP, Mom's hand went to the junction between her legs.

"NO, I certainly have not.

Sigh, mom's hand began moving slowly.

"Yes, I've seen it.

Sigh, mom's hand was moving faster.

"It was just a quick glance, but he is well endowed."

Mmmm, mom was beginning to work her ass in a circular motion as her hand moved faster.

"Yes, he's a man and you know all men like women to do that."

Mmmmm, Sigh, mom's hand was working faster.

"Yes, I'm sure he fall to his knees for his lover and return her lips on his."

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