Dog Lovers - Cover

Dog Lovers


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A recent divorcee finds love, from her German shepard and from a blind cop.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Blackmail   Lesbian   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Her dinner turned out superb! After, they finished the wine and held hands across the table, both knowing for certain now where their beautiful evening would end up. Carol couldn't shake the feeling of a new bride on her wedding night, once she had given herself entirely to the delicious desire of wanting it to happen. Mark was beside himself with the churning pressure building in his too long denied loins, but he was gallantly controlling it, though unable to hide it.

The voluptuous blonde girl couldn't keep her eyes from the telltale bulge swelling the front of his slacks, and she was well aware when she drew him up from the couch to dance with her that there was no turning back!

"Y-You know what you're doing to me, don't you?" Mark whispered hotly down into her face as he gently enfolded her inside his arm, holding her other hand, yet unable to take the first step. "You're... you're just about driving me toward rape, baby! And cops aren't supposed to do that!"

"Ex-cops, darling," Carol answered, her voice as hushed and raspy as his, "and... and I don't believe it'll be rape... !"

"Christ!" he hissed through his strong, white teeth. "I must be losing my buttons... three years, Carol... three years it's been! I-I think I love you, but... but I'm not sure! I might say anything right now... !"

"I know, I know, Mark... so don't say anything... just kiss me... !"

He did, hungrily this time, his mouth crushing down against her soft moist lips, engulfing her as if he were about to devour her! His tongue knifed out to slice between her teeth and into her warm, responsive mouth, his big hands immediately smoothing down her back to encase the firm, fleshy ovals of her buttocks, to caress and cup as he drew her soft belly and loins up tight against his rigid cock.

"Oh Goddamn! I'm going to make love to you until neither one of us can walk!" she heard him gasp, the long, thick length of his desire-hardened penis throbbing hotly against her trembling belly. She couldn't hold back the short breaths of passion escaping her lips as they molded to his, the beautiful, lewd promise he had just made dancing wildly in her brain, along with the heavenly feel of masculine assurance pledged solidly against her lust- incited flesh.

"Where... ?" he choked. "For God's sake, I can't wait any longer!"

Carol reached behind her and took his hand. "Come on... in the bedroom... like normal lovers should... !"

"What about the dogs?"

"They're happy, too, darling... still taken up with their steak bones. Come on! I'm going to make you keep that promise!"

Make him keep it, Mark thought, his brain spinning crazily. She couldn't hold him off now with a club! He heard her snap on a light and waited, still holding her hand. When she faced him, he moved in on her once more, pressing her willingly yielding young body tight to him, his lips lowering hotly to hers, his tongue again probing the sweet, moist heat of her mouth. She sucked on it gently, letting the vibrant contours of her body flow into his

"Now... I'm going to find out for myself about those 38-26- 37 statistics, baby," he whispered, "and remember... I see with my hands... ! Then... then I'm going to fuck you and fuck you... just as I promised!"

"Oh... oh darling!" Carol mewed, sensing his blood engorged hardness palpitating hotly against her snuggling belly and loins, her breasts heaving with their tiny, stiffened nipples smashed against his strong chest. "Let's hurry and get naked! Then you can find out anything... everything you want to know about me for yourself... !"

Mark didn't hesitate, quickly beginning to remove his clothes. There were no modesty hang-ups in his lust-infused brain, he mused, breathing heavily as he stripped naked and stood there, feeling his swollen cock poling out from his loins as if a leaded weight had been tied to the end of it! He heard her breath catch above the rustle of her clothing, and he moved toward the sound.

"Darling... darling... !" Carol hissed, her eager eyes feasting on the long, thick length of his cock and the bloated sac of his testicles hanging handsomely between his strong thighs. She shamelessly grasped his bobbing penis in a gentle hand as he came close to her, curling her fingers around its rigid hotness and feeling him jerk and gasp at her touch. His hands reached for her and she stood perfectly still, knowingly beginning to stroke the pulsating length of his thick sinewy cock while his discerning fingers swept over her trembling naked curves. At last, he lowered his head, cupped the full mound of one rounded smooth breast and sucked its tiny, straining nipple deep into his hot mouth! Carol swayed with erotic rapture, and he had to catch her in his arms to keep her from losing her balance.

"Now, to the bed, little girl... you gorgeous armful... before I cum right in your hand!" Mark warned with a quick intake of breath.

"You better not!" Carol whispered, kissing him quickly and drawing him over toward her bed and then down partially on top of her. "There're better places than my hand for that, lover!" she added, hugging his muscular body tight to her breasts and shivering with the sensations of burning desire building deep in her quivering belly and feverishly moistening loins.

But she was hardly prepared for the lustful hunger that abruptly took charge of her new friend. His eager mouth was suddenly all over her face and throat, his lashing tongue charging deep into her open mouth, his big hands kneading the resilient white flesh of her sensitive breasts, twisting and rolling their tiny nipples with an almost savage craving that took long moments before she began to fully comprehend. Like a starved animal offered food after a famine, his strong hands, which she knew to be gentle, ravenously searched and explored the most intimate hollows of her susceptible young body.

Carol whimpered with passion in the face of his obvious need, her impulse to please and satisfy him now more intense than any craving of her own! It was bordering on maternal, she thought, as she hugged and loved him, smoothing her own small hands possessively over the hard, muscular flesh of his handsome male body! Oh God! Yes! She loved him... loved him!

Mark groaned and writhed like a boy in a man's frame on top of her, almost whining with pleasure when he bit at her neck, and she spread her long legs wide, urging his naked body over between her claiming thighs where she wanted him. "Hurry! Mark lover! It's been so long for you! Let me do it all this first time! Don't even think of me... just yourself! Fuck me hard, darling, and fill me with your cum! Please... I want you to... !"

Drawing her legs back, Carol reached down between their hungrily pressed bodies, his searing breaths like a blowtorch against her breasts. Never had she been so filled with warm, passionate love as at that moment when she levered her hand down between her widespread thighs to find the raging hot thickness of his beautiful penis! And, as her fingers closed around its blood- hardened girth, she knew that, at last, all things were about to come true for her... !

To Mark, her soft hand curling once more around his frantic rod of flesh was enough to push him over the edge! He felt her working his sensitive foreskin back and then guiding the rubbery head inward toward that most sought after of secret places between her legs! Then he could feel the hot nibbling warmth of her cuntal mouth and the soft, tickling curls of her pussy-hair grazing his cock-head as she slowly insinuated the spongy tip... and then she seemed to freeze, as if waiting... !

"Oh darling, darling! " she whispered... losing the words in a groan which broadened as he lunged his hard-pressed cock furiously hard up into her!

Her moist cuntal heat clasped around his aching cock like a seething wrap of hot fluid resistance, and he gasped aloud as he began to thrust mindlessly into her upturned pussy-mouth in long and urgent strokes that filled her receptive vagina to greater and greater depths!

Beneath him, Carol's pinioned body quivered and trembled, her pebble-hard nipples branding into his chest with a tight, burning pressure. Her soft hot belly brushed against the tensed muscles of his own, and her strong, full thighs clamped and unclamped around his hips, holding and releasing him as the clasping inner flesh of her cunt sucked and pulled at his lust-driven cock with a passion he had forgotten... or perhaps, never known!

"Oh... oh Christ!" he groaned, sensing the seething, velvety sheath of her inner cunt squeezing and sucking along the full length of his love-starved rod of hardened penile flesh. He wasn't going to last two minutes at this rate... !

"My lover... my lover! Fuck your Carol, darling!" she spurred him on in raspy sensual whispers, bucking and writhing beneath him as she hugged him down tightly to her. "Don't try to hold it back! Cum in me, precious... shoot it all right up into my hot belly!"

Her face moved from side to side beneath his seeing fingertips. Tiny indentations appeared on her lush red lips where her teeth pressed them in moments of intense passion. Then every so often her gasping mouth came back against his, her teeth nipping at his lips, her tongue sucking his deep inside.

"Goddamn... !" Mark choked, pulling back. "I can't hold it back, baby! Christ... I'm going to cummmm... !" he blurted as he pounded his blood-inflated cock deep up into the burning sanctuary of her churning belly with long and savage strokes. He could feel the boiling sperm ready to burst from the reservoir of his over-bloated balls as they beat a harsh tattoo against the cheeks of her upturned buttocks. He thrust his plundering tongue to the depths of her throat, and, with greedy, kneading hands, reached down to clutch the widespread ovals of her ass-cheeks, hauling them up hard against his fast-driving pelvis, slamming his now spewing cock brutally up into her unresisting cuntal channel!

"Ahhh... yes! Lover! Yesss! Fill meee! Fill mee with your hot love-cum!" Carol wantonly urged him on, at the same time feeling the erotic bubbling taking place inside her own loins as the turgid, pulsating head of his deeply sunk cock suddenly flared larger and began to spurt! She could feel the streams of white- hot semen shooting far up into her nakedly clenching belly with the force of molten fire, churning around her dilated vagina in a growing pool long-desired love.

Oh, how she wished she could cum with him at that very moment, but she couldn't... she couldn't... not yet... almost, but not quite! Ooohhh! Her eyes closed and all the time he was cumming inside her, her mouth worked and quivered and her neck strained as she threw back her head with the intensity of her passion...

And then, panting heavily, his strong, muscular body collapsed on top of her while she continued to hold and caress him as she lay there beneath him, neither of them speaking for several minutes. Finally, Mark rolled part-way off her, but she wouldn't let him go entirely, even after his limp penis slid wetly back out of her still nibbling vagina. Instead, she cradled him there between her wide-open thighs and drew his head down to rest against the softness of her rising and falling breasts.

"W-Was it good, darling?" Carol whispered, running her fingertips over his cheek, then lovingly through his hair.

"Damn... !" he sighed. "It-it was... was... hell, there's no way to describe it, honey... ! I just wish it could've been all the way for you, too, the first time... but..."

"Shhh... don't start apologizing. Can't you tell how happy I am?" Carol whispered into his ear. "My belly is filled with your love, and I wanted it to be, darling... and now, you're relaxed..."

"For a minute," he replied, his cheek pressed into the soft, resilient warmth of her full breast. He kissed the smooth, yielding flesh from the side of his mouth, then teased it with his tongue as he moved closer to the tiny hardened nipple, sucking it between his lips in the same sideways manner. "But I'm a long way from being finished, little girl, as you'll see in a minute."

"MMmmm," she mewled, embracing his head tighter against her naked breasts, her desire-filled young body gently squirming beneath him. God, how had this wondrous man ever happened her way? She loved him... there was no doubt in her mind... and she would make him love her! She ran her fingers through his dark wavy hair while his tongue and lips nibbling and taunting at her bursting nipples sent delightful thrills spiraling through her. "Mark... ? Yesterday, when we first met there in the park... did you even remotely think we might be lying together like this... and the very next night, at that?"

"I-I wouldn't even have dared to hope for such a spectacular when I walked up to your door tonight!" he answered in his gentle voice. "I still can't believe it. Things like this don't happen to a dumb blind cop..."

"Stop talking like that, darling," she reprimanded, brushing a finger over his lips. "You may be blind, but, to me, you can see everything more beautifully than anyone I've ever known. And you're anything but dumb, my lover... Besides, that's ex-cop... isn't it?"

For a moment, Mark didn't answer. He hadn't been all that truthful with her, had he? In fact, his original plans had involved an entirely different use of her, not that he wouldn't have accepted this lusty development in passing, but what he hadn't counted on was falling in love with her... and he had damned sure done that! "No... not quite, Carol... Oh, I haven't lied to you, but I haven't told you the whole truth, either. I'm still connected with the police department, working on limited assignments where I can be of value."

"My God! Isn't that dangerous for you?"

"No more than for anyone else, and my blindness makes a good cover..."

"But... ?"

"But be quiet and let me finish," he said. "I have to tell you this. Yesterday, when we first met, I was friendly because I thought I could use you. And the more we talked, the more certain I was. You were situated perfectly, living right here in this building. And then when you invited me to dinner... well, that was when I intended to offer you the proposition..."

"What proposition... ?"

"I'm not finished yet. Just listen to me for a moment," he insisted. "Then, yesterday, after I got back to my apartment, I couldn't get you out of my mind. Your voice haunted me. I tried to picture what you looked like... even wondered if you were a classy hooker, but that didn't fit with you living in Westland... and, pretty soon, I didn't know what to think... except that I didn't want to take a chance on getting you involved. I could hardly sleep last night thinking about you, and today... well dammit, my brain just kept going around in circles! Then, tonight... and now this... making love, lying here as we are... I know now... I'm in love with you, baby... honest!"

He moved up and kissed her then, their arms clinging tightly around each other's naked body, the depth of their feeling flowing from one into the other with warm, passionate vibrance. But, when he raised his head, Carol said, "What was that proposition, darling?"

"It doesn't matter now..."

"Yes, it does matter! If it's so dangerous, then you shouldn't be involved! Besides, you said I was perfectly situated, living right here in this building. Please, Mark, I'm going to be frightened if you don't tell me," Carol pressed. "What were you expecting me to do?"

"Well... actually, very little," he replied, wondering how brilliant he was being in telling her. "I... I just wanted you to keep an eye on the next apartment... you know, the manager's, and record the number of people who come there each day, something of what they look like, and if the same ones kept coming back. The department would've paid you..."

"You mean the Whites' apartment?" Carol asked, wanting to be sure.

"Yes... but it doesn't matter now. I don't want you to get involved. It might be dangerous..."

"Then it's dangerous for you too!" she repeated, a cold little chill shivering over her naked body as she visualized Ed White in her mind. Then, several things clicked in her brain. It did seem that Peggy's buzzer rang a great many times every day... and she had left this morning in such a fear-filled hurry, warning her to leave there... ! "Mark, this morning, Ed White's wife left him. She was haggard and frightened... came over to say good-bye to me, and..."

In detail, Carol related the story, but was careful not to hint at anything that might give away her forbidden episode the night before. Certainly, that skeleton was better forgotten and swept into the closet! He listened to her every word in silence, then said, "Peggy was right, Carol. It's best that you leave here as soon as possible..."

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