Daddy's Little Girls - Cover

Daddy's Little Girls


Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - "Peeping Tom" Daddy gets caught peeping at his youngest daughter by his youngest daughter, who also has the hots for Daddy. Things get real interesting from there.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Roger, fully drunk, did not hesitate to answer his daughter's plea.

He went carefully into the hall, glancing around to make sure no one saw him, and then tried the door to Ellen's bedroom. It was unlocked, naturally, and pushing it open, he went in so quickly that he swirled back on the door, without having even looked at Ellen, and immediately locked it. The bolt made a noise as it locked, but he was sure the noise wasn't too loud and no one would have heard it. And it turned out he was right, luck was with him... so far.

Ellen lay in the exact same position on the bed, her legs scissored out and one lip of her pussy clasped in the fingers of each hand which pulled the wetly blushing lips wide apart. She saw her father and immediately smiled at his eyes going straight to her pinkly glistening pussy. As he walked a few steps closer to it, she watched him shed his clothes into a careless heap on the floor, and she squirmed in heated anticipation. He sure had a good solid body -- she'd thought it would be like that. And the massively swollen cock, my God! It was much bigger than her boy friend Mark's, and as soon as Roger dropped his shorts, his state of excitement was obvious from the way the long thick penis reached -- throbbing lewdly -- toward the ceiling. He came a few steps closer, standing directly between his daughter's widespread legs, his penis thrusting out hard and menacing before him.

"Fuck me, Daddy," she groaned. "Fuck me. Please." She moved farther up onto the bed, and then leaned to the nightstand to hurriedly grasp the cognac bottle which she pressed to her lips and drank, gulping, for several seconds. Then she returned to her position in the middle of the bed, so he could come to her whenever he wanted.

She needed a little bracer too, he thought, or she wouldn't have had to take some more cognac before letting him fuck her. What was it, really, this taboo about not touching flesh of the same family? It must be some age-old remnant of the first societies, a taboo handed down in writing and practiced through all the major religions of the world right to the present day. That made it strong, all right, and Roger felt its strength inside him in his fear of violating it. He wondered if, without the moral code which had been pounded into him since birth he would still have felt this fear of incest on his own. Perhaps, he didn't know. Strong as the sensual desires of the body were, and much as they blurred the mind, he might not have felt it without the forced social heritage: His cock, for instance, throbbed impatiently out before him now without the slightest concern. Yet he was in control of his cock and the taboo on incest raced through his mind like lightning. It must be a pretty deep thing since even Ellen, young and unthinking as she was, thoroughly drunk and thoroughly aroused as she was, had seemed to feel the need for yet another drink before submitting to him.

"Fuck me, Daddy, please fuck me," she implored.

And her faint subconscious hesitation revealed by that last drink -- though now completely contradicted by her words and position -- was nothing compared to his lingering and fully conscious scruples. He was in such a state of lascivious hyperstimulation -- not having had a fuck from his wife for a week -- that he felt his hot white sperm might begin spurting from his cock and out over her naked young body any moment now regardless of what he did. Yet even so, and steaming drunk as he himself was, he could not tolerate the thought of fucking Ellen, for Ellen was his own lovely daughter, his own flesh and blood!

Yes, that she was: Delicious flesh and hotly circulating blood. He had to respond in some way, but he would absolutely not fuck her. Do not cross the line into action; do not cross the line into action, the reminder rang through his head. Yet he was going to cross the line... a little... just a little... into action. But no fucking. Absolutely none... out of the question.

Why, at this close range just a glance at her hotly exposed little pussy was enough to show she was a virgin. She was only thirteen and she had damn well better be a virgin! That pussy looked so tight, the vaginal opening hardly the diameter of his little finger, to violate that narrow unstretched pussy was unthinkable to Roger. To fuck his own thirteen-year-old virginal daughter was too horrible! Yes... God... look at that hot little cunt...

He hit on a solution to his dilemma. Why not just pet with her as adolescents do? As, in fact, he saw her do that time with Mark in the garage? What harm was there in that? Just pet and -- no matter how much she might tempt him -- nothing, absolutely nothing more.

He clambered onto the bed beside her, his palpitating hardness leading the way, and as soon as he lay down next to her she immediately took the rock-hard shaft into one of her hands and began stroking it heatedly with the other. Explosive as Roger was feeling, he almost shot his cum right on the spot. Reaching boldly over with his own hand, he felt his body course with tingling electric sensations as his fingers sank excitedly into her curly, fine-textured pubic hair. He crept farther -- there was the beginning, the very top, of her slender pussy- slit with the little pink bud of a clitoris pounding lustfully away with blood. He moved farther down... holy Christ she was gushing wet with heated vaginal secretions as he had never found in his wife. There was the opening of her tiny unstretched vagina, and as his finger circled the small virginal opening Ellen jerked at the tingling sensations it shot through her own enraptured body.

They started petting -- Ellen rubbing his heavily palpitating cock, her father working his extended middle finger slowly up into her clasping vagina, astonished all the while at how tightly it squeezed back around his probing finger. But all this was not enough for the inventive thirteen-year-old -- she could finger-fuck her cunt by herself -- and she wanted something better. Jerking away from him, she released his licentiously pulsing cock, and shifted her position on the bed until she was again lying right next to him, but upside down with her head by his feet and her feet by his head. Over the last weeks she had purchased some pornographic movies from a source in school and watched them down in the basement, using her father's projector; one of the movies had "Sixty-Nine" as its title and it showed a man licking a woman's pussy while at the same time the woman sucked voraciously at his lust-swollen cock. The movie had driven Ellen into a helpless erotic frenzy and that was exactly what she wanted now, sixty-nine, as a preparation to the wild incestuous fucking she needed so badly. No one had ever licked her young teenage pussy; what she did not know was that her father also had never licked anyone's pussy. But this would change.

Lying upside down next to her hotly aroused father, she now raised herself up on all fours, and moved her head and hands over his excitedly throbbing penis, her long strands of silky blonde hair falling around his stomach and semen-filled balls as she slowly lowered her head while blowing her hot breath at the pulsating cock-head which was still several inches from her soft moist lips. She hoped he would get the hint and also move slightly so that her pussy mound would be suspended directly above his face instead of at his side; but he did not take the lewd hint. Well, she could wait, she would start kissing him there anyway, for she was aroused and excited by the sight of the thick blue- veined, man's penis throbbing away with the beat of his heart, and she wanted so to wrap her lips hotly around it.

Her face was directly over her dad's hairy loins now and she played her hand back and forth on his ever-hardening penis. Her lips were a bare inch away from the tip and she opened her full-upped mouth to exhale softly against it, her hot breath flowing around the bulbous end with a warm maddening slowness.

"Ooooh my God, suck it, suck it now, baby," she heard her father groan wildly below her. His obscene words excited her, and her response was immediate.

Her tongue flicked out, the tip coming into warm wet contact with the thick rubbery head of his cock. She circled it over the smooth, pulsating flesh as he groaned and twisted helplessly from the cruel teasing she was subjecting him to. Then the tip of her slowly searching tongue found the tiny slit in his throbbing cock-head and darted wetly into it. The pulsing opening was already moist from the tiny droplets of seminal fluid seeping licentiously through from his extreme excitement, and the sharp pungent taste and odor caused her mouth to salivate heavily and her nostrils to flare slightly out.

She dropped her hands to the base of her father's thickly erected penis and cupped his soft hair-covered testicles gently with one hand, grazing her nails tauntingly over the lust-tightened flesh. The other hand she placed at the thick hard base of his cock where it soared achingly up from the curly black pubic hair covering his loins. She pinched it between her thumb and her forefinger and pulled down teasingly, just as she began planting moist warm kisses around it, beginning at the rubbery tip and tracing a path Roger could scarcely stand down the entire pounding length of it to the base and then wetly back up to the lust-knotted tip again. She played long, very long, as Roger groaned from deep in his chest, having never before in his life experienced the joy of a female's lips and tongue warmly sucking his cock.

He could take the lewd teasing no more and reached down to plant his hands in his daughter's hair, and then thrust his fully expanded loins up eagerly with tremendous force, holding her small blonde head in place with his hands. The smooth rubbery head of his cock rammed up inside, crushing heatedly through her soft moist lips, between her white teeth and into the warm wet saliva of her clasping mouth. Ellen could feel the desire-stiffened male flesh rub the entire length of her tongue, almost embedding itself deep in her throat and she closed her eyes tight to keep from choking.

This was very different than Mark Green's fourteen-year-old penis, and her father was becoming more demanding, besides not giving her anything back for it, either! She wagged her arched hips next to his head, gyrating her buttocks, but he did not take the salacious hint and climb with his head up under her waiting cunt. Rats! She turned her head slightly, the cock in her throat following, to see if he was even looking at her naked pussy so invitingly near to him. No... his head was raised so he could watch his cock fucking into her clinging little mouth. The bastard! The selfish bastard!

"Jesus, mouth is like butter," she heard her father murmur as he began to undulate his hips up into her face, his great fleshy staff protruding banana-like from her lewdly ovalled lips.

"Suck harder! Suck harder!" he demanded, his voice thick and crude from passion and from the bottle of Scotch he'd drunk.

Ellen sucked demon-like, swishing her tongue with a lewd vengeance around and around the throbbing head ramming so forcefully in and out of her tight rounded lips. She sucked from the masochistic joy of being used, used like some girl of the streets, until eventually her mouth would fill with her father's obscene white sperm and this time -- unlike the time she'd sucked Mark -- she was going to swallow it. Oh God, she was going to suck his heavily loaded cock bone-dry. And she also sucked so wildly in the hope she would stimulate him to take up his end of the sixty-nine position. In the film it had looked so easy, yet Ellen herself did not know how to get him started. It seemed so very bold to just work her pussy directly down into someone's face as the girl in the film had done with such ease. She was worried about what his reaction might be. And yet... if she were to do just that... if she stuck her excited young pussy right in his face... would it disgust him?... or would he...

Ellen moved on her knees until her arched-up buttocks came directly beside her father's face. Then she raised one knee, spreading her legs provocatively wide apart, flattening her entire little vaginal area out wide into one plane, and planted the knee all the way on the other side of his shoulders. She had done it! All of her naked crotch hung in wanton suspension right on top of his face. She could feel his hot breath covering her entire wet pubic area and the dividing crevice of her smoothly upraised buttocks. Would he get the hint?

She glanced back to see the direction of his eyes, which were gaping at her wide-splayed cunt and her ass so close to him as they had never been before. A tiny drop of her excited vaginal moisture brushed glisteningly onto his cheek; and he did not wipe it off. He began to raise his head slowly toward the round white half-moons of her quivering young buttocks, yet he did not yet touch her, much as she desperately wanted him to. Her buttocks trembled like a leaf.

Ellen's father, hands still clamped in her long blonde hair, held her head trapped tightly between his thighs as he thrust his cock mercilessly up into her throat, forcing her lips apart with each upward jerk until almost the whole of his long rigid member was consumed by her straining mouth. Her disheveled hair flowed down to lie in a soft pool on his hair-covered belly, and her firm white breasts danced and shook as she sucked ever more wildly, making obscene slurping noises. Suddenly the tempo changed, as Roger stopped his lewd rhythmic gyration and began to groan with uncontrollable excitement, locking his hands hard around the back of Ellen's bobbing head, drawing it deep down on his pulsing rigidity until all that was left exposed of his cock was a small bit at the base, protruding wet and glistening from his daughter's wildly sucking lips.

Now the explosion came, the explosion Ellen had anticipated and wanted so badly, and her mouth filled with the frantically jetting liquid as she gulped it down her throat with hungry swallows. Her cheeks bloated and hollowed as the warmly working cavern of her mouth filled and emptied, filled and emptied, and she swallowed desperately to get every last drop of the flooding white sperm erupting into it. Ellen herself was whimpering from lascivious desire, but she was still left only to the heat of his breath caressing the entire area between her widespread legs. Suddenly her father's deflating rod of flesh slipped out of her mouth, some thin gossamer strings of hot sperm still connecting her lips obscenely to it even though it was now several inches away from her lips.

No! She wanted it all, she wanted every last drop!

With a vengeance the young teenager took his shrinking cock in one hand and forced it back into her mouth, running her tongue over and over the now lifeless flesh to get the last drop of white hot sperm. She stuck her tongue into the slit at the end of his cock and burrowed into it, then sucked, sucked, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva mixed with the last, hotly searing remnants of her father's passion.

And then it happened! Her father's hands released their grip on her head and came trembling onto her shaking, smooth rounded buttocks and slowly, inquiringly, spread them apart. Ellen could feel his breath more intensely, his face was closer now. Suddenly, as she continued sucking his limp, deflated penis, his tongue jutted lizard-like up into her vagina a little way, sampling, burrowing tentatively, and then disappeared. She felt her thighs being pressed farther open and she sucked in her breath, swallowing deeply and with a gasp as his tongue flicked into searing contact again, the tip teasing moistly against the tiny bud of her clitoris and causing it to throb into greater welcome hardness. With his fingers he spread the opening of her cunt wide apart and then, suddenly dropping his tongue from her tiny sensation-filled bud, rammed it deep up into the moist pink flesh of her needful pussy.

She jerked. It was like no sensation she'd ever had before as his tongue circled around maddeningly up inside her hot little cunt, the tip flicking snake-like against the wetly sensitive walls of her virginal young pussy.

"More! More! Lick me, Daddy! Keep licking!" Ellen groaned, excited even by the lewd words she was saying as she lowered her buttocks until her pussy mound was more demandingly in his face, the gaping little opening of her anus just contracting, by virtue of the obscene sixty-nine position, with the tip of his nose.

Roger pulled the softness of her cuntal flesh ever wider apart with his hands, stretching it cruelly as he heard her beg for more, and now he raised his tongue to the small tightly puckering anus, thrust the tip hard against it until he felt it give way slightly and the tip entered just a tiny bit into the sensitively quivering mystery of her barely adolescent rectum. She fairly shrieked her joy now as he teased hotly up into the incredible tightness inside her rectum.

"Daddy! Daddy! Oh God, oh, my God!"

Barely able to get his tongue in, he removed it, then moistening one finger in the heated secretions of her passion-drenched cunt and returning his mouth to her hotly palpitating little clitoris, he thrust the wet finger forward into her tiny puckered anus, sinking it lewdly in to the first knuckle.

"Uuuuuugh!" she grunted.

He thrust it into the second knuckle.

"Uuuuuugh! Daddy it hurts! Daddy, it hurts, it hurts!"

He held it motionless for a moment and thrust his tongue deep up her hot hair-lined vagina again until she became accustomed to the strange presence in her virginal nether passage, then he thrust a second finger in. She lay still, holding her breath with her mouth wide open, her lips drawn tightly over her teeth to hold back the pain at this twin reaming. Then after an eternity, she began to slowly breathe again and to submit herself to the wildly tingling sensations coursing up between her widespread thighs.

He was licking and sucking in earnest now, and at the same time twisting his fingers around and around in her rectum, stretching it wider with each brutal circle until the pain in her rear passage merged warmly with the powerful pleasures coursing through her tongue-spread pussy and she began thrusting her jiggling white buttocks back down on his sodomizing fingers, swirling and skewering around them in obscene rhythm with the hot lashing of his tongue. The small narrow nether passage clasped his fingers tightly, the ring of muscle pursuing his fingers on the outstroke, and receding before his fingers on the instroke. He slid his free hand up over her back and pressed her upraised buttocks down tight against his face, locking her to him in a lewd wet connection of tongue and vagina, finger and rectum, her thin blonde pubic hair grazing softly against his cheeks.

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